Steve Ballmer says Microsoft plans to compete with Apple in every market



  • Reply 41 of 133
    MacProMacPro Posts: 19,815member
    Do you think he meant Microsoft will begin producing desktop and laptop computers? How can he say this and also mention working with their partners? He might as well walk up to his partners and say "We are going to gradually do all we can to undercut your business, but; we'll be glad to continue selling our software to you because we are very proud to be your partner." How soon until they get together and drop Microsoft? Will it be the Asian companies that do it first or will HP or Dell step up to the challenge?


    I think it's called a death spiral ....
  • Reply 42 of 133
    MacProMacPro Posts: 19,815member
    visualzone wrote: »
    The picture was probably Photoshopped. :lol:

    Ewe, pity the artist ... think of all that sweat and flab he had to cut off ...
  • Reply 43 of 133
    thevoflthevofl Posts: 13member

    I'm so glad to hear that the Zune and the Kin are making their triumphant return!

  • Reply 44 of 133

    Microsoft is where Apple was in the mid 90's.  Trying to do everything everywhere.  When SJ came in, he killed everything that Apple couldn't excel at.  No camera, no printer, no 40 models of the same computer, etc.  Apple focused on their core, and then slowly expanded to where they are today.  If they realize they can no longer be competent in a space, they dump it and move on.


    Microsoft lacks this focus.  Nobody can be the best at everything.  It's not realistic, and the consumer doesn't want that.  Microsoft needs to focus on what it can do, and do those things well.  Look at what Apple did.  Do they compete in the server market?  Nope, not even close.  They focused their energy as a company and decided they are focused on the end user and the home computing space.  This focus allows for better products.  Microsoft wants to be everything for everyone.  The whole metro interface is kinda interesting on a tablet, but for a desktop OS it's a puddle of crap.  Apple realized this, and the two OS's are completely different. (although the desktop OS is gaining some tablet like interface options, presumably for touch screen capabilities on the mac)

  • Reply 45 of 133
    MacProMacPro Posts: 19,815member
    You know however much I detest Google's theft of Apple's IP, having worked in this industry since the 1970's I have to say Microsoft is the one I want to see die because of IP theft. At least Google have some great products in addition to the stuff they ripped off. Microsoft not so much.
  • Reply 46 of 133
    djmikeodjmikeo Posts: 180member


    Originally Posted by AppleInsider View Post

    Microsoft Chief Executive Steve Ballmer has said in a new interview that his company is "not going to leave any stone unturned" in competing against Apple.

    Ballmer said Microsoft intends to make it "absolutely clear" that the company plans to compete in any market against Apple, according to CRN. He said Microsoft plans to "innovate everywhere" and bring its partners along for the ride

    So they "intend" to make it absolutely clear, that they "plan"  to compete in any market against Apple...... 

    That sounds like a lot of intending to plan. Plus, competing does not mean that they can even score. You can compete and still come in last place. 

  • Reply 47 of 133
    mjtomlinmjtomlin Posts: 2,686member

    So wait, he's actually saying they haven't been competing? What was WinMo or the Zune? Or Windows Phone 7? Or previous tablets? This is the best reason yet to give this guy the heave-ho. What the hell has Microsoft been doing? Were these products all "hobbies" ? And their answer is more of the same; a tablet running a desktop OS, that for some reason people will want to buy now. If the enterprise wanted tablets running Windows, THEY WOULD'VE BOUGHT THEM OVER THE PAST DECADE! That never happened. The tablet's "killer" app is not an office productivity suite. The iPad's killer app is the OS; it is an extremely low maintenance operating system requiring very little support. Microsoft will never get that. They can't. They're enslaved by their need to make sure their cash cows--Windows and Office--will remain the center of attention. As soon as they concede and start pushing a new platform, Windows starts dropping. The ironic thing about this is that it is already happening. The iPad is nibbling away at Windows grasp of the computer market, much, much more effectively than Mac OS X ever could or will. 

  • Reply 48 of 133
    MacProMacPro Posts: 19,815member
    thevofl wrote: »
    I'm so glad to hear that the Zune and the Kin are making their triumphant return!

    The next Zune is called the Monkey Box.
  • Reply 49 of 133
    visualzonevisualzone Posts: 299member

    Innovation? What exactly has Microsoft innovated? Most of what makes Microsoft has either been bought, stolen or copied!!


