Caught by iPad cannibalization, Apple, Inc. gambles on Mac inventory safeguards



  • Reply 21 of 105
    wravenwraven Posts: 1member


    Originally Posted by Rogifan View Post

    Is it possible the MacBook Pros haven't been updated because they needed to wait for Thunderbolt 2 to become available?



    I think if the new MacBook Pro's don't come with Thunderbolt 2, since it was so heavily hyped by Apple in the Mac Pro preview, potential buyers, including myself, will be disappointed.  I'd like a 13" MacBook Pro Retina with a quad core processor, 16GB of RAM, and Thunderbolt 2 to drive an Apple 4K display, even if the display itself is not ready.


    Ideally, they release the updated rMBP's, the Mac Pro, and the 4K display all at the same time.

  • Reply 22 of 105
    drblankdrblank Posts: 3,385member


    Originally Posted by Teamracer View Post

    I think that laptops and tablets are best selling for now.


    Why should desktops be the future ?


    Best Regards

    Tablets don't process large video files or large audio, etc. projects very well.  Don't get me wrong, tablets have a place for many people, but so does a desktop and/or laptop.  I still prefer my desktop to do about 75% of my time is spent on the desktop. I like a REAL keyboard a big screen, lots o storage, etc. etc.  I do converting video and audio files from time to time and it's nice being able to do a large video or audio file conversion in a matter of minutes, while not taxing my system to do other things at the same time.  I barely use the processor when performing a video conversion with the new systems. 

  • Reply 23 of 105
    19831983 Posts: 1,225member
    Enough with all this! I just want Apple to finally release new Haswell rMBP's and iMacs yesterday!
  • Reply 24 of 105
    drblankdrblank Posts: 3,385member


    Originally Posted by Rogifan View Post

    Is it possible the MacBook Pros haven't been updated because they needed to wait for Thunderbolt 2 to become available?

    IT's a matter of the chip sets and how much they cost and if TB 2 is just for XEON processors or not.  I seem to remember Intel putting TB on board the board the processors, so it's not Apple as much as it is Intel.


    The other question is will Apple be implementing USB 3.1 as well (I know its not the same as TB).


    I'm sure Apple will have at least the same  faster SSD memory as the MBAir on the new MBPR, but will they have the same SSD as in the MacPro?  For some reason, i doubt it.


    Mobile devices will NEVER be on the same level as their high end desktop counter parts.  Whatever they do on the MBPR will be similar on the iMac.


    Personally, I still think Apple should come out with a higher end Mac Mini that's around the same power and resources stuffed in an iMac, but just in a slightly larger case than a MacMini and have a desktop that's in between the MacMini and the MacPro.


    It would be cool if Apple stuffed one FirePro chip with a bunch of high speed RAM inside the iMac and threw in a high end i7.  That might get some the kids all hot and bothered.

  • Reply 25 of 105
    tribalogicaltribalogical Posts: 1,182member
    I think they are prepping for some sweeping changes, and managing inventory as close to the brink as humanly possible. When the hammer drops, they will have little to no leftover stock to deal with on any product lines. I think they're erring on the side of "too little" than "too much".

    How many clues and hints do they have to drop? Between Tim Cook and Peter Oppenheimer alone, I've heard a half dozen mentions of major and sweeping across-the-board product releases including NEW products we haven't even heard of yet. Oppenheimer last said (in regards to product releases) something like, "It's going to be a very busy Fall... let's revisit things after that."

    Between September and next Spring I think every product in every category is going to be affected. Heck yeah they need to keep inventory WELL managed and under control in the run-up to that period. It begins in only a month or so, by the way.

    I expect we'll see a rapid momentum build and a ton of new product/upgrade announcements from there.

    One more thing. Something exciting (and as-yet unrumored, I'm guessing) is also coming for the holidays. Shh, it's secret, and no, I don't know anything special. I'm completely speculating. ;)
  • Reply 26 of 105
    tribalogicaltribalogical Posts: 1,182member


    Originally Posted by christopher126 View Post

    Well, I for one, am doing my best to run my real estate business from my iPhone 4s and and an iPad Mini only.



    I have an aging original intel iMac which I am using less and less because it has SL and iCloud is problematic. A little iWeb updating is about all I do on it. I'm in the process of switching to a web based free site offered by my hosting service. As much as I love iWeb, it's starting to look a little dated. 


    At home, I want to replace my ATV and get a TimeCapsule. (Done!)


    I may end up having to get an MBA 11" just to have the full capabilities of ML and iCloud. But I'm thinking it's the last "PC" I will every buy. 




    I'm doing something similar. Have decided that an iPad Mini + iPhone 5 + 13" MBA is the perfect toolkit. Those three devices together will satisfy 100% of my mobile and biz needs. I can shoot and edit photos & video, manage listings, edit/print all the standard forms, etc. (MLS and ZipForms on an iPad Mini? Really?) And you can do all that pretty much anywhere. Clients love it when you can pull up extra info while showing (even alternate properties) on the fly.  I considered the 11" MBA for about 30 seconds. I don't care for the 16:9 display format at that size, and the extra screen real estate on the 13" just makes everything so much more usable and comfortable for extended sessions...


