Image of purported next-gen iPhone USB cable shows smaller dock connector



  • Reply 81 of 101
    huntercrhuntercr Posts: 140member


    Originally Posted by Slurpy View Post


    What common sense? The common sense that there's no way in hell this can function as a magsafe with the amount of length that is inserted into the device, and the fact that the pins make contact from the sides. The shape and insertion method make it impossible. So yes, it is common sense. How do you imagine it would slide out?


    I think you envision how this plug works plug far differently than I do.  I mean that small magnets would hold the male end in place once it had been inserted. I don't see how this would be "impossible". I do realize that it might cause some EM interference though.

    How do I imagine it would slide out? Um... by pulling on it? I don't understand why you don't think that's possible.


    Well, anyway, you're probably right that it's not anything cool like that. Someone else mentioned there are dimples to hold it in with a spring loaded ballbearing. That would be interesting too.



    If you really want to think crazy here, people keep thinking that this is an any orientation device with dedicated  redundant pins. What if it's not redundant but designed so the bus changes pins after a primitive orientation negotiation? lots of extra pins then to do great things...

    What if this thing is actually some sort of Thunderbolt "mobile edition" bus? Well, that's extremely unlikely since it would alienate anyone with USB ports only, but I can dream!

  • Reply 82 of 101
    larryalarrya Posts: 608member


    Originally Posted by Tallest Skil View Post


    Yes, back support. Specifically does not rely on the connector. It's recessed, for heaven's sake. THAT is the support.


    Those are two completely different scenarios. I'd love to see a shot of that alarm clock, if that's possible.


    Nope, no back support on this one (Sonos Wireless Dock).  iPod touches and iPhones of different generations have varying thicknesses.  You could never build a universal dock that relied on the recess for support unless you supplied a series of inserts, but this one doesn't have any and most probably don't.  My wife's Bose Sound Dock floats her 3GS above the recess in a similar way, and I don't think it came with any inserts, either.  BTW, this dock connector change is why she is refusing to even consider the next iPhone.



  • Reply 83 of 101
    845032845032 Posts: 76member

    Why not micro USB ?


    Anyway, Too bad.


    Every iPhone Accessory You Own Just Became Obsolete ...

  • Reply 84 of 101

    Originally Posted by LarryA View Post

    Nope, no back support on this one (Sonos Wireless Dock).  iPod touches and iPhones of different generations have varying thicknesses.  You could never build a universal dock that relied on the recess for support unless you supplied a series of inserts


    Thanks for the picture! Inserts come with every model of device that Apple makes. Apple makes the Universal Dock. The hole is ONE size, into which all inserts are put. The sole task of the accessory manufacturer is to make their hole exactly the same size as that of the Universal Dock (it's supposed to be the standard). That way all devices in the future work when their respective inserts are added. It is the fault/responsibility of the manufacturer if they deviate from this standard to supply their own.


    For example, my Griffin i… I can't even remember what it's called… It's a speaker. It has a nonstandard recess in which the Dock Connector resides. It's horrifically stupid. But they compensate for it by having this stupid system of rubber inserts… If I remember tomorrow (I won't), I can take a picture of the setup.

    Originally Posted by 845032 View Post

    Why not micro USB ?


    Because it's terrible and substandard for the tasks performed by this connector.


    Anyway, Too bad. Every iPhone Accessory You Own Just Became Obsolete ...


    Whoop de frick. The difference between Apple and every other company is the former doesn't need to be told by an overbearing international continental power to make a port that everyone wants to use. They just DO it.

  • Reply 85 of 101
    addaboxaddabox Posts: 12,665member


    Originally Posted by SolipsismX View Post

    But it's around double the length of the current dock connector. That's the one it's being measured by, not USB-A as that doesn't plug into iDevices. It needs to be longer to get a decent amount of surface area for a solid connection. There are likely also spring loaded clips as ahmlco mentioned but that only helps from falling out.



