Apple's iOS, Google's Android grow to 80% of US smartphone market



  • Reply 61 of 76
    Originally Posted by Gatorguy View Post

    I still haven't seen your opinion on why AI would have so many Android specific articles if they weren't intended to attract those with an interest in Android. Surely the forum management isn't so clueless as to wonder why fans of some other OS or product would feel compelled to comment, so there must be another explanation. Yours is. . .?

    Why would I have an opinion on that? I don't give a shit if they have Android articles on here and I don't give a shit about why they do it. It doesn't make the people who take the bait any less moronic.
  • Reply 62 of 76
    gatorguygatorguy Posts: 24,564member
    Originally Posted by island hermit View Post

    Why would I have an opinion on that? I don't give a shit if they have Android articles on here and I don't give a shit about why they do it.

    So there you go. You have no interest in anything about Android or Google, which unfortunately is a major focus of AI. No wonder you get perturbed since the site is a poor match for your interests. I'm sure that's why they have more Apple-friendly sites, particularly those offered by Apple themselves.
  • Reply 63 of 76
    Originally Posted by Gatorguy View Post

    So there you go. You have no interest in anything about Android or Google, which unfortunately is a major focus of AI. No wonder you get perturbed since the site is a poor match for your interests. I'm sure that's why they have more Apple-friendly sites, particularly those offered by Apple themselves.

    You are one of my main cases in point and your above comment just proves it.

    By the way... I learn lots and lots and lots of stuff about Apple on here... but of course you would miss all that stuff because your main interest is Android.

    Perturbed. I also don't give a shit if somebody posts their Android crap on here... it just seems overly moronic to me, but it doesn't mean I'm perturbed. I mean, really, what sort of an asshole could be bothered.
  • Reply 64 of 76
    quadra 610quadra 610 Posts: 6,757member
    Originally Posted by Gatorguy View Post

    I still haven't seen your opinion on why AI would have so many Android specific articles if they weren't intended to attract those with an interest in Android. Surely the forum management isn't so clueless as to wonder why fans of some other OS or product would feel compelled to comment, so there must be another explanation. Yours is. . .?

    Android articles often involve Apple in some way. They're competing platforms and you'll often find them mentioned together because it's just germaine to to the topic.

    It isn't done to attract Android users as such, but a lot of the time stats are released, and news is reported (and then re-posted by AI) that already includes Apple/Android comparisons and contrasts.

    But it's been said before: trolling Apple on an Apple fansite is both counterproductive and downright nonsensical.

    I'm sure the sort of reception you continue to get around here has already made this clear to you.

    If you want to involve yourself in that sort of trolling, then go post on Neowin.
  • Reply 65 of 76
    gatorguygatorguy Posts: 24,564member
    Originally Posted by island hermit View Post

    You are one of my main cases in point and your above comment just proves it.

    By the way... I learn lots and lots and lots of stuff about Apple on here... but of course you would miss all that stuff because your main interest is Android.

    My main interest is Apple. I don't spend any time at all on Android forums. Any I've seen in the past have been boring to be honest. AI, Ars, Anandtech, 9to5, FOSSPatents, Groklaw, SEObythesea, PatentlyApple and PatentlyO are much more interesting to me.
  • Reply 66 of 76
    Originally Posted by Gatorguy View Post

    My main interest is Apple. I don't spend any time at all on Android forums. Any I've seen in the past have been boring to be honest. AI, Ars, Anandtech, 9to5, FOSSPatents, Groklaw, SEObythesea, PatentlyApple and PatentlyO are much more interesting to me.

    Yeah, sure... we all believe you.
  • Reply 67 of 76
    macbook promacbook pro Posts: 1,605member
    Originally Posted by island hermit View Post

    You are one of my main cases in point and your above comment just proves it.

    By the way... I learn lots and lots and lots of stuff about Apple on here... but of course you would miss all that stuff because your main interest is Android.

    Like I stated, I highly recommend you put these guys on ignore. This is exactly the kind of garbage they prefer on Postloop.
  • Reply 68 of 76
    Originally Posted by MacBook Pro View Post

    Like I stated, I highly recommend you put these guys on ignore. This is exactly the kind of garbage they prefer on Postloop.

