Apple's executive shakeup viewed as consolidation, not cause for concern



  • Reply 61 of 65
    alanskyalansky Posts: 235member
    In this context, Scott Forestall's role as an "advisor" to Tim Cook most likely means that his job is to advise Tim Cook of his whereabouts at all times and to refrain from making any Apple-related product decisions without first getting Tim Cook's approval.
  • Reply 62 of 65
    alanskyalansky Posts: 235member


    Originally Posted by haar View Post

    the comparisons to Steve Jobs are amazing... when Steve Jobs was ousted at the original Apple he was going to be kept around as an "advisor" but he didn't want too... because he had no power IMO (Just a figurehead with a desk)... As described in Walter Isaacson's book...

    You're comparing Steve Jobs' departure from Apple to Scott Forestall's?! PLEASE!!!

  • Reply 63 of 65
    x15bx15b Posts: 1member

    Why I am hearing all over the place that Scott Forstall's departure is "not for concern".  I think they protest too much !

    Beside Steve, as a software designer myself, the only other manager I ever saw on stage that just ozzed software design was Scott.  I will miss him and I for one, am now worried that management has been taken over by people that just look to me like my local chemist behind the counter issuing nice looking grey labels while trying to smile.  I think the real question should be "is apple still a radical company ?"  Perhaps it has way too much money to loose now to be so radical, with money now being more important.  After all, it is the legally enforceable over riding nature of public companies to maximise yearly profits.  Unfortunately many people think this is always a good thing and design should be done in a nice group effort and not by visionary people with strong opinions about the future.

  • Reply 64 of 65
    Glad to see CEO Tim acknowledging that he is vision-less. Why it took this long, we'll never know.
  • Reply 65 of 65

    Steve Jobs and Apple have long talked about the intersection of Hardware and Software. What’s new is Apple’s recognition of services as a peer that’s equal in importance to Hardware and Software, something that’s been clearly acknowledged in the recent earnings call and the iPad Mini keynote. This executive shake-up is Apple’s yet another signal of Apple’s goal to create a single universal operating system across all of its devices. Here’s more on my take:

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