Steve Wozniak says Apple Maps disappointing but issues not severe



  • Reply 41 of 88
    tomnryan wrote: »
    Why does Steve Wozniak's opinion matter?

    Because, despite having left ages ago, he was part of Apple at one point so he's of course an expert on all things tech, double if it's Apple

    And since he was part of Apple blogs can put that in the headlines and gets more hits.

    Frankly I wish folks would stop asking him and I wish he would stop answering. He was there to speak about a totally different topic and should have refused to talk about anything else out of respect for the folks that invited him there to talk about their thing

    Double when it has to do with what policies etc Apple should have. He knows nothing about how it has been run for the last 15-20 years so he has no business speaking about flawed policies, what their motives are etc
  • Reply 42 of 88
    it's a 90/10 problem. it's just fine for 90% of the customers, but the 10% are much louder.

    More like 99/1 but yes, the minority are loud. No matter what the product or the issue. Then the blogs pick it up and hype it as a major flaw etc
  • Reply 43 of 88


    Originally Posted by tomnryan View Post

    Why does Steve Wozniak's opinion matter?

    1) He's the co-founder of Apple.


    2) He's one of the few figures in the tech industry who is so honest and forthright. He loves Apple but isn't afraid to call them out. He's got the most street cred of anybody in the Valley with 30 years of goodwill and experience.


    3) He's a technical genius and is usually very fair and balanced. For goodness sake, he carries around like 6 brands of phone with him at all times. That gives him a pretty good perspective. 


    I'd say his opinion is often more valuable than some CEO of Company X who has a vested interest in public opinion going a certain way. 

  • Reply 44 of 88
    freediverx wrote: »
    Can we please stop quoting every pointless comment uttered by Wozniak? Yes, he was an Apple co-founder and he's quite wealthy as a result, but let's not forget that this guy has not made a contribution to technology in over 30 years. Woz had a knack for designing more efficient motherboards back at the damn of the PC era but thing guy is by no means a visionary or an authority on technology.

    I couldn't agree more. Unfortunately he gets hits from the blogs which means he'll be paraded out to events like he's THE authority on all things the, get interviewed, especially about Apple and so on.
  • Reply 45 of 88
    kotatsu wrote: »

    Apple have a very long way to go to get their maps to an acceptable level. It may well take several years.

    You mean like the several years it took google, Tom Tom etc. They didn't birth perfect maps out of their heads like Athena. Hell Google still has issues after 3 years of ignoring my repeated reports for the same errors. Including driving directions telling folks to go the wrong way down a street that has been one way for a good ten years
  • Reply 46 of 88
    jragosta wrote: »
    . Woz was a great engineer and did a wonderful job with the early Apple products. It's not right to belittle his contributions.

    Those contributions became moot after Jobs returned post Next. The company went a totally different direction and Woz was no part of it. He's been a member of Apple in name only since then. As someone rightly said, he knows no more than a bum on the corner or a stock analyst. He deserve the attention and yet he seeks it because for at least the last few years he hasn't done anything on his own to earn it. He's living off 'Apple co-founder’ to feed his ego. And don't think that because he looks all jolly and crap he doesn't have one, because he does. It's why he does stunts like standing in line at launches. He wants the attention, the phone etc is beside the point.
  • Reply 47 of 88


    Originally Posted by tomnryan View Post

    Why does Steve Wozniak's opinion matter?


    Don't take this personally, but I wish like hell there were a way to block posters who have less than a certain number of posts. I've been on both AppleInsider and MacRumors for the last 10+ years and both have been great forums with great people and lots of enjoyable exchanges. However, I've noticed a massive increase over the last couple years in new people making inflammatory or just plain dumb, troll-ish comments. Can't help but think it's the Android true believers. Sad to think that even at the height of the rivalry between Microsoft and Apple, we didn't see MS fans in here posting idiotic things but apparently Android guys have a different set of marching orders. 

  • Reply 48 of 88
    of course as in most things the squeeky wheels tend to get the attention and of course they never have an agenda! (sarcasm)

    One think I like though is if it does drive down the share price , I can buy more APPL on the dips and ride it up to the 800's once the results come out.

    So in a kind of perverse way, I love the "damage" this "instant gratification, it has to be perfect" stupidity has on Apple. Of course its overblown, just like the "disppointing 5MM devices" over one weekend stupidity. I'm sure there will be other overblown rants reported over the next few weeks and jumped on by Samturd and its minions and Android clonesblogosphere ****tards. But hey thats the insanity we live in now! LOL
  • Reply 49 of 88

    Originally Posted by Perfectionist View Post

    A looser, who means nothing these days.


    lol, irony.

    Originally Posted by inkswamp View Post

    Can't help but think it's the Android true believers. Sad to think that even at the height of the rivalry between Microsoft and Apple, we didn't see MS fans in here posting idiotic things but apparently Android guys have a different set of marching orders. 


