Users report dead Apple TVs after installing software update



  • Reply 41 of 61
    Two updates ago ... my appleTV could no longer play 1080p tv shows / movies ... had tons of trouble doing just about anything. Then after the September update ... everything works fine again.

    I am now reticent to update it at all anymore since it is working fine now.
  • Reply 42 of 61
    dasanman69dasanman69 Posts: 13,002member
    Now imagine this happening on a 55" television.
  • Reply 43 of 61
    dasanman69dasanman69 Posts: 13,002member
    charlituna wrote: »
    What I love in these cases is the number of folks that gripe on the boards on but when asked haven't taken it in for service
    Things break, no matter who made them. It's part of life. The important part is how that break is handling. Apple generally has good service, as long as you follow the rules and don't act like a douche. I can't say the same about all companies

    Is there a Apple store in all 50 states?
  • Reply 44 of 61
    Thank goodness it's just a hobby. Imagine if this had happened to iPhones: the shit would hit the fan, then the fan would hit another fan.
  • Reply 45 of 61
    Two updates ago ... my appleTV could no longer play 1080p tv shows / movies ... had tons of trouble doing just about anything. Then after the September update ... everything works fine again.
    I am now reticent to update it at all anymore since it is working fine now.

    You know the saying: "if it ain't broke, try harder."
  • Reply 46 of 61
    gazoobeegazoobee Posts: 3,754member


    Originally Posted by TBell View Post



    True, but there is different methods of jailbreaking. I agree though that the Apple TV is woefully inadequate especially in relation to the XBox 360, Roku, and now even the Google TV boxes. The 360 just added web browsing. Roku has a million channels, and it only costs $50. 


    Apple should have had an Apple TV app store a long time ago. The only explanation would be that maybe Apple has something better in the works. The Apple TV should at least have messages, email, and safari. It seems a no brainer to bring games using an iPad/iPhone as the controller. 


    No offence, but you're really just seeing this from your own point of view here.  Not everyone would agree with most of your complaints.  Most of the other products and services you quote are USA only for example so that leaves most of the world not agreeing with you there.  


    Most importantly, the idea that Apple TV should have apps, messages, email, and Safari, puts you in a very tiny group.  You are basically arguing there that Apple TV should mimic "WebTV" (and it's imitators), all of which were huge failures.  


    It turns out that most people don't actually want to do email on the TV and don't want to cruise the web on a TV either.  Personally, I'm not against any of your ideas, but you should realise that they aren't really what most people seem to want.  

  • Reply 47 of 61
    ssquirrelssquirrel Posts: 1,196member

    I bought an Apple TV last August and I don't recall if I ever added the Applecare, altho I'm thinking I didn't.  I've been having lots of problems connecting recently and I had been attributing it to the change to the new modem/router when I jumped to 30.0 cable inet recently.  It will play one video just fine and then the next one just sit there spinning and doing nothing.  Very haphazard on when it will work and really frustrating

  • Reply 48 of 61
    dr_lhadr_lha Posts: 236member


    Originally Posted by dasanman69 View Post

    Is there a Apple store in all 50 states?

    No. Also I live in a state that has many Apple Stores, and the closest to me is 94 miles away. Popping down to the Apple Store is certainly not an option for many.

  • Reply 49 of 61
    MacProMacPro Posts: 19,815member
    mac-daddy wrote: »
    Not sure why that was post-worthy. It's clear that some (not all) users are having problems. No one posts a story that says "Hey this product is working, just wanted to let you know."

    You don't think reports of something working fine are as relevant as reports of things not working fine in this context ... really? To explain to you, it means that not all Apple TVs had issues with an update which is very relevant IMHO.
  • Reply 50 of 61


    Originally Posted by ifij775 View Post

    I had the "problem setting date and time" error. Ugh, Apple needs to get on this ASAP

    Same here. For some reason though, it finally got through that part after I left the unit unplugged for several hours.

  • Reply 51 of 61
    zoetmbzoetmb Posts: 2,655member


    Originally Posted by charlituna View Post

    What I love in these cases is the number of folks that gripe on the boards on but when asked haven't taken it in for service

    Things break, no matter who made them. It's part of life. The important part is how that break is handling. Apple generally has good service, as long as you follow the rules and don't act like a douche. I can't say the same about all companies


    I disagree when it comes to software upgrades.   There's no reason why these can't be bullet proof.   There's no reason I should have to bring any device to Apple because they don't have enough QC to supply a decent software upgrade.   Apple used to be just about perfect at this.   There's been plenty of such problems recently.

  • Reply 52 of 61
    dr_lha wrote: »

    The issue is with the fact that any update with the current system configuration seems to still have a finite chance of bricking a system.

    Any update with any system has a chance of bricking.

    The only way to have a aystem that will never ever break is don't use electronics ever.

    And, like so many 'major flaws' this one is not universal as a design flaw would be.

    But by all means, please go to Apple and tell them how they should be doing things. I'm sure Sir Jony and friends will welcome the instruction since they are so dumb
  • Reply 53 of 61
    vorsos wrote: »
    , partly for their legendary "it just works" mythos.
    There is a major part of the issue. It was users that decided 'it just works' means there are never ever any problems. Apple never made such a claim. That phrase was about using the computers.

