EarPods included with Apple's new iPod touch, iPod nano still lack remote and mic



  • Reply 21 of 61
    ortort Posts: 39member
    A dock and a wall wart for charging.

    They just come with a cable now.

    I don't feel like apple "owes" us a dock... but a little wall wart and some buttons on the headphones? It would be nice.

    The buttons are a big deal. You can't use an iPod Touch in your pocket, you have to take it out and look at it. The remote buttons are great.

    It's not going to make me not buy their stuff, but it doesn make me a little annoyed.
  • Reply 22 of 61
    sflocalsflocal Posts: 6,122member


    Originally Posted by Stromos View Post

     Troll much? It's the fact that Apple is going out of their way to cripple their new Earpods to make people buy another pair.  For example people who use their iPod Touch for phone calls now have to buy another set of Earpods right out the gate.  They don't even sell Earpods without a remote and mic.  You don't get any more obvious than that.



    Originally Posted by ort View Post

    Yeah, this is Apple at it's worst.

    There used to be a time when you got all sorts of stuff in the box when you bought something like a $300 iPod. They are the most profitable company on the planet, and they keep cheaping out on stuff like this.

    Hmm.... people buy an iPod Touch to which it's primary purpose is to play music and (thanks to iOS) apps.  I got that part.  Apple provides the equipment necessary to perform said service.  I got that too.

    The whiny, iHating trolls which represent less than 1% of the consumer market (but 113% ego and 100% static volume) find yet again another reason to spew their rhetoric on something that is not important to everyone else.

    Anyone that can afford to buy an iPod Touch most likely already has a phone, and most likely it's an iPhone.  While it's nice the iPod Touch has the capabilities of doing VoIP via applications like Skype, your decision to use it as a cheap-a$$ phone is pretty much your problem and yours alone.

    Go whine elsewhere.


  • Reply 23 of 61


    Originally Posted by jragosta View Post

    No. Actually, I don't troll at all.

    Pointing out that these are free earbuds that have respectable performance at their stated job (playing music) even though they don't offer every conceivable option that someone might require is not trolling. It's just pointing out how ridiculous the Whiners and Haters have become.


    I was specifically commenting on your jab about lazy Americans.

  • Reply 24 of 61


    Originally Posted by sflocal View Post


    Hmm.... people buy an iPod Touch to which it's primary purpose is to play music and (thanks to iOS) apps.  I got that part.  Apple provides the equipment necessary to perform said service.  I got that too.

    The whiny, iHating trolls which represent less than 1% of the consumer market (but 113% ego and 100% static volume) find yet again another reason to spew their rhetoric on something that is not important to everyone else.

    Anyone that can afford to buy an iPod Touch most likely already has a phone, and most likely it's an iPhone.  While it's nice the iPod Touch has the capabilities of doing VoIP via applications like Skype, your decision to use it as a cheap-a$$ phone is pretty much your problem and yours alone.

    Go whine elsewhere.


    I love my iPod Touch.  I really don't see why you think its so unreasonable that when you look at the iPod Touch page and watch the Earpods video you see Earpods with a remote and mic that that's what you expect to receive.  When they talked about the Earpods coming with the iPod Touch at the conference they didn't say they actually went out of their way to create Earpods without a mic and remote to include with the iPod Touch.  It's a music player and most music players have remotes. It isn't whining pointing out that Apple left out this detail at their conference and you have to dig into the technical specs of the iPod Touch to figure it out. I love that people think having an opinion and justifying it is whining.


    Fine, don't agree with me about the iPhone part.  The fact that you pay 1500+ a year for an iPhone when I pay 400 once every two years, since I have wifi 98% of the day, is not called being cheap its called being intelligent and frugal. I think most people have forgotten the concept of frugality and think that having money means they should piss it away. Having an iPhone so I can have data in my car ride to and from work is a complete waste of money.  I understand some people don't have wifi all day and the iPhone is a great choice for them.

  • Reply 25 of 61


    Originally Posted by Gazoobee View Post


    You use something for a non-standard use, and then you yell about having to buy an accessory to do that?  Hmmm... 


    I have also found that to use my house as a spaceship I also had to buy rocket tubes "right out of the gate."  I was so pissed ... 

    How awful!!!

    I would immediately change the real estate dealer. This should not happen!!


    Maybe you can find some other victims and start a class action suite?


    >>on topic<<

    the stream of whiners never ends.

