Obama, Sebelius compare Apple's iOS 7 launch to Healthcare.gov rollout issues



  • Reply 41 of 179
    cpsrocpsro Posts: 3,218member

    Originally Posted by Rot'nApple View Post



    For starters, being FORCED to buy a product or service from the government! 

    A private insurer will suffice, but yes if you don't get insurance, you will be fined--not so much at first, but a lot in a few years.


    For middle-income and below, the insurance is not generally affordable, even after subsidies.


    It doesn't help that the insurance companies vary across the 50 states, are allowed to be for-profit entities, and are allowed to increase premiums so much each year, but that's what you get when you have a President that never really thought about the issues until shortly before election.

  • Reply 42 of 179

    Originally Posted by muadibe View Post

    Many people with your mindset opposed Medicare when it was first implemented, yet here it is today, still. The Affordable Healthcare Act will do the same. Ironically, at some point in the future, if not already, you or members of your family will receive the benefits of this law.

    History will look back and include you with the group of people who decided people less fortunate should not have healthcare. What is different than in the case of Medicare, is that there is a history of all the negative comments people were making. You will never be able to say, oh, I was for that ,law.

    Hope you sleep well at night knowing you have healthcare and others don't. Must make you feel very superior.


     You drank the kool aid.  EVERYONE has health care already.   ANYONE can walk in a hospital and get health care.     I am not superior, I just think for myself, work for myself, provide for myself and my family.   I don't rely and handouts.  I can read history, I can see what other countries do with their socialized medicine.   If you think socialism works, you are living in a hole head first. Socialism is only good for the power hungry in power.


    You got your say, I got mine, lets agree to just disagree because I am not going to get in a political battle on this forum.

  • Reply 43 of 179
    rot'napple wrote: »
    For starters, being FORCED to buy a product or service from the government!  Wait until they do get 'single payer'.  What if Obama's top supporter was Bill Gates and quid pro quo Obama issued an Executive Order that FORCED everyone to buy a Microsoft computer or tablet or smart phone.

    And don't you mean 'trying to go into effect'...

    Did you know that some states FORCE all drivers to carry auto insurance?!?

  • Reply 44 of 179

    Smells like a right-wing nut over here.

  • Reply 45 of 179
    alienzedalienzed Posts: 393member
    He wasn't comparing government politics with technology, he was comparing technology with technology.

    "The government has had 3 years to prepare for this. Apple redesigned iOS in about 7 months. No comparison. Besides minor software glitches are not the same thing as going to an exchange website and not being able to do squat because of server overload."

    That is inaccurate in the sense that iOS7 builds upon Unix, which has been ion development for 30 years. Or more recently Mac OS X which has been around for 13 years, or more recently iOS 6,5,4,3.... which has been around since 2008.
    Apple didn't build iOS 7 from the ground up in 7 months, and something tells me that the majority of the work on these new exchanges was probably started sometime after the supreme court decision.

    All in all, your timeline is way off.
  • Reply 46 of 179
    Originally Posted by Rot'nApple View Post



    How about YOU provide evidence of a government program that actually works, doesn't have glitches, doesn't require ton of paperwork or invasive bureaucratic QnA's, no fraud or abuse and that people are actually happy to be on such a program?

    OK. I hate to tell you this, but here's an example -- what do you know! -- from health care: 



    Add: I did not call you a maroon because you belonged to the TP. I named a specific one. Please re-read. :-)

  • Reply 47 of 179
    I'll tell you what I don't like

    %u2022 a 75% subsidy for Congress
    %u2022 the "Do as I say, not as I do" attitude
    %u2022 the over 1,800 exemptions given to businesses, many to union members
    %u2022 lies like Obamacare will "cut the cost of a typical family's premium by up to $2,500 a year"
    %u2022 those who don't see the correlation between classifying 30 hours as full-time and employers cutting worker's hours below that number

    It makes me sick to think that those of us who have made correct choices all our lives, done without when we couldn't afford and worked hard to get where we are, basically have to support the other half of the population.

    It's not enough that we provide an ungodly amount of entitlements, the kicker is you're branded as uncaring if you dare question it, despite what you do in your personal lives through church or other means.

    Where else in life do you get so much with no strings attached? I'm subject to drug testing, but if you ask someone on welfare to be drug tested, you're discriminating. Say that voters should have to have a photo ID and you're racist. Politicians must cater to the tens of millions of illegals if they want to have a chance at getting elected. Somehow it's unAmerican to actually follow the law and come to this country legally the way my wife and her family did. Asking people to work hard and better themselves is out-of-line.

