Photos allegedly show native Google Maps app for iOS

in General Discussion edited January 2014
A set of images released on Sunday reveal what is claimed to be Google's anticipated Google Maps app for iOS, suggesting the internet search giant is well into the process of developing standalone software after Apple ditched its mapping services with iOS 6.

Google Maps Alpha
Photo of alleged native iOS Google Maps app. | Source: Ben Guild

As noted by Forbes, Developer Ben Guild posted what are apparently photographs of an iDevice running a native version of Google Maps, which he says is currently in the alpha testing phase.

It is unclear how Guild acquired the photographs, or if they are legitimate, however the developer claims to have further inside knowledge on the supposed app, writing:
  • It?s vector-based.
  • It?s got two-finger rotation to any angle.
  • It?s super fast.
  • 4-inch height of the iPhone 5 is supported!
Google is expected to offer its mapping service on iOS sometime soon, though an exact timeline remains nebulous and the recent news of alpha testing hint that the software is months away.

Google Maps Closeups

Apple replaced the Google Maps-powered Maps app in iOS 6 with a proprietary solution that has been criticized for a lack of features and incorrect data, among other operating issues. The iOS Maps fiasco prompted Apple CEO Tim Cook to offer an apology to users, saying the service will get better over time.

Subsequent reports revealed the Cupertino-based company had a year left on its contract with Google Maps, but decided to move to its own mapping service despite warnings from developers that the product was fraught with problems. Some speculated the move was driven by disagreements over free turn-by-turn directions, a long-standing feature of Google Maps for Android that was never seen on the iOS iteration.


  • Reply 1 of 77
    nagrommenagromme Posts: 2,834member
    This is huge!

    So huge that it’s impossible to stand back far enough to photograph the entire screen.

    I’ll be glad to have it for the occasional Street View check, and for transit (Google’s site already does all this on iPhone, but an app would be nicer).

    But I don’t expect to use it much... people seem to be figuring out that iOS 6 Maps is actually pretty good in daily use. (Even if they have forgotten [URL=]all the errors[/URL] they still run into with Google Maps. Google seems to get a free pass on errors that cause a furor when it’s Apple! Funny how people loved TomTom and Waze, but now that data’s suddenly not good enough with Apple in the picture...)
  • Reply 2 of 77
    I can see Bigfoot in these hinty photos. Why not post complete screenshots instead of these teasers? Unless it's not real.
  • Reply 3 of 77

    I don't need Google Maps anymore thank you.

  • Reply 4 of 77
    solipsismxsolipsismx Posts: 19,566member
    And this will be as useful to most users as Chrome is on iOS.
  • Reply 5 of 77
    It'll be good to have as an option but I'll probably use Apple maps unless it can't find something.
  • Reply 6 of 77

    Originally Posted by Suddenly Newton View Post

    Why not post complete screenshots instead of these teasers? Unless it's not real.


    Same reason the original iPad leaked pictures were only partial and in the dark like this, probably. Those were real, while the "Office on iOS" images of this type so far haven't been.

  • Reply 7 of 77
    Am I the only person who likes the new Maps app? It fixes a few of my pet peeves including the fact that the old app's route highlighter blocked the traffic. I've found it to be accurate every time I've tried to use it and it's much faster on my 3G iPhone 4.
  • Reply 8 of 77
    Apple maps is great, but leaving out public transit was a huge mistake, that's got to be the main reason I even used Maps.
  • Reply 9 of 77
    For everyone NOT living in the USA this is pretty cool. Currently Apple maps puts my place of work about 120km in the wrong direction in Australia, and my second home in Germany is only rendered in black and white. I mean black and white serious WTF?

    I know I am only in the 3% of IOS user bothered by the shitty apple maps, but to me personally it matters enough to wait patiently to upgrade to IOS6 and am holding of on buying a IPhone5.

    In the meantime I'm starting to look around for alternatives to replace my apple gear, cause without maps I don't need an Iphone. Without an IPhone I need a different media player, so I don't need I-Tunes and without I-Tunes I don't need my Apple TV. And subsequently can also move my dev platform from OS-X back to Linux, and if I do that I don't need to pay premium for a mac book pro.

    All because of a simple stupid maps app. Crazy.

  • Reply 10 of 77
    I expect this is going to happen sooner or later. Google can't afford to give up this prime customer base and be left with just the Android low-enders.

    I think Apple should, and will, allow them to go about it the same way that anyone else with an App would. I am looking forward to seeing the outcome of this horse race -- unless Google can offer their most cutting edge product, it won't fly.
  • Reply 11 of 77

    Originally Posted by Marcel655 View Post

    All because of a simple stupid maps app. Crazy.


    Yeah, it is pretty crazy to spend thousands of dollars and waste all that time to fix a problem that doesn't really exist.

  • Reply 12 of 77
    slurpyslurpy Posts: 5,386member


    Originally Posted by dfergenson View Post

    Am I the only person who likes the new Maps app? It fixes a few of my pet peeves including the fact that the old app's route highlighter blocked the traffic. I've found it to be accurate every time I've tried to use it and it's much faster on my 3G iPhone 4.


    A recent survey found that 9/10 iPhone 5 users are having no issues with maps. And that number will increase everyday as it improves. So no, you're not alone. Not by a long shot. Don't be tricked into thinking that the hyper-sensationalized hysteria on the internet has anything to do with reality. I don't remember the last time internet reactions (tech-blog, comment sections, etc) have been in line with reactions in the real world. The majority of people have no issues with maps, myself included. The minority that do are extremely vocal about it. Look at someone like iSheldon, who has accumulated at least a few hundred posts trolling it. 