  • Reply 26 of 61
    charlitunacharlituna Posts: 7,217member
    stromos wrote: »

     Troll much? It's the fact that Apple is going out of their way to cripple their new Earpods to make people buy another pair.  For example people who use their iPod Touch for phone calls now have to buy another set of Earpods right out the gate. 

    While I realize that the iPod touch can do VoIP calls how many people out of the potential whole, actually buy a touch for that. Probably not that many. And while you are peeved about the expense, how many of the rest of the group feel the same. Perhaps not that many. They have always had to buy new earbuds to get the mic and likely wont even think about it this time.
  • Reply 27 of 61
    mstonemstone Posts: 11,510member


    Originally Posted by Harbinger View Post

    Sure, a fully-featured set of EarPods would be nice. But I think this is how Apple looks at it - a microphone is a necessity on a phone but not on a media player. Apple typically includes features that are necessary. So this is a matter of principle rather than cheaping out. Just my two cents.

    I thought I read that the new iPod Touch comes with Siri. If so, it seems logical that you should be able to use it with the ear phone remote mic. Siri is going to speak to you through the earphone but you have to speak to her through the device mic? I think they should have included the remote mic if they include Siri.

  • Reply 28 of 61
    charlitunacharlituna Posts: 7,217member
    stromos wrote: »

    How is voip on a wifi device that can run Skype non-standard use? 

    when did Apple start selling iPod touches with Skype preloaded?

    They don't. You have to add it, like a number of other apps. Some of which require devices to worth to their optimum level. Are you going to be mad that Apple is making you pay for that midi connector, blood pressure cuff, heart rate monitor etc.
  • Reply 29 of 61
    flaneurflaneur Posts: 4,526member
    stromos wrote: »

    I love my iPod Touch.  I really don't see why you think its so unreasonable that when you look at the iPod Touch page and watch the Earpods video you see Earpods with a remote and mic that that's what you expect to receive.  When they talked about the Earpods coming with the iPod Touch at the conference they didn't say they actually went out of their way to create Earpods without a mic and remote to include with the iPod Touch.  It's a music player and most music players have remotes.

    Could you give us a link where the iPod touch is represented as coming with a remote/mic switch?

    I'm sticking with my interpretation that they CANNOT ship the iPods with the remote EarPods because of the liability that kids will chew or suck on them. Can you agree with that?

    Your other points about VoIP are interesting.
  • Reply 30 of 61
    gustavgustav Posts: 828member


    Originally Posted by tonton View Post

    Well, to be fair, the iPod Touch does have a built-in mic. Does the Nano? If not, then it's flabbergasting how they could ship the Nano with voice recording software, and require users to buy a microphone just to use it. Just saying...


    I don't see anything in Apple's marketing about the iPod Nano shipping with voice recording software.



    Originally Posted by Stromos View Post

    How is voip on a wifi device that can run Skype non-standard use?  It also comes with Facetime right out the box. 


    The iPod Touch comes with a voice recorder as well.  Acting like having a remote for a MUSIC PLAYER is something that should cost extra is a bit of a stretch.  I used the word cripple because they actually went out of their way to manufacture Earpods with limited functionality that they don't even sell.  Poor man's iPhone is also a stretch.  I have plenty of money for an iPhone.  It's called intelligence you should try it.  Why would I pay 1500 for a phone when I have wifi 98% of my day.  Sounds like a complete waste of money to me.  I can do all my email, most of my text messaging, and use apps like online banking all for a fraction of the cost of the iPhone.


    Skype is a third party app. You might as well complain that Apple doesn't ship the iCade accessory free because some third party apps support it.


    FaceTime is video conferencing software. There's no audio-only mode. There's absolutely no intended use case of you using FaceTime with the device in your pocket. Since you are holding it, you can use the microphone built-into the device, and the controls on the screen. Remote and mic on the earPod cord is not necessary to use FaceTime, and doesn't even offer any more convenience, since you are holding the iPod Touch anyway.



    Again, your use of "cripple" is wrong, and "actually went out of their way" is disingenuous. Apple manufactured the earpods that go with the iPod touch. Period. The fact that the iPhone includes a different model of earPods with extra features is irrelevant.


    You shouldn't pay $1500 for an iPhone. I never said you should buy one. I'm not the one who brought up the phone comparison. At the same time, if you don't want an iPhone, don't whine that Apple should give you free stuff to make your iPod be more like an iPhone. Since you have plenty of money, go buy a mic/remote headset if you want one with your iPod touch. It's not Apple's obligation to include it with your device just because they include it with a much more expensive (and suitable) device.
  • Reply 31 of 61
    mstonemstone Posts: 11,510member

    Originally Posted by sflocal View Post

    Anyone that can afford to buy an iPod Touch most likely already has a phone, and most likely it's an iPhone.  While it's nice the iPod Touch has the capabilities of doing VoIP via applications like Skype, your decision to use it as a cheap-a$$ phone is pretty much your problem and yours alone.


