Apple announces new iPad with 3.1M-pixel Retina Display, 4G LTE, voice dictation



  • Reply 341 of 445
    apple ][apple ][ Posts: 9,233member
    Originally Posted by Misa View Post

    I disagree with the "screen ratio", it's just a matter of taste. 16:9 is a ratio picked for home video, films used to have much wider ratios. IMAX films are closer to 4:3 and are 2K or 4K. So it's completely possible for a IMax film to be viewable on the iPad with much less detail lost to being cropped into 16:9.

    Yes, you're right, it's a matter of taste.

    I find 4:3 to be far more useful than 16:9 for a tablet. The only thing that 16:9 is good for in my opinion is if somebody happens to be watching some video content that is 16:9. Almost all cinema films made are much wider than 16:9, so a true film tablet would be something like 2.35:1 or even greater. 4:3 which the iPad uses is perfect for many older TV series and certain vintage films as they are exactly 4:3.

    For all other purposes besides certain 16:9 video content, I find 4:3 to be preferable. Web browsing is better, book reading is better. A 4:3 iPad is equally as good landscape or portrait. The same cannot be said for a 16:9 tablet.
  • Reply 342 of 445
    solipsismxsolipsismx Posts: 19,566member
    Personally I'm disappointed by the display¡ We've been using 24-bit colors for way too many years now. Because I don't understand Moore's Law I'm going to claim that it says 24-bit colors should have become 48-bit colors long ago. Apple is trying to cheat us out of more colors. Can't they use that $100 billion to give us some extra colors.
  • Reply 343 of 445
    apple ][apple ][ Posts: 9,233member
    Originally Posted by Relic View Post

    So pretty much all those apps that you hold dearly will soon be available on Android starting with KORG!

    That might be true, but if it is, that's news to me, since I haven't read or heard about that. Do you have a link stating that KORG is releasing their apps for Android?
  • Reply 344 of 445
    dick applebaumdick applebaum Posts: 12,527member
    Originally Posted by SolipsismX View Post

    Personally I'm disappointed by the display¡ We've been using 24-bit colors for way too many years now. Because I don't understand Moore's Law I'm going to claim that it says 24-bit colors should have become 48-bit colors long ago. Apple is trying to cheat us out of more colors. Can't they use that $100 billion to give us some extra colors.

    Ahhh... Enter stage left... CLUT... That's CLUT
  • Reply 345 of 445
    relicrelic Posts: 4,735member
    Originally Posted by Slurpy View Post

    There's alot of bullshit in your post, can't really address it all. None of the things you mentioned make Android more 'suited' as a tablet OS. LAMP server? How many potential tablet owners care or even know what the hell that is? I own an ICS tablet. And no, you're utterly and completely wrong. ICS is great on phones, but currently sucks on tablets. But you don't have to take my word for it. Most tech blogs agree. Josh Topolsky, editor of loves Android, the GN is his favorite phone, and calls ICS on tablets 'pathetic'. So don't try to frame this about some apple-fanboys or some shit that just don't agree. Most people who have used iPads and Android tablets (yes, ICS included) wouldn't agree with you. How many tablet optimized apps are there for android? Very, very few. All that shit you mentioned is irrelevant to the vast majority of consumers, who aren't tech geeks like yourself, and irrelevant to the suitability of Android to a tablet. Sure, you might prefer open-source so you can 'make changes'. But again, this has nothing to do with the issue. In the real world (ie. outside of messageboard forums) the reality is that Android tablets are for the most part a very underwhelming, janky experience are are usually utterly unoptimized for any tablet task. When are you going to see an app like iPhoto on an Android tablet- with the level of power, beauty, intuitiveness, and innovation that it showed? Probably never, because creating an app like that that would work well on a million screen resolution and hardware configurations is almost impossible.

    I've been saying from the beginning that Android fits my needs, my needs better then iOS and believe me every blog writer that you can find that dislikes Android ICS I can also find who dislikes IOS. It's funny most say that iOS is great on a phone but is just horrible on a tablet. Look yay Apple won everybody's buying the iPad. Some of us though like to do more with our OS then the iPad can support. So that's why I have both platforms and support both platforms. I don't hate or love either one. When someone attacks one or the other I jump in and say look there are great things to be found here. Read my posts before I stated in on Android.

    The only reason why I started in is because someone said Android was dead and this is just not true. Apple caught a lot of companies with there pants down and they just needed time to play catch up.

