Apple Stores reportedly continue to see cutbacks as focus shifts to revenue



  • Reply 141 of 152

    It has now become quite apparent that John Browett is a total moron. He has absolutely no understanding of what makes Apple "Apple" and his continued presence will only lead to further damage to the brand and it's current and potentially future adherents. 

  • Reply 142 of 152
    haggarhaggar Posts: 1,568member


    Originally Posted by dysamoria View Post

    People have to stop thinking that, just because someone is upper management and paid disgusting amounts of money, and rich from previous jobs, that they have any clue what they're doing or are experts in any way. 


    But on the flip side, anyone who criticizes Apple's policies is usually met with responses like "Obviously so-and-so at Apple knows more than you and makes more money than you because you don't work there..."  Why should things be any different with John Browett?

  • Reply 143 of 152
    MarvinMarvin Posts: 15,443moderator
    <div align="center"><img src="" alt="Apple Store Staff" width="600" height="400" border="0"></div>

    Maybe they just need to cut back on Photoshopped staff. That guy just right of centre about half way back looks far too big and the person to his right must be extremely small - just the arms showing. I'm pretty sure that's Macy Gray at the front too.
    darthvader wrote:
    there are penalties for not meeting quotas.

    "How does Apple outsell Tiffany and Amazon?
    - They start with the philosophy that they are there first to solve problems for customers, NOT to sell them lots of stuff
    - Then with that passion for the customer, they watch and learn and invest in all aspects of the customer experience
    - "Your job is to understand all of your customers' needs—some of which they may not even realize they have," one training manual says
    - No sales quotas
    - No commissions

    Are there any weaknesses or potential problems?
    - As Apple grows its store base, it may find it difficult to keep finding and hiring employees who can embody the commitment to the customer experience
    - While Apple doesn't put quotas into place, it does retrain or move employees who don't sell enough service packages with the hardware they sell (most service packages are actually a bad deal for the customer)"

    Browett probably changed those but is reported here to be back-tracking on changes he's made to some of the policies:

    'Browett sent out the message to staff that “we messed up” and the company described the changes made as an error.

    An Apple spokeswoman told the paper: “Making these changes was a mistake and the changes are being reversed.

    “Our employees are our most important asset and the ones who provide the world-class service our customers deserve.”'
  • Reply 144 of 152
    haggarhaggar Posts: 1,568member


    Originally Posted by AppleInsider View Post

    He then reportedly requested leadership teams tell employees "we messed up," stressing that there were no layoffs taking place and new hires were being made.


    The words would have been more meaningful if they came from Browett himself, as in "I messed up".  But I suppose he is too busy hiding behind his desk.

  • Reply 145 of 152


    Originally Posted by eksodos View Post

    This might finally push me to making a platform switch to Microsoft Surface. … This is seriously bad news for consumers.


    Really? Bad news, maybe… but not THAT bad, sorry...


    How can it be that easy to push someone to MS + Surface…? A rumor of 'changes afoot' don't make the entire product line somehow and suddenly awful and unusable...

  • Reply 146 of 152


    Originally Posted by jragosta View Post

    In fact there have been times that it has been hard to navigate the store because the number of Apple employees is greater than the number of customers. There are undoubtedly times that the number of employees COULD be cut back without harming service in any way.


    I'll be honest, I'm having difficulty swallowing this part: "hard to navigate the store because the number of Apple employees is greater than the number of customers." Hard to navigate FOR THAT SPECIFIC REASON? Really? Small store + huge people, or…? Which store was this? More staff than customers, I could understand... in a slower part of the day (although the Apple Stores I've visited are ALWAYS packed regardless of time or day…). But not SO MANY STAFF the store was difficult to navigate… nah...


    And if there were fewer staff and more customers… what then? Hard to navigate because they are just too damned crowded? That is a growing problem at Apple Stores in general, but not because they're overstaffed...


    Just saying, it sounds a bit disingenuous to me, that's all...

  • Reply 147 of 152


    Originally Posted by Rogifan View Post

    I'll just remind all the Tim Cook haters that it was Steve Jobs who recommended Cook replace him as CEO. Care to explain that one away? Because I don't think you can.