    OK, maybe I'm missing something.  What I'm seeing is the metal portion of the new dock connector being about half the length of the metal portion of the USB connector-- that is, the part that plugs in, not the plastic case, which is irrelevant (I mean, I assume so, people seem to be worried about how far the new dock connector would insert into the phone, or even that it might not go all the way in--not if there's an extra quarter inch of plastic on the grip, which wouldn't have any bearings on accessories anyway).


    And so anyway that's pretty much the length of the metal portion of the current dock connector-- i.e. about half the length of the metal portion of a USB connector.  Perhaps the new one is fractionally longer.  Am I getting this wrong?  Is anyone worried about the plastic part?  Is there some mysterious measurement system that I'm not understanding?

  • Reply 86 of 101
    solipsismxsolipsismx Posts: 19,566member
    addabox wrote: »

    OK, maybe I'm missing something.  What I'm seeing is the metal portion of the new dock connector being about half the length of the metal portion of the USB connector-- that is, the part that plugs in, not the plastic case, which is irrelevant (I mean, I assume so, people seem to be worried about how far the new dock connector would insert into the phone, or even that it might not go all the way in--not if there's an extra quarter inch of plastic on the grip, which wouldn't have any bearings on accessories anyway).

    And so anyway that's pretty much the length of the metal portion of the current dock connector-- i.e. about half the length of the metal portion of a USB connector.  Perhaps the new one is fractionally longer.  Am I getting this wrong?  Is anyone worried about the plastic part?  Is there some mysterious measurement system that I'm not understanding?

    Unless I'm missing something the comments about its length are in comparison to the 30-pin dock connector which is clearly much wider than it is longer and what looks to be roughly half the length of this rumoured dock connector.


    edit: When I compare these two pics below it doesn't look quite double the length from the plastic casing. It looks like it is closer to only 50% 25% longer.

    700 700
  • Reply 87 of 101
    cash907cash907 Posts: 893member

    Wish they would show the connector pins on the USB side. I'm still hoping for a USB 3.0 cable, seeing how the 2012 line of MBP's and MBA's all carry those now. Faster charging AND data rates? Yes please.

  • Reply 88 of 101
    845032845032 Posts: 76member

    Wow, Every iPhone Accessory You Own Just Became Obsolete ...

    How pity...



    especially pity for ipod/iphone BOSE speaker owners.

    They keep buying iphone/ipod because these expensive accesory.

  • Reply 89 of 101
    asciiascii Posts: 5,936member

    The new connector looks like it might snap off easily, being so thin. I wonder if they are using liquid metal in it?

  • Reply 90 of 101
    darkvaderdarkvader Posts: 1,146member


    Originally Posted by JCC View Post

    #next_pages_container { width: 5px; hight: 5px; position: absolute; top: -100px; left: -100px; z-index: 2147483647 !important; }
    For god sakes Tim Cook, stop all the leaks!!! There are no surprises left of the iPhone 5. If there are no surprises why even bother hosting an announcement?  Perhaps that's your ultimate motive, you don't like to present in front of thousands so you're going to use leaks to make the announcements unnecessary?


    What kind of doubling down on secrecy is this? Was that a joke?


    If you don't want to see information on leaks, GET OFF THE RUMOR SITES!


    Seriously, we DON'T want the leaks to stop, we want MORE of them.

  • Reply 91 of 101
    solipsismxsolipsismx Posts: 19,566member
    jcc wrote: »
    What kind of doubling down on secrecy is this? Was that a joke?

    I don't understand how are taking his comment to mean there will be no leaks. Even if we take the term doubling-down literarily there are many ways in which is can be attributed.

    It could be the cost the put into maintain security, which could end up being a waste of money. And how much more money does it take to maintain the same level of security when you are expecting double the iPhone sales YoY?

