Next-gen iPhone with "Gorilla Glass inlay" to launch in Sept. despite reported component shortage



  • Reply 21 of 49
    jragostajragosta Posts: 10,473member
    gazoobee wrote: »
    For it to be a "liquid metal" phone, every single rumour and leak of the iPhone has to be 100% wrong.  
    What are the odds of that do you think?  

    It would also cost several hundred dollars over and above whatever a non "liquid metal" iPhone would cost.  

    This doesn't seem likely to me at all. 

    Where did you get your information?

    You can buy a Liquidmetal tennis racket for $60 or 70. Only a portion of the tennis racket is liquidmetal, but it's probably as much material as would be in the back of an iPhone.

    So if you can buy an entire tennis racket for $60 or 70, what makes you think that liquidmetal would add several hundred dollars to the iPhone? I suspect the cost difference would be minimal (considering that it reduce machining costs by quite a bit) and the reason we haven't seen one yet has nothing to do with cost. They probably just haven't worked out the kinks, yet.
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  • Reply 22 of 49
    solipsismxsolipsismx Posts: 19,566member
    gazoobee wrote: »
    Secondly, I just don't understand why anyone who could afford it, wouldn't buy the new iPhone every single year.  It's an amazing device and gets better and more useful year by year.  On contract it costs $200 which is less then the price of a few lattes every month.

    1) In my case it's $400 each because I do by the highest end model. I bough the 64GB iPad this year, too, and frankly I would be more than fine with 16GB. But 64GB on the iPhone is needed until I decide to clean up my iTunes library (which might be never).

    2) I agree with your assessment. I even bough the 4S the day it came out. However, I was one who was plagued by the new baseband processor being a huge battery drain. It would drop 10% in an hour without being used. I also had those annoying drops with Siri that first weekend. Siri I know would iron out after people stopped testing it with stupid questions (I was one of those people) but the baseband issue looked to be something that would take some time to work out with the firmware.

    I knew I could get a replacement but didn't want to risk another dud so I just returned it and would wait for the firmware to be sufficiently updated. By the time that happened I was already well into holiday mode and then after the new year it just seemed too late to invest in the new phone and I wondered if I could hold out for 2 years (actually 2.25 years) like a normal person. I've regretted that decision every day as the my Home Button is fairly ineffectual at times. iOS 6 seems to be running pretty well on it as of the latest Beta.
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  • Reply 23 of 49
    tylerk36tylerk36 Posts: 1,037member

    Yet it is to the manufacturers (Foxconn) benefit to make the components for the next iPhone I wonder if some how other corporations will try to sabotage Apples manufacturing lines via Foxconn to try and hurt Apple and slow their progress in the industry.

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  • Reply 24 of 49
    dunksdunks Posts: 1,254member


    Originally Posted by canadan View Post

    I must be hard to please because  the design of this supposed new iPhone is the dullest thing I've seen for a generation upgrade (apart from 3 to 3S and 4 to 4S).  Is this seriously all they can come up with? The front and sides look almost identical to 4 and 4S except for a change in bottom ports, oooh, how thrilling.  The back is slightly different because of the materials used, wow, ground breaking.  It's far from ugly but it barely looks like it's evolved from a design aspect.  I'm still buying it because I need to upgrade but this is far from brilliant.  I can only pray Apple is fooling us all with the real thing secretly hidden and that the new product looks nothing like this but I fear that I will not be pleasantly surprised. Apple has a lot at stake with this next phone, they better deliver because competition is hot on their ass more than ever!!



    We are moving away from the years of the "flashy feature phone" to a point where the most interesting thing about your device is the content you have on it.


    Get prepared for more of the same. Apple is the incumbent in a field where device manufacturers are converging on the optimal design.


    Almost any radical structural change is going to be a backwards step. They are already adding NFC, a taller screen, a better external speaker, and shaving 2mm off the thickness.
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  • Reply 25 of 49
    tallest skiltallest skil Posts: 43,388member

    Originally Posted by anfboymn View Post

    The new iPhone doesn't seem worth the early upgrade, based on all the rumours and speculation, so I'll keep my 4S and avoid a potential 'shortage'.


    The new iPhone, about which we know absolutely nothing other than 'it will exist', doesn't seem worth it to you.


    This, everyone, is the sum total of what we're turning into. Look at it and be warned.


    Originally Posted by canadan View Post

    …this supposed new iPhone is the dullest thing I've seen…  Is this seriously all they can come up with? …ooh, how thrilling. …wow, ground breaking. …this is far from brilliant. …pray Apple is fooling us…


    So buy stuff from HTC, then, if you want your phone to change every three months. And you'll need to buy a new one every three months if you want to keep up with the software, too.


    At least I feel better about being so stupid as to have wanted a Mac Pro case redesign back in the day. I wasn't alone in my early thinking, it seems. image


    Originally Posted by jason98 View Post

    I wish the screen matched the central back panel in dimensions. That alone would've been a killer feature as the diagonal of the back panel is likely 4.5"+.


