Apple revises guidance upward following iPhone launch, expects 36-37% gross margins



  • Reply 21 of 45
    irelandireland Posts: 17,799member
    Told my roommate–told him two years ago–he’d better not be relying on that BlackBerry of his to run his business. The company won’t see 2014.

    Didn’t believe me. Poor sap’s stuck in a nonexistent ecosystem now. Hope his startup doesn’t go under.

    The company still exists.
  • Reply 22 of 45
    irelandireland Posts: 17,799member
    sflocal wrote: »
    Cue the iHaters, trolls, and whiners that think a company should not be in business to make money.

    Money is a side-effect of the way Apple operates. It's not why Apple is in business. That's an important distinction.
  • Reply 23 of 45
    There were lots of droid troll, arm chair CEO, 5c nan-sayers until yesterday. Where are they now? Are they finally pull their head out of their ass, and query up at their nearest Apple store?
  • Reply 24 of 45
    Originally Posted by sflocal View Post

    How can his startup go under by using a mobile phone?  Unless your roommate's startup is developing BB apps?  


    He coordinated everything they did on the thing. Used it more than his laptop, even. He’s one of those you hear about hurting their thumbs from texting/emailing and such on that tiny physical keyboard…


    Originally Posted by Ireland View Post

    The company still exists.


    For now.

  • Reply 25 of 45
    Originally Posted by jsmythe00 View Post

    Listen, I don't claim to know a lot about stocks and margins and ratios BUT I do know when someone doesn't know there job. And these fools(analysts) have no clue wtf they're talking about.

    Wait and see if this 9 mil in sales is just early adopters and see if it tapers down?!?!

    Of course it's gonna taper down! But you'd be a fool to think apple is not gonna have a record quarter in iPhone sales. What more proof do they need that Apple knows what they're doing and everyone else feebly attempting to copy apples success.

    Btw, the 5s is without equal. They can stop innovating right here for another two years and the competition still wouldn't catch up

    Exactly!  As for the the 5s being without equal, I'm with you.  Got my silver 5S a couple of hours ago.  Only problem is getting the iWork apps free.  Apple is currently working on that for me.

  • Reply 26 of 45
    Look it is not easy selling millions of units in weekend that people want let alone 9 MILLION of computers in your hand. But Apple makes it look easy even though it is not. This is why analysts are jaded and bash Apple that it can do better and falling behind.

    I really cannot believe the bashing Apple gets even on record setting day. CNBC had on 2 analysts today %u2013 one said Apple will long term be like MSFT and has 300 price target. Really Apple has shown it is like MSFT? One of most profitable companies in world with record setting sales almost every year and recent track record of innovative products? This analyst would think that Apple's sticky ecosystem is worth ZERO with ZERO sales growth.

    2nd analyst says Apple sales was really flat and growth was because they expanded into China. It is like he saying Apple is not playing fair because Apple expanded its market/distribution. Let me ask you this %u2013 isn%u2019t that how every company expands %u2013 by expanding into new markets? But when Apple
    does it and does it really well with complexity of supply chain and logistics%u2013 the negative analysts are saying like Apple is CHEATING. COME ON!

    Who else can sell or even make 9 million units in launch weekend?
    I imagine 9 million units is incredibly hard to make especially for something as complex as computer inside your hand. But theses flimsy analysts are saying like it is so so like anyone can do it in their sleep, and comes off as really jaded of record sales Apple sets.

    Same analysts who predicted 5-6 million units sold and the 5C would be dud and they got that wrong even though they KNEW ahead of time China was included in launch. A beat is a beat and these are actual sales and not dubious click farms in India- it is like Apple is penalized for finding new ways to do it. It is like analyst are saying wait till next quarter - oh they did great on that - ok lets wait quarter after that - eventually Apple will fall flat and I will be right. Is that how business school is teaching to value companies?

    Like how analysts predict sales by how many people in line or asking 100 people which model they are getting. When over 9 MILLION were sold around world. It is absurd how some analysts think and do their analysis.

    Same shady analysts who buy into AMZN who has PE 250 and lost money every year since it was born. If you give me billions of dollars %u2013 I promise you I can sell products at or below cost and never make a profit too. Analysts prefer that over Apple PE 10 and one of most profitable companies in world. Eventually analysts will be right and AMZN will make tiny profit and analyst will be like you see I told you so.

    And they don't even mention NEW Apple products planned for 2014 like that will be worth zero too
  • Reply 27 of 45
    MacProMacPro Posts: 19,822member
    Told my roommate–told him two years ago–he’d better not be relying on that BlackBerry of his to run his business. The company won’t see 2014.

    Didn’t believe me. Poor sap’s stuck in a nonexistent ecosystem now. Hope his startup doesn’t go under.

    You had a room mate two years ago? So you are a kid?
  • Reply 28 of 45

    Yes everything Apple has come out with the "expert" analysts have always scoffed at and that people would never buy it and how can they possibly beat Nokia or Blackberry. And every time they eat dog food.

  • Reply 29 of 45
    Originally Posted by digitalclips View Post
    You had a room mate two years ago? So you are a kid?


    I guess sitcoms have been lying to us for decades. No one ever lives together during their adult lives.

  • Reply 30 of 45

    Can anyone explain why Apple needed to update SEC if the *revised* estimates are in fact within the previously suggested range?


    Thank you.

