High-quality images compare alleged next-gen iPhone, iPhone 4S front assemblies

in General Discussion edited January 2014
A video and accompanying high-resolution photos of the purported next-generation iPhone's front assembly hit the web on Thursday, adding to to the mountain of rumors and leaks regarding Apple's hotly-anticipated handset.

The images, from Shenzhen-based cell phone parts company SINOCET (via nowhereelse.fr), allegedly show the front plate assembly bound for Apple's sixth-generation iPhone expected to hit shelves on Sept. 21.

Photos of the purported next-gen part were previously "leaked" earlier this month, however the new video and pictures include a side-by-side comparison with a front panel taken off a current iPhone 4S.

The validity of the images cannot be confirmed, but they appear to be in line with the multitude of reports coming from various sources. Most recently a video of the purported next-generation iPhone's flex cables hinted at the possible relocation of the unit's headphone jack, front-facing camera and proximity sensor, a move first seen in early shots of the handset's uni-body chassis.

Source: SINOCET via YouTube

As in another set of previously reported images, an unidentified chip can be seen toward the top of the display near the earpiece. It was speculated that the mysterious component was an NFC chip, however that rumor was brought into question upon closer examination.

Front Panel Chip
Close-up of unknown chip once thought to be an NFC module. | Source: SINOCET

Apple is widely thought to be increasing the iPhone's screen size to 4-inches, up from the current 3.5-inch form factor seen on all iPhones since the first model launched in 2007. The company has been content to stick with the smaller display amidst the sea of ever-growing screens seen on rival Android devices like Samsung's Galaxy S III. Despite its apparent hesitation to enlarge the iPhone's screen, thereby changing its form factor, Apple has increased the device's resolution over the years, the most recent jump being the high-resolution Retina display seen on 2010's iPhone 4.

Front Panel

The rumored next-gen iPhone is also expected to employ a down-sized dock connector, possibly signaling a move away from the 30-pin version first introduced in Apple's iPod product line. Photos of the alleged new 9-pin design have been making the rounds, with a supposedly complete cable pictured last week.

Front Panel Side View

Apple is said to be keeping the handset's weight down by employing in-cell touchscreen technology that integrates a display's touch-sensing elements with the LCD array. At least three separate companies are reported to be manufacturing the component including LG, which announced last week that production of in-cell screens had started but fell short of mentioning where the parts were going.

Front Panel Comparison

Apple is expected to debut the new iPhone on Sept. 12, with pre-orders set to begin that same day ahead of a Sept. 21 U.S. launch.


  • Reply 1 of 65
    blackbookblackbook Posts: 1,361member
    I think that is an NFC chip and Apple is trying to turn the rumor mill in the wrong direction weeks before the event.
  • Reply 2 of 65
    blitz1blitz1 Posts: 445member

    An iPhone 4SL

  • Reply 3 of 65


    Originally Posted by blackbook View Post

    I think that is an NFC chip and Apple is trying to turn the rumor mill in the wrong direction weeks before the event.

    no, i'm pretty sure that's a particle accelerator.

  • Reply 4 of 65


    Originally Posted by Blitz1 View Post

    An iPhone 4SL

    iPhone 4sDX

  • Reply 5 of 65
    rot'napplerot'napple Posts: 1,839member


    Originally Posted by Blitz1 View Post

    An iPhone 4SL

    No.   An iPhone 40 Long!  I have a similar sized suit.



  • Reply 6 of 65

    So the iphone 5 is a 4S with a bigger screen. Disappointed big time. Yes I'll still buy it, but what a let down.

  • Reply 7 of 65

    So is everyone 100% bought into these being real?  Just a thought that Apple might leak real looking parts out there to put focus away from the real phone.


    I always loved it when we had no real idea what was coming...  all this is spoiling the fun!


    Edit: I mean another thought is that nfc chip that is an unknown antenna/part.  It could just be fake?

  • Reply 8 of 65
    slurpyslurpy Posts: 5,386member
    tazzuk wrote: »
    So the iphone 5 is a 4S with a bigger screen. Disappointed big time. Yes I'll still buy it, but what a let down.

    What an incredibly insightful 1st post. I look forward to your incredible contributions in future threats.

    In other news, you don't have a clue what's in this phone, it's hardware features or software features. Nobody does. How the hell can these images offer insight on ANYTHING, Other than yes, a bigger screen? What did you expect the next iphone to look like, an iMac? Or a microwave? If you're 'disappointed big time' than you haven't been paying attention bc the casing was leaked a long time ago. Oh, or you're a troll. And no one is putting a damn gun to your head forcing you to buy this phone. There's a ton of options out there.

    Being 'disappointed big time' then still choosing to purchase is insanity and irrationality at its finest. This isn't a cheap phone. You don't like, don't buy. Your kind of posts are so mind numbingly idiotic.
  • Reply 9 of 65

    iPhone 4GS


    4G = LTE

    GS = good-sized screen? ><  


    or simply the new iPhone

  • Reply 10 of 65
    flabberflabber Posts: 100member

    I'm sure it has the usual CPU/GPU and memory updates, but the bigger screen without making a (drastically) bigger phone would be very nice indeed… I hate the Galaxy Note with a passion, but a slightly larger screen without making the phone larger would be a welcome change. :)

  • Reply 11 of 65
    antkm1antkm1 Posts: 1,441member

    It's hard to tell, because this guy in the video keeps turning the screen on the inside face, but it looks like the home button is getting significantly smaller?  anyone confirm this?  A bit jarring since I thought the home button was already just about as small as it should ever get.


