More than half of US smartphone shoppers plan to buy Apple's iPhone 5



  • Reply 41 of 67

    Originally Posted by robflip71 View Post

    To me you are only getting a slightly bigger screen for $100 more...


    Well, that's totally wrong.

  • Reply 42 of 67

    Interesting (and makes sense) that Apple is dominant in the US. But Android has more presence in certain parts of Europe and Asia. I wonder if there is a discernible pattern. Does it have to do with the number of Apple stores in a certain country? Or # of carriers? Local laws?

  • Reply 43 of 67


    Originally Posted by OllieWallieWhiskers View Post

    the real WTF: the other gainer was blackberry.


    There is a portion of consumers that buy a touch tone phone only because dial phones are not made any more... 

  • Reply 44 of 67


    Originally Posted by Tallest Skil View Post


    But where is the line drawn? You'd consider a study of 10 people valid?


    As the guy said, "Quickly look up how statistical testing works then come back and edit that post."

  • Reply 45 of 67


    Originally Posted by ankleskater View Post

    Interesting (and makes sense) that Apple is dominant in the US. But Android has more presence in certain parts of Europe and Asia. I wonder if there is a discernible pattern. Does it have to do with the number of Apple stores in a certain country? Or # of carriers? Local laws?

    Apple still has 0 presence (ads, stores, etc) in most countries.


    Most People don't even know what a mac is, despite 30% laptop sales on countries like the US, etc.

  • Reply 46 of 67


    Originally Posted by pedromartins View Post

    Apple still has 0 presence (ads, stores, etc) in most countries.


    Most People don't even know what a mac is, despite 30% laptop sales on countries like the US, etc.

    But does Android have a strong presence in those Apple-ignorant nations? After all, if iPhone dominates the US, Android has to make it up elsewhere to have the numbers they do.

  • Reply 47 of 67


    Originally Posted by Tallest Skil View Post

    Planning isn't doing.


    Microsoft planned to make an iPad killer. We all know how well that worked.

    A casual reading of the article points out that the 53.% of consumers that said they PLANNED to buy an iPhone 5 in the near future was about consistent with 54.9 percent who DID BUY the iPhone 5 in October, and still a bit higher than 47.7 percent who said they'd choose Apple in September.


    So, the story blows you little fantasy ship out of the water...


    As for Microsnot... they live on a different planet then their customers. 

  • Reply 48 of 67
    jragostajragosta Posts: 10,473member
    robflip71 wrote: »
    To me you are only getting a slightly bigger screen for $100 more...putting that $100 towards my Kindle Fire HD...and I'm a happy camper.


    Well, a bigger screen, faster processor, better baseband, LTE, more RAM, better camera, thinner and lighter case, and probably a few other things I've forgotten.

    But feel free to play your "you're only getting a bigger screen" game if you wish.
  • Reply 49 of 67


    Originally Posted by ankleskater View Post

    But does Android have a strong presence in those Apple-ignorant nations? After all, if iPhone dominates the US, Android has to make it up elsewhere to have the numbers they do.


    If Eric Smidt's activation numbers could be proven to be true, every Chinaman, Bedouin, Eskimo, and Bushman is carrying more then three or four Android devices...

  • Reply 50 of 67


    Originally Posted by ankleskater View Post

    But does Android have a strong presence in those Apple-ignorant nations? After all, if iPhone dominates the US, Android has to make it up elsewhere to have the numbers they do.

    Yes, very strong.


    Everyone seems to love android, because there's no option until the highend. Android is the savior from the nokia/motorola feature phones. Samsung is everywhere... Football shirts, tv ads, ads in every single town and space available, etc. Devices like galaxy Ace (and down...) are kings. There's 0 stuff about iOS or Macs on TV/carriers/outdoor ads.


    They only care about Android. 


    On these circumstances, the fact that Apple is the Leader on profits/quality/hardware/any decent metric with differences growing, is just phenomenal. I truly admire Apple.

  • Reply 51 of 67


    Originally Posted by SpamSandwich View Post


    I agree. Surveys are prone to inaccuracies due to the sample size, questions asked and bias of the interviewer, in addition to potentially poorly drawn conclusions.


    What people actually do is much more important. Sitting outside an Apple store every day for a week would be more informative.


    Since you don't understand statistics, YOU make "potentially poorly drawn conclusions."


    Besides, once you fiddle with your population source, you create conditional data. For example, I live in the second largest metro area in my state. We have multiple universities and the city is also the state capital... we do not have an Apple store. Your population data would eliminate this kind of data and thus be in error for the country at large.

  • Reply 52 of 67
    Just Apple salesman 'Munster' trying to stop the stock from falling below 500.
  • Reply 53 of 67

    Originally Posted by Macky the Macky View Post

    A casual reading of the article points out that the 53.% of consumers that said they PLANNED to buy an iPhone 5 in the near future was about consistent with 54.9 percent who DID BUY the iPhone 5 in October, and still a bit higher than 47.7 percent who said they'd choose Apple in September.


