Judge denies Samsung's "2001: A Space Odyssey," Fidler Tablet arguments



  • Reply 61 of 114


    Originally Posted by hjb View Post

    So, basically all evidence of prior art re Apple patents are excluded by the Judge in the court.  It is simple not fair.  Yes, I think, the Judge has already made herself it to be a mistrial.


    Samsung can not present crucial evidence that they did not copy Apple.  Samsung could not present perfect and legitimate prior art evidence against Apple patent.  Hilarious. 


    You have to be kidding, or trolling.


    Samsung's lawyers didn't get their evidence admitted because they were late. They've had a year to get ready for this case and have nobody to blame but themselves. As to prior art, there's no valid reason to admit the ridiculous evidence Samsung tried.


    Only thing hilarious is your complete mis-understanding of what's going on. No, it's not hilarious, Pathetic might be a better word.

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  • Reply 62 of 114


    Originally Posted by SolipsismX View Post


    "Samsung tries to invalidate Apple's localization patents"


    Next up -- the "retina display" at Lascaux:



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  • Reply 63 of 114
    hjbhjb Posts: 278member


    Originally Posted by EricTheHalfBee View Post


    You have to be kidding, or trolling.


    Samsung's lawyers didn't get their evidence admitted because they were late. They've had a year to get ready for this case and have nobody to blame but themselves. As to prior art, there's no valid reason to admit the ridiculous evidence Samsung tried.


    Only thing hilarious is your complete mis-understanding of what's going on. No, it's not hilarious, Pathetic might be a better word.


    If you see the table in here, you would see that Koh would have denied F-700 anyway.  Basically all crucial evidence in this case rejected by the Judge.  How would it be fair?

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  • Reply 64 of 114
    solipsismx wrote: »
    Samsung just gets more and more ridiculous. I can't wait for the Samsungistas to argue how this is proof that Apple hasn't created anything and how the Judge is biased.

    Seriously f'n weak. Samsung is paying their lawyers $821 an hour to scrape the Internet forums and collect troll arguments to present in court. First "Apple don't own rectangles" then "Apple's fake Sony design sketch proves it steals from Sony, even though it doesn't" and now "2001: A Space Odyssey = prior art."

    I guess they are counting on a dumb jury.
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  • Reply 65 of 114

    What a pathetic company, with its pathetic bunch of spokespeople like DaHarder, Gatorguy, JerrySwitched!


    Whatever makes them happy, I guess. Ugh.

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  • Reply 66 of 114


    Originally Posted by Quadra 610 View Post


    The facts have a pro-Apple bias. 



    That just about says it all.

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  • Reply 67 of 114


    Originally Posted by hjb View Post


    Glad this is giving you a good laugh!  


    Join in!!image

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  • Reply 68 of 114
    hjbhjb Posts: 278member


    Originally Posted by anantksundaram View Post

    Glad this is giving you a good laugh!  


    Join in!!image


    Why not, it is better than the Olympic. Hahaha.  

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  • Reply 69 of 114


    Originally Posted by jragosta View Post

    Oh, and BTW, isn't it interesting that she was the greatest judge on the planet when she initially ruled in Samsung's favor and only became incompetent and biased when she ruled against Samsung?



    You still crack me up.  Keep 'em coming!

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  • Reply 70 of 114
    jragostajragosta Posts: 10,473member
    hjb wrote: »
    If you see the table in here, you would see that Koh would have denied F-700 anyway.  Basically all crucial evidence in this case rejected by the Judge.  How would it be fair?

    Most of the evidence that was rejected was rejected because Samsung did not meet the filing deadlines. That's not judicial bias, it's just gross negilgence on the part of Samsung's attorney.

    Another large portion of evidence was rejected because it was totally irrelevant. Samsung is being accused of copying Apple's IP. Even if Samsung could prove that Apple had copied someone else's IP at some time, that would not absolve Samsung, so that, too, is irrelevant.

    I'm still waiting for you to show where there's an obvious bias. Keep in mind that the fact that you don't like the conclusions does not constitute a bias.
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  • Reply 71 of 114


    Originally Posted by See Flat View Post

    and AI should consider DaHarder to recuse him/herself for the same reason hehe



    Good one.  I bet even DaHarder got a chuckle out of it.  :)

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  • Reply 72 of 114
    hjbhjb Posts: 278member


    Originally Posted by jragosta View Post

    Most of the evidence that was rejected was rejected because Samsung did not meet the filing deadlines. That's not judicial bias, it's just gross negilgence on the part of Samsung's attorney.

    Another large portion of evidence was rejected because it was totally irrelevant. Samsung is being accused of copying Apple's IP. Even if Samsung could prove that Apple had copied someone else's IP at some time, that would not absolve Samsung, so that, too, is irrelevant.

