Apple's smaller iPad forecast to become 'competition's worst nightmare'



  • Reply 21 of 232
    rogifanrogifan Posts: 10,669member
    It's not going to be called iPad Air. I wish Gruber would never have thrown that silly name out there. A starting price of 250 would be huge but if they can only offer 8GB to get there than forget it. Then start it at 300 for 16GB. Though I'd love Apple to surprise is next week with something no one is thinking of or hasn't made it through the rumor mill yet.
  • Reply 22 of 232
    solipsismxsolipsismx Posts: 19,566member
    rogifan wrote: »
    It's not going to be called iPad Air. I wish Gruber would never have thrown that silly name out there. A starting price of 250 would be huge but if they can only offer 8GB to get there than forget it. Then start it at 300 for 16GB. Though I'd love Apple to surprise is next week with something no one is thinking of or hasn't made it through the rumor mill yet.

    1) When you make such a statement you should have some facts to back up this claim. Note that your claim is not the same as "I doubt they'd call it the iPad Air.' Gruber has very clearly stated why he thinks iPad Air makes more sense than iPad mini and his rationale is solid.

    2) Apple doesn't have to match or beat the competition on price points because they other advantages to their products others can't compete with and that add tremendous value, like the ecosystem. There are potentially HW advantages, too, like size and weight, display area and quality, and battery life.
  • Reply 23 of 232


    Originally Posted by Rogifan View Post

    It's not going to be called iPad Air. I wish Gruber would never have thrown that silly name out there. A starting price of 250 would be huge but if they can only offer 8GB to get there than forget it. Then start it at 300 for 16GB. Though I'd love Apple to surprise is next week with something no one is thinking of or hasn't made it through the rumor mill yet.


    Curious, why do you think it won't be called the iPad Air? Makes much more sense than "iPad Mini", all considered, though I personally think the whole lineup will just have the name "iPad" across the board, in the same way that differently-sized MacBook Pros and Airs don't have different names.

  • Reply 24 of 232

    It's not (only) about price, it's also about what the iPad Mini will offer. The event is called 'A little more'. We know it will be little. But what does the 'more' stand for? An additional e-ink screen? The missing link to an Apple TV? Both? Or something else? It's probably the 'more' that will blow away the competion.

  • Reply 25 of 232
    solipsismxsolipsismx Posts: 19,566member
    Curious, why do you think it won't be called the iPad Air? Makes much more sense than "iPad Mini", all considered, though I personally think the whole lineup will just have the name "iPad" across the board, in the same way that differently-sized MacBook Pros and Airs don't have different names.

    I like iPad Air over iPad mini because the display isn't that much more miniature than the 9.7" iPad but it should be considerably thinner and lighter in much the same way the iPod Touch is to the iPhone. I think it will follow the same design and construction cues from the new Touch which means the top glass likely glued on to save on cost, running the same A5 ASIC, the battery being 4.39x the size of the iPod Touch for the 4.27x larger display, all in an anodized aluminum case that will come in colors that could be as many as the iPod Touch but likely less.
  • Reply 26 of 232
    philboogiephilboogie Posts: 7,675member
    $299 16GB 7.85"
    $349 32GB 7.85"
    $399 64GB 7.85"

    $399 16GB 9.7"
    $499 32GB 9.7"
    $599 64GB 9.7"

    All iPads come with 25GB free iCloud storage.

    Smaller iPads come in white, black, Product RED. That's 9 models, possibly more colors. No cellular; HotSpot your iPhone for that. No camera, front or back, You want that, go buy a 9.7". Retina to boot.

    Available today. Boom.
  • Reply 27 of 232
    solipsismxsolipsismx Posts: 19,566member
    philboogie wrote: »
    $299 16GB 7.85"
    $349 32GB 7.85"
    $399 64GB 7.85"
    $399 16GB 9.7"
    $499 32GB 9.7"
    $599 64GB 9.7"
    All iPads come with 25GB free iCloud storage.
    Smaller iPads come in white, black, Product RED. That's 9 models, possibly more colors. No cellular; HotSpot your iPhone for that. No camera, front or back, You want that, go buy a 9.7". Retina to boot.
    Available today. Boom.

    It would be great if Apple moved to a $50 for NAND doubling model but we yet to see that and I don't think they'd start that now. I also doubt we'll see the iPad (3) price drop by $100 mid-cycle, especially when they own that market. I'm also weary of 64GB coming. That said, I hope all these things do happen.

    I think there is a case to be made for no cameras if these are geared for the Enterprise and Education but I think there is a strong case to be made for their inclusion. It's not difficult to disable them and inexpensive to add them so I'm going to say they will be included.

    PS: This might be the first iPad where MicroSD could make sense.
  • Reply 28 of 232
    rogifanrogifan Posts: 10,669member
    Curious, why do you think it won't be called the iPad Air? Makes much more sense than "iPad Mini", all considered, though I personally think the whole lineup will just have the name "iPad" across the board, in the same way that differently-sized MacBook Pros and Airs don't have different names.
    I never use the term iPad mini either. Like you I think it will just be called iPad.
  • Reply 29 of 232

    I'm mainly looking for the availability date. Been waiting for a device smaller than an iPad, bigger than a touch for my parents to use while traveling. Hoping for a release by the 26th!