    I've said it once and I'll say it again - except for the very small percentage of people who are truly unable to work, all handouts need to come with stipulations. You can volunteer, clean up the community, go to a vocational school, but you have to do something. If you want to have kids, then you better be sure you can provide for them. The government is not your nanny. If you can't feed, clothe, provide shelter and be an involved parent, then you should not have kids. And there definitely should not be any incentives for you to do so.

    But, even good people often suffer hardships. So let the programs help those TEMPORARILY when they are in need. And yes, everything has a price. I don't care how well-intentioned an entitlement is, it costs boatloads of money.

    In case you haven't noticed, the United States is 17 Trillion in debt, a number most people can't even begin to grasp. We're currently borrowing 57 cents for every dollar spent. There's no way this can continue. There's no amount of taxes that can cover our asses. Someone has to make the unpopular choice and deal with it or we can just wait until everything collapses.

    My distain is not limited to the Democrats. There are many Republicans who are equally guilty of putting their political careers ahead of the people they are supposed to serve. I pray that one day we will have Congressional term limits, put an end to the influence of lobbyists and somehow rebuild our country.

    Rant done.
  • Reply 48 of 179
    Originally Posted by ned bulous View Post

    Right wingers who hate the ACA don't even understand it. Remember, the GOP has been wrong about everything from the Iraq War to the Bush Tax Cuts to the Clinton era tax hikes to Medicare & social security. The ACA ("Obamacare") has already started to bend the cost curve, has allowed kids to stay on their parents insurance until age 26, doesn't allow insurance companies to discriminate against kids for pre-existing conditions, requires insurance to pay out 80% of what they take in as premiums for actual health care, provides free (no co-pay) preventative care, increases competition between insurance companies, etc, etc

    It's irritating that the GOP, in the midst of death throes, seems intent on bringing the rest of America down with it.



    Lets just state facts...

    Obama care (AKA, the Unaffordable Care Act) has destroyed this economy and has raised healthcare costs across the board.  You must be one of MSNBC's 200 viewers.  Worker are being forced to part time, losing coverage, etc.    

    I agree with the idea that you should not be denied coverage for pre-existing conditions (if you had them when you had insurance).  If you switch plans, you should be eligible for coverage.


    Sir, you need to put the Kool Aid down and pickup a history book.  The GOP predicted ALL of this before the Unaffordable care act passed and not a one voted for it because they KNEW this would happen.    


    On a side note, why should a government require a company (any company) to spend what they take in?   Are you a flipping communist?


    I say we require the government to only spend 100% of what they take in and not spend 300% like these Democrats have been doing for years.

  • Reply 49 of 179
    macboy pro wrote: »
     You drank the kool aid.  EVERYONE has health care already.   ANYONE can walk in a hospital and get health care.     I am not superior, I just think for myself, work for myself, provide for myself and my family.   I don't rely and handouts.  I can read history, I can see what other countries do with their socialized medicine.   If you think socialism works, you are living in a hole head first. Socialism is only good for the power hungry in power.

    You got your say, I got mine, lets agree to just disagree because I am not going to get in a political battle on this forum.

    Really? I thought the ER only serviced emergencies. You mean they clean teeth and do preventative care too? :/

    Did you know that folks without insurance are 70% more likely to due if they get cancer? Why do you suppose that is?
  • Reply 50 of 179
    mstonemstone Posts: 11,510member
    Originally Posted by Cpsro View Post

    but that's what you get when you have a President that never really thought about the issues until shortly before election.

    The Democrats have been talking about universal healthcare since Clinton was in his first term. The Republicans have been arguing that it would never work since then as well. Now the Republicans are in crisis mode because if it does end up working it will prove they were wrong all along.


    The loudest opponents of the health care act have no valid reason to be opposed to it, especially since they already have great health insurance. The only people who have a legitimate complaint would be young people who think they don't need health insurance since they are healthy, but they also tend to by reckless and could easily end up in the emergency room. In that case, without insurance, the tax payers would have to foot the bill for their recklessness. The other group who possibly have a legitimate complaint are corporations who currently do not provide health care. But the employer mandate only affects large corporations and most large corporations are already providing health care.


