Why is Forbes on an anti-Apple crusade with all their recent hit pieces?

in General Discussion edited January 2014

Seriously- almost everyday they publish a disingenuos, misleading, sensational Apple hit piece, which have very little content to justify the extremely negative connotations in the headline. Their most recent:



Is Apple Capitulating?



How Badly Bruised Is Apple?



Will The Samsung S4 Launch Drive Apple's Share Price Down?



iWatch, The Distraction That Will Drive Apple's Stock Down



Is Samsung The New Apple?



Samsung's Sharp Investment Is Another Thorn In Apple's Side



Apple's Innovation Problem



Apple Reduces 2013 Full Year Orders For iPad



Apple: Most Admired No More?


The list goes on and on.. all this in the past 2 weeks. Also, some headlines are straight out lies. It's disgusting. If you go on to read the "Apple reduces 2013 Full year order for iPad", the second line states that this is a rumor from Digitimes, a source we all know is almost always wrong. Yet, Forbes states this as a FACT in the headline, basically claiming that iPad demand is weakening,  and creates an entire article about it. All the other articles contain incredibly shoddy reporting, with nothing but hypotheticals and opinion pieces, not supported by real numbers, and written by people who sound like they are salivating to see Apple fail. Why? Forbes used to be a respected outlet, but reading the shittiness of their journalism in these articles, which are clearly led by an agenda, is disturbing and frankly pretty shameless. Pretty much every headline is based on talking-head horse-shit, yet it is continued manipulative headlines like this that are making Apple's stock tank.  


Everyone knows the real mark of a shitty article is a question mark in the headline. because that means you don't have the answer, but are free to ask any loaded "question" to suit your agenda. 


  • Reply 1 of 6
    tallest skiltallest skil Posts: 43,388member

    Hits. Ad revenue.

  • Reply 2 of 6

    You not the only one.  Since Yahoo redesign their website I get news feed on the main Yahoo page and I always see they post links to negative article about Apple that include Forbes many negative news article about Apple. 

  • Reply 3 of 6
    slurpyslurpy Posts: 5,384member


    Originally Posted by Tallest Skil View Post

    Hits. Ad revenue.


    I would say anti-Apple stories are getting fucking boring these days, they're so common so shouldn't be big hit magnets anymore. 


    "LOOK NAKED WOMEN" articles would get much more hits, if it was as simple as that. There's a malicious financial agenda at Forbes against Apple. 

  • Reply 4 of 6
    gatorguygatorguy Posts: 24,302member


    Originally Posted by Slurpy View Post

    Seriously- almost everyday they publish a disingenuos, misleading, sensational Apple hit piece, which have very little content to justify the extremely negative connotations in the headline.   


    Everyone knows the real mark of a shitty article is a question mark in the headline. because that means you don't have the answer, but are free to ask any loaded "question" to suit your agenda. 

    Ummm. . . There's a question mark in your headline.image

  • Reply 5 of 6
    tallest skiltallest skil Posts: 43,388member

    Originally Posted by Slurpy View Post

    "LOOK NAKED WOMEN" articles would get much more hits, if it was as simple as that.


    That means "Apple to hold daily public orgy in central plaza of new headquarters" should get so many hits whatever site posts it will be overloaded. image

     There's a malicious financial agenda at Forbes against Apple. 


    Oh, I agree.

  • Reply 6 of 6
    MarvinMarvin Posts: 15,365moderator
    slurpy wrote: »
    Seriously- almost everyday they publish a disingenuos, misleading, sensational Apple hit piece, which have very little content to justify the extremely negative connotations in the headline.

    The list goes on and on.. all this in the past 2 weeks. Also, some headlines are straight out lies. It's disgusting. If you go on to read the "Apple reduces 2013 Full year order for iPad", the second line states that this is a rumor from Digitimes, a source we all know is almost always wrong. Yet, Forbes states this as a FACT in the headline, basically claiming that iPad demand is weakening,  and creates an entire article about it. All the other articles contain incredibly shoddy reporting, with nothing but hypotheticals and opinion pieces, not supported by real numbers, and written by people who sound like they are salivating to see Apple fail. Why? Forbes used to be a respected outlet, but reading the shittiness of their journalism in these articles, which are clearly led by an agenda, is disturbing and frankly pretty shameless. Pretty much every headline is based on talking-head horse-shit, yet it is continued manipulative headlines like this that are making Apple's stock tank.

    Everyone knows the real mark of a shitty article is a question mark in the headline. because that means you don't have the answer, but are free to ask any loaded "question" to suit your agenda. 

    I think there's another element besides manipulation too. What happens in the stock market is only loosely based around what happens in the economy as a whole but in order to draw meaningful conclusions, people try to find hard links between them. It's like when they report the recession being over because of how well the stock market is doing:


    All the unemployed people scratch their heads wondering what they're talking about. They're talking about the economy as it pertains to them. All the news that is reported by the stock market outlets is about the state of affairs as it relates to the stock market, not real workers nor companies, just expectations of investors/gamblers.

    Nobody can tell what will happen in future so they look at tiny data points now and extrapolate them using wild amounts of speculation. They maintain this illusion that the speculation and the facts are one and the same by intermingling factual reports with guesswork.

    The popular one is that because the stock market is all about growth and Apple is growing less, it means they need to expand their markets by making *insert cheap gadget like a TV or a watch* and therefore that's what they're doing but it's based on the belief that Apple's motivation has to be the stock value, which Apple has no direct control over and doesn't really benefit that much from one way or the other so how can it be? Many reports will be written to drive the stock price down but some will be written based on the delusion that what happens in the stock market is directly tied to what happens in the real world.

    There's always going to be speculation and investment happening so this type of thing will never stop but all we have to do is try to maintain a separation between the real world and Wall Street so that we can really tell how the economy is and how companies are doing. This is going to become harder the more that the financial services industry infects every facet of everyone's life. Question is, is there a news outlet that's not in the pocket of someone heavily invested in the stock market? Where else would you keep vast amounts of money safe?

    There must be some outlet somewhere with the balls to just step up and clarify that Apple is still the wealthiest company on the planet and significantly outsold Samsung's flagship products, even though people assume they are a fraction of the price. It probably wouldn't be that interesting to read about though. You can only write 'Apple is better than everyone' so many times before people get tired of hearing it. It's strange how it never seems to happen with the oil companies or even Microsoft. Look how badly Microsoft is doing in mobile and they don't get anywhere near the negative press.

    It's not that important what happens with the stock market anyway. It has become like football. A load of poor people turn up to a stadium and watch millionaires kicking a ball around and cheer one way or the other. The people playing the game walk away millionaires and the spectators go home poor but either happy or sad about what score has been assigned to their team.

    edit: looks like Phil's trying to get some positive press out again:


    "Mr. Schiller shared data on the iPhone's popularity and said Apple's own research shows that four times as many iPhone users switched from an Android phone than to an Android phone in the fourth quarter."

    but still the article tries to dampen it with mentions of Samsung and the following:

    "Apple's new product timeline is still murky. It is expected to release at least one new iPhone later in the year and has been working on a less expensive version of the iPhone as well, people familiar with the matter have said. The company has also been working on a television but has struggled to strike deals with television operators to support it, other people have said."

    It's not anything different from what they've ever done before as the WSJ knows. Note the key phrases "people familiar with" and unnamed sources called 'other people' here.
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