"Digital Hub" - Thanks for clarifying, Steve.



  • Reply 21 of 28
    jimmacjimmac Posts: 11,898member
    Sorry guys but, I see a time when the TV will be very much in the mix. A good deal of the entertainment will be downloadable ( for a fee of course ). Much more than the quicktime trailers and if Apple's not careful sponsored by everyone's favorite company Microsoft.
  • Reply 22 of 28
    [quote]Originally posted by geezer1:

    <strong>As for Apple pre-keynote hype - they lost me with this one. No matter what they do next time, they ain't got my attention no more.</strong><hr></blockquote>

    Ditto that.
  • Reply 23 of 28
    [quote]Originally posted by Nordstrodamus:


    Now, consider the alternative- a true digital hub. The computer easily interprets new sound standards (say Dolby 7.1 ) and sends them to the amp (which it can turn on and control) by firewire. All my television shows are organized like on Replay, but I can burn them to DVD or add additional firewire drives for more storage. The hub can stream them to any computer in the house by ethernet or airport (higher compression of course) as well as act as a file server.


    This is an awesome idea. Period. Unfortunately, Nebrie is right - the lawsuits would spring forth like so many insincere compliments from the lips of that cheap Tunisian hooker I "encountered" last weekend. Or, put simply: A lot of 'em. Big ones.

    Question: How could Apple do this without getting into the business of making satellite receivers, televisions, or audio equipment? All of these things have to talk to each other, right? I like your vision for what the Digital Hub could be, but is there any reasonable way to get there? It seems that component makers enjoy the status quo: every 2 years, audio junkies like you and I shell out $$$ for new equipment to keep up with technology. I think they would strongly resist any strategy by Apple that would make your stereo/tv/whatever upgradable.

    Just some thoughts.

  • Reply 24 of 28
    [quote]Originally posted by MacGregor:

    <strong>So is TiVo a one way box where you can't somehow get at the output? It seems like TiVo isn't getting sued.


    Good point.
  • Reply 25 of 28
    I really don't see how ripping or burning cds and listening to them is any more creative than watching television.

    Look how long it took for Apple adopt cd-rw after admitting that they "missed the boat" on that one. Apple will ignore this one too, regardless of what users may or may not want.
  • Reply 26 of 28
    Wow, this thread got kicked from "Future Hardware" to "General Discussion" to "Digital Hub"!

    Here's the main points people seem to be making in opposition to TV being integrated into the digital hub...

    1. Computers are for creating stuff not consuming stuff.

    2. TV recording on the Mac would open Apple up to lawsuits.

    3. Other companies will come out with better solutions.

    My responses-

    On #1- Maybe you are a DaVinci but for everyone else, 99% of the time we are on our computers listening, playing, reading, or watching content created by someone else.

    2. Apple didn't get sued for iTunes, mostly because they have the muscle to fight such a lawsuit. Also, lawsuits haven't impeded numerous video card manufacturers from incorporating PVR features. It's just not an issue, really, since media companies know the real beachhead is HDTV.

    3. Other companies made video editiig aps, and mp3 aps, and photo aps, and ... It's called competition, you do it or die. Speaking of competitors...

    <a href="http://abcnews.go.com/sections/scitech/TechTV/techtv_moxie020108.html"; target="_blank">Moxie</a>

    Oh yeah, I think someone also made a good point about how cool it would be to have TV in an iMac for the purpose of satisfying the needs of a college kid. I would have definately gone for that instead of hauling all the junk I needed.

    [ 01-08-2002: Message edited by: Nordstrodamus ]</p>
  • Reply 27 of 28
    cosmonutcosmonut Posts: 4,872member
    [quote]Originally posted by Nordstrodamus:


    Oh yeah, I think someone also made a good point about how cool it would be to have TV in an iMac for the purpose of satisfying the needs of a college kid. I would have definately gone for that instead of hauling all the junk I needed.

    [ 01-08-2002: Message edited by: Nordstrodamus ]</strong><hr></blockquote>

    Didn't I see a USB or Firewire TV tuner dongle and software somewhere? Honest question.
  • Reply 28 of 28
    [quote]Originally posted by CosmoNut:


    Didn't I see a USB or Firewire TV tuner dongle and software somewhere? Honest question.</strong><hr></blockquote>

    I think there are a few hack-job solutions available for the Mac. Nothing as slick as some fo the PVR cards for PCs. It was particularly annoying when PVR features started appearing in ATI PC cards, but were hobbled in macs.

    You highlight another point I wanted to make which is that Apple must take the lead in this area to capitalize on their ease-of-use rep and avoid consumer confusion.

    Also, I don't think Apple can take the same approach they took toward DV cams and digital cameras since PVRs as peripherals will never conform to a single standard format. That and the reality that the control and schedualing features in PVRs are as valuable as their ability to turn analog vid into dig.
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