    Killer feature as in 'kill off the device so that no one would want one', you mean? Because a touchscreen like that is screaming to be accidentally hit.


    Originally Posted by blackbook View Post

    Hardware specs rarely do anything for consumers.


    But… but Snapdragon! And two gigabytes of RAM! And 1.5 Gee Aych Zed! That has to be good, right? image

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  • Reply 26 of 49
    bushman4bushman4 Posts: 865member

    Iphone5 is like a new car. It has to be as catchy on the outside as whats on the inside

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  • Reply 27 of 49

    I don't understand all the people complaining the design isn't different enough. It's an iPhone. No matter how cool the new features are, there's just not a huge reason to fundamentally change how the thing is used, and if you aren't going to change how it's used, then dramatically changing form factor every year makes absolutely no sense. That's exactly the kind of dumb move other electronics companies make and we all know how weak and forgettable those devices are.


    The fact is, as the iPad and iPhone move into their higher generation numbers, the changes in design are bound to settle down into one that ultimately works best. Look at the Macbook and iMac lines. They don't completely change their form factor every year and no one expects them to because the closer you get to perfection, the more changes only go the wrong direction.

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  • Reply 28 of 49
    andysolandysol Posts: 2,506member
    blackbook wrote: »
    Well it looks like what you see is what you get:


    I wouldn't go that far, but I will say it's not bad. But it will need to have some "WOW" features either software or hardware to get people interested. Because the design alone is pretty standard

    It seems the new thing apple is doing is implementing a feature that only works with the new phone.
    iPhone 4- FaceTime
    4S- Siri
    New iPhone might just be 4G (which would be cool)- but I'm really really hoping they go with a NFC chip and make passbook a fully featured wallet.
    Although, it'll probably be 4G this time and NFC next.
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  • Reply 29 of 49


    Originally Posted by SolipsismX View Post

    1) This new design looks absolutely brilliant in every way.

    2) Haven't we heard about component shortages pretty much every year before a new release? I'm sure there are shortages but it could be because Apple has been busy buying up all the components to make yet another record release.


    You're right, and whatever shortages they begin with, they seem to overcome them in due course. It's what comes with pushing the technological edge over and over. It's exciting to be able to buy an iPhone this September that other manufacturers may take another year or two to match. 


    Think of it: No one has been able to quite make a device with the resolution of the iPhone 4 and Siri, in the iPhone 4S, still does a better job of knowing what you want than anything else.

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  • Reply 30 of 49


    Originally Posted by BUSHMAN4 View Post

    Iphone5 is like a new car. It has to be as catchy on the outside as whats on the inside


    I hope to Got, NOT. Many new cars are not an improvement on the previous year's car. In fact, are often not as well designed for the owner's experience as before.


    Change, for change's sake is so last century!


    I'd rather see Apple's products evolve with each new model toward a better and better user experience like many a high-end luxury automobile. 

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  • Reply 31 of 49


    Originally Posted by Gazoobee View Post


    For it to be a "liquid metal" phone, every single rumour and leak of the iPhone has to be 100% wrong.  

    What are the odds of that do you think?  


    It would also cost several hundred dollars over and above whatever a non "liquid metal" iPhone would cost.  


    This doesn't seem likely to me at all. 


    While I do agree with your first statement, I'm wondering why you believe a liquid metal case would raise the cost "several hundred dollars." While, as I understand, liquid metal production is hard to get set up, but not as hard to manufacture with as Apple's current method of milling each case out of a block of aluminum. The goal is to make the cases even more rigid, light, and durable. 

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  • Reply 32 of 49
    bushman4bushman4 Posts: 865member
    Just for some clarification
    Sharp said today 8/2 that they would begin shipping screens to Apple.Qhile this sound ad though it will hold up the Iphone5 launch keep in mind LG as well as Samsung and another Hapanese company are also supplying screens. So bottom line they should have enough Forba September launch
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  • Reply 33 of 49
    bushman4bushman4 Posts: 865member
    Just for some clarification
    Sharp said today (8/2 )that they would begin shipping screens to Apple.While this sounds as though it will hold up the Iphone5 launch because of the short time till Sept keep in mind LG as well as Samsung and another Japanese company are also supplying screens. So bottom line: A September launch looks do-able:
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  • Reply 34 of 49
    Guys, same thing happens every year.
    Pre launch people on rumour sites give out about the lack of potential ground breaking design. Say new model will be a sales disappointment.
    Then apple launch the device and talk about all the wonderful enhancements from the previous model. The general public love it.
    New model sells double the previous one.
    Same thing will happen again
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  • Reply 35 of 49
    philboogiephilboogie Posts: 7,675member
    evoken wrote: »
    canadan wrote: »
    I must be hard to please because  the design of this supposed new iPhone is the dullest thing I've seen for a generation upgrade (apart from 3 to 3S and 4 to 4S).  Is this seriously all they can come up with? The front and sides look almost identical to 4 and 4S except for a change in bottom ports, oooh, how thrilling.  The back is slightly different because of the materials used, wow, ground breaking.  It's far from ugly but it barely looks like it's evolved from a design aspect.  I'm still buying it because I need to upgrade but this is far from brilliant.  I can only pray Apple is fooling us all with the real thing secretly hidden and that the new product looks nothing like this but I fear that I will not be pleasantly surprised. Apple has a lot at stake with this next phone, they better deliver because competition is hot on their ass more than ever!!