    You jumped in all over me for no reason, I wouldn't be on on this Apple fanboys Site if I wasn't one myself. I am however a fan of Google too, I own a Chromebook and really like it for what it is. I'm a programmer the iPad does not compare in anyway to Android when it comes to using it as a work machine because it's more like a regular PC. Android can't hold a leg to iOS when it comes to entertainment apps photo apps and music apps.

    I love all the tech of different sizes and shapes, sizes not just from one company.

    This is the last I'm going to say about this. No I'm not backing off just going back to bed.
  • Reply 346 of 445
    rednivalrednival Posts: 331member
    We are really debating Android and iOS on tablets again?

    I personally saw an Android blog where an Android fan was stating how far behind iPad current Android tablets are. Read the comments here, but beware. The link points to an Android fan site so narrow minded Apple fans had better do themselves a favor and avoid the site at all cost. You may have an aneurism and die. Especially if you read comments.

    I don't think it is any secret that Android tablets are lacking. Personally, having played with Windows 8, I see it as a more viable challenger to the iPad than Android. It is a smooth experience and is quite good.

    Before you people go crazy though, I am not saying Windows 8 is better than iPad and iOS. What I am saying is that it is sleek usable, and familiar. If PC manufactures start making notebooks that convert to tablets in droves (which I think is Microsoft's goal), they will likely run Windows 8. If you end up with Windows 8 running on a bunch of laptop/tablet hybrids and PC sales stay relatively constant, Microsoft will be able to brag about some pretty big numbers in a few years. They will at least look like a competitor to the iPad. Whether or not they truly are will be a debate that will be raged for many years to come.

    I will be the first to admit there are a lot of "ifs" above. But with iPad sales being what they are and Microsoft making Metro the default interface of Windows 8, it is a pretty safe bet PC makers will be increasing production of tablet like devices. Will people actually buy them? Microsoft is taking a pretty big gamble and betting that they will.

    Only time will tell...

    Personally, I find it all very interesting. I am more excited about watching it all unfold. Choosing a side would make it all too boring.
  • Reply 347 of 445
    relicrelic Posts: 4,735member
    Originally Posted by Apple ][ View Post

    That might be true, but if it is, that's news to me, since I haven't read or heard about that. Do you have a link stating that KORG is releasing their apps for Android?

    If your really interested I'll collect all the links for you, not right now though I actually just woke to get a glass of milk, and it's 4 o'clock in the morning. Oh and I ordered a iPad 3 to, I have a lot of money invested in music apps and accessories, oh god the accessories. Talk with you in a few when I wake up.
  • Reply 348 of 445
    bongobongo Posts: 158member
    In terms of migrating your usage to a best android tablet from a pc environment, if your usage is quite lite and nothing overly fancy, an iPad or an Android tablet should suit you fine. The caveat being that you simply cannot do everything you would do on a computer, on a tablet. Tablets are meant for consumption, not productivity and in this sense, they shine. Their portability for reading and checking email and browsing are excellent. Beyond that, while they can be customized with apps to make them more productivity-efficient, not all consumers will wish to do this. Some people do just want plug and play.
  • Reply 349 of 445
    Originally Posted by thataveragejoe View Post

    There's no beef with anyone, particularly Apple. I'd be fine with 9hrs (no plans upping my 2 anytime soon). Once again for the 8th or so time now my point is, hoping SOMEONE (Qualcomm?) finds a better way to optimize the darn LTE thing. I mean at 42.5w you're at near laptop battery size now.

    It would seem that Apple haters have to disguise their compete and utter disgust with the company by saying good things aobut it. They are the lowest of the low.

    Unless you can point to a 4G tablet with significantly better runtime, we will all assume we know what you are secretly thinking.

    And don't try to deny it. that just constitutes further proof.
  • Reply 350 of 445
    rednivalrednival Posts: 331member
    Originally Posted by Dick Applebaum View Post

    Honest question.

    We have a Nintendo Wii. and the 2 boys each have an iPad 1 64 GB WiFi...

    I have an iPad 2 WiFI+3G 64 GB.

    I just ordered a iPad 3 and plan on handing down my iPad 2 to my 13-year-old grandson who is into gaming...

    So far we are able to buy lots of games & apps and share them among the 5 iPads in use in our household.

    Now, the 13-year-old is saving to buy a PS 3.