    Perhaps they meant internally because they know they can't keep their vendors from holding the same level of secrecy with any reasonable level of effort. Perhaps they're doubling-down by building their own factories and sourcing more of their own components. But that takes time to design, build and execute.

    A couple things to consider: 1) We didn't know about Mountain Lion until the beta was announced. 2) We've have leaks about the iPhone with ever increasing frequency up until the iPhone 4 at which point it's tapered off. 3) I recall having as much info about the iPhone 4S as I've seen about this rumoured 6th gen iPhone.
  • Reply 92 of 101
    MarvinMarvin Posts: 15,439moderator
    845032 wrote: »
    Wow, Every iPhone Accessory You Own Just Became Obsolete ...
    How pity...

    There are even adaptors for Android devices.
  • Reply 93 of 101
    tallest skiltallest skil Posts: 43,388member

    Originally Posted by DarkVader View Post

    Seriously, we DON'T want the leaks to stop, we want MORE of them.


    I'm actually quite fine with the percentage and scope of the leaks we're obtaining now. More would ruin Apple keynotes.

  • Reply 94 of 101
    jccjcc Posts: 335member


    Originally Posted by anantksundaram View Post

    Calm down. The level of secrecy thus far exceeds what I've seen for major product releases in the past few years (except for the iPhone 4S).


    #next_pages_container { width: 5px; hight: 5px; position: absolute; top: -100px; left: -100px; z-index: 2147483647 !important; }

    WTF? You're joking right? You must be blind or living under a rock.

    #next_pages_container { width: 5px; hight: 5px; position: absolute; top: -100px; left: -100px; z-index: 2147483647 !important; }

  • Reply 95 of 101
    jccjcc Posts: 335member


    Originally Posted by SolipsismX View Post

    I don't understand how are taking his comment to mean there will be no leaks. Even if we take the term doubling-down literarily there are many ways in which is can be attributed.

    It could be the cost the put into maintain security, which could end up being a waste of money. And how much more money does it take to maintain the same level of security when you are expecting double the iPhone sales YoY?

    Perhaps they meant internally because they know they can't keep their vendors from holding the same level of secrecy with any reasonable level of effort. Perhaps they're doubling-down by building their own factories and sourcing more of their own components. But that takes time to design, build and execute.

    A couple things to consider: 1) We didn't know about Mountain Lion until the beta was announced. 2) We've have leaks about the iPhone with ever increasing frequency up until the iPhone 4 at which point it's tapered off. 3) I recall having as much info about the iPhone 4S as I've seen about this rumoured 6th gen iPhone.


    #next_pages_container { width: 5px; hight: 5px; position: absolute; top: -100px; left: -100px; z-index: 2147483647 !important; }

    That's exactly what doubling down on secrecy means. What part of that do you not understand? If there were almost 0 leaks before, doubling down means it should be even closer to 0.


    Your recollection is faulty.  I have NEVER seen so much leaked about an Apple device except perhaps the incident with the 4 "stolen" at a bar, but that doesn't really count as a "leak" per se. Same with the 4s, up to the the point when it was released, people had all sorts of rumors only. No actually photos of the device. In fact, people were speculating all sorts of wild things including a new form factor and photos of cases. So, yea, I've never seen this much leaked especially so far in advance to the announcement. They've essentially leaked the entire product at this point. From the new screen to the form factor, to the new plug, etc.  What else is there? Some minor function like Siri for the 4s?


    What Cook fails to realize is that the secrecy helps their business and leaks hurt it much more so than he seems to give credit to.  Now, this is all conjecture at this point as we don't know if this is the actual final product. If it isn't and this was all planted disinformation then Tim would be the greatest executive in the history of Apple, surpassing Jobs as the mastermind.  But somehow, I doubt it. I think these leaks are of the actual product unfortunately.