    If users create a blown out bad expectation that is their fault, not Apple. If they bitch and moan ad nauseum about an issue what can be fixed with a patch, or refuse to go to Apple etc, that is on them. Most of these issues are total first world and folks need to get a reality check about the extent of the issue, the nature of blog post hyperbole etc
  • Reply 54 of 61
    b9botb9bot Posts: 238member
    My 3rd Gen is running just fine.
  • Reply 55 of 61
    dasanman69dasanman69 Posts: 13,002member
    charlituna wrote: »
    There is a major part of the issue. It was users that decided 'it just works' means there are never ever any problems. Apple never made such a claim. That phrase was about using the computers.
    If users create a blown out bad expectation that is their fault, not Apple. If they bitch and moan ad nauseum about an issue what can be fixed with a patch, or refuse to go to Apple etc, that is on them. Most of these issues are total first world and folks need to get a reality check about the extent of the issue, the nature of blog post hyperbole etc

    Regardless of what it's supposed to mean when it is not working it does not "just work", and the Apple TV doesn't work by magic it is still a form of computer.
  • Reply 56 of 61


    Originally Posted by TBell View Post



    Are you really going to ask the poster to provide evidence of 1) something that is obvious, and 2) you can find yourself by doing a simple Internet search. Whenever you jailbreak your iOS device, you run the risk of bricking it especially if you update. I have two iPhones in the family, and both are jailbroken. The number one rule of jailbreaking is you don't upgrade until the jailbreaking community gives the OK. 


    That doesn't mean the people who have bricked devices jailbroke their devices, but it is something to consider. 


    Actually... the #1 rule of Jailbreaking is not to talk about Jailbreaking

  • Reply 57 of 61
    kr00kr00 Posts: 99member


    Originally Posted by calisurfboy View Post

    What is up with Apples quality control center these days? The Macbook Pro and retina update 2.0 made many users laptops inoperable and now this update does the same to Apple TV. 



    Yes. Every macBook Pro and every ATV is faulty. Your logic is as bad as your trolling.

  • Reply 58 of 61
    kr00kr00 Posts: 99member


    Originally Posted by zoetmb View Post


    I disagree when it comes to software upgrades.   There's no reason why these can't be bullet proof.   There's no reason I should have to bring any device to Apple because they don't have enough QC to supply a decent software upgrade.   Apple used to be just about perfect at this.   There's been plenty of such problems recently.

     The number of variables that can cause a bad firmware installation can be too many to count. What if your internet connection is flakey? Apples fault? What if your ATV runs hot because you choose to sit it on a DVD or other device? Apples fault? Your router reboots in the middle of a download? These random issues do happen, but it wasn't every ATV and every users having the problem. Nobody can give a 100% guarantee with anything, especially electronics. Only an idiot would expect anything to be bulletproof. Even bulletproof glass isn't bulletproof.

  • Reply 59 of 61
    jragostajragosta Posts: 10,473member
    charlituna wrote: »
    What I love in these cases is the number of folks that gripe on the boards on but when asked haven't taken it in for service

    The usual experience on the Apple forums is that for every 1,000 posts on a topic, you have:

    5 people who actually experienced a problem - but they post 20 times each.
    50 trolls who ever even owned the device who post 5 times each saying that everyone seems to be having the problem.
    100 people who post "mine works".
    250 people posting "Apple sucks".
    150 people posting "my cheapo Android device works".
    100 people posting completely unrelated issues about different devices.
    50 people who are lost and can't find their way to the bathroom.

    Notice that there is rarely any evidence about the frequency of these problems.
    charlituna wrote: »
    Things break, no matter who made them. It's part of life. The important part is how that break is handling. Apple generally has good service, as long as you follow the rules and don't act like a douche. I can't say the same about all companies

    Absolutely true.
    mac-daddy wrote: »
    Not sure why that was post-worthy. It's clear that some (not all) users are having problems. No one posts a story that says "Hey this product is working, just wanted to let you know."

    Which is why this type of story is a waste of time. There are millions of Apple TVs out there - there will be problems. Heck, some of them would have failed on any given day even WITHOUT the upgrade. Only a tiny percentage of the people without problems ever post their experience, but more of the people with problems do so. Unless someone actually posts real numbers of how many sets failed, it's pointless.
  • Reply 60 of 61
    vorsosvorsos Posts: 302member

    charlituna View Post

    There is a major part of the issue. It was users that decided 'it just works' means there are never ever any problems. Apple never made such a claim. That phrase was about using the computers.

    If users create a blown out bad expectation that is their fault, not Apple. If they bitch and moan ad nauseum about an issue what can be fixed with a patch, or refuse to go to Apple etc, that is on them. Most of these issues are total first world and folks need to get a reality check about the extent of the issue, the nature of blog post hyperbole etc


    That's blaming the victim, which I mentioned earlier. It also ignores the fact that these boxes were working, then Apple delivered an update that made some of them stop working. Yes, it likely affects a small percentage of users, but that statistic does nothing to help us. Yes, it's a first world problem, because that's where we live. Should any complaint about a luxury item be similarly dismissed? Let's apply that logic:


    "So what if your AppleTV has connection problems? At least you have access to clean water!"


    "After your shop serviced my new BMW, it stalls at stoplights."

    "Only a few other people have reported this, so you've obviously been swept up in blog post hyperbole. Go away and get a reality check about the extent of the issue."

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