Samsung accused of stealing product designs from appliance maker Dyson



  • Reply 41 of 74
    Originally Posted by Napoleon_PhoneApart View Post

    Can't wait to see Samsung's wrist-worn vacuum cleaner in a few months.


    Google Vrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrmmmmm

  • Reply 42 of 74
    It doesn't shock me that Samsung keeps doing this. They have been doing this for quite a while and nobody is stopping them. It is there model until it is shut down. Not sure that will ever happen though.
  • Reply 43 of 74

OMG Samsung ... you didn't copy, did you?!!

  • Reply 44 of 74
    jragostajragosta Posts: 10,473member
    Samsung already lost once. From the linked article:

    "In February 2009 a judge ordered Samsung to pay Dyson about £600,000 after it tried to patent the British firm's existing "triple-cyclone" suction technology."
  • Reply 45 of 74
    mobius wrote: »
    (Sorry - I'll stop now!)

    Too late. You suck. Clean up your act.
  • Reply 46 of 74
    At least they copy from the best design companies around. Yes they're thieves but they're thieves with taste - you gotta give them that.
  • Reply 47 of 74
    Eventually courts will have to understand the flagrant disease under which this inscrutable company works and will have to come down heavily on it. The company is pathological in its design to copy everything to make coin. This Dyson suit will be as much fun to follow as the old time carnival freak shows. How i miss the bearded ladies, and snake skin dudes; but they don't stand a chance against this clown taken to court.
  • Reply 48 of 74

    Originally Posted by Tallest Skil View Post


    Bigger sucking head, you mean. Samsung will be the first vacuum manufacturer with a 20" sucking head.


    Other than your mom, of course! OH SNAP!!!


    (Sorry, this is no way a personal attack, just the inner 14-year old in me not being able to contain himself!)

  • Reply 49 of 74

    Samescum is a corporate kleptomaniac. 'Nuff said.

  • Reply 50 of 74

    Originally Posted by mhikl View Post

    Eventually courts will have to understand the flagrant disease under which this inscrutable company works and will have to come down heavily on it. The company is pathological in its design to copy everything to make coin. This Dyson suit will be as much fun to follow as the old time carnival freak shows. How i miss the bearded ladies, and snake skin dudes; but they don't stand a chance against this clown taken to court.


    I agree. At what point do the courts escalate the punishments for repeated offenses (even against the SAME companies)?

  • Reply 51 of 74
    madsci3nce wrote: »
    At least they copy from the best design companies around. Yes they're thieves but they're thieves with taste - you gotta give them that.

    I've heard in Asian Culture it's the biggest form of flattery to be copied as close to the Master product as possible. Too bad this clashes with Western mores and values... /s with a hint of truth in the first part.

    Samsung (I will not stoop to name calling) needs to be specifically singled out and banned from Trade groups, shows, and advertising. Also their twisted use of "innovation" needs to be stopped immediately!
  • Reply 52 of 74
    lkrupplkrupp Posts: 10,557member

    If you can't patent rectangles the you can't patent cylinders either, huh. This is too funny for words. It just confirmed all of our rants about Samesung and their copy machines. Let's face it, the Asians have no taste when it comes to design for the West so they HAVE to copy what they see succeeding. Prime example is the Samsung Gear product released before Apple's rumored entry. We can all guaran-damn-tee the world that Samsung's design will change radically when a successful product is eventually released.

  • Reply 53 of 74
    They have been doing it for years.

    Back in the days of camcorders they ripped of sony.

    It must be cheaper for them to rip of a design and pay the odd fine then being creative in their own right.

    Big shame really.
  • Reply 54 of 74
    I asked an expert in the field of household appliances (my wife :P) what make of vacuum cleaner that was in the picture (I covered up the samsung logo). She immediately said, Dyson. Nice, more 'passing off' by Samsung.
  • Reply 55 of 74

    why not just bomb the factory? 

  • Reply 56 of 74

    Sony should have sued Samsung years ago for copying their designs.

  • Reply 57 of 74
    Just when you thought Samsung products couldn't suck any harder..
  • Reply 58 of 74
    Typical Korean business model, just copy and sell it at lower price. Just look at Forever 21, same BS.
  • Reply 59 of 74
    Originally Posted by MADSCI3NCE View Post

    At least they copy from the best design companies around. Yes they're thieves but they're thieves with taste - you gotta give them that.

    Sure they have taste ...


    Look at this pic. Look closer .... that girl's hands and fingers .... you know how difficult it is to find a Korean girl with that size hands to hold one of those phablets?!! ;)



    See how she has like broken her thumbs to hold those!

  • Reply 60 of 74

    Originally Posted by Disturbia View Post


    Sure they have taste ...


    Look at this pic. Look closer .... that girl's hands and fingers .... you know how difficult it is to find a Korean girl with that size hands to hold one of those phablets?!! ;)



    See how she has like broken her thumbs to hold those!

    Actually that's easy to explain. That's distortion from the use of an ultra wide angle lens with appendages close to the edges of the frame. My Korean friends mentioned to me some Korean soaps that were apparently sponsored by either Samsung or LG, where an actress was holding one of these huge screen devices to her head as she made a call. It was practically bigger than her head... very silly, but I guess people like being silly.

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