    As wrong as they were, Microsoft fans at least had their honor. 

    Guess that's something Samsung helped the Fandroids not take to heart.

  • Reply 50 of 88

    There used to be a time when "bad news" like Maps  would drive down the Apple share price more than it does now. That's a real pity because I can't make money of of the Android f***tards anymore dammit.  Perhaps the shareholders are getting more savvy about the short sellers methods?


    Can't you Fandroids come up with something more substantial? Antennagate was a very profitable one. C'mon you are really losing it.

  • Reply 51 of 88
    paul94544 wrote: »
    One think I like though is if it does drive down the share price , I can buy more APPL on the dips and ride it up to the 800's once the results come out.

    you doth protest too much, methinks. aapl has only recently begun flirting with 700. it's about 690ish this morning. just how low to do you need it to dip before you ride it to the 800s? buy now and still get a 15% return on your ride.
  • Reply 52 of 88

    The "other databases have problems too" argument is not a defense of Apple at all.  No one has argued that Google, Garmin, or anyone else is perfect. 


    Google's location database, search, and traffic data are leagues better than what Apple is providing in iOS6. 


    I love Apple products, but come on.  They released an inferior product, and it's going to take a lot time for them to get this right.

  • Reply 53 of 88


    Originally Posted by freediverx View Post

    Can we please stop quoting every pointless comment uttered by Wozniak? Yes, he was an Apple co-founder and he's quite wealthy as a result, but let's not forget that this guy has not made a contribution to technology in over 30 years. Woz had a knack for designing more efficient motherboards back at the damn of the PC era but thing guy is by no means a visionary or an authority on technology.


    His vision and technical leadership not only changed the face of computing, but led to the creation of the world's most valuable company.  And, now, he is focused on transforming data storage.  I think he's earned the right to be quoted when he talks.


    But, enough about Woz.  Let's talk about you.  Tell me, what innovations have you brought to the table lately that have changed the face of computing, or led to the creation of a massively successful venture.  I'm sure you have also earned the right to criticize people like Woz, so I'm interested in hearing your story. 

  • Reply 54 of 88


    Originally Posted by JCK75 View Post

    The "other databases have problems too" argument is not a defense of Apple at all.  No one has argued that Google, Garmin, or anyone else is perfect. 


    Google's location database, search, and traffic data are leagues better than what Apple is providing in iOS6. 


    I love Apple products, but come on.  They released an inferior product, and it's going to take a lot time for them to get this right.

    Exactly!  I have no doubt that Apple will get there, and probably pretty quickly.  In the meantime, iOS 5 works just fine for me.  :)

  • Reply 55 of 88
    slurpyslurpy Posts: 5,386member


    Originally Posted by tomnryan View Post

    Why does Steve Wozniak's opinion matter?


    It doesn't, not in the least, and I'm sick of people pretending it does. The guy has been irrelevant for over 2 decades, and from his numerous comments the past few years has proven he has no real insight into what Apple should/shouldn't do. His reactions are often superficial and expected. The fact that he was Apple's co-founder more than 2 decades ago bears no significance to giving his opinion weight today. He constantly trolls Apple with inflammatory/provocative statements, it's nothing new. At the end of the day they all seem very childish, and if I was him I'd keep my mouth shut out of respect for the company. He's turned out to be completely wrong on most of the statements/predictions he's made. 

  • Reply 56 of 88
    Good for Woz- he simply wants the best of both worlds and can certainly afford it.
    I bet he owns a PC or two too.
  • Reply 57 of 88
    charlituna wrote: »
    You mean like the several years it took google, Tom Tom etc. They didn't birth perfect maps out of their heads like Athena. Hell Google still has issues after 3 years of ignoring my repeated reports for the same errors. Including driving directions telling folks to go the wrong way down a street that has been one way for a good ten years

    I'd rather have Apple get me the new iMac already than a bad Map App. It seems petty that Apple would spend gazzilions on bad Map App rather than pay Google a licensing fee and f up my user experience.
  • Reply 58 of 88

    wel to answer you question:


    I'd like the share price to drop down to about 650 at least, I think there is too much downside over the next few months given that the overall market is overbought, At 650 I think the risk is manageable and potential upside is very attractive. If we do have 10% market correction Apple being a coiled swing will bounce back pretty sharply imho as it usually does and its always possible to double down at 600 if it does that. As always its a question of risk/reward assesment , not easy to do. But I think a 650 price point is a fairly good entry over the next 3 months. to make a quick profit.

  • Reply 59 of 88
    drowdrow Posts: 126member


    Originally Posted by tomnryan View Post

    Why does Steve Wozniak's opinion matter?


    why does yours?

  • Reply 60 of 88
    Maps work just fine for me. A few destinations end up on the wrong side of the street, but I reported the problems. Will see how long it takes to get updated.
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