Time Magazine names Apple's iPhone 5 its 'Gadget of the Year'



  • Reply 21 of 45


    Originally Posted by lkrupp View Post

    But C|net just announced that the Galaxy SIII was the greatest gadget. Who to believe, who to believe? Time Magazine or C|net?

    If my co-worker is any indicator, I'd take the device for average Joe's over tech geeks any day. Banging my head against setting up Wine on Linux doesn't sound like my idea of a fun saturday night.

  • Reply 22 of 45

    I'm delighted to see the Raspberry Pi on the list.  What a neat way to try and get kids into programming.


    As for the winner, I fully support it.  I was amazed by how much better the 5 is than the 4S, which wasn't exactly a bad phone.  I really thought it would be nearly impossible to improve on the iPhone 5 until yesterday, when I downloaded Grand Theft Auto Vice City.


    I've subsequently abandoned doing any work.

  • Reply 23 of 45


    Originally Posted by anonymouse View Post


    Unfortunately, with the inclusion of #7, we understand that this list is a joke. Well, we didn't need Time magazine to tell us the iPhone 5 is the best smartphone, but, I'm not really sure how you compare a smartphone to a thermostat and say which is "better".

    They compared Gadgets. Not smartphones!

  • Reply 24 of 45


    Originally Posted by See Flat View Post

    I've tried a samsung android tablet and did not like it as much as iOS iPad, but it was way better than the surface. Seemed jerky. 

    I bought a Nexus 7 on Friday.  I bought it because I wanted a tablet, but didn't want to shell out what the iPad cost.  I really liked it at first, but the novelty factor wore off in about 3 hours.  By Saturday, I couldn't stand to use it.  I returned it Sunday and bought a retina iPad (couldn't find a mini anywhere--and I sold my 1st-generation iPad because I didn't like the lower dpi; if the mini were retina, I would buy it in a heartbeat, but alas).  I'm loving it.  It's much, much nicer to use than the Nexus.


    Of course, I'm preaching to the choir here, so there's not much point in gushing.


    As far as the "FUD" surrounding the iPhone 5 fragility...I have a black/slate one.  I baby the thing.  And yet, there's a scratch on the bottom.  No idea how it got there, but I keep it in a case now.  It would seem that some batches are stronger than others.

  • Reply 25 of 45
    Their EIC must be an Apple fanboi.
  • Reply 26 of 45
    solipsismxsolipsismx Posts: 19,566member
    I tried to buy a couple Raspberry Pis but they are all out of stock.

    Apple needs to buy Lytro. 

    Reinvent an industry that no one thought needed reinventing. That's the Apple we know and love.

    As previously stated I just don't see it. It's cool tech but i think physics will prevent it from ever being something that an Apple product could use.
  • Reply 27 of 45


    Originally Posted by lkrupp View Post

    But C|net just announced that the Galaxy SIII was the greatest gadget. Who to believe, who to believe? Time Magazine or C|net?


    See... we are all on conspiracy.  Apple Fan boys like to hear good about Apple.  Fandroid likes to great about Andro and Samscum. 

    Magazines dont want to be on hatred side.  All media conspires. 


    So... one writes Apple is the best. Another writes Samscum is the best.  That's all. 


    Buy what you like.  Throw what you hate.

  • Reply 28 of 45


    Originally Posted by Cinder6 View Post


    As far as the "FUD" surrounding the iPhone 5 fragility...I have a black/slate one.  I baby the thing.  And yet, there's a scratch on the bottom.  No idea how it got there, but I keep it in a case now.  It would seem that some batches are stronger than others.


    I really abuse my phones, yet my black/slate iPhone 5 is scratch free, with the exception of a couple of minor dings along the edge.  I think it's been really durable so far. 

  • Reply 29 of 45
    zoetmbzoetmb Posts: 2,655member


    Originally Posted by 6ryph3n View Post

    I've had iPhone 5 since launch, no case, and after careful inspection anyone would conclude that it's brand new out of the box. I've even been less careful about setting it on hard surfaces than I was with my iPhone 4, so I'm not sure where all the talk of how fragile it is comes from.

    Interesting that iPhone topped the list and iPad isn't even on it though.

    I have to disagree.   I got my iPhone (without a case), didn't take it out of the box on my way home from the Apple store, set it down on soft cloth and charged it up.   Realized it wasn't taking a full charge, put it back in the box and brought it back to the Apple store the very next day.   The "Genius" looked at it and said it was scratched.    Now maybe it came scratched from the factory and I didn't notice, but as much as I love this phone, it does scratch easily.


    The replacement phone, which I have for about a month now (and don't use a case) does have some scratches along the top and bottom edges.   It doesn't really bother me, but I do think it's a bit absurd that Apple drives towards such perfection of the design, but yet manufactures a device that is most certainly not impervious to scratches when kept in a pocket with keys or change, which is normal use for a phone.   And actually, due to the location of the scratches, I'm not sure it was the keys or change that actually caused them.   And if you do put a case on it, then you're no longer really seeing the beautiful exterior design, so what was the point of all the effort?   I suppose it's the same as wearing elegant underwear. 




    As far as the list is concerned, I do think it's silly to compare products that have nothing to do with each other.


