Actor John Malkovich amused by Siri in new iPhone 4S commercials



  • Reply 21 of 52
    gregoriusmgregoriusm Posts: 517member

    Totally disagree. Steve Jobs, however much a genius, was not always right.


    Who loved the Beatles? Who loved Cold Play? Who loved many bands? And who would definitely agree to using Siri with them.


    So why not celebrities?


    You have no idea if Steve would approve or not approve.


    The same Steve Jobs said long ago that the OS Wars between Microsoft and Mac were over, but did he say no to COUNTLESS ads with an actor playing a PC and an actor playing a Mac (OS vs OS)? No.


    These ads appeal to different people. Apple is varying its ads so as to not make people skip ahead through the commercial since they've seen every single thing the iPhone can do, and now they are showing celebrities, who MILLIONS of people relate to, using their new poster child, Siri.


    Just because YOU may not like it doesn't mean Steve, even if HE didn't care for it, would stop these ads.


    If anything, he'd go with the company he's been with for many, many years and trust that they will continue to help Apple sell millions of devices.


    These are good, funny, entertaining ads that show the usefulness of Siri, whether or not you get any use out of Siri or like the ads. I like them all because I learn something new from every one of them.


    I'm tired of people thinking they know what Steve would do as the company just keeps selling more and more and more and getting bigger and bigger and bigger.


    And His Highness Steve (who I do hold in great regard) made plenty of mistakes himself, and reversed his own decisions a number of times.




    ... and I accidentally clicked on cash's reputation instead of the one above. I don't agree with him.

  • Reply 22 of 52
    uguysrnutsuguysrnuts Posts: 459member

    I gave it the SLJ litmus test, and here is what Siri had to say:


    "No need for profanity".


    I swear she sounded like one my grade school teachers and felt a little embarassed. Looking for a corner now.



    Originally Posted by hentaiboy View Post

    I prefer Samuel L. Jackson's 'Real Siri Ad'


    SLJ: "English, Mother f^%$#, do you speak it?"

    Siri: "What?"

  • Reply 23 of 52
    uguysrnutsuguysrnuts Posts: 459member

    Funny you mentioned the OS wars. To this day, I could never figure out why the Mac vs PC campaign ever came to fruition while Steve was still alive. No matter how elegantly presented, it was still sort of "Us vs. Them", or "Our product X is better than your product Y".



    Originally Posted by GregoriusM View Post

    Totally disagree. Steve Jobs, however much a genius, was not always right.


    Who loved the Beatles? Who loved Cold Play? Who loved many bands? And who would definitely agree to using Siri with them.


    So why not celebrities?


    You have no idea if Steve would approve or not approve.


    The same Steve Jobs said long ago that the OS Wars between Microsoft and Mac were over, but did he say no to COUNTLESS ads with an actor playing a PC and an actor playing a Mac (OS vs OS)? No.


    These ads appeal to different people. Apple is varying its ads so as to not make people skip ahead through the commercial since they've seen every single thing the iPhone can do, and now they are showing celebrities, who MILLIONS of people relate to, using their new poster child, Siri.


    Just because YOU may not like it doesn't mean Steve, even if HE didn't care for it, would stop these ads.


    If anything, he'd go with the company he's been with for many, many years and trust that they will continue to help Apple sell millions of devices.


    These are good, funny, entertaining ads that show the usefulness of Siri, whether or not you get any use out of Siri or like the ads. I like them all because I learn something new from every one of them.


    I'm tired of people thinking they know what Steve would do as the company just keeps selling more and more and more and getting bigger and bigger and bigger.


    And His Highness Steve (who I do hold in great regard) made plenty of mistakes himself, and reversed his own decisions a number of times.




    ... and I accidentally clicked on cash's reputation instead of the one above. I don't agree with him.

