Initial iPad mini availability may be limited due to issues at display supplier



  • Reply 21 of 47
    solipsismxsolipsismx Posts: 19,566member
    Yields should be much higher the smaller a display gets.

    Yeah, but is more inline with a 5x larger iPhone 3GS display than a smaller iPad 2 display if you look at PPI and not resolution. Still, I would expect them to be able to not have yield issues unless using a more volatile tech like IGZO for the displays.
  • Reply 22 of 47
    anfboymn wrote: »
    What else is new?

    Yep. This is the typical 'our numbers might be too high so let's make up an issue so it's not our fault' game
  • Reply 23 of 47

    Look.  Just understand that availability will be limited, so you should rush in and get yours.



  • Reply 24 of 47
    gazoobeegazoobee Posts: 3,754member


    Originally Posted by eksodos View Post


    People such as John Gruber are saying you can definitely tell this is a non-Retina Display when reading text.  ...


    I don't trust John Gruber.  I would rather use my own eyes than his stardust filled vision, especially when it comes to anything to do with text, graphics, women, or Stanley Kubrick.  He has weird and powerful biases on all those topics.  :)

  • Reply 25 of 47


    Originally Posted by SolipsismX View Post


    Good luck with that. I predict the next version will be out next Autumn with an A6 running at 1024x768 that is either lighter/thinner or cheaper. I also predict the next 10" iPad update will be next Autumn with an A7 or A7X which will be the earliest for the Img Tech Rogue 6 GPU which should make things much easier for the iPad with that 2048x1536, which means it'll be the year after that we'll see the A7 or A7X in the iPad mini with a Retina Display. IOW, I'm saying 2014.


    This prediction doesn't make much sense to me. 1 year for a minor bump of the CPU and cheaper? (i doubt it can go much ligher, and not a priority either since it's already light enough). Even at this moment, Amazon is already producing 8.9 inc 1900x1200 tablet for $299. Apple cannot afford waiting another year and still with the same resolution for the iPad mini. By that time, Amazon would probably already be selling 7" 1080p display tablet, at $199.


    I give Apple 6 months to vastly improve the iPad mini display.  

  • Reply 26 of 47
    solipsismxsolipsismx Posts: 19,566member
    This prediction doesn't make much sense to me. 1 year for a minor bump of the CPU and cheaper? (i doubt it can go much ligher, and not a priority either since it's already light enough). Even at this moment, Amazon is already producing 8.9 inc 1900x1200 tablet for $299. Apple cannot afford waiting another year and still with the same resolution for the iPad mini. By that time, Amazon would probably already be selling 7" 1080p display tablet, at $199.

    I give Apple 6 months to vastly improve the iPad mini display.  

    History has shown to be very different. Sure, Apple could change it up and offer some odd resolution just to compete head-to-head with resolution for a product that isn't yet shipping but why go to all that trouble when it means messing with the devs, apps, app store, and ultimately the user experience.

    The only reasonable option based on their history is to go to 2048x1536 which we know is very power intensive. Did you not see what it did to the iPad (3) weight and thickness? I don't think that's an option for 1) a low cost device, and 2) a device that is seemingly built around how light it is.

    For those reasons I expect something like the 3GS to iPhone 4 transition where the 3GS was lagging behind far behind the competition in resolution but then trounced them with the iPhone 4. That hasn't hurt iPhone sales.

    But 6 month cycles? Really? What will come out every 6 months to make this a feasible option? With the iPad (3) to iPad (4) it's very clear it's 32nm without ever seeing an x-ray of the ASIC. A new lithogaprhy doesn't happen every 6 months or even every year.
  • Reply 27 of 47
    apple ][apple ][ Posts: 9,233member


    Originally Posted by Gazoobee View Post


    I don't trust John Gruber. 

    And he was totally 100% wrong on the name iPad Air. I for one, am glad, because that would have been a lame name that has nothing to do with an iPad. 


    I also think that the font size on his page is way too small. People shouldn't trust somebody else's eyesight to tell them how something looks, just go and have a look at it yourself in person, if they want to know how the iPad Mini display is like.

  • Reply 28 of 47
    solipsismxsolipsismx Posts: 19,566member
    "Apple wrote:
    [" url="/t/153710/initial-ipad-mini-availability-may-be-limited-due-to-issues-at-display-supplier#post_2218082"]And he was totally 100% wrong on the name iPad Air. I for one, am glad, because that would have been a lame name that has nothing to do with an iPad. 

    I also think that the font size on his page is way too small. People shouldn't trust somebody else's eyesight to tell them how something looks, just go and have a look at it yourself in person, if they want to know how the iPad Mini display is like.

    1) That was his opinion on what name would be best to describe the weight as being a key factor for the design goals and his assumption based on that. He never said it will be named that. We can conclude he was right about the weight.

    2) He admitted today that iPad mini is more apropos after holding it.

    3) You can easily use Command+Plus_Sign/Minus Sign to make the text bigger/smaller on any website.
  • Reply 29 of 47
    Hmmm an analyst rumors on a not yet shipping product, 2 days before quarterly earnings press meetings.

    Sounds suspect, trying to manipulate the stock market for his paid clients who shorted the stock.

    The Apple quarterly earnings won't be "great" but many Mac purchases were postponed for the updates and the iPhone 5 was only available for a short time and demand outweighs supply ( which isn't a bad thing )

    I'm looking forward to the Calendar Q4 Apple sales VS HP, the worlds number 1 computer manufacturer that doesn't make phones or tablets.
  • Reply 30 of 47
    apple ][apple ][ Posts: 9,233member


    Originally Posted by SolipsismX View Post

    1) That was his opinion on what name would be best to describe the weight as being a key factor for the design goals and his assumption based on that. He never said it will be named that. We can conclude he was right about the weight.

