New iPad drawing record preorders, Apple projected to sell 66M in 2012



  • Reply 41 of 57
    christophbchristophb Posts: 1,482member
    I'm beginning to feel nervous about my 1.9M launch day number. Thinking I'm way low. . .
  • Reply 42 of 57
    sdyatessdyates Posts: 13member
    Originally Posted by Apple ][ View Post

    Boohoo! I am hardly impressed by this news. I am so damn happy with my Android tablet. I just don't get how anybody would choose an iPad over that! Are people really that dumb?! My Android tablet has a 1.1 Ghz dual core processor. That's .1 better than the new iPad, so my Android tablet is better, because 1.1 is better than 1.0. I learned that in my special ed math class and I double checked the calculation using a calculator. And that high rez screen on the iPad? Please. \ That's just a gimmick. Nobody will be able to tell the difference, unless they have superman vision.

    And iOS? iOS is for children! Android has ice cream sandwich, and that's definitely not for children. My tablet doesn't actually have ice cream sandwich yet, but I've been promised that it will arrive for my tablet sometime in the middle of 2013. Jeez, Apple fans are such sheep.

    And the best part is that my Android tablet only cost me $189.99 and I haven't spent a penny on a single app so far! The Android eco-system is just amazing and I predict a bright future for it. $500 is just too much to spend on a tablet, especially for a welfare recipient such as myself. Do I look like the kind of person who is going to pay $500 for a fruit logo?

    I could talk all day about how my Android tablet blows away the new iPad, but I have to go out and collect some bottles now. Cya!

    And that processor speed on the android? Please. \ That's just a gimmick. Nobody will be able to tell the difference between a .1, unless they have superman vision.
  • Reply 43 of 57
    thudthud Posts: 3member
    What's funny about these numbers is that they're rolling Kindle (and I would presume Nook as well) into the generic Android total. I would count each of those as a separate platform, as they've both basically hijacked the Android core and married it to their own ecosystems that have little or nothing to do with mainstream, "powered-by-Google" Android. As far as Google is concerned it's basically a competing platform. I guarantee that 90% of Kindle Fire buyers have no earthly idea that their tablet is running Android and wouldn't care if they did. Even some of the e-ink readers run the Android kernel (the 1st-gen Nook most famously so) - are they counting those too? Strip out the Kindle and Nook platforms and then let's see where everything stacks up.
  • Reply 44 of 57
    You can also buy fractional shares via Sharebuilder if you choose... Start socking away a little each month and buy when you have some money built up.
  • Reply 45 of 57
    Originally Posted by thud View Post

    What's funny about these numbers is that they're rolling Kindle (and I would presume Nook as well) into the generic Android total. I would count each of those as a separate platform, as they've both basically hijacked the Android core and married it to their own ecosystems that have little or nothing to do with mainstream, "powered-by-Google" Android. As far as Google is concerned it's basically a competing platform. I guarantee that 90% of Kindle Fire buyers have no earthly idea that their tablet is running Android and wouldn't care if they did. Even some of the e-ink readers run the Android kernel (the 1st-gen Nook most famously so) - are they counting those too? Strip out the Kindle and Nook platforms and then let's see where everything stacks up.

    Good point, I see these doing very well going into the future. E-readers with extra functions fill a space in the market, I know some "older folks" with no interest in computers but they love their e-readers.
  • Reply 46 of 57
    noahjnoahj Posts: 4,503member
    Originally Posted by bestgolfer View Post

    A few questions, why do you bother to post on a Mac Forum when you use a 'stolen' product?

    Let me explain, as you don't seem too bright! Samsung and others quite simply stole the iPhone and iPad from Apple. This has been well documented! Surely you have read up on this?

    Steve vowed to sue the pants off Google, saying apart from 'Search' all Google products were 'SHIT'....Steve's words not mine! He further said he would use every cent of the then $40 billion war chest Apple had accumulated to destroy Google and Android devices. (now @ over $100 billion)

    The pity of it all was that Steve left the planet before his strategy (admittedly a bit extreme) was put into place.

    Apple, and Only Apple, spent the huge R & D to develop their product range and then their intellectual property is simply stolen by others less smart.

    Android is maybe pitched at those less fortunate, financially and intellectually.

    You would appear to fit both categories nicely!

    Enjoy your inferior, cheap, stolen won't for much longer, and, PLEASE keep your inane comments to your self.

    Got it now?