    Even Steve Jobs has described the ipod touch as “an iphone without the contract”.

  • Reply 32 of 61

    Has the iPod Touch ever come with a set of ear phones with a mic?  If not, this is a non issue, they did not take anything away from users.


  • Reply 33 of 61

    This generation

    rules the nation

    with version


    Music happen to be the food of love

    Sounds to really make you rub and scrub

    I say, pass the iPod on the left hand side

    Pass the iPod on the left hand side

  • Reply 34 of 61


    Originally Posted by Flaneur View Post

    Could you give us a link where the iPod touch is represented as coming with a remote/mic switch?

    I'm sticking with my interpretation that they CANNOT ship the iPods with the remote EarPods because of the liability that kids will chew or suck on them. Can you agree with that?

    Your other points about VoIP are interesting.

    That's extremely easy.  http://www.apple.com/ipod-touch/design/ Watch the Earpods video at 1:47. Liability of chewing or sucking on them?  They can't do that with the bare cord?  I don't disagree with anyone about paying extra and honestly I could care less I only use my iPod Touch for the Apps, iMessage, and email.  I think it's misleading that you as the customer have to dig into the technical specs to discover they don't come with a remote/mic.  If you watched the Keynote you would assume the Earpods are what they showed with a remote and mic.  If you search Earpods on Apple's Store you only find Earpods with a remote and mic for sale.  There are plenty of hints to mislead a person.  That's what I find wrong about it.  I am sorry if I haven't made this clear.  If they were upfront about it I wouldn't have a care in the world.  They do these things on purpose you can't tell me their marketing department doesn't think about these things.

  • Reply 35 of 61

    just another variation in the base user experience that shouldn't exist.  an iPod Touch should interact like all other iOS(like) devices.  Voice control, Siri (when on wifi), volume control, push to stop/start, push and holde to activate voicecontrol/siri.   These all make sense on the iPod Touch, and in subset on the ipod nano.


    As much as I like Apple, I hate them when they move from their core 'we know how people want to use this' and then, invariably the lock in (make everything work the same... use muscle memory as a barrier to switch to another device) that comes with it.

  • Reply 36 of 61

    Originally Posted by mstone View Post

    Even Steve Jobs has described the ipod touch as “an iphone without the contract”.


    Could have sworn it was "an iPhone without the phone". Big difference there.

  • Reply 37 of 61
    mstonemstone Posts: 11,510member


    Originally Posted by Tallest Skil View Post

    Originally Posted by mstone View Post

    Even Steve Jobs has described the ipod touch as “an iphone without the contract”.


    Could have sworn it was "an iPhone without the phone". Big difference there.

    He said both in the same sentence.



  • Reply 38 of 61

    Originally Posted by mstone View Post

    He said both in the same sentence.


    Leave it to Steve to be both contradictory and complimentary so concisely. image

  • Reply 39 of 61


    Originally Posted by jragosta View Post

    They also lack a back massager, parachute, and supercharger.

    I realize that Americans are getting lazier year after year, but is it really too much trouble to reach your iPod to switch songs?


    Actually, when the Third-Generation iPod Shuffle debut with absolutely no physical buttons on the device itself, forcing users to use the remote buttons on the headphone cords, there were a lot of unhappy Shuffle fans. Some people whined about being "forced" to use Apple Earbuds with the remote buttons for play/stop and volume controls, even though there were adapters available from third party vendors.


    So on the Fourth (current) Gen Shuffle, Apple restored ALL of the buttons and even added one for the VoiceOver feature, and removed the buttons from the included earbuds. It's what you people wanted, isn't it??? The ability to use any standard, off-the-shelf headphones with your iPod?


    Apple can't win.

  • Reply 40 of 61
    povilaspovilas Posts: 473member


    Originally Posted by jragosta View Post

    They also lack a back massager, parachute, and supercharger.

    I realize that Americans are getting lazier year after year, but is it really too much trouble to reach your iPod to switch songs?

    I go for runs with my iPhone and i use voice controls for a ot of thing including control what's playing. I'd expect EarPods that come with iPod touch to have those controls. It's not too much too ask and the use for it is an obvious one.

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