Latest Apple stock selloff blamed on misinterpreted story on iPhone sales



  • Reply 41 of 60
    freerangefreerange Posts: 1,597member
    gatorguy wrote: »
    Google's stock price went up even more than Apple's in the past few months. They're also heavily held by institutional investors. Yet Google's stock isn't taking nearly the same hit. (Tho they almost certainly will, perhaps within weeks, due to hanging legal issues.)

    There's something going on other than cashing in to pay taxes affecting Apple's stock price IMO.

    Yes, it's called stock manipulation and Apple has historically been the most manipulated stock on the market as the littlest rumor can cause huge moves because of Apple's obsessive secrecy.
  • Reply 42 of 60
    I'm sitting in a hotel in Dongguuan China as I read this. I can tell you one thing about my visit here. Chinese people want the iPhone 5! I can't tell you how many times people are drooling over my iPhone 5 when I pull it out. Once it is sold in China it will sell like crazy. China mobile will carry the iPhone.
  • Reply 43 of 60
    gatorguygatorguy Posts: 24,584member


    Originally Posted by FreeRange View Post

    Yes, it's called stock manipulation and Apple has historically been the most manipulated stock on the market as the littlest rumor can cause huge moves because of Apple's obsessive secrecy.

    Then why would an individual investor be smart to buy Apple stock? Heavily manipulated securities are to be avoided aren't they?

  • Reply 44 of 60

    I guess I will know if I am right by Jan 7, 2013.  If the money comes pouring back into the stock by then (or if a deal is done before then which keeps long term capital gains tax rate the same), I think we will know what the culprit was.

  • Reply 45 of 60
    rogifanrogifan Posts: 10,669member
    freerange wrote: »
    You obviously have no clue about how Apple stock is continuously manipulated by the hedge funds and other institutional investors. They use every little opportunity to drive big moves in this stock to their advantage, like a yoyo.
    oh I believe the stock is heavily manipulated. I just don't think it drops almost. 7% in one day because of a rumor from a less than reputable source like DigiTimes.
  • Reply 46 of 60
    rogifanrogifan Posts: 10,669member
    galore2112 wrote: »
    Since when is this tax which some here desperately cling to as a reason for the drop specific to Apple? Shouldn't the whole market have fallen the same? The Dow is up 0.64% today and the Nasdaq is down 0.77%. Neither is down 6.43% like Apple. So either this tax applies just to Apple or this explanation for Apple's drop today is silly.
    As someone previously posted:
    "Apple tumbled more than 6 percent, logging its worst one-day decline in 2012, following news that the company's margin requirements are being raised to 60 percent from 30 percent by COR Clearing."
  • Reply 47 of 60

    I love how everyone, especially Freerange is ignoring post #9.

  • Reply 48 of 60


    Originally Posted by minicapt View Post

    No, but iOS has seen its last major upgrade. In June, Apple will announce a switch to Intel SoCs on all iOS devices; to be followed by a changeover to Android in Sep 13.




    If Apple used Android, they would have to sue themselves for stealing their own ideas.

  • Reply 49 of 60


    Originally Posted by Noliving View Post

    I love how everyone, especially Freerange is ignoring post #9.

    I love how you ignored post #13.

  • Reply 50 of 60

    Originally Posted by Suddenly Newton View Post

    If Apple used Android, they would have to sue themselves for stealing their own ideas.


    I'll bet Disney has tried that. 

  • Reply 51 of 60

    Funny when every time Apple stock falls, which it does quite often lately, analysts come up with excuses but fail to see the obvious: Apple under Tim Cook leadership SUCKS.

    The products are harder to use than the competitors.


    And do not call me an Apple basher. When Gene Munster from Piper Jaffray back in 2005 had $60 target on AAPL, I foresaw $300.  This seemed crazy but it did happen because Apple products where easiest to use in the land of crapwhare. Not anymore.


    Now analysts scream $1000 for AAPL, I see AGAIN $300. Want to know why?  Simply google


    Apple DNA $300


    and follow the #1 search result.

  • Reply 52 of 60
    jnjnjnjnjnjn Posts: 588member


    Originally Posted by enature View Post

    bla bla bla ...


    And do not call me an Apple basher. When Gene Munster from Piper Jaffray back in 2005 had $60 target on AAPL, I foresaw $300.  This seemed crazy but it did happen because Apple products where easiest to use in the land of crapwhare. Not anymore.


    bla bla ...


    and follow the #1 search result.


    See comment #5.