  • Reply 31 of 45
    Originally Posted by sflocal View Post



    How can his startup go under by using a mobile phone?  Unless your roommate's startup is developing BB apps?  


    You obviously don't know the drug trafficking industry well.

  • Reply 32 of 45

    Originally Posted by digitalclips View Post

    You had a room mate two years ago? So you are a kid?


    Dumb post is dumb.


  • Reply 33 of 45
    Originally Posted by StruckPaper View Post


    Can anyone explain why Apple needed to update SEC if the *revised* estimates are in fact within the previously suggested range?


    Thank you.


    when they say 'near the high end' it means 'will likely exceed by a more than a significant (1%) amount.'   


    If you do the high end math... it's 1.5Billion quarterly profits above the low end revenue/margin range values.   At 40% margins on a $600ASP...  9Million phones is north of 2Billion in gross profits.   Maybe they hedged their July numbers assuming that it was a non-zero chance to release the 5c/5s in October, which would be next quarter.


    Directly speaking to your question:


    Releasing this to the SEC allows them to use the updated information for business discussions and insider activity

    - for establishing their credit worthiness/bond ratings

    - in negotiations with their suppliers, if they strike a deal with someone in the next week (China Mobile), they can't be accused of falsely low-balling numbers.  

    - if they release the numbers to either of the above, then they have exposed 'insider information' prior to market release

    - Insiders can buy/sell stock based on this information, otherwise all trades have to be embargoed until after the press announcements to avoid tainted trades.
  • Reply 34 of 45
    Originally Posted by MikeJones View Post



    Not to mention all the whining about how the 5c was "too expensive".


    BTW it's also funny watching all the people who just last week were whining about how the 5c was going to have terrible sales *cough* Rogifan *cough* now suddenly changing their tune and acting like the complete opposite now that the sales came out. A good reason why you never trust the armchair CEOs on forums.


    I can tell you locally the 5c is selling very well, I bought my daughter the last yellow 5c walmart had for $79.00 (the were selling them for $20.00 off), saturday, and the sales associate there told me that they had 300 5c's and with mine sold them all.  I bought a 5s for myself and went to the apple store yesterday to buy a case for it and was told that they have sold a little over 1000 5c's and just over 1400 5s's out of that store alone.  The apple guy there said they sold twice as many 5s's  this year over the 5's they sold last year.  They continue to get stock in daily and they sell them as fast as they can get them (5s's).  The 5c's they had on hand  but were sold out of the yellow and blue and green.

  • Reply 35 of 45

    Originally Posted by bobbyfozz View Post

    When WS was throwing Apple under the bus now that they see the weekend figures what are they doing? They are heading with a "wait and see" as if that will tell the dumb bastardos anything. A previous poster was exactly right, WS wants, desperately, Apple to be like the other companies so they can track them better and be "right" once in a while. Apple was getting down graded years ago when I was buying Apple stock--companies like American Express didn't have much to say about them while lots have been said about AE.

    Now these people are waiting for more numbers to see if "projections" (the new ones) can be sustained. Well, the old ones certainly didn't go anywhere. I suppose these guys have college degrees in finance. That's rich.


    There still throwing Apple under the bus.  These douche bags will never admit that they are utter failures and completely wrong.  Instead they will just change the color of the bile that they are spewing and spin Apples demise in a different way.  They will keep polishing the Apple is doomed "TURD".  No matter how much they polish it, it still is a "TURD".  There just like the little child that gets caught red handed lying and says "I didn't do that", even when you caught them in the act.

  • Reply 36 of 45
    Originally Posted by muadibe View Post


    Exactly!  As for the the 5s being without equal, I'm with you.  Got my silver 5S a couple of hours ago.  Only problem is getting the iWork apps free.  Apple is currently working on that for me.


    Got them for my daughters 5c.  All you have to do is register the iPhone with apple once they have your imei number registered you just go log into the iTunes Store with your apple id and the apps will say "FREE" on the price and you just down load them. The registration is completed automatically when you turn your iPhone on and set it up in iTunes for the first time.

  • Reply 37 of 45
    MacProMacPro Posts: 19,822member
    I guess sitcoms have been lying to us for decades. No one ever lives together during their adult lives.

    Just pulling your chain. BTW what's a sitcom? I don't have TV.
  • Reply 38 of 45
    MacProMacPro Posts: 19,822member
    pendergast wrote: »
    Dumb post is dumb.

    Just kidding as TS tend towards angst much of the time.
  • Reply 39 of 45
    Originally Posted by Tallest Skil View Post



    I guess sitcoms have been lying to us for decades. No one ever lives together during their adult lives.


    The Odd Couple.

  • Reply 40 of 45

    Originally Posted by 512ke View Post

    Oh how I hope many of the Analysts shorted the stock and lost money.

    Oh how foolish the majority of Analysts look now

    Grotesquely inadequate stock. Supply chain signals. Overpriced. Sales collapse. Flop. They ravaged and insulted Apple. And now? They will wait and see?

    Wake up and smell the money. Or just do basic math.

    Nine million opening. And china mobile is not even included yet.

    WSJ. Motley Fool. Seeking Alpha. CSNBC. Idiots.


    Actually, those idiots are making a ton of money off their media-driven manipulations. It has been entirely about driving the price lower, so they could BUY more at a discount in anticipation of now. They keep the prices low as long as they can, then it goes ballistic, as it did today, and will likely continue to do for awhile.


    Oh yes, those idiots are laughing all the way to the bank, trust me.
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