    So really who is being harmed by the healthcare act? In the original negotiations the Dems already made concessions in taxes and Medicare, etc. in order to pass the original bill. I don't hear any Republicans saying they want to give back any of those concessions in their outrage and attempts in repealing the law.

  • Reply 51 of 179
    ipenipen Posts: 410member

    Originally Posted by Apple ][ View Post


    Haha, please no!<img class=" src="http://forums-files.appleinsider.com/images/smilies//lol.gif" />


    Don't compare iOS7 to the disaster called Obamacare! Much more pain is to come in the future from Obamacare, and I think that that's awesome!


    And just for the record, I'm happy that the govt shut down today. I hope that it's closed for a bit longer.:D


    How dare Obama compare iOS 7 to Obamacare! Is he on crack?:wow:


    The iOS 7 rollout was super smooth compared to the disastrous mess that is called Obamacare! That is truly a dumb comparison to make. 


    Exactly.  Only if US gov't can be managed like Apple.  Then we'll talk about comparing iOS7 to Obamacare.

  • Reply 52 of 179
    MarvinMarvin Posts: 15,433moderator
    "We don't actively root for failure."

    People do that all the time. When people don't get their own way and feel strongly about it, they will do everything to make the alternative fail with the intention of coming in afterwards to say 'told you it would fail'. It's just like with Adobe's Creative Cloud, the new Mac Pro, the lack of a 17" MBP, iOS 7, the lack of a large iPhone. Every single time people say that because something is not what they want, they want to see it fail (usually in adoption numbers) as it's really the only way that it will change to be their preferred option - why would you change something that's a success? People can choose to be passive and allow things to fail on their own or they can be part of the problem and actively encourage failure.

    When it comes to competing solutions, this is much more widely accepted behaviour e.g wishing Samsung to fail and Apple to succeed. Some issues are not that important and don't affect too many people, others are important and decisions should be made responsibly regardless of the preferred outcome. Doing damage for the sake of it is irresponsible, like if a kid doesn't want to share and breaks the toys so nobody gets to play.
    "Apple, you know, has a few more resources than we have to roll out technology"

    Tim Cook 2016. Maybe they should get a company like Apple to do it and offer incentives in return. That way it doesn't cost any money directly, it's money they aren't getting anyway. Of course they can't just pick one company but they stage a phoney outsourcing selection process to make it look fair and just pick Apple anyway.
  • Reply 53 of 179
    Originally Posted by anantksundaram View Post


    OK. I hate to tell you this, but here's an example -- what do you know! -- from health care: 



    Add: I did not call you a maroon because you belonged to the TP. I named a specific one. Please re-read. :-)


    LOL, now your reply is funny.   You are overlooking that the program they are receiving benefits from is going bankrupt.   BANKRUPT!   So, of course some may be happy, but it's a failing plan with the end in sight.

    FYI... If the TP is to blame for not liking the Unaffordable Care Act, then get it line bro because 65-70% of America Hates it, so the Tea Party must be getting HUGE.


    It pisses me off that the lemmings of the left are constantly demonizing the right or tea party for just wanting to have a RESPONSIBLE government that upholds laws and adheres to the constitution.   

  • Reply 54 of 179
    pazuzupazuzu Posts: 1,728member
    Obama should go back to his CrackBerry and leave Apple out of it. This guy has no shame.
    But what do you expect from someone who entertains JayZ the former crack dealer now rapper at the White House? :no:
  • Reply 55 of 179

    Originally Posted by AppleInsider View Post

    "That's not how we do things in America. We don't actively root for failure."

    I guess the President doesn't have time to visit tech forums.

  • Reply 56 of 179

    Originally Posted by mstone View Post




    The loudest opponents of the health care act have no valid reason to be opposed to it, especially since they already have great health insurance. 




    Turn the channel away from MSNBC and you might get the facts.   Ask a UPS Driver about his new insurance in 3 months.  As his/her spouse.   Ask the unbelievable amount of Americans who now are part time because their small business can NOT afford  the Unaffordable Care Act.


    Seriously, it is destroying the economy and every premise it was sold on has already been PROVEN to be a flat out LIE.

  • Reply 58 of 179
    ipenipen Posts: 410member

    Originally Posted by ned bulous View Post

    Really? I thought the ER only serviced emergencies. You mean they clean teeth and do preventative care too? :/

    Did you know that folks without insurance are 70% more likely to due if they get cancer? Why do you suppose that is?