    My thoughts exactly. This new "taller" iPhone (if it is in fact what Apple will release) is disappointing and underwhelming considering both that it has been two years since Apple introduced the iPhone 4 design and the devices like the Galaxy SIII and HTC One X that the Android competitors are putting out. It is a very mild/timid design change, it is just more of the same (this can also be said about iOS 6). The taller screen, that keeps the same width is really pointless as far as giving you more screen realstate goes (landscape mode will be as tedious as it is now, for example, if not more so) and just can't hold a candle to the SIII, Nexus or HTC One X in this regard.

    Oh well, I'll still wait for the official Apple unveiling, before deciding but as things are, it looks like my next phone will be the SIII.

    I think that Apple doesn't need to change the design is because it's already perfect. The reason all competitors are constantly changing their designs is because their current ones are so poor.
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  • Reply 36 of 49
    philboogie wrote: »
    I think that Apple doesn't need to change the design is because it's already perfect. The reason all competitors are constantly changing their designs is because their current ones are so poor.

    They are just selfconsious.

    I need a 5" display, I need a quad core processor!, I need 2 GB of ram, I need a display that both larger then the isheeps and has pixels that I can't see! I don't care about washed out colors! I need billions of settings for my device! I need features I won't even use!. I need a operating system that will be stuck on my device for the life of the product becuase i cant update it when it's obsolete already! All crammed in shiney plastic! While the campaign says its designed for humans! Hey I'm human I need one!

    While we suffice with a 3.5 inch display, single/DC processors with 512-1GB of ram. I'll keep my glass/aluminum IDevice thanks.


    Needless to say I am a bit curious on the galxay sIII, though its mind boggling when there's muliple versions of the same device...I'd take the international version..Got to try the completion before you knock it is what I believe.
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  • Reply 37 of 49
    chabigchabig Posts: 641member


    Originally Posted by blackbook View Post

    But it will need to have some "WOW" features either software or hardware to get people interested. Because the design alone is pretty standard


    LTE is pretty "WOW".

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  • Reply 38 of 49
    MacPromacpro Posts: 19,864member
    To cause a I've got to have it stampede all Apple has to say is, "Introducing, the all new, liquid metal, iPhone." people will hear liquid metal and go nuts. Not because of what it does, but because it sounds so cool, and no other phone can have it.

    I have to wonder in the greater sense what you think a company is supposed to do when marketing a new product? You seem to indicate creating a demand through innovation, design and excellent marketing is a bad thing. So what do you say about every other product that is launched? When BMW launches a new car for example do you immediately write to all the BMW fan blogs and insult their intelligence for listening to BMW's marketing and being excited about the latests and greatest version of their favorite car? Is wanting to buy such a car simply because it is cool and no other car has it? Is it really that simply? Could it be some people really love their BMWs? Have you ever considered that?

    Perhaps your post was just a joke but my comment is aimed at all such negative comments and there are plenty.
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  • Reply 39 of 49


    Originally Posted by blackbook View Post


    Well it looks like what you see is what you get:







    I wouldn't go that far, but I will say it's not bad. But it will need to have some "WOW" features either software or hardware to get people interested. Because the design alone is pretty standard



    People will be interested no matter what software is included.


    It is likely to sell in record numbers no matter what.  

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  • Reply 40 of 49


    Originally Posted by boredumb View Post

    In spite of which, Mr. Cook has earned and retained a high reputation as a "supply-line wizard".

    the wizard part is that the supply chain doesn't have bottlenecks and cesspools of inventory (spent cash, not convertible into profit).   When you go from Zero to Infinity, there will always be shortages.   


    I tend to think the shortages discussion are 'orchestrated'   or more likely, the result of Apple demanding a billion parts and a bonus to hit delivery numbers, and suppliers hard pressed to meet those numbers, thereby leaving money on the table (thus, the shortage is only in their mind).   In any event, anyone 'waiting' for a new iPhone, iPad Mini, etc, will wait a couple more days/weeks, and it appears the casual buyer will be swung to an Android device by the Carriers (unless specifically asking for a new iPhone... which the buzz of a 'shortage' will drive the message home... 'everyone wants one... why?').


    In short, I think Apple loves (maybe even instructs) shortage talk, as it whips the crazies into a frenzy, builds the length of the lines, creates a spike in demand that creates 'the largest release weekend ever' press release, along with the carriers, and the free advertising on Page one of every daily paper and weekly magazine get's 'The All New iPhone From Apple' into the heads of the 20% of the world population who need a new phone between Sept and the Chinese New Year.


    At that point, the supply chain wizardry makes a couple billion in extra profit in it's ruthless efficiency.

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