  • Reply 53 of 60

    my roomate's mother makes $79 every hour on the internet. She has been out of a job for 5 months but last month her check was $21010 just working on the internet for a few hours. Read more on this site cloud68d OTcom


  • Reply 54 of 60

    as Adam implied I'm shocked that you able to earn $7328 in one month on the internet. did you look at this page cloud68.c om


  • Reply 55 of 60
    rogifanrogifan Posts: 10,669member
    enature wrote: »
    [SIZE=10pt]Funny when every time Apple stock falls, which it does quite often lately, analysts come up with excuses but fail to see the obvious: Apple under Tim Cook leadership SUCKS.[/SIZE]
    [SIZE=10pt]The products are harder to use than the competitors.[/SIZE]

    [SIZE=10pt]And do not call me an Apple basher. When Gene Munster from Piper Jaffray back in 2005 had $60 target on AAPL, I foresaw $300.  This seemed crazy but it did happen because Apple products where easiest to use in the land of crapwhare. Not anymore.[/SIZE]

    [SIZE=10pt]Now analysts scream $1000 for AAPL, I see AGAIN $300. Want to know why?  Simply google[/SIZE]

    [SIZE=10pt]Apple DNA $300[/SIZE]

    [SIZE=10pt]and follow the #1 search result.[/SIZE]
    Yeah Apple's stock is going to drop 7% in ONE DAY because investors just figured out that Tim Cook sucks. There's only one post (#9) that can explain a single day drop that large. No way does an IDC report predicting tablet marketshare in 2016 cause a panic sell off.
  • Reply 56 of 60
    nelsonxnelsonx Posts: 278member


    Originally Posted by SlimTrady View Post

    This sell-off is all about the capital gains tax rate.  Unfortunately, it will continue  till the end of the year (or, although unlikely, until a deal is worked out which leaves rates unchanged for now).  Think of all the new tax money the government will get this year as a result of the "fiscal cliff" scare.  All of those stock holders with large capital gains selling to lock in the 15% rate, and of course, then paying taxes which would not have been paid this year otherwise.  What a windfall for the government.  I wonder how much it will all add up to???....maybe we will have a national surplus when its over.  If I were a conspiracy theorist I would say the fight in Washington is being dragged out to the last day to make sure the government collects more tax dollars this year.  But I don't think that's true, they are too dumb to figure that out.

    So, this tax rate is only for Apple stocks? I mean, if you have Google or Bank of America stocks you don't pay that tax rate? Because, you know, only Apple was down 6 percent yesterday, the rest of the stock market was up!

  • Reply 57 of 60

    Maybe it's because Google and BofA haven't shown gains of 120% in the past two years and 80% in just this year alone. 

    There's also the fact that there is twice as much Capital in Apple stock than both Google and B of A together even after the sell off. 



    Google was up 20% this year until it lost 50% of that gain in October. 

    BofA has been getting hammered for years. Still down 25% from 2 years ago. It's a place for new investment up 80% this year but again coming from a very bad place for long term investors.


    Apple has been a pretty good place for a lot of investors the past few years and many are taking profits now locking up the gain. They'll be back where else will they put the money, their mattress?

  • Reply 58 of 60
    ipenipen Posts: 410member


    Originally Posted by FreeRange View Post

    Nor does three make a string - This statement in the article is total speculation, and total nonsense - "Cue and other executives at Apple have sold millions of dollars worth of shares in recent months in anticipation of a capital gains tax increase that will take effect on Jan. 1, 2013."

    Apple execs certainly know that their stock is grossly undervalued right now so why would they be selling shares. They gave far more upside potential than they do tax liabilities for capital gains. The answer is quite clear - to actually cover and pay their huge tax liabilities coming due based on their options vesting. Period. IRS rules in options tax you when they vest. Executives also can only sell during open windows (specific periods of time) under SEC rules, and not just anytime they want to.


    IRS taxes options when they're exercised not vested.

  • Reply 59 of 60

    Apple's Net income 2011 $ 25.922 Billion

    Apple's Net Income 2012 $ 41.733 Billion


    Yup the company is going nowhere, it's finished. Really? What have you been smoking.

  • Reply 60 of 60


    Originally Posted by island hermit View Post

    I love how you ignored post #13.

    You don't get enough attention at home do you?  Post #9 link contains a link within that story to your post #13 story.  Also post #9 tells you exactly why Apple's stock was down while your link isn't exactly sure why it just gives off a list of possible reason.  Which isn't a surprise considering post #9 link was published a few hours after your link was published on cnbc.


    Seeing as post #9 link/story contains a link to your link within in it doesn't make sense for people don't focus on your worthless post.  It never added any value.

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