    Everyone can and should do preventive care.  Just make sure you eat healthy and exercise everyday.

    People eating junk everyday and sitting around in front of computer or TV not exercising, of course, they'll get sick and having all sorts of health problems.  Even if they go to see a doctor and the doc tells him/her to have no more junk food and prescribing 30-min exercise daily, do you think they'll follow?

    Instead of spending on health care, gov't should spend money on promoting eating healthy and exercise.  Go look up some health statistics, you'll find that US is one of the most unhealthy countries among the industrial countries.

  • Reply 59 of 179

    Originally Posted by MacinScott View Post

    I'll tell you what I don't like

    %u2022 a 75% subsidy for Congress

    %u2022 the "Do as I say, not as I do" attitude

    %u2022 the over 1,800 exemptions given to businesses, many to union members

    %u2022 lies like Obamacare will "cut the cost of a typical family's premium by up to $2,500 a year"

    %u2022 those who don't see the correlation between classifying 30 hours as full-time and employers cutting worker's hours below that number

    It makes me sick to think that those of us who have made correct choices all our lives, done without when we couldn't afford and worked hard to get where we are, basically have to support the other half of the population.

    It's not enough that we provide an ungodly amount of entitlements, the kicker is you're branded as uncaring if you dare question it, despite what you do in your personal lives through church or other means.

    Where else in life do you get so much with no strings attached? I'm subject to drug testing, but if you ask someone on welfare to be drug tested, you're discriminating. Say that voters should have to have a photo ID and you're racist. Politicians must cater to the tens of millions of illegals if they want to have a chance at getting elected. Somehow it's unAmerican to actually follow the law and come to this country legally the way my wife and her family did. Asking people to work hard and better themselves is out-of-line.

    I've said it once and I'll say it again - except for the very small percentage of people who are truly unable to work, all handouts need to come with stipulations. You can volunteer, clean up the community, go to a vocational school, but you have to do something. If you want to have kids, then you better be sure you can provide for them. The government is not your nanny. If you can't feed, clothe, provide shelter and be an involved parent, then you should not have kids. And there definitely should not be any incentives for you to do so.

    But, even good people often suffer hardships. So let the programs help those TEMPORARILY when they are in need. And yes, everything has a price. I don't care how well-intentioned an entitlement is, it costs boatloads of money.

    In case you haven't noticed, the United States is 17 Trillion in debt, a number most people can't even begin to grasp. We're currently borrowing 57 cents for every dollar spent. There's no way this can continue. There's no amount of taxes that can cover our asses. Someone has to make the unpopular choice and deal with it or we can just wait until everything collapses.

    My distain is not limited to the Democrats. There are many Republicans who are equally guilty of putting their political careers ahead of the people they are supposed to serve. I pray that one day we will have Congressional term limits, put an end to the influence of lobbyists and somehow rebuild our country.

    Rant done.


    That was really well said.   There are many who know nothing of these facts.


    Everyone already can get through hardships.  Just walk into the hospital and get the emergency health care you need.   Everyone that works, gets social security benefits.

  • Reply 60 of 179

    Originally Posted by Macboy Pro View Post


    LOL, now your reply is funny.   You are overlooking that the program they are receiving benefits from is going bankrupt.   BANKRUPT!   So, of course some may be happy, but it's a failing plan with the end in sight.

    FYI... If the TP is to blame for not liking the Unaffordable Care Act, then get it line bro because 65-70% of America Hates it, so the Tea Party must be getting HUGE.


    Also, the word is MORON, not maroon.   That might explain your train of thought and education level....


    It pisses me off that the lemmings of the left are constantly demonizing the right or tea party for just wanting to have a RESPONSIBLE government that upholds laws and adheres to the constitution.   

    Oh, chill. Medicare going bankrupt!? 


    This is just arrant nonsense spouted by news sources you listen to/read and people like Paul Ryan. Not based on facts. Unless you have no idea what the word 'bankrupt' means. (Will Medicare have enough money, at current growth rates in health spending, to meet 100% of what beneficiaries get today if payroll tax rates remain the same? No. By 2033, it will be only able to afford 75% of today's care, and it will stay at that level until 2086. You're welcome to read the report on this put out by the Trustees of Medicare/Medicaid -- if you're interested in facts, that is.)


    As to 'maroon'... I guess you're not up on your Americana.


    For the record, I am quite pleased with my train of thought and education level.

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