Apple OS X Lion pulled as Mountain Lion rolls out



  • Reply 81 of 86
    ewanewan Posts: 36member

    Are they serious? I was going to restore my Macbook Pro and reinstall OSX Lion because it's been slow. Now if I restore from my snow leopard backup, how do I get my Lion back? Did I just lose $30?

  • Reply 82 of 86
    andysolandysol Posts: 2,506member


    Originally Posted by King Editor the Grate View Post

    Here's my One Percent scenario:


    I was leery of upgrading to Lion on a late 2006 iMac. Figured Snow Leopard pretty much rocks. But the chief reason is that I use MAME OS X to power an arcade cabinet and was tired of dealing with MAME and ROM compatibility issues.


    So I kept my mid-2009 Macbook Pro and the iMac on Snow Leopard.


    Just last week, I took the leap to get a new iPad. I've been getting the iCloud itch for quite some time. Figured I needed to get my graphite iMac DV/SE back from its borrower to use that as a dedicated MAME machine, delete a bunch of stuff from my cramped 250-gig 2006 iMac hard drive, then upgrade the iMac and Macbook Pro to Lion so that I would be in synced iCloud bliss.




    Well, feel free to call me a Dumb Bunny for failing to avail myself of Lion during its limited availability. This type of circumstance failed to occur to this dumbbuttocks.

    Upgrade the 2009 MBP to Mountain Lion and find a friend who has a lion installer, or a guy on craigslist.  Heck- just Torrent Lion.  Before the morale police start up- if you can't purchase it anymore, then how else does he get it?  Is it stealing if Apple doesn't want to sell it anymore?  I know the answer is, technically, yes- but that's a tough one.

  • Reply 83 of 86
    dcorbandcorban Posts: 58member

    I don't know who "they" is in your sentence, but it is not true. I still have Lion in my purchases section of the App Store and can download at will.


    I will note that Lion did disappear from my purchases section for maybe 20 minutes yesterday around the time Mountain Lion became available. However, it came back and is still there.


    I can't believe this discussion went on for three pages without anyone actually checking the facts.

  • Reply 84 of 86
    ewanewan Posts: 36member


    Originally Posted by dcorban View Post

    I don't know who "they" is in your sentence, but it is not true. I still have Lion in my purchases section of the App Store and can download at will.


    I will note that Lion did disappear from my purchases section for maybe 20 minutes yesterday around the time Mountain Lion became available. However, it came back and is still there.


    I can't believe this discussion went on for three pages without anyone actually checking the facts.


    First, thanks for that information. Second, try not to belittle people just because you know something they don't.




    EDIT: OS X Lion does appear in the Purchase section of the App Store but will not open, at least for me. I get this message:



    The item you've requested is not currently available in the Canadian Store.

  • Reply 85 of 86
    philboogiephilboogie Posts: 7,675member
    solipsismx wrote: »
    It's too bad that Apple doesn't care if you waste an entire USB flash drive for this tool.

    Although it is more expensive than a DVD-R, at least you can format and reuse it. But yeah, it will be bought and laying around unused, that I get.
  • Reply 86 of 86


    Originally Posted by Downpour View Post

    I think Apple should keep at least one OSX version back available on the App store, especially if they are going to drop support for their hardware so quickly.


    My four year old MacBook isn't compatible with ML. I didn't know that until ML came out and I was about to upgrade. Luckily, I had already upgraded to Lion, but Apple gave us no warning that they were going to remove it. When they dropped services like Mobile Me etc, Apple informed their customers well in advance. I can't see why they didn't do the same thing here. 


    A good quality laptop, especially an Apple laptop, should be able to last 8 years or more. You can still buy copies of XP on disc. A lot of companies still install it on new machines, even though it came out 11 years ago.


    Lots of people probably skipped Lion, as the benefits didn't seem that good at the time, but now they know they will never get anything better, they may well want to upgrade. Even if Apple just had Lion available as a download from their website, they should offer a little support for their customers. It wouldn't be difficult for them to do. 

    Hate to bump an older thread, but I wanted to add to the discussion and agree with this poster.  I am currently on a macbook running SL and I would now like to upgrade to Lion for a couple of reasons.  Of course, my macbook is a little dated so I cannot jump to ML.  You can say I procrastinated and it is my fault, but I saw no benefit in upgrading at the time and now I do.  Sure enough, Lion is no longer on the app store (the only place Apple chose to make it widely available).  What difference does it make if they keep one extra OS on their app store for people who need it?  What difference does it make.  I know one earlier poster sarcastically said something along the lines of 'why dont they just have all the previous OS's available then.'  Keep in mind, SL was the first OS with app store.  Lion and ML would be the ONLY upgrades to it.


    We are talking about an OS that is around one year old.  One.  It just is a little disappointing that a company that charges a premium for their products quickly choose to forget about their previous customers like this.  By the way, I called customer service to purchase a download code (the only way I know of).  Going on 14 days and at least an hour on the phone waiting to receive it.  To think all of this would be much easier, had Apple simply left Lion in the App Store.  We know it's still there, because people previously purchasing it can still access it, but not new purchasers.  Makes absolutely no sense.  The only possible thing I could think of is that they don't want people to confuse Lion with ML, which they certainly could have circumvented.

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