Obama, Sebelius compare Apple's iOS 7 launch to Healthcare.gov rollout issues



  • Reply 61 of 179

    Originally Posted by Apple ][ View Post


    Haha, please no!<img class=" src="http://forums-files.appleinsider.com/images/smilies//lol.gif" />


    Don't compare iOS7 to the disaster called Obamacare! Much more pain is to come in the future from Obamacare, and I think that that's awesome!


    And just for the record, I'm happy that the govt shut down today. I hope that it's closed for a bit longer.:D


    How dare Obama compare iOS 7 to Obamacare! Is he on crack?:wow:


    The iOS 7 rollout was super smooth compared to the disastrous mess that is called Obamacare! That is truly a dumb comparison to make. 


    Excellent, could not agree more on all points!! 

  • Reply 62 of 179


    The United States Federal Government is shut down. Federal employees are furloughed. National Parks are closed. The National Zoo’s Panda Cam is offline.

    And the Census Bureau website is down.

    But there’s good news: PolicyMap is up, and it's now the place to go for Census data while the government is shut down.

    PolicyMap has always been the simplest, most comprehensive source for geographic data. Now, we’re proud to provide a helping hand, offering the Census’s data while they can’t. And it’s not just the Census: Data sites are down at the CDC, USDA, BEA, National Center for Education Statistics, NOAA, and, yes, National Park Service. PolicyMap continues to provide data from all these sources (plus plenty more).

    We may not be able to offer ranger hikes in Yosemite or run the Mars Curiosity Rover, but PolicyMap always has the data you need, all in one place, no matter what Congress does (or doesn’t do).
  • Reply 63 of 179

    Originally Posted by ned bulous View Post

    Did you know that folks without insurance are 70% more likely to due if they get cancer? Why do you suppose that is?



    Thats easy....    Because most (NOT ALL) of those are leeching off the government, do nothing to take care of themselves or their families.   The government has created this mindset in people, especially the food stamp president we have today.     Personal responsibility is lacking.  Why work if its handed to you.   If you are not proud enough to fend for yourself and provide for your family, then you probably are not going to be one that lives and healthy responsible life.


    Please save the 1% Story of people who can't work....   It a tired story and doesn't change the other 99%


    Sorry for being the Master of the Obvious here....

  • Reply 64 of 179

    Originally Posted by Dick Applebaum View Post



    The United States Federal Government is shut down. Federal employees are furloughed. National Parks are closed. The National Zoo’s Panda Cam is offline.

    And the Census Bureau website is down.

    But there’s good news: PolicyMap is up, and it's now the place to go for Census data while the government is shut down.

    PolicyMap has always been the simplest, most comprehensive source for geographic data. Now, we’re proud to provide a helping hand, offering the Census’s data while they can’t. And it’s not just the Census: Data sites are down at the CDC, USDA, BEA, National Center for Education Statistics, NOAA, and, yes, National Park Service. PolicyMap continues to provide data from all these sources (plus plenty more).

    We may not be able to offer ranger hikes in Yosemite or run the Mars Curiosity Rover, but PolicyMap always has the data you need, all in one place, no matter what Congress does (or doesn’t do).


    Heard the president's Caddy was just re-classified as "ESSENTIAL"   As was the unaffordable care act navigators.    But the Center for Disease Control is shut down.   OMG, the mind of a community organizer :D

  • Reply 65 of 179

    Originally Posted by MacinScott View Post

    It makes me sick to think that those of us who have made correct choices all our lives, done without when we couldn't afford and worked hard to get where we are, basically have to support the other half of the population.


    I don't see this as an issue of the responsible, hard-working people supporting the lazy half of the population. I work very hard, have no credit card debt, have never been unemployed. I've worked for large companies, founded and managed a small business and am currently self-employed. For the past few years I've been lucky to share a health care plan offered through my wife's employer, but when I had to buy my own insurance, the options were awful. I feel much better knowing that if my wife lost her job, the new health care exchanges would give us more options.


    I would have preferred a single-payer option because, as a self-employed person, I don't understand why health insurance is linked to your employer to begin with. I don't get car or home insurance through an employer. Anyway, last year I found a doctor I really liked, but now I can't see him because my wife's employer decided to change to a different network. So the only thing that has ever come between me and my doctor wasn't the government but a private company making a financial decision.

  • Reply 66 of 179
    pazuzupazuzu Posts: 1,728member

    What an insult. Tim Cook should demand an apology.

  • Reply 67 of 179
    MacProMacPro Posts: 19,815member
    muadibe wrote: »
    Speaking of dumb, so what specifically is it about the Affordable Healthcare Act that you don't like?
    Remember, you are calling something, most of which goes into effect today, a failure.

