Apple: We Have A Robust Product Release For The Year



  • Reply 21 of 42
    [quote]Originally posted by suckfuldotcom:

    <strong>seybold sf 99 - Powermac G4 (400-500) replacing BW G3's.

    It could happen.


    Apple doesn't ever go to that Seybold. They go to the one in September.
  • Reply 22 of 42
    tjmtjm Posts: 367member
    [quote]Originally posted by Bodhi:

    <strong>He said the March quarter would be transitions.

    I like how they said that Power Mac sales were down due to the economy. How about a slow system bus, slow processors, too expensive and long in the tooth?</strong><hr></blockquote>

    At about 6:10 (EST) he was asked a question to the effect of, "When you said the March quarter would be one of transitions, did you mean that in the singular or plural?"

    At which Fred hemmed and hawed and got rather flustered and said (through a big sheepish grin, to the sound of it), "It was plural, but, umm, well, uh, we have the 14" iBook and the new iMac, so there's two for your plural.... As to whether there is something else to be released, I won't tell you, because we don't comment on unreleased products."

    [Not an exact quote, but as close as I can remember.]

    The 14" iBook means a "transition" in the iBooks???????

    He was obviously scrambling for cover with his answer. When combined with the way he danced around every question about the relative values of the PMs vs. iMacs and such {"We think the PowerMac line remains a very good value for the professional" = "We know the PowerMacs suck"), he as much as admitted that there will be more new hardware (almost certainly PMs) yet this quarter.

    I hope there is a transcript or replay of that conference call around somewhere. I'd love to be able to hear it again...

    [edit: typo]

    [ 01-16-2002: Message edited by: TJM ]</p>
  • Reply 23 of 42
    mokimoki Posts: 551member
    [quote]Originally posted by Junkyard Dawg:

    <strong>Powermac G5s before MWNY.

    Now that the iMac has a G4, this is compelling evidence that the Powermacs will migrate to G5s. Maybe not the entire powermac line, but at least a few models. </strong><hr></blockquote>

    How about a gentlemen's bet, then? I wager you that there will not be any G5 PowerMacs released at or before MacWorld/NY this year.

    The only possible way this could happen is if some marketdroids at Apple decide to rename the Apollo G4 a "G5" -- short of that, the actualy G5 chip from MOT simply isn't ready year, and the massive rounds of layoffs at MOT's semiconductor division likely won't help matters, either.

    So what do you say, shake on the bet?
  • Reply 24 of 42
    davegeedavegee Posts: 2,765member
    Do you think Apple needs to do something FAST with the Tower (pro) line? As it stands now the Pro line is just too dern close to the iMac line. This is ONE THING I think we all pretty much agree on right?

    Now, Do you think Apple will intro new Tower (pro) machines next week? Many do.

    Now, Do you think Apple would put G5's on the market without doing a press invite? Not a chance.

    Now, Do you think Apple would need to give a weeks notice for a press invite as per iPod? Yep.

    Tomorrow is already Thursday... had the press been sent invites we would have heard. You bet your bippy!

    For those who are betting on a Tower speed change next week then you couldn't even dream it would be a G5.

    If you think Apple will hold out till March, April or MWNY then okay you folks still have some time to dream but do you really think Apple will keep the iMac and the Tower specs unchanged till then?

    God I hope not since AAPL will have a very hard time selling Pro boxes since EVERYONE will try and hold back till SOMETHING (anything) is done to the line. As Bodhi already stated "$1700 more for a L3 cache, extra processor and 33MHz faster bus?" cha-right!

    I don't wanna burst the G5 bubble but you guys are way too early.


    [ 01-16-2002: Message edited by: DaveGee ]</p>
  • Reply 25 of 42
    [quote]Originally posted by DaveGee:

    <strong>Do you think Apple needs to do something FAST with the Tower (pro) line? As it stands now the Pro line is just too dern close to the iMac line.

    Now, Do you think Apple will intro new Tower (pro) machines next week?

    Now, Do you think Apple would put G5's on the market without doing a press invite?

    Now, Do you think Apple would need to give a weeks notice for a press invite? (as per iPod)

    Tomorrow is already Thursday... had the press been sent invites we would have heard.

    For those who are betting on a Tower speed change next week then you couldn't even dream it would be a G5.

    If you think Apple will hold out till March, April or MWNY then okay you folks still have some time to dream but do you really think Apple will keep the iMac and the Tower specs unchanged till then?

