Inside iOS 7: Mail gets advanced gesture support and reworked UI



  • Reply 41 of 60


    Originally Posted by AppleInsider View Post

    With the new system, users can also choose a default account from which emails are sent directly from the Settings menu.



    This feature has been present since iOS 4, and maybe even before that.

  • Reply 42 of 60
    pmzpmz Posts: 3,433member
    cash907 wrote: »
    Honestly I'm not in love with the changes. I'm used to swiping left to right to delete, and now it's the opposite. I'm glad they added gesture control, but why in the heck did the reverse a control scheme we've used for years and grown accustomed to? It doesn't add anything, so why? It's the equivalent of switching the brake and accelerator pedals just for the heck of it.

    What are you talking about? You're "used to swiping" either way? :no: Are you that whiny and inept and lacking critical thinking that you can't realize:

    A) Swiping both ways to delete was a waste of a gesture.
    B) It allowed swiping right to be repurposed for GO Back (which is 10000X better than not having this featue)
    C) Limiting it to Swipe Left made it far more LOGICAL considering it "reveals" on the right hand side, regardless.
    D) On top of that, they added an INCREDIBLY useful "More" button right next to delete that lets you jump to the functions that were previously limited to inside an e-mail.

    This reworking is incredible, extremely useful, sensible, and functional. It is not AT ALL like gibberish you spew about gas/brake pedals

    I'm so tired of the incredibly ridiculous, almost embarrassing lack of thought that goes into these stupid comments.
  • Reply 43 of 60
    dysamoriadysamoria Posts: 3,430member
    larz2112 wrote: »
    The more I see of iOS 7 the less excited I get about upgrading my 4S/iOS 6 phone. When it comes to UI, everyone always thinks they can build a better mousetrap. If it ain't broke, don't fix it. Case in point, the App Store search results. A search used to return a vertical list of around 20 results that you could easily scroll and quickly scan with one swipe of your thumb. With the release of iOS 6 they "improved"? the App Store search so that now the results are display one app at a time. To scan the first 20 app results you have to now swipe to result 2, swipe to 3, swipe to 4, swipe to 5, swipe to 6, swipe to 7, click to...oh wait, I want to take a closer at result 2 again...swipe back to 6, swipe to 5, swipe to 4, swipe to 3, swipe to 2. You get the point. What used to take one swipe now takes many swipes to accomplish. And yes, I submitted my thoughts to Apple "feedback" months ago, so no need to suggest it. The more these kind of "upgrades" happen the more Apple begins to feel more like Microsoft.

    I'm not planning to upgrade to iOS 7 until I can put a demo iPhone through it's paces myself at an Apple store. There is too much about the design (both visually and functionally) that is not thrilling me, nowhere near enough to warrant upgrading. At this point the biggest factor that is providing motivation to upgrade my iPhone is a faster processor because lately everything seems to run a bit more sluggish than it did when I first got the phone. And truthfully it kind of bums me out that currently that is the only real motivation I have to upgrade my iPhone.

    I have exactly the same feeling about this situation. iOS 6 slowed my iPhone 4 to the point where it doesn't feel like the advanced technology it originally felt like. The free os upgrades are a way Apple gets us to obsolete our devices. Each succeeding version is slower and requires more memory and CPU and this next version has not mentioned "more efficient and faster" as a notable feature. In fact, they've added more useless effects. I don't see that as an upgrade. They've also changed to a harsh "white everything", removed all the visual cues of GUI elements, and chosen a font that's too thin. Now there're more gestures on top of the existing ones? Will the GUI feel clumsy like gmail and Facebook where it's too easy to cause an unwanted action with a gesture you haven't intended because everything is sensitive? Gestures cannot be continuously added. It just over-complicates operation.

    This doesn't feel like GUI mastery. It sounds exactly like the complaints people are making: change for the sake of change.
  • Reply 44 of 60
    dysamoriadysamoria Posts: 3,430member
    Anyone who does considerable text editing in iOS, especially on iPhone, will know that the more gestures you add to a GUI, the more clumsy text editing becomes. Especially when you're trying to use double-tap to select. Text highlighting that scrolls the content view is extremely clumsy as is. Any fixes for that in iOS 7??

    And why doesn't this text box in the mobile version of this web site have rubber banding and acceleration in the scrolling on an iPhone? It makes the website feel foreign to the OS!
  • Reply 45 of 60
    brutus009brutus009 Posts: 356member

    I honestly love the new direction.  Unfortunately, the new theme is so bright I get a headache after prolonged use.

  • Reply 46 of 60
    am8449am8449 Posts: 392member

    AI, I had a hard time following the relationship of text to photos in this article.  It seemed like the photos were supposed to illustrate what the text was describing, but it was unclear.

  • Reply 47 of 60
    philboogiephilboogie Posts: 7,675member
    abazigal wrote: »
    If iOS doesn't support push gmail for the iPhone 5s, I see little reason to go back to it.

    That's something Google disabled. Apple can't control that.

    This is incorrect guys, Gmail works with Push. You need to configure it as an Exchange account, and not use the Gmail of the choices presented. Use as the server name.
  • Reply 48 of 60
    No push notifications yet? What do I need this app for?
    Mailbox is way better.
  • Reply 49 of 60


    Originally Posted by PhilBoogie View Post

    This is incorrect guys, Gmail works with Push. You need to configure it as an Exchange account, and not use the Gmail of the choices presented. Use as the server name.