    Hey, that's good to know! My point remains valid, but if your numbers are right that's a great new point that we can hold over the Anti-Apple Brigade's heads.

  • Reply 54 of 67
    chris_cachris_ca Posts: 2,543member


    Originally Posted by isaidso View Post

    Wait a minute... They didn't say HOW MANY people out of the 800 were planning to buy a phone. They just said that out of 800 people, some undisclosed number of people were planning to buy a phone, And just over half of THOSE people were thinking of an iPhone.


    Originally Posted by jragosta  

    Not true. They said that 53.3% were planning to buy a phone in the near future. Of that number, just over half expected to buy iPhones


    "more than 800 U.S .consumers found that more than half of those planning to buy a smartphone in the next three months say they will buy Apple's new iPhone 5."

    It does not say how many (X) of the +800 were planning on buying a smartphone.

    Just that more than half (53.3%) of X were going to buy an iPhone 5.


    Likely they simply tossed out those that said they were not going to get a smartphone. "Thanks, but you don't fit our survey market".


    Actually, as AI often does, it muddies the waters.

    "In the poll conducted by Piper Jaffray, 53.3 percent of consumers said they expect to buy an iPhone 5 in the near future."

    Is this 53.3% of everyone they polled or (more likely) only those which stated they were going to get a smartphone?

  • Reply 55 of 67
    kdarlingkdarling Posts: 1,640member


    Originally Posted by SockRolid View Post

    That falls right in line with iPhone user share numbers on AT&T and Verizon.

    Well, OK, actually iPhone accounts for 77% of AT&T's smartphone sales, and 46% of AT&T's(*) smartphone sales.

    But you get the idea.


    (*) I think you meant Verizon's.


    Neither percentage is correct, of course, because dividing iPhones activated by total smartphones sold is math that's using different units.


    The carriers only report number of iPhones ACTIVATED, not sold.  The ACTIVATED figure includes old iPhones that were either sold or handed down to family members and activated for the second or more time in their life. 


    An estimate published by AI  last January was that 11% of iPhone activations during the 4S introduction were previously owned.  (When a really new model comes out every two years (e.g. iPhone 3G,4,5), the number can reportedly jump as high as 17%, as people shed their old model.)


    So, if we take just new iPhones (of all models) activated on AT&T, it's more like 64% - 69% of all the smartphones they sold.  Still an excellent percentage, of course, but more accurate than the often misreported 77%.

  • Reply 56 of 67

    the only worthwhile difference is the bigger screen...and they say that's innovation?  SUCKERS!!  The 4S was the's all downhill from here...just like the stock price  lol

  • Reply 57 of 67
    gatorguygatorguy Posts: 24,556member

    Word from Walmart today that they're dropping the price of the iPhone 5 to a rock-bottom $127. The 4S is almost tantamount to free with the price falling to $47. The 16GB wi-fi iPad 4th gen also gets a price cut down to $399.

  • Reply 58 of 67
    sr2012sr2012 Posts: 896member
    LOL you guys are hilarious.

    1. Rooted Android on 4.x especially 4.2 is very sophisticated now, it makes iOS quite dated.

    2. This is a sample of "planning to buy" of 800 people. Even then Android is 35%.

    3. Globally Android Smartphones is 68.3% and iPhone only 18.8%.

    Pull your heads out of the sand. I've been warning you all.
    gatorguy wrote: »
    [SIZE=14px]Word from Walmart today that they're dropping the price of the iPhone 5 to a rock-bottom $127.[/SIZE] The 4S is almost tantamount to free with the price falling to $47. The 16GB wi-fi iPad 4th gen also gets a price cut down to $399.

    That's why the "Android is just cheap crap*" argument doesn't fly anymore. High-end Android phones are in the ballpark of iPhones, including iPhone 5.

    *One poster here called my phone "disgusting rubbish"
  • Reply 59 of 67
    sr2012sr2012 Posts: 896member
    My post disappeared?

    Anyway, again, briefly:

    GLOBALLY ANDROID 68.8%, iPHONE 18.8%

    Please stop these fantasies of iPhone still holding on.

    Profit-wise and elegance and ease-of-use, of course no doubt about the iPhone's qualities.

    But if you're talking numbers, a survey of 800 potential shoppers is... weak sauce.
  • Reply 60 of 67
    sr2012 wrote: »
    My post disappeared?

    Anyway, again, briefly:

    GLOBALLY ANDROID 68.8%, iPHONE 18.8%

    Please stop these fantasies of iPhone still holding on.

    Profit-wise and elegance and ease-of-use, of course no doubt about the iPhone's qualities.

    But if you're talking numbers, a survey of 800 potential shoppers is... weak sauce.

    Topic at hand is in the title: US smartphone. You're posting a link to global figures.
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