    I looked on Amazon and it appears he will probably need to spend over $300 to get a usable multi-player system.

    Then, the better games cost $40-$60 each....

    Is there that much difference in the PS and the iPad 2?

    What about the potential of the iPad 3 for gaming?

    I would prefer to help him buy an iPad 3, if possible -- so he could take advantage of our current game apps... and hopefully any iPad 3-specific game apps will cost less than the PS 3 apps.

    Are the PS 3 games that much better -- enough to justify the cost difference?

    We have a little time (his birthday is in November, and he's not much of a saver)...

    Should I wait and see for iPad 3 games... or just go with the flow?



    I really hope you see what I write here because I am an Apple fan but also an avid gamer.

    I would never compare the gaming experience on the iPad to the one on a PS3 or an XBox360. You could compare it to the Wii in many ways, but that is about it.

    The likelyhood is that your son wants a PS3 because his friends have them and he wants to play games online with them. If he wants to play those games with his friends online, he will need a PS3. Even an XBox360 would not work because neither Microsoft or Sony allow other devices to access their networks.

    The games on PS3 are more expensive for a reason. In most cases, the production value and quality is far higher than anything you will find in the App Store. That is not true of all games, and you will need to do research before dropping $60 to make sure you are not getting a massive turd. But people that argue that games on iPad are on par with games on PS3 are either insane or on drugs. Seriously. Ignore anyone that tells you that. They are blinded by their loyalty to Apple and no longer think like rational people.

    So I would never try to convince my child that they should spend their hard earned money on an iPad over a PS3 if what they are after is a gaming device. If they are after a multimedia device, then maybe. But for pure gaming, Apple has a long way to go before they beat PS3 or Xbox360.

    Any true gamer in America is going to share that opinion.
  • Reply 351 of 445
    apple ][apple ][ Posts: 9,233member
    Originally Posted by Relic View Post

    If your really interested I'll collect all the links for you, not right now though I actually just woke to get a glass of milk, and it's 4 o'clock in the morning. Oh and I ordered a iPad 3 to, I have a lot of money invested in music apps and accessories, oh god the accessories. Talk with you in a few when I wake up.

    Oh, it's ok. You don't need to go through any trouble of digging up any links, as I am of course not interested in Android at all. I was just wondering about the Korg apps for Android which you mentioned, as I have almost every Korg app made for iOS.
  • Reply 352 of 445
    So according to today's keynote, I can tell you that the next iPhone IS NOT iPhone 5/HD/6 or whatever, but simply iPhone.
  • Reply 353 of 445
    hentaiboyhentaiboy Posts: 1,252member
    Originally Posted by Apple ][ View Post

    Baloney. Android tablets are complete garbage. Android is some crappy Java OS, in which lots of things are laggy and junky. Android is built upon a shitty foundation and it doesn't really matter what hardware specs they have. No matter how much somebody polishes a turd, you'll still end up with a turd in the end.

    So when I plug in my Android phone and can drag and drop music and movies (avi, divx, flv, wmv) onto the SD card, that's complete garbage is it?
  • Reply 354 of 445
    Originally Posted by Relic View Post

    I've been saying from the beginning that Android fits my needs, my needs better then iOS and believe me every blog writer that you can find that dislikes Android ICS I can also find who dislikes IOS. It's funny most say that iOS is great on a phone but is just horrible on a tablet. Look yay Apple won everybody's buying the iPad. Some of us though like to do more with our OS then the iPad can support. So that's why I have both platforms and support both platforms. I don't hate or love either one. When someone attacks one or the other I jump in and say look there are great things to be found here. Read my posts before I stated in on Android.

    The only reason why I started in is because someone said Android was dead and this is just not true. Apple caught a lot of companies with there pants down and they just needed time to play catch up.

    You jumped in all over me for no reason, I wouldn't be on on this Apple fanboys Site if I wasn't one myself. I am however a fan of Google too, I own a Chromebook and really like it for what it is. I'm a programmer the iPad does not compare in anyway to Android when it comes to using it as a work machine because it's more like a regular PC. Android can't hold a leg to iOS when it comes to entertainment apps photo apps and music apps.

    I love all the tech of different sizes and shapes, sizes not just from one company.

    This is the last I'm going to say about this. No I'm not backing off just going back to bed.

    Sorry to see that... I enjoyed your perspective...