    We're using iCloud and Dropbox a lot for managing file sharing. Looking forward to using Airdrop across all devices too.


    The tools of the future here today! :D

  • Reply 27 of 105
    tribalogicaltribalogical Posts: 1,182member


    Originally Posted by Tallest Skil View Post

    Check MacRumors, then. I said it. I said it again when we first heard the second set of rumors of an Apple Tablet. I knew what it would imply for mobile computing and I knew that the dive desktops were taking in sales would be arrested. By the end of the decade, laptops will be the smallest portion of the market.

    Well, with tablets on the go and around the house, what purpose is there to a laptop? Having said that, people will still need something with more power than their tablet, and so since it wouldn't be moving anyway, why take a weaker stationary laptop over a powerful desktop? That desktop, then, can also manage the automated features of the home, both when you're there and when you're away. 'Course that last bit I've only added in the last, oh, two years.

    Desktops, of course, are also going to go multitouch. Since they don't have to move, large touchscreens are feasible.


    I agree with a great deal of this. My MBP was the first thing to feel redundant after getting my iPad. My iMac, not so much. I still need a small laptop for work, so a 13" MBA is coming soon. Eventually Pads (I really think the iPad defined a new category separate from what everyone called a "tablet") will evolve to the point where they "converge" with laptops and essentially eliminate them.


    I'm also sure there will be a brief "multitouch desktop" boom, but I think it will be a short-lived fad. A novelty like "3D TV". The reality of keeping a 27" (or larger) monitor free of fingerprints is enough to kill that idea. That and "repetitive stress tired arm syndrome" that would come from waving at a vertical screen "minority report-style" all day. :P


    I do think we'll see more "gesture based" and desktop-based multi-touch controllers, ala the Leap and the Magic Trackpad. Those will improve a ton in the future. Converge Leap and the Magic Trackpad and… that's more like it. :)


    Wearables and new "sixth sense interfaces" will also alter the paradigm a bit more. We're definitely headed into a new "post-PC" era. It'll be interesting to see how it all plays out!

  • Reply 28 of 105
    steven n.steven n. Posts: 1,229member
    I just want a me a Mac Pro with a 27" class retina display. Simple wants.
  • Reply 29 of 105
    MacProMacPro Posts: 19,817member
    steven n. wrote: »
    I just want a me a Mac Pro with a 27" class retina display. Simple wants.

    It is a shame the 30" ACD was discontinued. I wonder with the new Mac Pro Apple might re introduced a real man sized screen? :smokey:
  • Reply 30 of 105
    mechanicmechanic Posts: 805member


    Originally Posted by Phone-UI-Guy View Post

    Don't forget the rumor that was posted here that Intel was going to supply a faster version of Haswell only to Apple later this year.

    It was a version of haswell with there top of the line video processor , Intel’s GT3e (Iris Pro 5200).

  • Reply 31 of 105
    SpamSandwichSpamSandwich Posts: 33,407member
    Portables and wireless devices reign supreme. Of course, laptops and desktops are needed to create the content for iPhones and iPads, but that won't always be the case. I understand even John Carmack recently tweeted that he was hammering out code on his iPad!
  • Reply 32 of 105
    wizard69wizard69 Posts: 13,377member
    At least this isn't a DED article!

    The problem that is see in these forecasts abpnd so forth is that the state of the economy is never mentioned nor the likely hood that it will get worst. People are far more conservative with their money these days.

    Combine that with grossly expensive computers like the RMBP and you have Apple in a position where they have to adjust inventory. It will be interesting to see what happens to the non retina MBP,I don't really think Apple can afford to drop them unless they can significantly reduce the price on the retina machine.

    In a nut shell the fact that the economy sucks right now is a factor that can't be dismissed in any discussion about computer sales. Sure tablets have an impact but that is in part due to being cheap.
  • Reply 33 of 105
    mechanicmechanic Posts: 805member


    Originally Posted by tribalogical View Post

    I think they are prepping for some sweeping changes, and managing inventory as close to the brink as humanly possible. When the hammer drops, they will have little to no leftover stock to deal with on any product lines. I think they're erring on the side of "too little" than "too much".

    How many clues and hints do they have to drop? Between Tim Cook and Peter Oppenheimer alone, I've heard a half dozen mentions of major and sweeping across-the-board product releases including NEW products we haven't even heard of yet. Oppenheimer last said (in regards to product releases) something like, "It's going to be a very busy Fall... let's revisit things after that."

    Between September and next Spring I think every product in every category is going to be affected. Heck yeah they need to keep inventory WELL managed and under control in the run-up to that period. It begins in only a month or so, by the way.

    I expect we'll see a rapid momentum build and a ton of new product/upgrade announcements from there.