    Well said but I wouldn't waste your time even answering such a dumb f*****
  • Reply 68 of 179
    Originally Posted by arlomedia View Post

    ... as a self-employed person, I don't understand why health insurance is linked to your employer to begin with. 

    This is the key point that most people don't get. And one of the biggest sources of frictions in the health care (and career) marketplace.

  • Reply 69 of 179
    mstonemstone Posts: 11,510member
    Originally Posted by Macboy Pro View Post


    Turn the channel away from MSNBC and you might get the facts.   Ask a UPS Driver about his new insurance in 3 months.  As his/her spouse.   Ask the unbelievable amount of Americans who now are part time because their small business can NOT afford  the Unaffordable Care Act.


    Seriously, it is destroying the economy and every premise it was sold on has already been PROVEN to be a flat out LIE.


    UPS was never under any obligation to pay for spouse health care and under the new health care act they still aren't required to. UPS is one of the few corporations that offers full health benefits to part time workers. They were never required to and under the new health care act they still are not required to. So how do you figure that the UPS changes to their offered coverage is somehow a result of the health care act?


    Also small businesses that could not afford coverage for their employees are still not required to provide coverage.

  • Reply 70 of 179

    #fixhealthcare #hypocrites2014 


    Three quick ways to vastly improve healthcare costs


    1. Open the market so you can purchase healthcare across State lines like you can car, house, boat, and life insurance. 

    2. Tort reform. Put a cap on what people can litigate for so liability insurance goes down, which is a huge cost to doctors and hospitals. 

    3. Health savings accounts that can be willed to family. Allow anyone to 'donate' to anyone else's savings account. You have a much better chance of people being charitable when they know exactly what the money is going towards. 


    #1 is probably the biggest and easiest solved as Congress simply has to vote to open that up. Then you have healthcare coverage competing like car insurance. 


    #3 can be mandated, but not government run as the government degreases value and increases cost in EVERYTHING! This will force the young to save for when they are old, which is the largest drain on healthcare. 


    The best role for any government is to help open markets up to free enterprise which leads to competition, which always leads to better products/services and lower costs. 


    So this is not a battle over whether everyone should have healthcare (as the poorest can always go to the emergency room), but WHO decides how healthcare is ran. Open market, or the government. That is the real debate. 

  • Reply 71 of 179

    Originally Posted by Dick Applebaum View Post


    Scared to ask ... I assume these aren't a joke?

  • Reply 72 of 179
    macboy pro wrote: »
    Lets just state facts...

    Obama care (AKA, the Unaffordable Care Act) has destroyed this economy and has raised healthcare costs across the board.  You must be one of MSNBC's 200 viewers.  Worker are being forced to part time, losing coverage, etc.    

    I agree with the idea that you should not be denied coverage for pre-existing conditions (if you had them when you had insurance).  If you switch plans, you should be eligible for coverage.

    Sir, you need to put the Kool Aid down and pickup a history book.  The GOP predicted ALL of this before the Unaffordable care act passed and not a one voted for it because they KNEW this would happen.    

    On a side note, why should a government require a company (any company) to spend what they take in?   Are you a flipping communist?

    I say we require the government to only spend 100% of what they take in and not spend 300% like these Democrats have been doing for years.

    LOL. Your posts are devoid of facts, which doesn't surprise me. According to the non partisan CBO, Obamacare REDUCES the deficit. Moreover, even critics of ACA have admitted that it has NOT harmed the economy. In contrast, Bush's tax cuts and wars DID ravage the economy- why do I think you probably supported those horrendous policies which led to the financial meltdown in 2008?

    I'm tired of the right wing lecturing me with the "facts" they got from Limbaugh, Hannity and Faux News! These are the same folks who think climate change is a hoax, that Intelligent Design is a valid scientific theory, etc, etc.
  • Reply 73 of 179

    Originally Posted by mstone View Post

    Originally Posted by Macboy Pro View Post


    Turn the channel away from MSNBC and you might get the facts.   Ask a UPS Driver about his new insurance in 3 months.  As his/her spouse.   Ask the unbelievable amount of Americans who now are part time because their small business can NOT afford  the Unaffordable Care Act.


    Seriously, it is destroying the economy and every premise it was sold on has already been PROVEN to be a flat out LIE.


    UPS was never under any obligation to pay for spouse health care and under the new health care act they still aren't required to. UPS is one of the few corporations that offers full health benefits to part time workers. They were never required to and under the new health care act they still are not required to. So how do you figure that the UPS changes to their offered coverage is somehow a result of the health care act?


