IDC: Apple to approach Samsung in connected devices, tablets to surpass PCs

in iPad edited January 2014
The iPhone 5 and iPad mini helped Apple largely close the gap between it and Samsung in terms of connected devices last quarter, according to a new report from IDC.


Industry tracking firm International Data Corporation (IDC) released on Tuesday its new Smart Connected Device Tracker report, finding that worldwide shipments of smart connected devices grew 29.1 percent year over year in 2012. The report found the total market for smart connected devices to be over one billion units shipped, with a value of $576.9 billion.

Apple and Samsung continued their struggle for supremacy in this market, but the release of two popular new products helped Apple close the gap. Samsung still leads with 21.2 percent of device share, but the iPad mini and iPhone 5 helped bring Apple to a 20.3 percent unit shipment share.

Apple still dominates the revenue picture, holding 30.7 percent of revenues in the fourth quarter. Samsung pulled in 20.4 percent of fourth quarter revenues. IDC estimates the full fourth quarter connected device market ? including desktops, notebooks, tablets, and smartphones ? at 378 million devices shipped and more than $168 billion.

IDC's report contains more good news for Apple, which maintains the lead in the tablet market. IDC expects the tablet segment, which Apple's iPad currently dominates, to surpass both desktop and notebook PCs over the next two years. Tablets, according to IDC, should pass desktop PCs in 2013 as that market continues to struggle. Portable PCs ? an area where Apple is already a major player ? will fall behind tablets in shipments in 2014, according to IDC.

By 2017, IDC sees the worldwide smart connected device market hitting 2.2 billion units shipped, with revenues around $814.3 billion. Much of this growth will be in developing markets such as India, where consumer spending begins with mobile phones and moves to tablets now, with PCs less popular as time goes on.


  • Reply 1 of 17
    anonymouseanonymouse Posts: 6,950member

    I don't think tablets are so popular simply because they are tablets. I think it's because they, and the apps on them, are much simpler, and more fun, to use than traditional computers for most people. I don't think OS X and it's descendants will go away, or be entirely merged into an iOS universe. And, I don't think adding touch capabilities to OS X will magically transform it, or even that it's a good idea to do so. What I do think we might see are iOS, or iOS-like, devices in traditional notebook and even desktop form-factors, with keyboards and pointing devices, and larger screens. And these may very likely not have touch screens, but just offer a simple, enjoyable experience that people don't even think of as computing... like tablets.



    And, no, I do not think that describes a Chromebook.

  • Reply 2 of 17
    Good for you Apple. I guess you do know best how to run your own company!
  • Reply 3 of 17

    If I am not wrong... How could people buy an Android phone and an Android Tablet?  Android phones is OK. But, how can people buy that junk Android Tablet?  


    Apple's devices are the best class if you consider Connected devices. I dont think Sammy will make a good progress on this. 

  • Reply 4 of 17
    macxpressmacxpress Posts: 5,910member


    Originally Posted by Chandra69 View Post

    If I am not wrong... How could people buy an Android phone and an Android Tablet?  Android phones is OK. But, how can people buy that junk Android Tablet?  


    Apple's devices are the best class if you consider Connected devices. I dont think Sammy will make a good progress on this. 


    Believe it or not, there are people who think all tablets are iPads and that there's no difference between an iPad and an android tablet except the price. When a parent goes to purchase a "iPad" for their child they sometimes cheap out and get the $79 android tablet because it looks the same, and is cheaper. They don't know what the difference is. I'm not saying this is everyone out there, but there are more than a few uneducated customers. 

  • Reply 5 of 17
    anonymouseanonymouse Posts: 6,950member


    Originally Posted by macxpress View Post


    Believe it or not, there are people who think all tablets are iPads and that there's no difference between an iPad and an android tablet except the price. When a parent goes to purchase a "iPad" for their child they sometimes cheap out and get the $79 android tablet because it looks the same, and is cheaper. They don't know what the difference is. I'm not saying this is everyone out there, but there are more than a few uneducated customers. 


    Believe it or not, I think the same applies for phones.

  • Reply 6 of 17
    macbook promacbook pro Posts: 1,605member
    chandra69 wrote: »
    If I am not wrong... How could people buy an Android phone and an Android Tablet?  Android phones is OK. But, how can people buy that junk Android Tablet?  

    Apple's devices are the best class if you consider Connected devices. I dont think Sammy will make a good progress on this. 