    2) He admitted today that iPad mini is more apropos after holding it.

    3) You can easily use Command+Plus_Sign/Minus Sign to make the text bigger/smaller on any website.

    1) Yes, there's no doubt that iPad Mini is incredibly light, I don't think that anybody is going to disagree with that. I was pointing out that he made three guesses as to what it would be called, and iPad Mini was his last choice.



    That’s why my guesses as to what the thing is going to be called go in this order:

    1. iPad Air

    2. iPad

    3. iPad Mini

    2) Well, I'm glad that he changed his mind.

    3) Thanks for that tip, though I assume that you meant it jokingly, since I am of course aware of that. Since the default size is so tiny, it gives somebody an insight as to where somebody's design sensibilities lie. I remember tiny text being popular on some websites more than a decade ago, in 2012, not so much.


    I can of course finish my post in a very small font, and you can of course enlarge it if you have difficulty reading it, but in general, I try to avoid places where people use strange fonts and/or tiny fonts. The default size should be easily legible, IMO.




  • Reply 31 of 47
    irnchrizirnchriz Posts: 1,617member
    I think that these analysts just copy and paste this pish every time Apple releases a product and Apple still manage to ship millions of units regardless.

    On another note, what do you think Apple has up its sleeve for March now that it has moved the tablet launches to October?

    March? - maybe Mac App Store and Apple software suites?
    June - Mac OS
    Sept - iPhone/iOS
    Oct - iPads

    Hardware refreshes come in all over the place for Mac and I doubt that a new Mac Pro can justify a big press event all on its own.
  • Reply 32 of 47
    lilgto64lilgto64 Posts: 1,147member

    Where do the analysts get their info? Is there a published document from the supplier that indicates what their production numbers are and or what their customer contracts (or orders, etc) specify is their target production? Or any info published guidance from Apple that says "our earnings are earnings will be lower than expected due to component supply constraints" 


  • Reply 33 of 47
    andysolandysol Posts: 2,506member
    irnchriz wrote: »
    I think that these analysts just copy and paste this pish every time Apple releases a product and Apple still manage to ship millions of units regardless.
    On another note, what do you think Apple has up its sleeve for March now that it has moved the tablet launches to October?
    March? - maybe Mac App Store and Apple software suites?
    June - Mac OS
    Sept - iPhone/iOS
    Oct - iPads
    Hardware refreshes come in all over the place for Mac and I doubt that a new Mac Pro can justify a big press event all on its own.

    I thnk in march we see another Apple TV. I wouldn't be surprised at all if we saw a refreshed mini with retina depending on sales. I wouldn't count on it- but you'd be a fool to count against it. Who saw the iPad 4 coming? One day before we got the first rumor- a slightly bigger camera hole- that's it.

    Macs will be spaced throughout the year as they always do.

    They could also move the iPhone back to where it was 2 years ago and iPad up to September as it will likely be a smaller change than the 4S to 5 was. There's no telling what apple does.
  • Reply 34 of 47
    Useful info considering the launch was rather underwhelming and did nothing for Apple's share price.
  • Reply 35 of 47

    Is this the same screen that was in the iPhone 3Gs? If it is, I would expect a better screen in the next update. The tradeoff of a little thicker did not seem to hurt sales of the iPad3. Sales might drop off after the holidays since people might wait for the spring update.

  • Reply 36 of 47

    OMG!!!!! I need to pre-order ten ASAP so that I can get rich on EBAY !!!!!!!!!!!1!!11!!!!!1!!!!

    It'll be this year's Cabbage Patch Kids 11!!!!!1!!!!1!1!!!!!

  • Reply 37 of 47
    It doesn't matter how great a product Apple designs if they can't produce it. Apple is becoming another Tesla Motors.

    Their stock is now about 100 points below their high of just a couple months ago and that plunge is deserved. They cannot compromise on quality but they can't push the suppliers passed what they can do.

    Is Samsung really that much better at building quality components than everyone else? If that is the case, Samsung's got Apple over the proverbial barrel.

    Apple can't expect customers to wait until they get their act together -- demand for Apple products contains the critical factor of availability. Customers are not going to wait and will move to competitors.
  • Reply 38 of 47


    Originally Posted by Dickprinter View Post

    Don't you guys get it??? They'll say anything to push the stock even lower ahead of the earnings report on Thursday.

    The problems with production are real. The truth is pushing the stock lower by 100 points from Apple's high. 


    Fact. The earliest the out of stock stores can will be getting iPhone 5 is mid December. I expect the same for the iPads, iMacs, and MBPs. Once the initial supplies are gone, you'll have to wait a long time. Analysts would be best cutting Apple's sales by 1/2 to have any chance of being in the ballpark of actual sales. 

  • Reply 39 of 47
    nhtnht Posts: 4,522member


    Originally Posted by waldobushman View Post

    The problems with production are real. The truth is pushing the stock lower by 100 points from Apple's high. 



    The truth is the for the last 3 months it has been trending a little above and then a little below the S&P in terms of percentage gains and losses. 


    The truth is that AAPL is a volatile stock that has been prone to short term manipulation but has steadily trended upwards.


    The truth is your statement is asinine.

  • Reply 40 of 47

    Originally Posted by waldobushman View Post

    The problems with production are real.


    Which you know, given that you work at Foxconn and are being given WAY more thirty second breaks than you're used to.

    Fact. The earliest the out of stock stores can will be getting iPhone 5 is mid December.


    Source. Really, what's your source on this.

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