    As for Android phones, while I've never actually used one enough to truly evaluate it, when I've played with them in retail, there are some aspects to them that I think are quite good and some of the UI is better than Apple's, IMO.     It's certainly seems to be a viable alternative, in any case.    Don't now if I'd still like it if I performed a full evaluation.   The sales person was all excited to show me how you can play a video and take a phone call at the same time, but why would I ever want to do that?   Useless functionality, IMO.  

  • Reply 30 of 45
    Consumer Reports disagrees. The iPhone 5 contains insufficient quantities of 1337 specs and Android.
  • Reply 31 of 45
    nagrommenagromme Posts: 2,834member


    Originally Posted by capoeira4u View Post

    Was 'durability' considered as part of the judging criteria?  The anodize aluminium on the iPhone 5 can't withstand even a tiny scratch.  


    It can. I’ve treated mine carelessly, and it looks brand-new down to the microscopic level (I grit my teeth in suspense and check).


    In fact, previous iPhones would get little scratches form fumbling with the dock connector. I felt sure the new one would too: I got black! But no such problem. I scrape and scratch around the Lightning connector and the black coating is undamaged.


    ALL objects can scratch. Therefore, people have been able to scratch an iPhone 5. I feel for those who scratch any new product—and ANY new product is vulnerable even if the media doesn’t have people worked up looking for scratches and posting pics :P


    But it’s very rugged—and if you want scratch-proof, don’t look at the cheap plastic competitors....

  • Reply 32 of 45


    Originally Posted by capoeira4u View Post

    Was 'durability' considered as part of the judging criteria?  The anodize aluminium on the iPhone 5 can't withstand even a tiny scratch.  


    Maybe next time you should just wait before buying a new product sight unseen and untested if every little nuance of a product design is uber important to you.  You're being completely ridiculous.  Even fancy expensive new cars don't come from the factory flawless and perfect in every way and this after years of production.  I waited for my iPhone5 and have been using it with no case or protective shield at all.  Looks brand new still.  Can't say if Apple changed anything to make this happen for my phone, but early adopters should realize they are taking a chance that they MIGHT be disappointed - especially if perfection is number one on your list of priorities.  Either way, a phone with a few scratches on it's surface is still just as usable as one without scratches assuming all else is the same.   You haven't lost any usability as a result of these scratches have you?

  • Reply 33 of 45
    I also have an iPhone 5 with no case - mine looks perfect 2 months later. Everyone told me to get a case or be sorry... I've heard that so many times. My secret? I keep it in my pocket when not in use. I dropped it once, but it still looks new.
  • Reply 34 of 45
    nikon133nikon133 Posts: 2,600member
    ifij775 wrote: »
    I hadn't heard of the Simple.TV, but that looks pretty cool. I can't imagine ever buying a camera, so no thanks Sony.

    Not everyone needs dedicated HQ camera these days. Phone cameras are good enough for majority, especially with size/quolity limits enforced by web sites people use to share photos. Not unlike majority used to have small, basic fix lens P&S cameras in the 35mm film days, and were perfectly happy with them.

    I happen to have RX100 and personally think it is awesome. A first pocketable camera with large sensor and IQ that is comparable to a few years old DSLRs, something we just could not expect to see a year back. Just based on that, my list would have that camera in 1st place - it is, in my mind, pushing boundaries in it's respective field more than any smartphone (compared to it's predecessors).
  • Reply 35 of 45
    Of course probably the most sold device with wifi this year is the IPhone 5 and it is only 3 months old yet I am surprised about the IPad not higher on the list but sinse there was two it would be hard to say.
    What is wrong with the back of the IPhone 5 it is strong(a type of metal) and I would think stronger than glass.
  • Reply 36 of 45


    Originally Posted by AppleInsider View Post

    The magazine's list, compiled by author Harry McCracken,


    I know this is so high school but did anyone else chuckle when they read this guy's name?


    Paging Mike Hunt....





    Edit....and his brother's name is Phil.

  • Reply 37 of 45

    I've dropped my black iPhone 5 three times now (I know, I know). Perfect condition. Very rugged little device.

  • Reply 38 of 45

    I was thinking there was a chance I would still like my 4S better before I got my 5 because I liked how solid it felt.  Then the 5 blew my expectations away when I held and began using it.  By far Apple's best release of a gadget yet.  Truly amazing.  At first I felt like i should not be able to have something so powerful, fast, light, beautiful in my pocket.  Like only really affluent people that have multi-million dollar houses, drive ferraris, bentleys, and private jets would be able to have such a device.  But I had one !!! =)))


    Black/Slate never a case but take great care of it, even though I run 20-25 miles a week with it; no scratches but shows slight wear around the bezel both sides. I dropped it from above head high trying to take a pic and it fell forward out of my hand on to my tile in the kitchen.  It hit on the corner and there is a small nick on each corner top to bottom.  Could see the unpolished aluminum but I used a black liquid sharpie to cover the nicks.  It is a phone.  Over year it can show wear and it is fine.  The phone is very solid and took that fall easy.  I remain very confident not having a case because even if I do happen to drop it again I know it will barely make a scratch.  

  • Reply 39 of 45
    I wonder what the 'Gadget Of The Year' was in 1945
  • Reply 40 of 45

    One person's 'scratch' is another person's 'patina'

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