    #next_pages_container { width: 5px; hight: 5px; position: absolute; top: -100px; left: -100px; z-index: 2147483647 !important; }


    #next_pages_container { width: 5px; hight: 5px; position: absolute; top: -100px; left: -100px; z-index: 2147483647 !important; }


    #next_pages_container { width: 5px; hight: 5px; position: absolute; top: -100px; left: -100px; z-index: 2147483647 !important; }

  • Reply 96 of 101
    ahmlcoahmlco Posts: 432member


    Originally Posted by SolipsismX View Post

    edit: When I compare these two pics below it doesn't look quite double the length from the plastic casing. It looks like it is closer to only 50% 25% longer.


    If you think about how the current design works, the internal female connectors have to extend past the length of the shield, making the current part take up pretty much the same depth, while being about 65%-70% wider. 


    With the new part, the connection "pins" are on the side, which means that they don't have to extend deeper into the device, which means that the port won't be any deeper than it already is now. Also keep in mind that they moved the audio plug to the bottom next to the docking port, which means they have a little extra depth to play with in that area.

  • Reply 97 of 101
    mstonemstone Posts: 11,510member


    Originally Posted by ascii View Post

    The new connector looks like it might snap off easily, being so thin. I wonder if they are using liquid metal in it?

    That would make sense, however it would make it 8 pins rather than 9 because LM is a poor conductor. 


    It could explain why the internal pins of the device would not be shorted when the leading edge of the plug touches them. Also, in examining the close-ups of the female connector you can sort of see the latching component on the sides and the matching recess on the male plug designed to secure it. Although those type of latches could potentially be used as a ground it would be a rather unusual design as something like that usually has some lubrication which might inhibit its conductivity. In the close-ups I did not see any other electrical connections other than the 8 gold pins. So it could be LM which would be pretty cool except that third party replacement cables would not be possible as Apple is the only licensee of LM for CE.

  • Reply 98 of 101
    tallest skiltallest skil Posts: 43,388member

    Originally Posted by JCC View Post

    Your recollection is faulty.  I have NEVER seen so much leaked about an Apple device except perhaps the incident with the 4 "stolen" at a bar, but that doesn't really count as a "leak" per se.


    Then you missed the iPhone 3G, 3GS, 4S, iPad 2, iPad 3, unibody MacBook Pro, Mini DVI/Mini DisplayPort Mac Mini… 


    And that's just the stuff in the time since Apple has STOPPED requesting takedowns on websites.

    They've essentially leaked the entire product at this point. From the new screen to the form factor, to the new plug, etc.  What else is there? Some minor function like Siri for the 4s?


    Yeah, Apple can't possibly show us anything new. We know absolutely everything about the device. 

    Oh, by the way, what processor and GPU is it using? How much RAM does it have? Why not consolidate a list of all its hardware features (cameras, new chips, etc.)? 

    What Cook fails to realize is that the secrecy helps their business and leaks hurt it much more so than he seems to give credit to.  


    Yes, the CEO of the wealthiest corporation on the planet, who is probably the best operations man at any company on the planet, and who trained under Steve Jobs himself for all manner of things related to this topic, probably fails to realize… something.

    Now, this is all conjecture at this point as we don't know if this is the actual final product.


    So then that part up there where you said, "They've essentially leaked the entire product at this point. What else is there?" was just a lie.


     If it isn't and this was all planted disinformation then Tim would be the greatest executive in the history of Apple, surpassing Jobs as the mastermind.


    Except no, since that's exactly what happened last year when Jobs was still alive.

      But somehow, I doubt it. I think these leaks are of the actual product unfortunately.


    "You want the frigging moon, Mary? I'll tie a frigging lasso around the frigging moon and pull it down."


    From the director's cut.

  • Reply 100 of 101
    strat09strat09 Posts: 158member
    I'm gonna make a wild guess and say that in between the connectors pins and the curved square holding the cable to usb there is a magnet and inside the dock connector there is also another magnet. If not, oh well I guessed wrong. But wouldn't it be great if it did?!
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