  • Reply 24 of 52
    tony3dtony3d Posts: 47member
    slurpy wrote: »
    Wow, what a shocking reaction from you. Your entire posting history is composed of you whining about the Mac Pro, demanding that Apple make it their 'focus' and trashing anything to do with iOS or iDevices. Or 'iCrap' in your words. Your reaction to this is just as predictable and unreasonable as the rest of your posts. ie. you're a troll, even though yo claim or pretend to like Apple, you're obsessed with a single one of their niche products (Mac Pro) and spew hate and vitriol at everything else. It's old, lame, childish, and rather pathetic. Go and get some fresh air, and give some other company business instead of spending so much time on hate and anger. 

    Look, we have 2 Mac Pros, 3 iMacs, 3 iPads, and 3 iPhones in my household. Not to mention multitudes of iPods. Oh ya, I really hate Apple! Give me a break fanboy!
  • Reply 25 of 52
    lilgto64lilgto64 Posts: 1,147member


    Originally Posted by RichL View Post

    Steve Jobs would never have agreed to these ads. I guess this is what a post-Jobs world looks like.

    Yeah - and he would never have John Mayer on stage with him or get a celebrity such as Bono to endorse a product - Steve J NEVER EVER did that - and of course had to be locked in a room with no food or drink for 6 weeks in order to get him to approve the Think Different ads with folks like Einstein appearing in them. Yes the days of stoic dependence on ads that only show off the product itself are now gone. oh and lets not forget that the original iPhone ad which didn't have a single celebrity appear in it. Yes indeed, the days of Apple getting by on its own merit and not riding the coattails of famous people are behind us. 


    When I header the Two iPhone walk into a bar joke I was thinking the forgetfulness was because "Siri" was one of the iPhones and got drunk and could not recall the rest of the story. 


    But a reference to two lost iPhones works as well. 

  • Reply 26 of 52
    jragostajragosta Posts: 10,473member
    uguysrnuts wrote: »
    Funny you mentioned the OS wars. To this day, I could never figure out why the Mac vs PC campaign ever came to fruition while Steve was still alive. No matter how elegantly presented, it was still sort of "Us vs. Them", or "Our product X is better than your product Y".

    Then I guess you need to work on your thinking skills.

    That was one of the most successful ad campaigns in history. They were absolutely brilliant - and probably led to millions of new Mac users.

    What's wrong with saying that your product is better - when it is?
  • Reply 27 of 52
    buzzbybuzzby Posts: 2member


    Steve Jobs would never have agreed to these ads. I guess this is what a post-Jobs world looks like.

    A bit of deviation is not always a bad thing, Steve didn't do everything right. Celebrity endorsement just works, and they seem to be picking their celebrities very carefully. Stay classy! You better believe they are watching the numbers very closely on these. The ads are still very focused and simple and aren't listing capabilities or focusing on speed or insipid marketing stunts. I think they are still in the ballpark Steve might have liked.

  • Reply 28 of 52
    dbtincdbtinc Posts: 134member


    Originally Posted by anantksundaram View Post

    I can't say that I am a big fan of this celebrity advertising nonsense.


    Cute, but silly and pointless.

    surprised john didn't ask Siri where he could get "boned" tonight ...

  • Reply 29 of 52
    applezillaapplezilla Posts: 941member

    Malkovich Malkovich Malkovich



    Malkovich looks confused. The Malkovich waiter approaches,

    pen and pad in hand, ready to take their orders.
  • Reply 30 of 52

    Article title should read




    Actor John Malkovich acts amused by Siri in new iPhone 4S commercials

  • Reply 31 of 52
    bsimpsenbsimpsen Posts: 399member

    These two Malkovich ads are the first in a very long time that I simply don't like. Show what the product can do, don't praise it. That makes the product seem weak.

  • Reply 32 of 52
    gmhutgmhut Posts: 242member

    In the third, unaired ad...


    Malkovich says, "Siri. Strange."


    Siri replies, "You, me, or this ad?"


    Malkovich replies, "Neither. I mean, where can I get some?"


    Siri inquires, "Get some what?"


    Malkovich answers, "Some strange."


    Siri answers, "Ah. I think I know what you need. Let me make that booty call for you."

  • Reply 33 of 52

    Celebrities or not, the ads show people having plain English conversations with their phone! How is that not showing what the product can do?