    I agree this new design is a big disappointment for me.  I was hoping for something that doesn't look anything like the previous model.  Still think they should revisit the elliptical shape from the 3GS, but I know that would add width to the design, however the iPod Touch has something like it already it's way more comfortable to hold than the current iPhones.


    Luckily, I have and iPhone 4 and don't really have any reason to upgrade at least until this model is no longer supported by iOS updates.


    And what was up with the music in that video?

  • Reply 12 of 65


    Originally Posted by makingdots View Post

    iPhone 4GS


    4G = LTE

    GS = good-sized screen? ><  


    or simply the new iPhone

    Wouldn't that be iPhone 4GSS ;) 


    My bet is the new iPhone.

  • Reply 13 of 65

    Wow. The inside of the iPhone 4S looks so much more cleanly designed and elegant compared to the new part. It's shiny, simple, and beautifully laid out - compared to the "iPhone 5" part which is haphazard and cheap looking. It reminds me of the sort of functional, yet uninspiring designs that Samsung churn out every 3 months.


    Obviously the design influence of Steve Jobs is waning. In a few years, if this trend continues Apple will be just be another large uncaring electronics company churning out inelegant cash-cow junkPhones. I think that is very sad.

  • Reply 14 of 65


    Originally Posted by thataveragejoe View Post

    Wouldn't that be iPhone 4GSS ;) 


    My bet is the new iPhone.


    The 'iPhone' moniker is getting so tired and stale. Apple should call their new phones something else. Maybe xPhone or tPhone. Or "Universe S".

  • Reply 15 of 65
    antkm1antkm1 Posts: 1,441member


    Originally Posted by Slurpy View Post

    What an incredibly insightful 1st post. I look forward to your incredible contributions in future threats.

    In other news, you don't have a clue what's in this phone, it's hardware features or software features. Nobody does. How the hell can these images offer insight on ANYTHING, Other than yes, a bigger screen? What did you expect the next iphone to look like, an iMac? Or a microwave? If you're 'disappointed big time' than you haven't been paying attention bc the casing was leaked a long time ago. Oh, or you're a troll. And no one is putting a damn gun to your head forcing you to buy this phone. There's a ton of options out there.

    Being 'disappointed big time' then still choosing to purchase is insanity and irrationality at its finest. This isn't a cheap phone. You don't like, don't buy. Your kind of posts are so mind numbingly idiotic.

    Lighten up man, it's just a post to a forum...everyone's entitled to an opinion.  And there's no need to be insulting.  This guy's post hardly qualifies as "trolling"...I suggest you re-familiarize yourself with the definition.

  • Reply 16 of 65
    antkm1antkm1 Posts: 1,441member


    Originally Posted by Rennaisance View Post


    The 'iPhone' moniker is getting so tired and stale. Apple should call their new phones something else. Maybe xPhone or tPhone. Or "Universe S".

    That "tired" moniker is probably the most successful single product in history.  I highly doubt Apple as any intention of changing it.  That would be illogical and a horrible marketing strategy.

  • Reply 17 of 65
    williamhwilliamh Posts: 1,041member

    Two thoughts: 1) The parts could be something in the supply chain for a Chinese knock-off. Not necessarily Apple parts. 2)  This screen will be much easier to replace than the screen of the iPhone 4/4S.  To replace the 4 screen, you have to completely disassemble the phone - taking out nearly everything including the logic board.  This one will be like the 3/3GS, in that you only need to remove 2 screws and lift it (and carefully detach cables.).

  • Reply 17 of 65
    blitz1blitz1 Posts: 445member
    Wow. The inside of the iPhone 4S looks so much more cleanly designed and elegant compared to the new part. It's shiny, simple, and beautifully laid out - compared to the "iPhone 5" part which is haphazard and cheap looking. It reminds me of the sort of functional, yet uninspiring designs that Samsung churn out every 3 months.

    Obviously the design influence of Steve Jobs is waning. In a few years, if this trend continues Apple will be just be another large uncaring electronics company churning out inelegant cash-cow junkPhones. I think that is very sad.

    I also feel like Apple is not the same as it was 18 months ago. Frankly, I'm not sure yey whether it's for the worse or the better but anyway, it's clear that Apple is not as lean anymore as it used to be. Growing a bit concerned as I invested a lot in the ecosystem ans what used to be simple isn't really anymore (with iCloud being a real pain)
  • Reply 19 of 65
    djrumpydjrumpy Posts: 1,116member
    Looking forward to voice navigation, and the somewhat bigger screen, even if it's only in one direction :\

    The new beta maps are blazing fast on LTE as well as browsing overall. Really hope the new phone offers the same.

    Can't get excited about a bunch of component pictures though. We already know what the outside looks like for the most part, and the internals are of no interest to me.
  • Reply 20 of 65
    mkart4mkart4 Posts: 18member

    Haven't we been seeing this same part for the last month now

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