  • Reply 13 of 77


    Originally Posted by Marcel655 View Post

    For everyone NOT living in the USA this is pretty cool. Currently Apple maps puts my place of work about 120km in the wrong direction in Australia, and my second home in Germany is only rendered in black and white. I mean black and white serious WTF?

    I know I am only in the 3% of IOS user bothered by the shitty apple maps, but to me personally it matters enough to wait patiently to upgrade to IOS6 and am holding of on buying a IPhone5.

    In the meantime I'm starting to look around for alternatives to replace my apple gear, cause without maps I don't need an Iphone. Without an IPhone I need a different media player, so I don't need I-Tunes and without I-Tunes I don't need my Apple TV. And subsequently can also move my dev platform from OS-X back to Linux, and if I do that I don't need to pay premium for a mac book pro.

    All because of a simple stupid maps app. Crazy.


  • Reply 14 of 77


    Originally Posted by anantksundaram View Post

    I expect this is going to happen sooner or later. Google can't afford to give up this prime customer base and be left with just the Android low-enders.

    I think Apple should, and will, allow them to go about it the same way that anyone else with an App would. I am looking forward to seeing the outcome of this horse race -- unless Google can offer their most cutting edge product, it won't fly.

    Competition brings out the best in Google.  Before that, I cannot have my turn by turn navigation.

  • Reply 15 of 77
    slurpyslurpy Posts: 5,386member


    Originally Posted by Marcel655 View Post

    For everyone NOT living in the USA this is pretty cool. Currently Apple maps puts my place of work about 120km in the wrong direction in Australia, and my second home in Germany is only rendered in black and white. I mean black and white serious WTF?

    I know I am only in the 3% of IOS user bothered by the shitty apple maps, but to me personally it matters enough to wait patiently to upgrade to IOS6 and am holding of on buying a IPhone5.

    In the meantime I'm starting to look around for alternatives to replace my apple gear, cause without maps I don't need an Iphone. Without an IPhone I need a different media player, so I don't need I-Tunes and without I-Tunes I don't need my Apple TV. And subsequently can also move my dev platform from OS-X back to Linux, and if I do that I don't need to pay premium for a mac book pro.

    All because of a simple stupid maps app. Crazy.


    Yeah, cause, you know, having the satellite imagery of your house temporarily in black & white really affects your life, or something. Also. I'd hope you can find your way to your workplace by now. But yeah, your decision to change operating systems and dev platforms and spend thousands of dolars buying new products and transitioning workflows because of a single app (that has alternatives) is completely justified. 


    As I said, the people bitching the most about maps online are fringe cases like the above, with extreme, hysterical reactions. 

  • Reply 16 of 77


    Originally Posted by Marcel655 View Post

    ... am only in the 3% of IOS ... the shitty apple maps...... IPhone5. .... Iphone. Without an IPhone.... I-Tunes and without I-Tunes .... OS-X .... mac book pro.

    Hey, just so you know the next time you post: it's iOS, Apple, iPhone, iTunes, OS X, and MacBook Pro.


    If you were actually using an Apple device to post, it would have (helpfully) corrected you. ;-)


    PS: Apple came up with this naming convention just to make it easy-peasy to catch the fraudsters! image

  • Reply 17 of 77
    slurpyslurpy Posts: 5,386member


    Originally Posted by anantksundaram View Post

    Hey, just so you know the next time you post: it's iOS, Apple, iPhone, iTunes, OS X, and MacBook Pro.


    If you were actually using an Apple device to post, it would have (helpfully) corrected you. ;-)


    PS: Apple came up with this naming convention just to make it easy-peasy to catch the fraudsters! image


    No kidding. I can't wrap my mind around someone that can't the damn product names right. I mean, capitalizing the i AND adding a dash? I'd say someone who spells the products like that while claiming to own them is completely full of shit. He managed to mangle every single product name. 

  • Reply 18 of 77
    shenshen Posts: 434member
    Too little too late? Apples maps app has already significantly improved its backend data since I upgraded my phone on day one of the rollout. If google had been ready that day I likely would have changed, stuck maps in a folder, and forgotten about it. Instead it improved, and while not perfect, is not wrong any more often than google used to be. And was the old maps correctable? Now when something is off I just drag the pin, report it, and damned if it isn't better in a few weeks. I don't recall that with google....

    Sorry google, your window of oppertunity was measured in Internet time. You are now waaaaaaay too late.
  • Reply 19 of 77
    slurpyslurpy Posts: 5,386member


    Originally Posted by shen View Post

    Too little too late? Apples maps app has already significantly improved its backend data since I upgraded my phone on day one of the rollout. If google had been ready that day I likely would have changed, stuck maps in a folder, and forgotten about it. Instead it improved, and while not perfect, is not wrong any more often than google used to be. And was the old maps correctable? Now when something is off I just drag the pin, report it, and damned if it isn't better in a few weeks. I don't recall that with google....

    Sorry google, your window of oppertunity was measured in Internet time. You are now waaaaaaay too late.


    ..and imagine how much further it would have improved by Christmas. I predict Google maps will make very little impact. Google lost a golden opportunity.. by Eric Schmidt's own admission, they'd know 'for a long time' that Apple were moving to their own maps. If they were forward thinking they would have had the app ready by launch day, or shortly after, and would have benefitted from all the media attention and got good adoption. Now, their maps will hardly make a blip, since it will be released near the end of the year, or maybe even 2013. 

  • Reply 20 of 77
    Apple's Maps are absolutely fine for me and I see no need for this. F off google. Vector baesd because of Apple once again paving the way. I don't like copy cat apps. Just like I don't buy copy cat phones. Apple all the way for me.
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