  • Reply 34 of 52
    tallest skiltallest skil Posts: 43,388member


    Originally Posted by DanaCameron View Post

    Celebrities or not, the ads show people having plain English conversations with their phone! How is that not showing what the product can do?


    I think the Malkovich ones are even more impressive in this regard, because it shows that Siri can work accurately with virtually no contextual data.

  • Reply 35 of 52
    malaxmalax Posts: 1,598member


    Originally Posted by Tallest Skil View Post


    I think the Malkovich ones are even more impressive in this regard, because it shows that Siri can work accurately with virtually no contextual data.

    Excellent point.  I find Malkovich creepy and don't "like" those ads, but you're right.  Collectively, and quite subtly, this series of ads is "teaching" me that Siri on the iPhone "just works."  The fact that they are celebs catches your attention so you listen more to what they are saying and notice that they are speaking very naturally (for them).


    And I used "weather" this morning before I grabbed my coat.  Quicker than unlocking my phone and finding the weather app.  Thanks Malkovich (but you're still creepy).

  • Reply 36 of 52
    ahmlcoahmlco Posts: 432member


    Originally Posted by scotty321 View Post


    They have no heart or emotion or make any resonance with the audience.


    Just terrible.



    From Ad Age:

    Apple's new Siri campaign starring Samuel L. Jackson and Zooey Deschanel drew the ire of Ad Age TV Editor Brian Steinberg this week, but turns out consumers love them. If you believe ad-effectiveness company Ace Metrix, in fact, they're rejuvenating the Apple brand.

    The two ads were the most-effective ads to premiere in the week ending April 20, according to the company. They were also the second- and third-most effective mobile phone commercials of 2012 based on Ace Metrix measures, right behind Samsung's Galaxy Note campaign, which has been airing since February and was the most effective ad of the quarter.

    "These ads performed very well, especially with younger women, who did not react as strongly to Apple's more feature-focused ads from earlier in the year," said Mr. Daboll in a statement accompanying the new results. "Celebrity ads are risky, as many celebrities can be polarizing. In these latest ads, Apple has chosen wisely, using celebrities with broad appeal."

    * * *

    I guess you're not the intended audience.

  • Reply 37 of 52
    habanerohabanero Posts: 77member

    Works with "Traffic" too!


    (I like that I learned something from the ad--I can be even lazier-- but yeah, Malkovich is creepy)

  • Reply 38 of 52
    Can the people complaining about these ads stop insinuating what Steve Jobs' opinion on these ads would be? I'd prefer his legacy be about what decisions he made in the past, not what decisions he would or wouldn't have made in the present or future.

    Even if you revere him to the point of using a "What would Steve do?" litmus test whenever Apple does something, at least have the integrity to never presume what Steve's thoughts would be. Because you can't know! Blatantly saying Steve would never have approved of something is so convenient when you don't like something Apple does, because no one can ask Steve's opinion.

    This same idiocy happened to Walt Disney. Steve Jobs is dead, he's no longer around to care about some ads Apple is running. If you don't like Apple's decision, express that without throwing a past CEO in your corner. It adds nothing to the conversation but distraction of the subject at hand.
  • Reply 39 of 52
    malaxmalax Posts: 1,598member


    Originally Posted by Habanero View Post

    Works with "Traffic" too!


    (I like that I learned something from the ad--I can be even lazier-- but yeah, Malkovich is creepy)


    They really need to integrate a sports service into Siri.  "Score?"  "Who's winning?" "Yankees Red Sox?"  Having Siri respond intelligently to those questions would be very persuasive.  When I got my iPhone I asked it all sorts of sports questions (thinking it work work) and it was embarrassingly bad.  Ask Siri "Who won the super bowl?" and her response: "Issuing Entity: South Korea" from Wolfram Alpha.  Uh, WTF?

  • Reply 40 of 52


    Originally Posted by RichL View Post

    Steve Jobs would never have agreed to these ads. I guess this is what a post-Jobs world looks like.


    Wasn't Steve going to call the iMac the "MacMan"? I don't think we need more armchair opinions of what What Would Jobs Do.

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