    Actually, I had stated the facts on UPS in a post above, which Macboy Pro apparently failed to read, or simply ignored: their decision only affects working spouses whose employers offer their own health care. Non-working spouses, or spouses whose employers do not offer health care, are not affected.

  • Reply 74 of 179

    Originally Posted by MacOSR View Post



    Yeah...but my health insurance premiums didn't increase by 119% with the release of iOS7. That's what the ACA did to me this past Friday. I guess at this point I hate what I'm experiencing. #notgood #leavemyhealthcarealone


    The point was never to lower your personal premium, but to provide affordable care for more, unfortunately not all, of our people and put a brake on the runaway cost increases of care. My premiums are going up too, not sure by how much yet since I haven't selected which plan for my family yet. I make too much to qualify for any subsidy - lucky me. My families benefits will increase, I'll pay my way and I suppose help fund the subsidies for others with lower incomes. I accept that as the price of living in a country that has both a healthier and more secure populace. Business used to take care of it but most job creators bailed on their workers ... All in all it will make us a stronger, more competitive country. 

  • Reply 75 of 179
    jfc1138jfc1138 Posts: 3,090member

    Originally Posted by MacOSR View Post



    Yeah...but my health insurance premiums didn't increase by 119% with the release of iOS7. That's what the ACA did to me this past Friday. I guess at this point I hate what I'm experiencing. #notgood #leavemyhealthcarealone


    Because with the law not having actually been in place "it" upped your premiums which, of course, had NEVER been upped previously?


    Yeah sure.


    This "past Friday" the PPACA wasn't even running to any significant extent (no personal responsibility mandate, no exchanges) and it actually doesn't start going live for the exchanges people until January 1st. Whoever jacked your premium is playing you. In the PPACA they just found a new excuse for the same old BOHICA of healthcare payments.

  • Reply 76 of 179
    cpsrocpsro Posts: 3,220member
    Originally Posted by mstone View Post

    So really who is being harmed by the healthcare act?

    Arguably almost all of us are being hurt by the "affordable" [sic] healthcare act, due to our tainted government allowing premiums to rise too much too fast, whether it's because the for-profit insurers need to keep those profits coming, because there are no limits to coverage, because we have millions more that will receive insurance, or because of the added complexity.

  • Reply 77 of 179
    jfc1138jfc1138 Posts: 3,090member

    Originally Posted by Macboy Pro View Post




    Thats easy....    Because most (NOT ALL) of those are leeching off the government, do nothing to take care of themselves or their families.   The government has created this mindset in people, especially the food stamp president we have today.     Personal responsibility is lacking.  Why work if its handed to you.   If you are not proud enough to fend for yourself and provide for your family, then you probably are not going to be one that lives and healthy responsible life.


    Please save the 1% Story of people who can't work....   It a tired story and doesn't change the other 99%


    Sorry for being the Master of the Obvious here....


    So that's a big "yes" for the enactment of the personal mandate then?


    Good for you.

  • Reply 78 of 179
    jessijessi Posts: 302member
    It's funny how opposing theft, and opposing the destruction of a large swath of the US economy is spun as "rooting for failure".

    The ACA violates people's rights, it criminalizes sales of private insurance, it forces people to buy plans that are a worse deal than they would be able to get in the private sector, and it is a naked attempt for the government to nationalize the healthcare industry.

    If, as they claim, insurance companies were being too greedy, then the government could have created their own legitimate insurance system, that didn't take any profit, and just paid out claims from premiums, and offered it as a competitive choice for people.

    That's what they would do if they actually wanted to help people.

    But they just want power, so they criminalized the competition (eg: private insurance) because they knew they couldn't compete if people had freedom of choice, and eliminated the right for the young and healthy to have very light or no-insurance forcing people to buy their plan.

    This violates rights all around... it's unconscionable. And it shows their intentions, unlike their rhetoric, are not noble in the least.
  • Reply 79 of 179
    Classic defensive comments that make Sebelius and Obama look terrible...

    The obvious difference: my iPhone actually worked when I upgraded it... As well as every other iPhone of every person I know who upgraded... Last time I checked, most people are simple not able to use the various exchange web sites... An epic fail...

    "They (Apple) have more people than us." LOL! The Federal Defecit EVERY YEAR is greater than Apple's entire market cap, built up over 30 years.. For the Federal Government to complain about their lack of resources is beyond the pale.

    I mean, they should get focus on getting this fixed, and less on defensive PR...
  • Reply 80 of 179
    jessijessi Posts: 302member

    Originally Posted by 512ke View Post

    People also hated the idea of Medicare when it was announced.


    History has proven those people correct.


    All of these government programs intervening in the market have the result of making people poorer...which the politicians turn around and use as an excuse to take more power and money from the economy.  It's a vicious cycle. 

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