    God I hope not since AAPL will have a very hard time selling Pro boxes since EVERYONE will try and hold back till SOMETHING (anything) is done to the line. As Bodhi already stated "$1700 more for a L3 cache, extra processor and 33MHz faster bus?" cha-right!

    I don't wanna burst the G5 bubble but you guys are way too early.


    How the hell do you know if the G5 is ready or not?
  • Reply 26 of 42
    davegeedavegee Posts: 2,765member
    [quote]Originally posted by Macintosh:


    How the hell do you know if the G5 is ready or not?</strong><hr></blockquote>

    Back off dude... Did you even read my message?

    So where do you fall?

    You don't believe the towers are gonna be bumped next week?

    You don't think Apple would invite the press to a G5 rollout?

    You don't think Apple needs to give a weeks notice for the press to show up?

    You think Apple will still sell plenty of towers even with the HUGE price difference with little gain over the iMac and they are gonna do a G5 rollout in a month or two or three?

  • Reply 27 of 42
    [quote]Originally posted by DaveGee:


    Back off dude... Did you even read my message?

    So where do you fall?

    You don't believe the towers are gonna be bumped next week?

    You don't think Apple would invite the press to a G5 rollout?

    You don't think Apple needs to give a weeks notice for the press to show up?

    You think Apple will still sell plenty of towers even with the HUGE price difference with little gain over the iMac and they are gonna do a G5 rollout in a month or two or three?


    I would guess that the G5 will be released soon and Apple will announce a press event within a week or so. I just hate when people say so boldly that they know something completely secretive.
  • Reply 28 of 42
    davegeedavegee Posts: 2,765member
    [quote]Originally posted by Macintosh:


    I would guess that the G5 will be released soon and Apple will announce a press event within a week or so. I just hate when people say so boldly that they know something completely secretive.</strong><hr></blockquote>

    Okay then...

    And for the record I didn't so boldly do anything of the sort... I never claimed to have inside info and I ran down a list of items that make a clear case that the G5 will not come out next week and those who still think it will are just kidding themselves.

    If Apple does have a tower bump next week and I (and quite a few other folks) really think they will... I don't wanna hear people BMC (bitch moan and complain) that the G5 wasn't in the lineup. If next week comes and goes without a rollout then the chance of the G5 intro could/should be better...

    I just want Apple to do SOMETHING with the Pro line ASAP!!! Fred is just kidding himself if he thinks people will still buy a 733 or 867 system with a 15" LCD when you can get the iMac for 1/2 the price. Heck you can just about get the TOP END iMac AND a LOW END iMac for the same price as the 867 with a 15" screen. If people don't think Apple *MUST* do something (and now) they are NUTS!

  • Reply 29 of 42
    onlookeronlooker Posts: 5,252member
    [quote]Originally posted by Macintosh:


    How the hell do you know if the G5 is ready or not?</strong><hr></blockquote>


    [ 01-16-2002: Message edited by: onlooker ]</p>
  • Reply 30 of 42
    moogsmoogs Posts: 4,296member
    <img src="graemlins/hmmm.gif" border="0" alt="[Hmmm]" />

    This is getting old...really Apple's biggest screw up is remaining secretive while being so incredibly far behind with their pro lineup. Usually secrecy is a way of keeping your competitors from trumping your upcoming products with something very similar or slightly better.

    Apple apparently needs the following news flash:

    [flash]In all probability, NOTHING you do with the power mac line requires great secrecy at this point, because in terms of consumer indicators (clock speed, bus speed, etc) YOUR NEW PRODUCTS HAVE ALREADY BEEN TRUMPED![/flash]


    Sure, your new lineup may turn out to compete favorably with various benchmarks and real-world tests, but in the end, if Apple releases even a 1.6 GHz G5 tomorrow, no one but existing customers (US) will even blink, because ya know...1.6 GHz P4's and Athlons have been around for A LONG FU*KING TIME, STEVE!

    Get over yourselves aready and just give it to us straight. You owe it to us don't you? 367 MHz in two years...woooo...someone hold me down! You owe it to all the people in here who have been holding out year after year for Apple to simply keep up (which you haven't). So be up front and honest with us for once, you bastards (like you're listening).

    I think Stever likes nothing better than to lead us around by our short-hairs - every chance he gets. The prick. <img src="graemlins/bugeye.gif" border="0" alt="[Skeptical]" />

    [ 01-17-2002: Message edited by: Moogs ? ]</p>
  • Reply 31 of 42
    a/uxa/ux Posts: 38member
    [quote]From Fred's lips:


    "It will take most of the quarter to ramp up the manufacturing of the new iMacs, so we're not likely to meet the demand," Anderson explained.


