Facebook reportedly hiring former Apple iPhone engineers for phone project



  • Reply 61 of 76
    j1h15233j1h15233 Posts: 274member

    A facebook phone is the last thing we need. Zuckerberg doesn't seem to realize that he's lost the high school crowd to Twitter.

  • Reply 62 of 76
    nasseraenasserae Posts: 3,167member
    jragosta wrote: »
    Only partially true. If he does something illegal or something which is clearly not in the interests of the shareholders, he can be sued or subject to an SEC investigation.

    Anyone can sue. Lawsuits take years to reach settlement and the outcome is not always guaranteed. Other shareholders do not have a say in the companys direction.
  • Reply 63 of 76
    suddenly newtonsuddenly newton Posts: 13,819member


    Originally Posted by jragosta View Post

    Preferable to a phone that sends all your data to Google, I suppose.



    The phone idea is just in case this "facebook" thing doesn't work out.

  • Reply 64 of 76
    monstrositymonstrosity Posts: 2,234member


    Originally Posted by Apple ][ View Post

    What kind of a retard would want a Facebook phone?



    Quite a few million at a guess. Remember, the whole world is chock full of retards.

  • Reply 65 of 76
    jason98jason98 Posts: 768member


    Originally Posted by monstrosity View Post


    Quite a few million at a guess. Remember, the whole world is chock full of retards.


    If we define a retard as being one of Facebook's DAU, then there are 526 million of them:



  • Reply 66 of 76


    Originally Posted by WelshDog View Post

    I'm thinking the shareholders won't be liking this news all that much.

    They might not like it, and the board of directors might not like it, but the Zuk owns 57% of the company and can do anything he wants, no matter how stupid. 


    Actually, if you realize that most of the "free" Android phone users use the phone to talk, text and check Facebook, it might seem that Zuk has a good idea here, but that segment is anything but a good spending demographic. Worker bees are more discriminating and have cash and a life outside of Facebook. 

  • Reply 67 of 76
    joshajosha Posts: 901member


    Originally Posted by Shogun View Post

    Is it so hard to understand that FB sees itself as a new OS? Of course they want their own phone. And on their phone FaceBook won't be an app. Apps will run in Facebook. You'll make calls in Facebook. Your friends are your contacts. You'll take photos IN Facebook. Your photo stream will be Facebook. Your music will be IN Facebook. Of course they want their own phone. And they'll probably give it away.

    By the way, THAT'S how you make money in mobile. Control all the info, give away the hardware. Drop in ads as "features" throughout. Is it genius? No, it's obvious, really. It's what they have to become to be successful long term.

    I'd say they better get cracking. I give them less than a year to make this work. Otherwise all inertia will be working against them. If they fail, I see Apple buying them for a song - maybe - in 2014 or 2015.

    Yes a FB phone would allow FB to catch up with Google's spying activities.

    With these two and a few others who also are  into advertising revenue; finding out all they can about you is what makes them big money!


    FaceBook Spy.jpg

  • Reply 68 of 76
    jason98jason98 Posts: 768member


    Originally Posted by JoshA View Post

    Yes a FB phone would allow FB to catch up with Google's spying activities.

    With these two and a few others who also are  into advertising revenue; finding out all they can about you is what makes them big money!


    FaceBook Spy.jpg



    Modern meaning of FBI acronym: FaceBook Interface

  • Reply 69 of 76
    freerangefreerange Posts: 1,597member

    "Social Networking" has become an oxymoron! Bombarding people with tweets, family photos, how you feel today, does virtually nothing for deep social and engaging interaction. It is totally superficial. It drives me nuts when I'm out a bar or restaurant and see a table of several people ALL ON THEIR PHONES texting and reading posts instead of actually interacting with each other.

  • Reply 70 of 76
    freerangefreerange Posts: 1,597member


    Originally Posted by alcstarheel View Post

    They have a "Who to Follow" section that shows you who to follow based on your followers..they also tell you which users are similar to you based on who you each follow.

    To the point of the thread..

    I find it funny that when I went to login here at AppleInsider Facebook Connect was sitting there. To me that's the real reason for a phone. Think of all the sites that use Facebook Connect for logging in or posting. That connection will be automatic with a Facebook Phone. Users would even more likely use their Facebook logins for all these sites which gives Zuck more info and more timely, pertinent ads. Once you agree to the Terms and Conditions Zuck will know everything you do in the mobile world. Oh you called AT&T customer service? Here's their Facebook page.

    Sounds like the Google model to me.

    And therein lies the perfect reason to NOT use Facebook, or integrate it into your device. People are being morons about how much of their personal data they are sharing through these whores.

  • Reply 71 of 76
    freerangefreerange Posts: 1,597member


    Originally Posted by MacBook Pro View Post


    Apple is already a leader in social networking.  Apple's social network "just works" so well we forget we use Apple's social network everyday.  Why would Apple change their position and copy less successful companies in order to directly compete with those companies?