    I have an Samsung Galaxy Tab 7 tablet which was given to me. I wouldn't recommend the device to anyone, ever. The user interface is unintuitive and unattractive. When I use the device I can't wait to finish.
  • Reply 7 of 17
    macxpressmacxpress Posts: 5,910member


    Originally Posted by anonymouse View Post


    Believe it or not, I think the same applies for phones.

   are correct!

  • Reply 8 of 17
    tallest skiltallest skil Posts: 43,388member

    Originally Posted by macxpress View Post

    When a parent goes to purchase a "iPad" for their child they sometimes cheap out and get the $79 android tablet because it looks the same, and is cheaper.


    How was it so hard to quantify this in the lawsuit, then?


    I certainly agree with you, but how stupid can people be NOT to notice that this is happening and is a valid concern for Apple?

  • Reply 9 of 17
    macbook promacbook pro Posts: 1,605member
    How was it so hard to quantify this in the lawsuit, then?

    I certainly agree with you, but how stupid can people be NOT to notice that this is happening and is a valid concern for Apple?

    F - L -A - W - G - I - C
  • Reply 10 of 17

    I used to have an iMac, MacBook, iPad, iPhone. Total cost: ~$4,000.


    I now have an iMac and an iPhone. Total cost: ~$1,700.



    I'm very close to not replacing my aging iMac with another iMac and doing all my "computing" on an iPad Mini, an iPhone and an ATV. Total cost: ~$625.



    I may not achieve it and end up getting the 11" MBA this cycle. ~$1,200.


    But I think the next time will be only an iPad and iPhone.



    That's the future for me, ~$625 vs. $4,000! Thanks Apple! :)

  • Reply 11 of 17
    drblankdrblank Posts: 3,385member


    Originally Posted by christopher126 View Post

    I used to have an iMac, MacBook, iPad, iPhone. Total cost: ~$4,000.


    I now have an iMac and an iPhone. Total cost: ~$1,700.



    I'm very close to not replacing my aging iMac with another iMac and doing all my "computing" on an iPad Mini, an iPhone and an ATV. Total cost: ~$625.



    I may not achieve it and end up getting the 11" MBA this cycle. ~$1,200.


    But I think the next time will be only an iPad and iPhone.



    That's the future for me, ~$625 vs. $4,000! Thanks Apple! :)

    Well, it appears as though you actually have the needs of basic computing.  Nothing wrong with that.  I am hoping Apple releases a larger screen size iPhone.  Depending on the case design, I would probably like somewhere around 4.5 inch, plus my eyesight isn't so good and I kind of need something easier to read.  

  • Reply 12 of 17
    drblankdrblank Posts: 3,385member

    Samsung increased market share for a couple of SIMPLE reasons.


    1.  They make the larger phablet sized products.  Apple kind of missed that boat.  If Apple released an iPhone 5 with three screen sizes (3.5, 4 and 4.5+) all with the latest guts, then they would have sold more, IF THEY HAD supply.


    2.  Apple had supply issues.  If Apple had no supply problems and they could've released the iPhone 5 to ALL of their existing markets at the same time, and they didn't have any orders backlogged on Dec 31, my gut feeling is that they would have sold more like 70 Million units last quarter, so a lot of the sales issues were threefold. A) Supply of the model they released B) Not rolling out to all markets at the same time. C) Not releasing three screen sizes.


    With the iPad, they had other issues.


    1.  They made the iPad mini, which is a BIG seller and they didn't have enough supply.

    2.  The iPad 4, they just didn't advertise that model as much as they did the iPad mini, so they should have done a little more advertising on that model. I think the iPad mini is more of an item for consumers rather than what a lot of businesses use, so businesses don't always buy during the Christmas quarter, they have different buying patterns.

    3.  Again,  they didn't roll out the products in all of their markets.  The iPad mini w/cellular didn't start shipping in Asia until this quarter.


    If Apple had the iPad Mini w/ and w/o cellular, shipping and meeting demand in all of their markets at the same time, they would have probably had another 20% to 35% more sales than they had last quarter.


    Plus Apple needs to step it up in terms of marketing/advertising and get better ads.  Yeah, I know its a dumb reason, but it does help sales because there are people that buy products solely because they like the ads.  Plus, Samsung hired Apple's old ad person and Samsung took pot shots at Apple.


    The other aspects that Apple needs to address is opening up markets in more countries as Samsung sells into more markets.  Apple needs other carriers in other markets.  Most importantly China Mobile, which has a HUGE potential, T-Mobile which starts soon, and other carriers and small countries.


