Apple's market cap dips below Exxon as stock selloff continues



  • Reply 21 of 167
    sflocalsflocal Posts: 6,121member


    Originally Posted by Apple ][ View Post


    I fully agree, and that is great advice. Unfortunately, many people do engage in panic selling and they follow the herd. I would not panic now, and I certainly wouldn't sell, if I was stuck in a bad position.

    Yes... just watching the heard mentality.  I find it interesting that the same blowhards that had everything to do with tanking the economy, are the same people that folks STILL listen to.

    I'm going to have a big talk over the weekend and decide to buy more AAPL.  The price is just too good to pass up.  In the end, I hope Apple decides the price is too good and buy back a bunch of their stock back.  Hell, I would.  I'm not giving up my current AAPL holdings by a longshot.

  • Reply 22 of 167
    herbapouherbapou Posts: 2,228member


    Originally Posted by pik80 View Post

    I made a post in another forum about Apple's earnings report that would be valid here. For some reasons Tallest Skil kept deleting this comment even though I didn't appear to be breaking any of the forum rules. Hmm, I wonder why?



    The results from their earnings report mainly had to do with their Mac line. Why does this mean when all you do is make small evolutionary updates to your desktop line for a really long time your sales will eventually decline? What a revelation. Here is a side by side comparison between the 2004 iMac and current iMac:

    This is what Apple has accomplished in a decade. If you can see the revolutionary changes in this design let me know. Evolution is fine but it needs to be balanced out by occasion revolutionary designs.



    Well its a all in one computer + screen. I some point you just cant make major changes anymore, this is why the introduced new product categories like ipod, iphone and ipads.

  • Reply 23 of 167
    apple ][apple ][ Posts: 9,233member


    Originally Posted by Rogifan View Post

    While Apple is down 2%, Amazon is up another 3% today. image

    I'm surrounded by Macs here and I am an Apple bull I guess you could say, but I'm going to be trading some real crappy stocks soon, like maybe AMZN, FB and other companies that I feel are overvalued, because at the end of the day, the only thing that counts is making money, IMO.

  • Reply 24 of 167
    macrulezmacrulez Posts: 2,455member


  • Reply 25 of 167
    rogifanrogifan Posts: 10,669member
    pik80 wrote: »
    I made a post in another forum about Apple's earnings report that would be valid here. For some reasons Tallest Skil kept deleting this comment even though I didn't appear to be breaking any of the forum rules. Hmm, I wonder why?

    The results from their earnings report mainly had to do with their Mac line. Why does this mean when all you do is make small evolutionary updates to your desktop line for a really long time your sales will eventually decline? What a revelation. Here is a side by side comparison between the 2004 iMac and current iMac:

    This is what Apple has accomplished in a decade. If you can see the revolutionary changes in this design let me know. Evolution is fine but it needs to be balanced out by occasion revolutionary designs.
    How do you revolutionize the design of an all in one computer which is basically a big screen? Should we complain about flat screen TV's looking basically the same year after year (except maybe getting thinner or the bezels becoming smaller)? Different doesn't necessarily equal better. If it did sales of Windows 8 devics would be through the roof.
  • Reply 26 of 167
    pik80pik80 Posts: 148member


    Originally Posted by herbapou View Post

    Well its a all in one computer + screen. I some point you just cant make major changes anymore, this is why the introduced new product categories like ipod, iphone and ipads.

    Believe me you can make more then three desktop configurations. I think Apple was very foolish to kill off their true mid range machines like the PowerMac G4 or the Cube. They should have kept around similar configurations (with higher modern day specs of course.)

  • Reply 27 of 167
    herbapouherbapou Posts: 2,228member


    Originally Posted by stelligent View Post


    But valuation is a subjective thing?


    On the contrary, the valuation is the objective part of the price. All stocks are worth what they can output in profits then distribute on dividends. Currently the market average PE on valuation stocks is 15 because interest rate are so low. At 15 PE youre typical value stock will pay 3% to 5% yields.


    A stock with a PE > 15 is considering growth in the price.  The subjective part is all hopes of growth. People will pay more for a stock if they think the stock will growth, but in the end, all stocks comes down to there valuation level.


    On the opposite side, if a company is shrinking, you will see valuation comes down and could have stocks with PE below 10. Its the opposite, the stocks underperform because earnings will drop and it will lose its capacity to pay its dvidends. 


    Apple is currently making a transition from a growth stock to a value stock, assuming it can maintain its earnings.  I am betting Apple can maintain its earnings and will get very undervalue (even for a value stock) during the transition. So I will take position in jan 2015 leaps in hope to get back to the level I had when the stock was at $700.  After that I am out.

  • Reply 28 of 167
    solipsismxsolipsismx Posts: 19,566member
    stelligent wrote: »
    Your father probably never held shares of Nortel, pre-2009 GM or 360 Networks :)

    The third greatest advice he told me was: "The stock market is run two emotions: fear and greed."
  • Reply 29 of 167


    Originally Posted by MJ Web View Post

    As posted elsewhere today...Of late I've come to the sad conclusion that Tim Cook is utterly incompetent without Steve Jobs' vision and paint by number directives. Been holding AAPL since it was $119 and re-upped at $514 so save the troll comments. The ugly truth is Tim Cook seriously screwed up!