    I'm still waiting for you to show where there's an obvious bias. Keep in mind that the fact that you don't like the conclusions does not constitute a bias.


    You do not have to wait me replying you.  If you can not see that yourself, then I do not have anything to show you since, I think, you are blind.

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  • Reply 73 of 114
    tylerk36tylerk36 Posts: 1,037member

    I examined the movie 2001 space odyssey and never during the time when the two actors are looking at the mentioned pad like device did they use a stylus or touch the screen to control the unit.  Also there was no indicator of any such logo indicating a ownership to design such as RCA Magnavox or Zenith who were huge in the television age at that time.


    Samsung is grasping at straws to try and delay so they can sell their units during this whole proceeding.


    I think maybe we could look at this from an automobile perspective.


    Henry Ford made the first mass produced automobile.  He made automobiles before the Model T but the Model T changed the whole concept of what an Automobile was.  The Cell Phone was around long before the iPhone existed.  But the iPhone changed the whole concept of what a cell phone was (smart phone) and what it could do.  Apple was that company to change the whole concept of a cell phone and its capabilities.  Yet Samsung argues that Apple stole the design of the iPad.  Yet the iPad is basically a large iPhone.  Tablets were around before the iPad.  But Apple revolutionized the pad by designing the iPad.  Same thing as the Henry Ford Model T.  Apple should not be penalized for being able to create a better pad or cell phone.  If Samsung complains then thats their problem.  Samsung needs to be original and make a product that is revolutionizing to an industry.  Thats what they did with the LCD TV and LED TV.

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  • Reply 74 of 114


    Originally Posted by hjb View Post

    If you see the table in here, you would see that Koh would have denied F-700 anyway.  Basically all crucial evidence in this case rejected by the Judge.  How would it be fair?


    How would it be crucial?

    The judge is doing Samsung a favor by forcing them to exclude their weakest arguments. Noli equi dentes inspicere donati.

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  • Reply 75 of 114


    Originally Posted by hjb View Post

    So, basically all evidence of prior art re Apple patents are excluded by the Judge in the court.  It is simple not fair.  Yes, I think, the Judge has already made herself it to be a mistrial.


    Samsung can not present crucial evidence that they did not copy Apple.  Samsung could not present perfect and legitimate prior art evidence against Apple patent.  Hilarious. 



    At this point, it is a procedural issue.  Samsung was late in presenting it, so it was excluded.  


    The Appeals Courts deal with procedural issues as a matter of course.  They might order a new trial with the understanding that the excluded evidence be allowed.  Or the Appeals Court could side with Koh and let things stand.  But that's way in the future, if at all.

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  • Reply 76 of 114


    Originally Posted by anantksundaram View Post

    What a pathetic company, with its pathetic bunch of spokespeople like DaHarder, Gatorguy, JerrySwitched!


    Whatever makes them happy, I guess. Ugh.



    I'm a friggin spokesperson for Samsung now?


    Get a grip. 

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  • Reply 77 of 114
    jragostajragosta Posts: 10,473member
    hjb wrote: »
    You do not have to wait me replying you.  If you can not see that yourself, then I do not have anything to show you since, I think, you are blind.

    So you don't have any evidence or rational arguments.

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  • Reply 78 of 114
    desuserigndesuserign Posts: 1,316member

    I get a kick out of the idea that Samsung's layers are so brazen/amoral/stupid as to pretend that a special effect for a movie can even be considered as "prior art." By definition prior art has to be evidence of the existence of an actual invention (or design—this case is so screwed, it's hard to tell what they think the 2001 Space Odyssey indicates prior art of.) In any case prior art along these lines would have to be a record of a working prototype, or a detailed description of the design or invention (akin to a patent document.)

    A scene from 2001 Space Odyssey could never meet the standard of "prior art" for any of the patents Apple feels has been infringed. It could be used as prior art if someone simply tried to patent the idea of a tablet computer or a flat display, but that's about it.

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  • Reply 79 of 114


    Originally Posted by JerrySwitched26 View Post

    I'm a friggin spokesperson for Samsung now?

    Actually, you're worse.


    But let's leave it as is.

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  • Reply 80 of 114

    I suppose Apple could just drop the bomb and reveal the NEWTON in court. Grid style launch screen. Check. Dock at bottom. Check.
    Rectangular. Check. Touch input. Check.

    Samsung looking for anything that is rectangular with a screen now? Shameless.

    Samsung sure seems to be so obsessed with trying to find problems with apples originality that they are leaving themselves open for the big question:

    Where is yours?

    NO mockups. Design exercizes. Etc.

    Just more and more of Apple.

    And then Samsung "leaks" items to the press? Especially after it was proven erroneous?

    Wow. No respect for that.

    I have a Samsung HDTV in my house.

    It will be the last Samsung device I buy.

    They need to shape up.
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