    Apple on the desktop front, needed to be in better position to ship the iMacs meeting demand better.  

  • Reply 13 of 17
    I am sick of IDC, they work for Samsung, we have all seen it now, so why do you keep releasing their BS


    "Samsung still leads with 21.2 percent of device share, but the iPad mini and iPhone 5 helped bring Apple to a 20.3 percent unit shipment share. "

    There is no way to justify these stats since Samsung only reports shipments and Apple only reports Sales

    As long as this hokey math exists IDC should be ignored and not published by reputable outplets
  • Reply 14 of 17


    Originally Posted by drblank View Post

    Well, it appears as though you actually have the needs of basic computing.  Nothing wrong with that.  I am hoping Apple releases a larger screen size iPhone.  Depending on the case design, I would probably like somewhere around 4.5 inch, plus my eyesight isn't so good and I kind of need something easier to read.  

    May be it will be the size where I won't need an iPad Mini just a larger iPhone! Total cost: ~$200! :)

  • Reply 15 of 17
    And by 2034, there will be 16.8 billion devices shipped, as every living person on the planet changes their devices multiple times...

    IDC = I don't care

  • Reply 16 of 17
    realisticrealistic Posts: 1,154member


    Originally Posted by drblank View Post

    Samsung increased market share for a couple of SIMPLE reasons.


    1.  They make the larger phablet sized products.  Apple kind of missed that boat.  If Apple released an iPhone 5 with three screen sizes (3.5, 4 and 4.5+) all with the latest guts, then they would have sold more, IF THEY HAD supply.


    2.  Apple had supply issues.  If Apple had no supply problems and they could've released the iPhone 5 to ALL of their existing markets at the same time, and they didn't have any orders backlogged on Dec 31, my gut feeling is that they would have sold more like 70 Million units last quarter, so a lot of the sales issues were threefold. A) Supply of the model they released B) Not rolling out to all markets at the same time. C) Not releasing three screen sizes.


    With the iPad, they had other issues.


    1.  They made the iPad mini, which is a BIG seller and they didn't have enough supply.

    2.  The iPad 4, they just didn't advertise that model as much as they did the iPad mini, so they should have done a little more advertising on that model. I think the iPad mini is more of an item for consumers rather than what a lot of businesses use, so businesses don't always buy during the Christmas quarter, they have different buying patterns.

    3.  Again,  they didn't roll out the products in all of their markets.  The iPad mini w/cellular didn't start shipping in Asia until this quarter.


    If Apple had the iPad Mini w/ and w/o cellular, shipping and meeting demand in all of their markets at the same time, they would have probably had another 20% to 35% more sales than they had last quarter.


    Plus Apple needs to step it up in terms of marketing/advertising and get better ads.  Yeah, I know its a dumb reason, but it does help sales because there are people that buy products solely because they like the ads.  Plus, Samsung hired Apple's old ad person and Samsung took pot shots at Apple.


    The other aspects that Apple needs to address is opening up markets in more countries as Samsung sells into more markets.  Apple needs other carriers in other markets.  Most importantly China Mobile, which has a HUGE potential, T-Mobile which starts soon, and other carriers and small countries.


    Apple on the desktop front, needed to be in better position to ship the iMacs meeting demand better.  

    You may be correct in your assumptions but then again maybe you aren't. In the dream world you speak about how a company can go from producing zero product to producing multiple new products with an infinite supply available almost overnight but unfortunately it doesn't work that way in the real world. Give me a single example of any company in the history of the world who has come close to releasing the number of (high tech or similar) products you suggest, with the volumes you again suggest, to supply ALL worldwide markets simultaneously.


    Oh, that's right you can't because Apple would be the closest company to having accomplished anything close to your dream product rollout and obviously as you point Apple failed miserably.

  • Reply 17 of 17
    jungmarkjungmark Posts: 6,927member
    mudman2 wrote: »
    I am sick of IDC, they work for Samsung, we have all seen it now, so why do you keep releasing their BS


    "Samsung still leads with 21.2 percent of device share, but the iPad mini and iPhone 5 helped bring Apple to a 20.3 percent unit shipment share. "

    There is no way to justify these stats since Samsung only reports shipments and Apple only reports Sales

    As long as this hokey math exists IDC should be ignored and not published by reputable outplets

    Correction: Sammy doesn't report anything but percentages.
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