  • Reply 50 of 133
    quadra 610quadra 610 Posts: 6,757member
    Wasn't Ballmer barely 3 years ago laughing off the Apple threat?

    And now . . . he's openly admitting to Apple's power. Which is also a tacit admission that he's been asleep at the wheel all this time.
  • Reply 51 of 133
    peter236peter236 Posts: 254member

    Apple should worry more about Samsung which is selling 10 million Galaxy phones per month, while the iPhone 5 with only the 4 inch screen will be 3 months late to market by September.

  • Reply 52 of 133
    tallest skiltallest skil Posts: 43,388member
    visualzone wrote: »
    Most of what makes Microsoft has either been bought, stolen or copied!!

    Same with Apple. It's what Microsoft didn't legally acquire that makes them the villain.
    peter236 wrote: »
    Apple should worry more about Samsung which is selling 10 million Galaxy phones per month, while the iPhone 5 with only the 4 inch screen will be 3 months late to market by September.

    Oh, I'm sorry, you said worried, so I thought you'd have a real threat there…
  • Reply 53 of 133
    docno42docno42 Posts: 3,759member
    "not on our watch" if this refers to his tenure at the helm, then it won't be much longer that he'll be competing in every segment that Apple is in.  Based on his performance, he can't be much longer at microsoft.

    Sadly, if the board wasn't willing to get rid of him before now, what's going to prompt them in the near future? Continued flat performance of their stock? Continued losses in all but their core Windows and Office business units?
  • Reply 54 of 133
    paxmanpaxman Posts: 4,729member


    Originally Posted by jragosta View Post

    Aside from the idiocy of his statements, I have to wonder what's wrong with their PR and marketing people. They have umpteen bazillion dollars and Ballmer has plenty of money of his own. Yet they couldn't come up with a picture that looks better than a drivers' license photo?

    What are you talking about?! The picture is part of the new campaign and shows a confident Balmer in front of the MS answer to Apple's glass staircase, arms supported on the new minimal display surfaces based upon the Apple Store's blond wood display tables. It may not look like much to you but MS research shows that people won't notice it isn't glass and who knows... maybe it won't matter, right? Balmer is on fire, so cut the guy a break. 

  • Reply 55 of 133

    Is it just me, or does Ballmer remind anybody else of Monty Python's quadriplegic Black Knight, screaming at Apple:  "Come back here  you coward; I'll bite your ankles off!"

  • Reply 56 of 133
    paul94544paul94544 Posts: 1,027member


    yeah right Ballmer, you complete phucktard. Wipe that self satisfying engratiation smirk off your face. All you do is surround yourself in marketing toerags all day, bleating about whatever it is they bleat about. running a company that hs no idea about how to design great systems. And fools buy the crap

  • Reply 57 of 133
    gtrgtr Posts: 3,231member


  • Reply 58 of 133

    Ballmer admitting that Microsoft can't create it's own market segment, so it is going to copy those who are successful in theirs. This company needs to die.

  • Reply 59 of 133
    frsvenfrsven Posts: 2member

    In the decade since Steve Ballmer has been at the helm of Microsoft, their market share has dwindled, their market capitalization has been flat, they have released stale and uninteresting products, and watched as Apple has passed them by nearly every metric.  Ballmer made fun of both the iPhone and the iPad, both of which when added to the iPod and iTunes Store have resulted in revenue to Apple that is nearly as much as Microsoft's market cap.  So Ballmer does not understand the market his company is operating in and clearly doesn't know how to compete and the result has been a negative for his investors when you account for inflation.  Ballmer should be removed and replaced.

  • Reply 60 of 133
    richsadamsrichsadams Posts: 129member

    Blew milk out of my nose when I read this...



    "Ballmer said Microsoft intends to make it "absolutely clear" that the company plans to compete in any market against Apple, according to CRN. He said Microsoft plans to "innovate everywhere"


    Soooo...MS has had what, almost two decades to execute their plans?  Ballmer is right on top of things!


    I'd imagine the first "to do" of these grandiouse plans is to close the barn door. 


    Life is what happens to you while you're busy making other plans” 

    ~ John Lennon

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