Carl Icahn says he'll consider shareholder proxy vote if Apple rejects his buyback plan



  • Reply 41 of 131

    Originally Posted by sog35 View Post



    Dell had a colapsing business model.  Plus a lot to the buybacks were done during the era.

    HP just like Dell.

    Microsoft buybacks were done during the era also.


    All three had terrible valuations when the buybacks were done

    I don't know if MS has ever had a *terrible* valuation. But, if memory serves, they started doing it to offset stock options for employees. As for HP and Dell, they also started before their valuation became *terrible*. Bottom line, it is rare (if ever) for a company to repurchase shares on the scale Icahn is proposing (relatively speaking because, in absolute terms, it would be unprecedented) when the valuation is still quite impressive.

  • Reply 42 of 131
    matrix07matrix07 Posts: 1,993member
    sog35 wrote: »
    Finally someone with reason.  Its like people see a Wall Street guy and assume he's always a crook.

    I'm all for using the cash to acquire companies.  But Apple can't just sit on the cash and do nothing with it.  In this ZERO interest rate environment the shareholders are literally losing BILLIONS of dollars a month because the cash is lying dormant in Money market accounts.

    Ha. Ha. All these experts who know what Apple should do. If only SJ's still around to say FU to their faces.
  • Reply 43 of 131
    mjtomlin wrote: »
    That took almost 20 years... Icahn(t) wants Apple to buy back ? of the company in one day! Apple is already purchasing $100 billion over the next few years, why can't this moron be happy with that? <span style="line-height:1.4em;">If you don't like the way the company is being run, why the f@#k did he invest in the first place?</span>

    <span style="line-height:1.4em;">He doesn't give a sh!t about Apple, h</span>
    e is obviously just trying to grab as much cash from APPL as he can.

    Sorry folks, but wish Apple's stock would completely tank to the point that Apple could buy back all their shares and take the company private. This market/investor crap is just getting stupid as far as Apple is concerned and really needs to be taken out of the equation.

    You're talking crazy talk, to suggest AAPL's price should crash just so Apple would "take the company private". That's literally insane.
  • Reply 44 of 131
    I will just say you put an investor on your board your company will go down the drain.
  • Reply 45 of 131
    I think Apple should buy back Icahn's shares and let him take his money elsewhere. Apple doesn't need a bully like him telling them how they should run the company.
  • Reply 46 of 131
    Originally Posted by sog35 View Post



    In 10 years Apple will have $700B in cash

    WTF are they going to do with all that cash?


    This is a good question. I hope they have something crazy in mind. Something really crazy.


    Originally Posted by sog35 View Post


    It should go back to the investors in dividends and buybacks if they don't have any good use of it.  


    It "should"? Why should it? A company can choose to give back what it deems appropriate. But unless it is written in the SHA (or the law), shareholders are not entitled to anything.



  • Reply 47 of 131
    davendaven Posts: 721member

    I am not convinced. This shareholder would vote no on a $150 Billion buyback.

  • Reply 48 of 131

    Originally Posted by matrix07 View Post

    Ha. Ha. All these experts who know what Apple should do. If only SJ's still around to say FU to their faces.

    Steve Jobs never got to see so much cash. So I say FU to your comment <img class=" src="" />


    Once even Warren Buffett mentioned to SJ about buying back when Apple had significantly low cash reserve compared to now :p

  • Reply 49 of 131

    Icahn needs to be forcibly kicked out as an Apple investor.

  • Reply 50 of 131
    technotechno Posts: 737member

    I can't pretend to know if a buyback is a good thing or a bad thing for the health of the company. I do know that the company is already healthy and has been doing fantastic. I also know that if Tim Cook gives in to this guy's bullying tactics, it will weaken the company. And as everyone else has pointed out, Icahn does not have the health of the company as his concern. It is his financial gain that is his concern.


    Cook has proven he is kind and not a jerk. Let's hope he is strong too.

  • Reply 51 of 131
    matrix07matrix07 Posts: 1,993member

    Steve Jobs never got to see so much cash. So I say FU to your comment :lol:

    Once even Warren Buffett mentioned to SJ about buying back when Apple had significantly low cash reserve compared to now :p

    He always says FU to greedy investors so it's more likely to be you

    And again Warren Buffet told Tim to ignore Carl Icahn.
  • Reply 52 of 131

    As Warren Buffet stated:  IGNORE ICAHN.   And Buffet is a smarter, far better and wealthier investor than Icahn.

  • Reply 53 of 131

    How about Apple just buys Icahn's shares.

  • Reply 54 of 131
    MacProMacPro Posts: 19,822member
    sog35 wrote: »
    Finally someone with reason.  Its like people see a Wall Street guy and assume he's always a crook.

    I'm all for using the cash to acquire companies.  But Apple can't just sit on the cash and do nothing with it.  In this ZERO interest rate environment the shareholders are literally losing BILLIONS of dollars a month because the cash is lying dormant in Money market accounts.

    I'll concede that last point. I'd rather they didn't waste it on large acquisitions though (other than buying Google and Samsung and closing them ... kidding). I have a feeling they will be and are spending a lot on infra structure of all kinds behind the scenes. Don't get me wrong I want to see APPL at $1,000 for sure. If Tim agrees with you and he might that's fine with me. I just don't want for Tim to be seen to even listening to corporate raiders' advice.
  • Reply 55 of 131

    Apple needs to just ignore this guy. Us as commenters need to avoid these articles as well. Our clicks and comments are just giving him a voice he shouldn't have. News sites will cater to whatever gives them the most clicks so we do have some power. I'm not going to click on another Icahn article ever.

  • Reply 56 of 131
    MacProMacPro Posts: 19,822member
    alienzed wrote: »
    How about Apple just buys Icahn's shares.

    There you go ... :D
  • Reply 57 of 131
    Screw that old fart. He is so greedy it hurts. We have almost no great American companies left. This b**** just wants to take the money and run like so many.
    And besides, the value is what the consumer bring to the table. And that's the nearly 150 billion in Apple's bank account.
  • Reply 58 of 131
    technotechno Posts: 737member

    removed by author

  • Reply 59 of 131
    technotechno Posts: 737member

    Originally Posted by GadgetCanadaV2 View Post


    Apple needs to just ignore this guy. Us as commenters need to avoid these articles as well. Our clicks and comments are just giving him a voice he shouldn't have. News sites will cater to whatever gives them the most clicks so we do have some power. I'm not going to click on another Icahn article ever.

    Yes and no. We can't put our heads in the sand. But the overwhelming response of NO to the idea proposed is a good message to send also.

  • Reply 60 of 131
    Originally Posted by matrix07 View Post

    He always says FU to greedy investors so it's more likely to be you

    And again Warren Buffet told Tim to ignore Carl Icahn.

    read my Previous comment before barking <img class=" src="" />

    I know Buffett mentioned to Ignore but that buyback was mentioned when SJ was alive and Apple was not doing any buyback at that time. Also go and read my first comment on this thread. I am not all about Icahn 150B buyback :p 


    Edit: BTW I am holding 2014 2015 Apple calls from $420 area,  I am making good money. Greedy me? No Happy me ;) 

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