Editorial: Google?s Android powered by remarkable new 'Flawgic'



  • Reply 101 of 344

    This was brilliant, on many levels...Kudos!

    Just signed up to 'Apple Insider' and will be following y'all going forward...

    BTW: 'Flawgic' is going viral! I'm seeing it everywhere...but had no idea where it came from until now. This will become as big as RDF...Great job...the truth always finds a way...
  • Reply 102 of 344
    solipsismxsolipsismx Posts: 19,566member
    cowasaki wrote: »
    Well I'd never heard of that but I'm not.  I am a regular reader of AppleInsider.  I have used Apple machines since about early 2007.  I like MOST things they have done but not everything.

    This is the kind of crap that sounds like a concern troll. "I like most of what they do but not all' Yeah, that goes for everyone. "I have owned such and such Apple products" Yeah, so have pretty much everyone that visits this site. You've never seen DaHarder post pictures of the stuff he presumably owns as proof that his vitriol against Apple is warranted?

    The constant anti-Apple comments followed by the reminder that it's your opinion all sound like concern troll comments which you complete by saying Apple is rotting. Let me get this straight, the most profitable company in the world with nearly all the mindshare and majority profits in PMPs, handsets, tablets, and PCs is somehow rotting? You really think anyone will take you seriously when you make false claims?
  • Reply 103 of 344
    cashxxcashxx Posts: 114member

    Thats why Google CEO a few months or so ago mentioned about how Apple and Facebook should innovate more....yea so they can copy!  Innovation is creating something new not copying and everyone running around in a circle copying one another like Samsung and others are doing.  Apple came out with Mac, iPhone, iPad, and others are running around copying it, what have others done that everyone has them running around and copying them?


    For all the haters yea I know Apple didn't make the first phone or tablet, but they reinvented them and almost perfected them.  Tablets and Phones have been out for years, iPhone and iPad come out and now everything is copying with multitouch, etc.


    Every Truck has a steering wheel, yea but from the outside they look different and not designed very similar to try and steal sales.  One going to buy a Ford isn't going to get mixed up and buy a Ram.

  • Reply 104 of 344
    micalmical Posts: 1member
    I thought satire was supposed to be funny!

    Seriously though this apple/android war, kindled by "journalists", is getting really REALLY tiresome.

    How much he said she said do we have to sit through.

    No company is perfect every and every company stands on the shoulder of giants.


  • Reply 105 of 344
    solipsismxsolipsismx Posts: 19,566member
    craighyork wrote: »
    BTW: 'Flawgic' is going viral! I'm seeing it everywhere...but had no idea where it came from until now. This will become as big as RDF...Great job...the truth always finds a way...

    The term predates this article by at least 7 years.
  • Reply 106 of 344
    jungmarkjungmark Posts: 6,927member
  • Reply 107 of 344


    Originally Posted by SolipsismX View Post

    This is the kind of crap that sounds like a concern troll. "I like most of what they do but not all' Yeah, that goes for everyone. "I have owned such and such Apple products" Yeah, so have pretty much everyone that visits this site. You've never seen DaHarder post pictures of the stuff he presumably owns as proof that his vitriol against Apple is warranted?

    The constant anti-Apple comments followed by the reminder that it's your opinion all sound like concern troll comments which you complete by saying Apple is rotting. Let me get this straight. The most profitable company in the world with nearly all the mindshare majority profits in PMPs, handsets, tablets, and PCs is somehow rotting? You really think anyone will take you seriously when you make false claims?


    Have you read what I have said?  WHAT CONSTANT ANTI-APPLE COMMENTS !!  I'm typing this on an Apple laptop and I've said I like almost all of Apple's stuff. The only reason that I keep saying it is just my opinion is because it is just an opinion and when I say the phone I've just got is better I'm only saying that it is better for me.  You clearly don't agree and that is absolutely fine, you are entitled to YOUR opinion too. 


    When the iPhone came out it was leagues ahead of everything.  The others have caught up in some ways and not in others.  Now is the first time that I've bought a non-Apple phone since the iPhone 1.  I would love to replace it with an iPhone6 with lots of new features that I find useful.  There are lots of things wrong with the phone I've just got: it's plasticky for a start, I can't sink Numbers, the speaker isn't as good as the iPhone and the camera and flash are not as good as the iPhone to name just a few.


    I am hoping that the rumoured larger iPhone is really coming and also hoping that some of the features I have mentioned as missing are included (or at least some of them)

  • Reply 108 of 344
    bushman4bushman4 Posts: 863member

    Sounds like B.S.  Its all part of a plan by Google to attempt to control the way we think. If that day ever comes we're finished.

  • Reply 109 of 344
    mstonemstone Posts: 11,510member


    Originally Posted by SolipsismX View Post

    The term predates this article by at least 7 years.


    This article predates this article by 2 weeks. Apparently it wasn't getting enough hits over on RD.

  • Reply 110 of 344


    Gave me a good laugh before heading out for the day. It appears we have a large contingent of people on AI with no sense of humor. Coincidentally, they are also the same people who regularly troll AI.


    Must have hit a nerve. That's how you know you've written a good piece -when you get such an overwhelming response by people who disagree.


    Well played.

  • Reply 111 of 344

    I never, partially, read so much bs in my life.

    Android is nothing but a free, off the shelf OS used by Google to track advertising across mobile devices. Period.

    And the hardware guys use mostly tech made by a few big companies, get their name stamped on the front and then dump it onto the market. 

    Soon the prices start to drop as each a** clown tries to gain marginal market share over the other a** clowns. Soon you'll see $19.00 Android tablets on the market, stocked to the rafters at Walmart.