    You are new to this forum I see. Look up his past comments and see if you still want to keep this post up. (hint: you really don't... )
  • Reply 47 of 57
    r210r210 Posts: 13member
    Originally Posted by Rogifan View Post

    But Android will take over in....wait for it....2015

    oh Yeah I remember the Cubs will be World Series Champs
  • Reply 48 of 57
    noahjnoahj Posts: 4,503member
    Originally Posted by esummers View Post

    Yeah. I thought Apple was going somewhere when I switched at OS X 10.3. Never imagined them making it this far though. Both Mac and iOS numbers are amazing. The Mac is also drawing in people who would never use something considered a niche OS. It still surprises me to think of OS X as mainstream. In someways it feels less exclusive now. You used to be able to make certain assumptions about someones tastes if they used a Mac, but as long as they continue focusing on the things that make the OS great I'm happy.

    When I read that I read something different:

    "For 2013, Walkley increased his estimate by more than 20 million units. He now sees Apple selling 90.6 million iPads next year, up from his earlier projection of 79.7 million"

    90.6-79.7= 10.9 million Increase. Either I am not understanding what numbers he is talking about or the author made a rather large math error.

    Of Course none of this in any way undermines what Apple has accomplished. Amazing, and still going strong. Having to keep myself from impulse buying a new iPad. The First Gen model I own, while getting slower, still does everything I need and has a very strong battery yet. (Keep saying that, keep saying that....)
  • Reply 49 of 57
    bigdaddypbigdaddyp Posts: 811member
    Originally Posted by SolipsismX View Post

    So we know last quarter the iPad sold more units than all of HP's PC sales. I wonder how long before the iPad sells more units than the entire PC industry. I have to think 2x the units YoY is not unreasonable for this device.

    PS: I think the news of Apple's iPad margins being lower because of the display are likely accurate. I guess we'll see in 5 months.

    I wonder if Apple made more profit off its iPad sales then HP made off its consumer pc sales?
  • Reply 50 of 57
    solipsismxsolipsismx Posts: 19,566member
    Originally Posted by bigdaddyp View Post

    I wonder if Apple made more profit off its iPad sales then HP made off its consumer pc sales?

    The ARP for iPads isn't that much lower than for non-Mac PCs and Apple's iPad has a much higher profit margin that non-Mac PCs so I would expect it to be considerably higher.

    edit: For CY2011Q4 HP netted $1.47 billion for the entire company, not just PCs. For that same quarter Apple netted $13.06 billion. The iPad is Apple's 2nd most profitable arm. At a $600* ARP — can't find the exact number — with 15.4 million units sold that's $9.24 billion in revenue. What's the net profit margin for the iPad?
  • Reply 51 of 57
    bigdaddypbigdaddyp Posts: 811member
    Originally Posted by dasanman69 View Post

    He was being sarcastic. You wrote all that for naught.

    I bet he feels a lot better though!
  • Reply 52 of 57
    sipadansipadan Posts: 107member
    Originally Posted by Sipadan View Post

    AAPL @ 580.77

    AAPL @ 589.58 !
  • Reply 53 of 57
    justflybobjustflybob Posts: 1,337member
    My pre-ordered 64Gb WiFi 4LTE will arrive Friday morning.

    Meanwhile, the postman just delivered my new ZooGue iPad cover. Best damn cover I have ever used, which is why I bought another for my new iPad.

    Is it Friday yet?
  • Reply 54 of 57
    isaidsoisaidso Posts: 750member
    Originally Posted by island hermit View Post

    Sorry, Dick, I just don't get that. You can buy one share if that's all you can afford. The return is the same regardless of order size.

    It's called "granularity", and it increases stock liquidity.
  • Reply 55 of 57
    adonissmuadonissmu Posts: 1,776member
    Originally Posted by isaidso View Post

    It's called "granularity", and it increases stock liquidity.

    With the prices the way they are now only the big players can get in on the action.
  • Reply 56 of 57
    dancxgdancxg Posts: 36member
    Originally Posted by Maverik234 View Post

    I wonder how many iPads each bestbuy store receives for day one? There are around 600 stores in the US perhaps receiving an average of 1,000 each? PC world in the UK might receive a smaller amount per store, then add each Apple store and then all the istores. Wow, that's not even including the numbers of pre-orders ...

    I don't think its that high, another AI story has Target getting on average 20-30 new iPads, can't really see Best Buy getting that many more.


    According to the source, the tablets are arriving in cases containing five iPads and stores will be allotted between 5 to 120 units with the average getting between 20-30 units. Interestingly, the shipments are said to be coming straight from Apple and not the company's distribution center.

  • Reply 57 of 57
    justflybobjustflybob Posts: 1,337member
    If You are in the Bay Area, and in particular near the Oakland Airport, you just might catch a glimpse of my new iPad in a Fed Ex truck on it's way to me.

    Is it Friday yet?
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