    User Base

    125 million (based on unique iCloud users)

    900 million

    170 million

    140 million


    Yes on Apple Hardware


    No (can be circumvented on hardware)


    Cross Platform

    OS X, iOS, Windows

    HTML based

    HTML based

    HTML based

    Personalized Page


    Facebook Pages

    Google+ Pages


    Contacts or Friends List





    Social Groups

    No but Contacts may be grouped










    Mail and iCloud




    Instant Messaging


    Facebook Messenger



    Video Chat




    external video chat links

    Real-time Feeds





    Location Sharing

    Find Friends




    Location “Check-in”


    No but update could include location

    No but update could include location

    No but update could include location

    Reminders for Events (i.e. birthdays)

    Yes, if information added to Contacts


    via Google Calendar


    Digital Photography Sharing

    Yes but not released on all hardware




    Web Page Recommendations


    Like button

    +1 button

    Tweet button

    App Recommendations or Links

    Link Maker

    Like button

    +1 button

    Tweet button

    Book Recommendations or Links

    Link Maker

    Like button

    +1 button

    Tweet button

    Movie Recommendations or Links

    Link Maker

    Like button

    +1 button

    Tweet button

    Music Recommendations or Links

    Link Maker & Ping

    Like button

    +1 button

    Tweet button

    TV Show Recommendations or Links

    Link Maker

    Like button

    +1 button

    Tweet button

    Multiplayer game Matchmaking





    Social Gaming

    Game Center




    Game Achievements


    Yes via Facebook Updates



    Leader Boards


    Yes via Facebook Updates




    Via iTunes Store “What’s Hot”


    Ripples and Sparks 


    Revenue Model

    Hardware, iTunes Store

    Ad supported B2B & B2C lead generation

    Ad supported B2B & B2C lead generation

    Ad supported B2B & B2C lead generation



    Apple social networking users invest in Apple products and services because they like those products and services thus they purchase more products and services which furthers vendor lock-in.  We know that users invest in Apple products and services due to the well documented customer satisfaction rates, customer retention rates as well as the market share of Apple products and services, especially the iTunes Store.  The key to the success of Apple's social networking is the persistent, ubiquitous but non-intrusive nature of the interactions.  For example, Messages was simply integrated into the existing SMS/MMS app, multiplayer matchmaking is offered within many games via API.  The concept of logging into a website or opening an app specifically to send an update or tweet doesn't exist, instead the interaction is part of the typical workflow for using a feature or accomplishing that function.


    Furthermore, Apple could quite easily extend Ping to include app developers, book authors, as well as movie and TV show actors and directors.  Ping is not a priority for Apple thus Apple doesn't force customers to use Ping.  If Apple so desired they could easily link Ping to your contact data (which they could mine from your Apple products).  Rather than fighting for your attention in social networking Apple has chosen to provide the best source for direct consumer payments for digital media content while other companies fight over advertising dollars.  The advertising revenue will only continue as long as the companies can continue to drive customer interaction.  Thus far, consumers have demonstrated that social networking must be engaging and said engagement should preferably be other users.


    Conversely, we might speculate that many users of typical social networking services use those services to easily and quickly contact family, friends and associates as well as "because everyone else is using" the service.  (http://people.bath.ac.uk/aj266/pubs_pdf/p1027-joinson.pdf).  Users seem to resent this to some degree since Facebook customer satisfaction has been as low as 64% according to one study (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Facebook#cite_note-133).



    My apologies for not posting sources extensively but I will credit Wikipedia for much of the data as well as FAQs about the services themselves unless otherwise specified.


    Excellent post! Thanks!

  • Reply 72 of 76
    yookyook Posts: 3member

    can't believe it! FB is going to bulid its mobile empire now !!

  • Reply 73 of 76
    yookyook Posts: 3member

    can't believe it! FB is going to bulid its mobile empire now !! and there are other better solutions instead of making facebook phone itself!!

  • Reply 74 of 76
    I would like to know why they are former employees.
  • Reply 75 of 76
    woodlinkwoodlink Posts: 198member


    Originally Posted by ankleskater View Post


    Perhaps the biggest ...? Since you don't know him, making such a criticism is baseless and a fail.


    Besides, he has never claimed that his goal to connect the world was "altruistic".  It's just his goal. What's yours?



    Uh, how do YOU know I don't know him?  Welcome to the Internet pal.


    No, he never claimed to be altruistic....but....


    Ya know, he continually hides behind the whole "open and connected" facade.


    Meanwhile, Zuckerberg has publicly dodged questions about Facebook's privacy policy, user complaints are treated with disdain, and when cornered on issues, he replies with some Zen-like psycho-babble that leave Walt Mossberg and Kara Swisher feeling sorry for him.


    Don't be naive.


    Via social engineering, Facebook is out for your M O N E Y.......the IPO seems to be moving along swimmingly?


    And therein lies my problem with it.  Just like I have with Google or Apple or any other company that tries to assimilate my info without my permission.


    My goal? 



  • Reply 76 of 76
    MacProMacPro Posts: 19,821member
    Former Apple Engineers. I assume this wording means they were not poached as they had left Apple prior to being hired. I wonder why they left Apple in the first place.
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