  • Reply 112 of 344
    gwmacgwmac Posts: 1,810member

    At the end of the day Google and Samsung are both companies tries to make as large a profit as they possibly can just like Apple. It is unrealistic to think that they wouldn't do their very best to get into the mobile web market years ago. Even then it was rapidly becoming apparent that this sector would one day be dominant and supplant desktops and laptops. Neither company had an answer for the first iPhone but in just a few short years and after many missteps they both seem to have produced products that many consumers seem to like. Android started to gain traction and some respect with their 2.2 release and have made a lot of improvements with Jellybean. Samsung seemed to break free of the pack of Android competitors with their SIII followed by the Note II.


    Would Android or Samsung phones look anything like they do today had the iPhone never existed? Certainly not. In fact Blackberry was king of the hill before the iPhone and that is probably the evolutionary trail that they would have followed. I think it is indisputable that Apple played a major role in what all smartphones look like today and this includes the new RIM and Nokia phones as well. 


    Having said that, all Apple can do is sue them (which they have) and respect the findings of the court whatever they decide whether fair or unjust. Newer Android phones and Android itself is actually diverging down a fairly different path now from Apple. I think there are fewer similarities today than 2 or 3 years ago. Microsoft also blatantly stole many ideas from Apple and got off mostly scott free since Apple was near bankruptcy at the time. But Apple not only survived but thrived as they can do again as long as they are true to their DNA. The smartphone market is enormous, far bigger than the computer market. There is room for Android and Apple to coexist. This is not a death match where two enter and one leaves the ring. Every year another 200 million or more new consumers enter the market from various countries. Carriers all over the world are building out thousands of new towers as we speak. Apple will thrive just as it did with Microsoft's copying.


    As Apple fans we may resent or have negative feelings towards Google and Samsung for their tactics, but we should at least understand their motives as companies to do their best to make a profit which some may feel blurs the line on legality and ethics. This is not the 15th century with a chivalric code of honor, they have to answer to their shareholders just like Apple and every other company.  Just like Apple also ended up "borrowing" a few ideas from Microsoft like command-tab, finder sidebar navigation pane, path bar, back and forward arrows navigation buttons, and a few more. Microsoft certainly stole a lot from Mac OS then OS X as well to be sure.  Hard to argue that Apple's notifications from the top didn't get some inspiration from Android that had been doing that for a while, they also had wireless sync and tabbed browsing before it finally came to iOS, they also had wireless software updates before iOS, then there is notifications on the lock screen that HTC had before iOS. Even the do not disturb and call reply was available on Google voice even if Apple did a better job of improving it.


    I am not scolding Apple for "borrowing" some good ideas. As they say if you aren't cheatin' you aren't tryin'. Even SJ himself said any good idea is worth stealing. Many of those ideas were from several other companies before that. Google Voice was originally Grandcentral which I used. I also used another VoIP company called Gizmo Project which was also bought by Google and many of their features also got incorporated into GV. So it is absolutely legitimate to say that Google and Samsung have stolen from Apple using their flawgic, but you can't ignore that Apple has done the same thing even if to a far lesser degree and will continue to do so. None of these companies can really cast that first stone since none of them are without sin. 

  • Reply 113 of 344
    Brilliantly conceived and written. Macalope has met his match.
  • Reply 114 of 344
    You should write a wikipedia article about it "Google Flawgic"
    There is one already for RDF.
  • Reply 115 of 344
    solipsismxsolipsismx Posts: 19,566member
    cowasaki wrote: »
    Have you read what I have said?  WHAT CONSTANT ANTI-APPLE COMMENTS !!  I'm typing this on an Apple laptop and I've said I like almost all of Apple's stuff. The only reason that I keep saying it is just my opinion is because it is just an opinion and when I say the phone I've just got is better I'm only saying that it is better for me.  You clearly don't agree and that is absolutely fine, you too are entitled to YOUR opinion too. 

    When the iPhone came out it was leagues ahead of everything.  The others have caught up in some ways and not in others.  Now is the first time that I've bought a non-Apple phone since the iPhone 1.  I would love to replace it with an iPhone6 with lots of new features that I find useful.  There are lots of things wrong with the phone I've just got: it's plasticky for a start, I can't sink Numbers, the speaker isn't as good as the iPhone and the camera and flash are not as good as the iPhone to name just a few.

    I am hoping that the rumoured larger iPhone is really coming and also hoping that some of the features I have mentioned as missing are included (or at least some of them)

    You said Apple is rotting. How is that not a purposely stated anti-Apple comment? No to mentioned that by all relevant accounts completely and utterly false.

    Again, no one gives a flying **** what Apple products you do or don't own. They lend absolutely nothing to your argument that Apple is rotting.
  • Reply 116 of 344


    Originally Posted by SolipsismX View Post

    You said Apple is rotting. How is that not a purposely stated anti-Apple comment? No to mentioned that by all relevant accounts completely and utterly false.

    Again, no one gives a flying **** what Apple products you do or don't own. They lend absolutely nothing to your argument that Apple is rotting.


    Ok so ONE single remark is "CONSTANT ANTI-APPLE COMMENTS" ?  


    I said Apple should "stop the rot" as in other companies are catching them up and they don't appear to be doing much about it.  That's all I said !!


    The only reason I even mentioned that I own numerous Apple devices was ONLY to show that I like their stuff and I'm not here to slag them off.

  • Reply 117 of 344

    Did not know that, thanks! (TIL - Things I Learned)


    Good use in this article, fits nicely….

  • Reply 118 of 344

    Did not know that, thanks! (TIL - Things I Learned)


    Good use in this article, fits nicely….

  • Reply 119 of 344
    dysamoriadysamoria Posts: 3,430member
    There is a ton of flawgic in the computer industry itself. How about going after that root problem, instead of limiting the satire to merely Samsung and Google?
  • Reply 120 of 344
    nheadnhead Posts: 1member
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