    Oh, he is on ignore... but occasionally I like to prod him a bit... and my post count was down.
  • Reply 69 of 76
    addaboxaddabox Posts: 12,665member
    Originally Posted by Gatorguy View Post

    And that works out well for you. Some other Apple fans are not quite so reticent about posting their displeasure at any article (or blogger) that doesn't cast Apple in the perfect light.

    I still haven't seen your opinion on why AI would have so many Android specific articles if they weren't intended to attract those with an interest in Android. Surely the forum management isn't so clueless as to wonder why fans of some other OS or product would feel compelled to comment, so there must be another explanation. Yours is. . .?

    Classic confirmation bias.

    There are currently 50 articles on AI's homepage. Of those, just a handful even mention any company but Apple, and of the ones that do the majority are about litigation or market share, which are topics that materially affect Apple. For instance, there's an article on the investigation into Motorola's effort to use FRAND patents to sue Apple, which is a perfectly reasonable topic for an Apple-centric site to report on.

    I also see an article noting that "iOS and Android" now account for 80% of smart phone sales in the US, an article noting that iOS users use WiFi quite a bit more than their Android counterparts, an article noting that iOS devices can now be managed from RIM's servers, and article about Intel's claim that "Ultrabooks" will outperform Apple products, etc., all entirely legitimate topics for an Apple-centric website and hardly a clarion call for fandroid trolling.

    I see just a few articles that explicitly discuss Apple's rivals outside of immediate impact on Apple-- the reorganization of Sony, Samsung's decision to do their own ads, and RIM's decision to soldier on in the consumer market.

    As usual, you're trying to derail another thread by posting multiple times on increasingly trivial aspects of questions no one was asking, in this case trying to "prove" that AI is reasonably overrun by trolls by lying about their article mix. You really seem intent on driving as many threads as possible towards your anti-Apple agenda.

    How about we ban this guy? He's smart enough to avoid overt trolling, but his agenda is clear for anyone to see. How many threads are going to be derailed?
  • Reply 70 of 76
    gatorguygatorguy Posts: 24,564member
    Here's the list of articles that AI has put an Android tag on in the past 14 weeks:

    A large number of them are primarily Google/Android articles with only a passing reference to Apple if any at all, more than one a week on average.

    Do you still think AI doesn't put intentional focus on Google or Android or Samsung? You didn't notice comments a couple weeks ago that AI should change to Samsung Insider?

    It's not imagination. In addition it works with over 300K pageviews a day. They're not all Apple owners or fans.
  • Reply 71 of 76
    Wow... Apple is adding 5 new regional carriers.

    They may be small but these additions can really start increasing the iPhone community.
  • Reply 72 of 76
    gatorguygatorguy Posts: 24,564member
    Originally Posted by island hermit View Post

    Wow... Apple is adding 5 new regional carriers.

    They may be small but these additions can really start increasing the iPhone community.

    A very smart move on Apple's part too. The smaller regional providers often have very attractive data plans and Apple shouldn't be absent from their stores.
  • Reply 73 of 76
    Originally Posted by MacBook Pro View Post

    Apple iPhone is demonstrably superior in virtually every aspect of a modern smartphone.

    Screen size?


    Ability to customize the interface?
  • Reply 74 of 76
    Originally Posted by island hermit View Post

    You are one of my main cases in point and your above comment just proves it.

    By the way... I learn lots and lots and lots of stuff about Apple on here... but of course you would miss all that stuff because your main interest is Android.

    Perturbed. I also don't give a shit if somebody posts their Android crap on here... it just seems overly moronic to me, but it doesn't mean I'm perturbed. I mean, really, what sort of an asshole could be bothered.

    Methinks he doth protesteth too much.
  • Reply 75 of 76
    island hermitisland hermit Posts: 6,217member
    Originally Posted by I am a Zither Zather Zuzz View Post

    Methinks he doth protesteth too much.

  • Reply 76 of 76
    quadra 610quadra 610 Posts: 6,757member
    Originally Posted by I am a Zither Zather Zuzz View Post

    Screen size?


    Ability to customize the interface?

    Your baloney vs. REAL WORLD:

    For the sixth consecutive time.

    That's all you need to know.
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