    I'm an old fart on the west coast... So I can stay up a bit longer...

    Seriously, I badmouth Android because I dislike/distrust Google...

    That said, different strokes...

    Happy sleep time,l enjoyed the discussion!
  • Reply 355 of 445
    Originally Posted by rednival View Post

    I really hope you see what I write here because I am an Apple fan but also an avid gamer.

    I would never compare the gaming experience on the iPad to the one on a PS3 or an XBox360. You could compare it to the Wii in many ways, but that is about it.

    The likelyhood is that your son wants a PS3 because his friends have them and he wants to play games online with them. If he wants to play those games with his friends online, he will need a PS3. Even an XBox360 would not work because neither Microsoft or Sony allow other devices to access their networks.

    The games on PS3 are more expensive for a reason. In most cases, the production value and quality is far higher than anything you will find in the App Store. That is not true of all games, and you will need to do research before dropping $60 to make sure you are not getting a massive turd. But people that argue that games on iPad are on par with games on PS3 are either insane or on drugs. Seriously. Ignore anyone that tells you that. They are blinded by their loyalty to Apple and no longer think like rational people.

    So I would never try to convince my child that they should spend their hard earned money on an iPad over a PS3 if what they are after is a gaming device. If they are after a multimedia device, then maybe. But for pure gaming, Apple has a long way to go before they beat PS3 or Xbox360.

    Any true gamer in America is going to share that opinion.




  • Reply 356 of 445
    Originally Posted by jragosta View Post

    Please explain how the new iPad is 10 hours on 3G and 9 hours on LTE if LTE sucks the life out of batteries.

    Actually, I don't have to explain fuck all.

    All I was trying to do was to help one person understand what another person was saying.

    I didn't say the person was right... just that the other person misunderstood what he was saying.
  • Reply 357 of 445
    Originally Posted by chronster View Post

    no I'm serious. Given where other tablets are, I thought Apple would raise the bar that high, but it's all good because the ipad 3 is still a great tablet. I guess I just revealed how highly I actually think of Apple.

    Man, you really do think highly of Apple. Like they can bend the laws of physics and economics. Battery weight/power density hasn't changed much in 5 years. So lighter and longer battery life was never going to happen.

    I'm not knocking you in particular, I'm just surprised how much people expected. Let's see: Quad-core (more power), LTE (more power), 4x pixel display (more power) -- yeah that and longer battery life and lighter. Really? Is that realistic?

    Then I want, 8MP camera and double the memory -- yeah, that and the stuff above, and can we pleeeease get a lower price point?

    Man, I really wish I lived in the same dreamland some people walk around in.
  • Reply 358 of 445
    bushman4bushman4 Posts: 863member
    4G could be valuable as carriers provide better integration.

    While the new features are nice, Its possible that when Mountain Lion debuts this summer more features will come to life.

    Apparently Apple is gearing up the the 4G for the Iphone5.
  • Reply 359 of 445
    postulantpostulant Posts: 1,272member
    Originally Posted by austingaijin View Post

    Man, you really do think highly of Apple. Like they can bend the laws of physics and economics. Battery weight/power density hasn't changed much in 5 years. So lighter and longer battery life was never going to happen.

    I'm not knocking you in particular, I'm just surprised how much people expected. Let's see: Quad-core (more power), LTE (more power), 4x pixel display (more power) -- yeah that and longer battery life and lighter. Really? Is that realistic?

    Then I want, 8MP camera and double the memory -- yeah, that and the stuff above, and can we pleeeease get a lower price point?

    Man, I really wish I lived in the same dreamland some people walk around in.

    I was chatting with a gentleman this evening at Barnes and Noble about the new iPad. He went on and on about how unimpressed he was with it as he literally beat his Kindle Touch's screen to death trying to get simple gestures to register on its screen.

    I found it very difficult not to laugh in his face.
  • Reply 360 of 445
    tyler82tyler82 Posts: 1,108member
    All right, I gave in... I just bought the new iPad!

    The first time I even touched an iPad was last month, in the ER, while filling out a health questionnaire. This will be so fun and exciting as I have yet to really dig into one thus far.

    Bought the black 32GB Verizon 4G LTE. Tax write off as this will be used for work as well as home. I'm also going to get the modulR case and hand strap if they release an updated version for the 3rd generation.

    Keeping my fingers crossed that Apple adds Siri with a software update in the near future...
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