    1) The uncharacteristic smorgasbord product launch in Sept

    2) The Maps fiasco

    3) The Forestall food fight

    4) Massive product constraints

    5) Broken supply chain

    No Spotify, no Waze, no_?

    6) Openheimer changing AAPL's guidance MO at the worst possible juncture.

    It has become apparent to me that with Steve gone and Cook at the helm APPL is a broken company.


    Only a stupid retarded would say that, and i have the legitimacy to point that out.


    BEST QUARTER EVER (revenue). If they can maintain this, what do you want more? People like you make me sick, so much stupidity. It's because of you and people like you that we are like this (world problems.. thanks to analysts wall street and "your" mentality and lack of intelligence, as you proved)

  • Reply 30 of 167


    Originally Posted by majjo View Post

    I thought you brought in at 457.

    I waiting to see how far down it's going to go... I'll probably buy in on the first uptick

    There's bound to be bounce... but I wouldn't say the selling is over at that point.


    Regardless, buying in the $440 range isn't really a bad thing, imho.

  • Reply 31 of 167
    rogifanrogifan Posts: 10,669member
    "Apple wrote:
    [" url="/t/155641/apples-market-cap-dips-below-exxon-as-stock-selloff-continues#post_2264822"]I'm surrounded by Macs here and I am an Apple bull I guess you could say, but I'm going to be trading some real crappy stocks soon, like maybe AMZN, FB and other companies that I feel are overvalued, because at the end of the day, the only thing that counts is making money, IMO.
    Can someone explain why Apple is sitting on all this cash? I think they need to do something with it - If not an acquisition then increase the dividend or share buy back. But what's the point of hoarding $137B in cash?
  • Reply 32 of 167
    solipsismxsolipsismx Posts: 19,566member
    pik80 wrote: »

    Believe me you can make more then three desktop configurations. I think Apple was very foolish to kill off their true mid range machines like the PowerMac G4 or the Cube. They should have kept around similar configurations (with higher modern day specs of course.)

    So Apple should keep products that don't sell and aren't making their investment costs back or where the R&D could be put to better use making their popular products better? You keep stating how Apple has done you wrong and should be doing this or that because of your self stated entitlement because you bought a PPC Mac 8 years ago but you haven't quite grasped the concept of Apple as not only a profit company but the most successful publicly traded company in the world, unless Exxon can beat their net profits.
  • Reply 33 of 167


    Originally Posted by Rogifan View Post

    Can someone explain why Apple is sitting on all this cash? I think they need to do something with it - If not an acquisition then increase the dividend or share buy back. But what's the point of hoarding $137B in cash?

    Power. I want an Atomic bomb, although I know I can't use it.


    It's all about power and sending a message.

  • Reply 34 of 167
    tbelltbell Posts: 3,146member


    Originally Posted by majjo View Post

    I thought you brought in at 457.

    I waiting to see how far down it's going to go... I'll probably buy in on the first uptick



    Good luck timing that. It was up about 6 at one point today. 

  • Reply 35 of 167
    herbapouherbapou Posts: 2,228member

    Originally Posted by pedromartins 

    BEST QUARTER EVER (revenue). If they can maintain this, what do you want more?


    Revenue means nothing without profits.  Apple revenue rose but the profit remained flat. Apple also guided flat for next quarter.  Apple is making a move from growth to value and all those shares need to move around. This is going to take months.

  • Reply 36 of 167
    macrulezmacrulez Posts: 2,455member


    Originally Posted by pedromartins View Post

    Only a stupid retarded would say that, and i have the legitimacy to point that out.

    Kinda funny in a clause that has two adjectives but no noun.

  • Reply 37 of 167
    pik80pik80 Posts: 148member


    Originally Posted by SolipsismX View Post

    So Apple should keep products that don't sell and aren't making their investment costs back or where the R&D could be put to better use making their popular products better?

    Products like that would sell. As we can clearly see from their earnings report it is their current line up that is the problem not what I am proposing.

  • Reply 38 of 167
    lkrupplkrupp Posts: 10,557member
    Keep on going down! Makes it cheaper to go private. $200 should just about do it.
  • Reply 39 of 167


    Originally Posted by herbapou View Post


    Revenue means nothing without profits.  Apple revenue rose but the profit remained flat. Apple also guided flat for next quarter.  Apple is making a move from growth to value and all those shares need to move around. This is going to take months.


    Without profits? Another one... almost 14 billions, up 8%, with all those production problems are what? The problem is that you guys left your little brains on a bag and are letting a poor and stupid algorithm doing things for you.

  • Reply 40 of 167
    apple ][apple ][ Posts: 9,233member


    Originally Posted by herbapou View Post


    Revenue means nothing without profits.  Apple revenue rose but the profit remained flat. Apple also guided flat for next quarter.  Apple is making a move from growth to value and all those shares need to move around. This is going to take months.

    I don't see how anybody is really surprised.


    I wrote last year that Apple paying out a dividend was an admission that they were changing from a super growth company and stabilizing. With as huge as Apple is, they couldn't keep growing like a startup company forever.

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