    One more thing. Something exciting (and as-yet unrumored, I'm guessing) is also coming for the holidays. Shh, it's secret, and no, I don't know anything special. I'm completely speculating. image

    Well Put.  Like Cook and Oppenhiemer have been saying for months major updates and new products will be introduced this fall and all through 2014, these reductions in channel inventory could and probably are a precursor to that happening.  I agree.


    I would add one more thing too.  All of the press pundits and idiot analysts have been focussing on the annoyingly negative news that apple is dying because no new products are coming out but ignoring the fact that Cook and Oppenhiemer said in Q2 that new products were coming this fall and all through 2014.  They look at something like this article and say well there reducing there inventory because there "scared" or "overconfident".   The real truth is more likely like tribalogical says that the reduction is for the introduction of new product and updated product.   But hell we can have any good news about Apple can we!/s/s/s/s/s

  • Reply 34 of 105
    rogifanrogifan Posts: 10,669member
    I see Microsoft just gave Surface Pro a $100 price cut. Seems to me consumers are voting with their wallet against these convergence devices.
  • Reply 35 of 105
    v5vv5v Posts: 1,357member


    Originally Posted by tribalogical View Post

    Have decided that an iPad Mini + iPhone 5 + 13" MBA is the perfect toolkit. Those three devices together will satisfy 100% of my mobile and biz needs.


    If we could get a MacBook Air with cellular data we could dump the iPad altogether, especially if it supported SMS text messaging. Then all I'd need is a simple, voice-only telephone (iPhone 5C?).

  • Reply 36 of 105


    Originally Posted by Rogifan View Post

    I see Microsoft just gave Surface Pro a $100 price cut. Seems to me consumers are voting with their wallet against these convergence devices.


    That business and consumers are all sticking their noses up at the Pro has got to be the biggest surprise at Mocrosoft. The Pro needs a god-awful amount of RAM because of the size of memory Win8 squats on. Plus, I hear it' runs a bit slow due to the OS being more of a load that that "trick" can haul around. There were too many compromises in trying to keep the Surface show a decent amount of time away from the charger at the base RAM level. 


    So we have the RT that is compatible with nothing and good at nothing and desirable by no one.

    And then we have the Pro that is compatible with everything, slow and bulky, and a RAM hog that suck at the battery like a bucket calf.


    Neither one makes a good laptop or a good tablet and still require a $100+ cover that is not good at being a keyboard.


    It that about it??


    It's my opinion that the Pro makes a good bun warmer for the holiday table if you don't mind the fan noise.

  • Reply 37 of 105


    Originally Posted by v5v View Post


    If we could get a MacBook Air with cellular data we could dump the iPad altogether, especially if it supported SMS text messaging. Then all I'd need is a simple, voice-only telephone (iPhone 5C?).

    Use Skype on the MBA and you're good to go, if you don't mind Uncle Fester looking over your shoulder.  I think SMS is coming in iOS 7.

  • Reply 38 of 105
    v5vv5v Posts: 1,357member


    Originally Posted by AppleInsider View Post

    The major behind-the-scenes changes by Apple come after the company was reportedly caught off-guard by an oversupply of Macs earlier this year.


    Just yesterday we were talking about Apple immediately selling everything they make as fast as they can make it. I guess we were wrong.


    The context was a co-worker and me wanting Apple to make some design changes, but feeling that it was unlikely it will ever happen because you can't argue with success. Now I wonder...


    Is it possible that declining sales of certain products are NOT the result of cannibalization by the iPad, but rather buyers just not being happy with the current offerings? I know that's the case for me -- I haven't updated my aged MacBook Pro or iPhone because I don't care for the current offerings -- but I always I assumed I was the only one. Is anyone else thumbing their nose at what Apple sells now and waiting to see if the next redesign is better?

  • Reply 39 of 105


    Originally Posted by wizard69 View Post

    At least this isn't a DED article!

    The problem that is see in these forecasts abpnd so forth is that the state of the economy is never mentioned nor the likely hood that it will get worst. People are far more conservative with their money these days.

    Combine that with grossly expensive computers like the RMBP and you have Apple in a position where they have to adjust inventory. It will be interesting to see what happens to the non retina MBP,I don't really think Apple can afford to drop them unless they can significantly reduce the price on the retina machine.

    In a nut shell the fact that the economy sucks right now is a factor that can't be dismissed in any discussion about computer sales. Sure tablets have an impact but that is in part due to being cheap.


    The down economy has forced people to rethink buying crap computers... that's why Apple's been winning in all categories. Yeah, I know the Mac line took a dip this time around, due to cutting a lot of inventory out of the pipeline. But Apple has had its best years during this economy. The economy is actually improving, albeit slowly, so read some real economic news.

  • Reply 40 of 105


    Originally Posted by digitalclips View Post

    It is a shame the 30" ACD was discontinued. I wonder with the new Mac Pro Apple might re introduced a real man sized screen? image

    THAT would be the 4K screen. Something the new Mac Pro can handle more then one of at a time. Of course they come with a real man-sized price tag.

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