    Umm, all the Tim Cook "haters"…? I don't see anyone expressing "hatred" toward Tim Cook here… There's no need to explain anything away.

  • Reply 148 of 152


    Originally Posted by Bruceedits View Post

    This is the result of most "bean counter-led" corporate takeovers.  Since Jobs died, I expect to see greed-based, MBA-type revisions to the company culture.  As if Apple is not making enough money or profits already, the MBAs come in and screw up the vibe of many companies when the original owners sell out of change hands.  This will be the start of the end for Apple if this is allowed to continue.

    I wouldn't go blaming MBAs.  I have one and I wouldn't cut staffing. You don't cut your sales staff when you have such a large surplus of cash you are having problems figuring out what to do with it. 


    Having said that, the experience in Apple stores at the moment is not a pleasant one.  They don't have lines - instead there are clusters of people dispersed around the store waiting for assistance.  Not everything should require an appointment at the Genius Bar or even speaking with a Genius.  There need to be more people dedicated to helping walk-ins for simple tasks. As an example, I had to make an exchange of my iPhone 4S due to a backlighting issue on my screen.  I was in the area at 3pm on a weekday and so I popped in.  An hour and a half later my exchange was complete.  That's simply ridiculous. Had I gotten it from Best Buy I would have been done in 15 minutes max.  There's lots of room for improvement in the stores and it doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out how to fix it.  Hopefully, these rumors turn out to be false.

  • Reply 149 of 152
    tallest skiltallest skil Posts: 43,388member

    Originally Posted by tribalogical View Post

    Umm, all the Tim Cook "haters"…? I don't see anyone expressing "hatred" toward Tim Cook here… There's no need to explain anything away.


    Anyone who has ever had their fries stolen by a friend would hate Tim Cook… 

    I can't believe I'm perpetuating that nonsense… 


    No, some people hated him because he's just an operations man, some people hate him for this new thing with the salesmen fiasco… 

  • Reply 150 of 152

    Most of the time there are not enough people to help. Trust me as an ex employee of apple, they have everyone there for a reason.

  • Reply 151 of 152


    Originally Posted by oneaburns View Post

    Having said that, the experience in Apple stores at the moment is not a pleasant one.  They don't have lines - instead there are clusters of people dispersed around the store waiting for assistance.  Not everything should require an appointment at the Genius Bar or even speaking with a Genius.  There need to be more people dedicated to helping walk-ins for simple tasks. As an example, I had to make an exchange of my iPhone 4S due to a backlighting issue on my screen.  I was in the area at 3pm on a weekday and so I popped in.  An hour and a half later my exchange was complete.  That's simply ridiculous. Had I gotten it from Best Buy I would have been done in 15 minutes max.  There's lots of room for improvement in the stores and it doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out how to fix it.  Hopefully, these rumors turn out to be false.


    Agree completely.  Apple stores are often so crowded that it can be both confusing and difficult to get assistance and especially to make a purchase.  And no way will I use their misnamed "Easy Pay" self-checkout app.  I have a very low opinion of stores that are so darn cheap that they can't provide employees to handle customer checkout.  When Apple stores first opened they had a register at the front where you could simply walk up and make a purchase.  Although, after reading this article, I referred to John Browett as a moron in my comments above, perhaps he can make a positive contribution by solving this issue and actually providing an area where a customer can simply line up to make a purchase.


  • Reply 152 of 152


    Originally Posted by Michael Scrip View Post

    Oh I agree!

    My point was... Apple Stores are doing incredibly well financially.

    They already have great customer service AND great revenue.

    So why do they need to make cutbacks to focus on revenue? It doesn't make sense.

    Though I have no knowledge of Apple's intentions here (just like everyone else) -- Apple's fault for being so secretive and allowing the void of information be filled with little more than opinions held out as the final truth -- Apple might be converting the low paying Apple Store part-time employees to more highly compensated/permanent employees. Apple has been criticized in the past for these employees' poor compensation especially given the Apple Stores' successes. 

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