  • Reply 30 of 232
    banchobancho Posts: 1,517member


    Originally Posted by PhilBoogie View Post

     No camera, front or back, You want that, go buy a 9.7".

    So you can do facetime on an iPod, and an iPad, but not on an iPad Mini (or whatever it's to be called)?

  • Reply 31 of 232
    messiahmessiah Posts: 1,689member
    I hope they don't go back down the original MacBook Air route and try and sell 'less product' for 'more money'.

    Remember that debacle? The MBA didn't start to sell in any realistic volume until it was priced correctly.
  • Reply 32 of 232


    Originally Posted by Rodent View Post

    But the apple map app will still suck!

    time and QA will heal all wounds.

  • Reply 33 of 232

    Anything with an Apple logo in any space, will be disastrous for the competition in either profits, market share, or both, all of which will be tied into Apple's superior consumer satisfaction ratings. 


    Anything that is "more" iPad, or an extension to the iPad family in the same space, will be very, very bad news for competitors. 

  • Reply 34 of 232
    stefstef Posts: 87member
    I think the iPad Mini is for kids and schools. The new Touch spex may point to the Mini spex and features. The Touch is now a lean and mean and sleek machine. So Apple has created space for the Touch when the Mini arrives. Best guess for the Mini: Lower screen resolution than the Touch, front side camera only, less memory, no siri, no passbook. But it will have a bigger screen and all those apps and will sell for $200-250 to schools. So the Mini for school; the Touch for home. Adults at work can afford a full blown iPad, as current sales demonstrate clearly. Also the Mini will be lighter, brighter, thinner, faster and much more useful than the Fire or Nook.
  • Reply 35 of 232
    @jason98 lmao. No, a $99 Nexus isn't coming, and even if it did it wouldn't have comparable specs, similar appeal, or as tight an ecosystem to cause worry.
  • Reply 36 of 232
    vqrovqro Posts: 66member


    Originally Posted by TimUSCA View Post

    Well, rumors are that the intro price is $250. If that's true, it'll be a huge success.

    I sure hope so.  Anything above 250 will be a hard sell to the folks in the budget tablet market.  If Apple really wanted to kill their competition, they'd take a hit on this first iteration and price it at $200.  I know they won't but if they did they'd kill all their competitors in one stroke.

  • Reply 37 of 232
    rogifanrogifan Posts: 10,669member
    solipsismx wrote: »
    1) When you make such a statement you should have some facts to back up this claim. Note that your claim is not the same as "I doubt they'd call it the iPad Air.' Gruber has very clearly stated why he thinks iPad Air makes more sense than iPad mini and his rationale is solid.
    2) Apple doesn't have to match or beat the competition on price points because they other advantages to their products others can't compete with and that add tremendous value, like the ecosystem. There are potentially HW advantages, too, like size and weight, display area and quality, and battery life.
    OK I forgot to say "I think" or "IMO". I still think they just going to call it iPad. We don't have different names for the different sized MacBooks and iMacs, no need to do it with iPad.

    As far as price I've always contended that if Apple produces a superior product then charging a premium is not a problem. Having said that, I don't think they can completely ignore what Google and Amazon are doing in this space. It's highly likely that Google is going to come out with a 32GB Nexus tablet for $249. I think Apple would knock it out of the park if they launched a 16GB iPad for similar price. But 8GB at $250 is pushing it.

    What I'd love to see is 16GB as the starting configuration with a $250-$299 starting price point. IMO that would be huge.
  • Reply 38 of 232
    If the new iPod Touch starts at $300, can Apple really market a tablet for less than that? Seems like iPad 2 will go out and the little one will start at $400. Apple doesn't go to the bottom of the market. They don't have to.
  • Reply 39 of 232
    gazoobeegazoobee Posts: 3,754member


    Originally Posted by digitalclips View Post

    I hope it will at least start at lower than $350. $295 might by a nice price for an entry model.


    If those leaked prices are right, both things would (sort of) be true.  The 8GB one is purportedly $250 but the one you'd really want to buy (16GB) will be $350.  


    So it seems like Apple is doing exactly what Wu says in a way.  They are pricing it low enough to almost be dollar for dollar competitive with the rest, but swallowing margin on the base model and pumping it up on all the rest.  Apple does this all the time in fact.


    There is no way that an extra 8GB of memory actually cost them a hundred dollars, if the pricing scale reflected merely the increased component cost, it would be more like $50 between models.  The $250 entry model is likely at least close to "cost" for Apple with the rest having exorbitant margins, so that overall they can have their 30% margin. 

  • Reply 40 of 232


    Originally Posted by PhilBoogie View Post

    $299 16GB 7.85"

    $349 32GB 7.85"

    $399 64GB 7.85"

    $399 16GB 9.7"

    $499 32GB 9.7"

    $599 64GB 9.7"

    All iPads come with 25GB free iCloud storage.

    Smaller iPads come in white, black, Product RED. That's 9 models, possibly more colors. No cellular; HotSpot your iPhone for that. No camera, front or back, You want that, go buy a 9.7". Retina to boot.

    Available today. Boom.

    Ah no. They make a ton of money off of the cellular option. Pointless to get rid of it. And hotspot drains battery from phone and is not always ideal anyway. 

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