    I find this statement far more telling than anything else. If they cannot meet demand for the new iMac, there is no way that they will spend additional production capacity on rolling out entirely new PowerMacs in the next few months.

    This, to me, points to a speed bump to the G4 in the short-term, with major changes to come most likely at MWNY.

    This is a good business move even if the G5 is ready today. It maintains focus on one revolutionary product at a time and supports sustained revenue growth throughout the year. They avoid manufacturing crunches and angry, impatient customers.

    Sounds good to me, faster G4 within the next two months, G5 at MWNY (if in fact it is ready by then).
  • Reply 32 of 42
    Well, the iMac is manufactured separately from the Power Mac so they don't really affect each other that way. Still, expect yet another G4 next, then a G5 perhaps as early as summer.
  • Reply 33 of 42
    Towers and iMacs are manufactured for Apple by entirely different companies so there is no problem in getting both out at the same time. It has to do more with marketing. New Towers, hopefully with brand-new enclosures, are coming... when?. Well nobody on this forum really knows so speculate and argue all you want. It will happen when it happens.
  • Reply 34 of 42
    nebrienebrie Posts: 483member
    [quote]Originally posted by MacsRGood4U:

    <strong>In the past Apple would give at least 10 days notice for a Special Event meeting. It's needed to allow the press to make arrangements. So far, nothing has transpired to suggest that any Tower updates will be forthcoming until that happens. Unless they announce in the few days nothing will happen until next month. Seybold? When was the last time they used that conference to announce major new products?</strong><hr></blockquote>

    Well, then there's probably no special press event. If all that's coming is the Apollo, and not even a new enclosure, then it may just be a speed bump even as we got last year with the ibook/powerbook speed bump.
  • Reply 35 of 42
    macgregormacgregor Posts: 1,434member
    The timing sure does seem to auger that there will be a moderate speedbump first and G5's later in the summer.

    I like the comment that secrecy is a good tactic when you are ahead of the industry, but it sure s*cks when you are behind.
  • Reply 36 of 42
    Those of you who are speculating about Anderssons Product releases "second half of the year", he meant the seconf half of the FISCAL year, which is beginning in April.

    This makes sense. Introducing the G5 in Tokyo (March) and shipping it like the iMac on a three month period --&gt; April - May - June.

  • Reply 37 of 42
    This has already been mentioned, but why would they be announcing any sort of speedbump two weeks after MacWorld. Why not just do it then? It's not like they have a problem announcing a product that's not going to ship for quite a while.
  • Reply 38 of 42
    jcgjcg Posts: 777member
    [quote]Originally posted by A/UX:


    I find this statement far more telling than anything else. If they cannot meet demand for the new iMac, there is no way that they will spend additional production capacity on rolling out entirely new PowerMacs in the next few months.

    This, to me, points to a speed bump to the G4 in the short-term, with major changes to come most likely at MWNY.

    This is a good business move even if the G5 is ready today. It maintains focus on one revolutionary product at a time and supports sustained revenue growth throughout the year. They avoid manufacturing crunches and angry, impatient customers.

    Sounds good to me, faster G4 within the next two months, G5 at MWNY (if in fact it is ready by then).</strong><hr></blockquote>

    Apple contracted out the production of the iMac (thats how the stock ananlysts picked up on its eminate release), so its not on the same production line as the Towers
  • Reply 39 of 42
    gustavgustav Posts: 828member
    [quote]Originally posted by Bodhi:


    AAAARGHHHH! Wake Up!</strong><hr></blockquote>

    Relax, that was just talk for the analysts. They couldn't say anything else because it would look really bad to say "yeah, I know, our Pro products suck", and anything else would mean admitting new products are coming out soon.
  • Reply 40 of 42

    Originally posted by Bodhi:

    AAAARGHHHH! Wake Up!

    Relax, that was just talk for the analysts. They couldn't say anything else because it would look really bad to say "yeah, I know, our Pro products suck", and anything else would mean admitting new products are coming out soon.

    Exactly. get used to reality, where bullshit rules and fools blubber like babies on chat boards...

    WTF do you think "our powermac line sucks" would do to the stock price? Why TF is apple in business? To make you happy? Get a F'ing clue.
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