     Not anymore it doesn't.  It works only if you're using the same device you were using when they disabled it.  As soon as you switch devices, you'll lose the push feature.  Promise.

  • Reply 50 of 60
    philboogiephilboogie Posts: 7,675member
    philboogie wrote: »
    This is incorrect guys, Gmail works with Push. You need to configure it as an Exchange account, and not use the Gmail of the choices presented. Use as the server name.
     Not anymore it doesn't.  It works only if you're using the same device you were using when they disabled it.  As soon as you switch devices, you'll lose the push feature.  Promise.

    When did that happen? I bought the 5 when it came out, here in NL a few weeks after the US introduction, and restored from backup (4) yet it still sends me push email. If they changed it after that, I think it was the end of September, than I will lose it when I buy the next model and restore my backup (5)?
  • Reply 51 of 60
    tallest skiltallest skil Posts: 43,388member
    No push notifications yet? What do I need this app for?
    Mailbox is way better.

    ... Wait. You're claiming that Mail has no notifications? Mail.
  • Reply 52 of 60
    philboogiephilboogie Posts: 7,675member
    No push notifications yet? What do I need this app for?
    Mailbox is way better.

    ... Wait. You're claiming that Mail has no notifications? Mail.

    I think he means Gmail doesn't have push email anymore. Though it works on my 5 with iOS6, but that may change when I get a new phone(?)
  • Reply 53 of 60


    Originally Posted by PhilBoogie View Post

    When did that happen? I bought the 5 when it came out, here in NL a few weeks after the US introduction, and restored from backup (4) yet it still sends me push email. If they changed it after that, I think it was the end of September, than I will lose it when I buy the next model and restore my backup (5)?

    Happened back in January.  See here:  I found out the hard way when I essentially replaced my iPhone 4s with an iPad Mini.  I was a little distressed.

  • Reply 54 of 60
    philboogiephilboogie Posts: 7,675member
    Happened back in January.  See here:  I found out the hard way when I essentially replaced my iPhone 4s with an iPad Mini.  I was a little distressed.

    Thanks for that link. So Google discontinues some SMS server because no one was using it anymore. Fair enough.

    They kill Google Sync for people who do not have 'Google Apps for Business' or 'Government and Education'. That isn't just wrong, that's evil. And childish. But that's Google alright. For a stupid company they sure do dumb things.
  • Reply 55 of 60
    reimreim Posts: 2member
    It has the trace of flavors from Windows 8 mobile.
  • Reply 56 of 60
    kdarlingkdarling Posts: 1,640member


    Originally Posted by PhilBoogie View Post

    They kill Google Sync for people who do not have 'Google Apps for Business' or 'Government and Education'. That isn't just wrong, that's evil. And childish. But that's Google alright. For a stupid company they sure do dumb things.


    Google gave free ActiveSync (Google Sync) accounts to millions of people for years.  That's not evil.


    From what I can gather, the most likely problem is that the license price went up.  That meant Google couldn't give the accounts away any more.


    I'm glad I had it, and I'll sure miss it, but I don't think I was magically entitled to it for nothing.

  • Reply 57 of 60
    philboogiephilboogie Posts: 7,675member
    kdarling wrote: »
    philboogie wrote: »
    <span style="line-height:1.231;">They kill Google Sync for people who do not have 'Google Apps for Business' or 'Government and Education'. That isn't just wrong, that's evil. And childish. But that's Google alright. For a stupid company they sure do dumb things.</span>

    Google gave free ActiveSync (Google Sync) accounts to millions of people for years.  That's not evil.

    <span style="line-height:1.231;">From what I can gather, the most likely problem is that the license price went up.  </span>
    <span style="line-height:1.231;">That meant Google couldn't give the accounts away any more.</span>

    I'm glad I had it, and I'll sure miss it, but I don't think I was magically entitled to it for nothing.

    Don't understand why they wouldn't give you the option by paying for it.

    Supposedly they are going to kill it this July 31st:
  • Reply 58 of 60
    freediverxfreediverx Posts: 1,424member


    Originally Posted by PhilBoogie View Post

    This is incorrect guys, Gmail works with Push. You need to configure it as an Exchange account, and not use the Gmail of the choices presented. Use as the server name.

    No, you are incorrect. Google announced months ago that they would no longer offer push support for iOS devices unless you get a business account, which costs $50+ per year, does not allow you to keep your existing email address, and is subject to the same privacy intrusions and obnoxious advertising that Google is well known for.

  • Reply 59 of 60
    akacakac Posts: 512member
    My two cents if it means much. The interface in screenshots is not something I want to install on my device; but then I installed it. Of course at first I still disliked it. After a week I can't go back to iOS 6 without feeling like I'm running some old OS. I love most of iOS 7 now. (I say most because there are [I]some[/I] elements I do not like still).
  • Reply 60 of 60
    philboogiephilboogie Posts: 7,675member
    freediverx wrote: »
    philboogie wrote: »
    This is incorrect guys, Gmail works with Push. You need to configure it as an Exchange account, and not use the Gmail of the choices presented. Use as the server name.
    No, you are incorrect. Google announced months ago that they would no longer offer push support for iOS devices unless you get a business account, which costs $50+ per year, does not allow you to keep your existing email address, and is subject to the same privacy intrusions and obnoxious advertising that Google is well known for.

    Yep, I sure was, and have been pointed out a couple of posts above. Thanks.

    My Gmail still gets pushed, didn't think I'd ever thank Google for anything though.
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