Apple, Inc. stock closes at $533, highest point since start of 2013



  • Reply 21 of 42
    As I said in my previous post and confirmed by Constable Odo Google, Microsoft et al had terrible financials compared to Apple but yet they saw double digit growth in share price. It seems as if they could do no wrong but everything Apple did no matter how many records were broken was painted as a failure. Even the conservative press during this falls iPhone release kept referring to the iPhone 5C as Apple's cheap phone entry. It took three weeks before they started referring to it as a less expensive colorful version of the previous years iPhone 5. Why are there still so many Apple haters out there in the wild?
  • Reply 22 of 42

    It wasn't just AAPL that jumped today, a lot of stocks had a big bounce for some reason. I also noticed that Bitcoin and Litecoin hit new highs... so it wasn't just confined to the stock market.

  • Reply 23 of 42
    flaneurflaneur Posts: 4,526member
    mvigod wrote: »
    This was the first time I looked at the price and started looking at alternatives like the nexus 7.  I didn't switch teams yet but the fact I even looked scares me.  I feel like I would pay less for an Android tablet and certainly get less than the ipad mini gives me.  However the gap is much less than it ever was in terms of product but the pricing gap feels even bigger.  Not a good trend.

    I hope apple doesn't sacrifice quality ever but I can't see them holding these prices over the coming years.  I also don't think they need to.  Maybe price a bit more competitive and make up some of the margin erosion in the volume of sales increasing as a result of the more competitive pricing.  Time will tell

    You can't compete on price with companies that are poisoning the market by selling their stuff at no profit or at a loss.

    Our job is to point that out at every opportunity, not act as if there is a competitive equivalence between the Nexus/Kindle and the iPad mini.

    "The fact I looked scares me"—the fact you don't rage against Amazon and Google and their ethics puzzles me. But you aren't the only one. Almost nobody does, while they complain that Apple's prices are twice as high as the competition.

    How can we get the facts out there?
  • Reply 24 of 42
    Originally Posted by mdriftmeyer View Post



    Go blow FOX Noise/CNBC lunacy somewhere else.

    I watch neither <img class=" src="" /> 


    Disclosure - I am in AAPL calls from 430 area! (2014 and 2015 ones). 


    Originally Posted by jungmark View Post

    Doubt it.

    Guys like Elon Musk, Ben Bernanke and others must be considered. It is good to see Angela Ahrendts is joining Apple Retail team! Get the winners, fire the losers!

  • Reply 25 of 42
    jungmarkjungmark Posts: 6,927member
    mvigod wrote: »
    blah blah blah

    Apple should have bought back its stock when it was $7! Get real. Crazy Carl is in it for himself. When Apple reaches Carl's target price, he's selling. Then how does that help Apple. Carl will get richer doing nothing while Apple would have billions $$ in debt.

    Don't listen to Crazy Carl.
  • Reply 26 of 42

    I watch neither :lol:    (That was my opinion about the Board but losers like you cannot stand others opinion and like to attack others)

    I think you got hurt because you love Gore AKA Democrat :err:   I love Ben Bernanke who is making money for the investors :p  

    Disclosure - I am in AAPL calls from 430 area! (2014 and 2015 ones). 

    Ben Bernanke should be in prison, along with the president and most of Congress.
  • Reply 27 of 42

    Originally Posted by helicopterben View Post


     (That was my opinion about the Board but losers like you cannot stand others opinion and like to attack others)


    Mdriftmeyer is a loser?


    Man, you gotta walk it off. You've taken too many hits.

  • Reply 28 of 42

    Apple earning per share is quiet strong.

  • Reply 29 of 42
    slurpyslurpy Posts: 5,386member
    So, where are those people (I mean Constable Odo) who trolled in every damn thread when the stock was in the 400s, incessantly calling for the head of Tim Cook, demanding he get kicked out immediately, that he was leading Apple into oblivion ad destroying the company (solely because of stock price, of course, cause investors know best) and predicting that if he did not, the stock would keep plunging further and get to the 200s and lower? Right, they're too cowardly to admit they were wrong. Because we all know, stock price is the be all and end all of a company's success, and the word of God, right?
  • Reply 30 of 42
    Originally Posted by Slurpy View Post

    So, where are those people (I mean Constable Odo) who trolled in every damn thread when the stock was in the 400s, incessantly calling for the head of Tim Cook, demanding he get kicked out immediately, that he was leading Apple into oblivion ad destroying the company (solely because of stock price, of course, cause investors know best) and predicting that if he did not, the stock would keep plunging further and get to the 200s and lower? Right, they're too cowardly to admit they were wrong. Because we all know, stock price is the be all and end all of a company's success, and the word of God, right?


    Um, he's post #8 above and still complaining that AAPL isn't higher and still blaming it on Cook.  I'm still net negative a bit on my whole AAPL position after making some (in hindsight) amazingly stupid margin buys last October at 627 and 613, but I certainly don't blame my loses on Tim Cook.  Once the China Mobile deal is official I think I'll finally be net positive again, finally.  Note to any non-professional investors here - buying on margin is a really bad game to get into.  Don't make yourself or your family suffer, just use the money you already have if you want to invest.

  • Reply 31 of 42
    Good to see Apples stock go up but why the hell is samsung advertising in this app? I want to see Apple no samsung. Why else would I have downloaded Apple insider for Apple new and not for samsung sucks ads
  • Reply 32 of 42
    Apple no longer has innovation. What makes you think its stock will move up???
  • Reply 33 of 42

    Originally Posted by Albert39 View Post

    Apple no longer has innovation. What makes you think its stock will move up???

    Please define "innovation."  Please explain who has this if Apple doesn't.  


    The stock should go up because they are already incredibly profitable, their revenue is increasing and many people think their profits will as well.  Their P/E ratio is tiny compared to Google or Amazon (and much lower than the average on the S&P 500) who I certainly can't see as more innovative (and verifiably much less profitable) than Apple.


    Do you need more reasons?

  • Reply 34 of 42
    tbelltbell Posts: 3,146member
    Board members like Andrea Jung and Gore (Ego filled Politician in Innovative Company lol) needs to be fired then you see Google like Move above 1000 in Apple!

    Apple Team is Great but Board have some shitty lazy useless members <img alt=":p" src="" style="width:18px;">

    All hand picked by Jobs. Who knows if they are useless as we don't know they contribute. Having a Vice President on your board seems useful to me.
  • Reply 35 of 42

    Originally Posted by Constable Odo View Post

    And it's about time. Apple finally went to register a positive share price YTD although its 52 weeks share price is still sitting comfortably in the red zone. Oh, Tim Cook. You're killing faithful long-term Apple shareholders by making us sit around and watch Microsoft have a post-PC era of 40% share price gain in 2013 and Google and Amazon getting around 38% share price gains. Apple had to get stuck in the desolate Grand Canyon of deep-red losses.

    I'm glad Apple bought back plenty of shares but it hurts to see the rest of the stock market soaring into the stratosphere while Apple couldn't dig it's way out of the muck. It's just too difficult for a retail investor to grasp the insensibilities of a profitable company with a mountain of cash to have investors shun it like a deadly plague.



    How did you enjoy the $11.80 per share dividend payout you would have received in 2013 if you truly were a long-term Apple shareholder?

  • Reply 36 of 42
    msimpson wrote: »

    How did you enjoy the $11.80 per share dividend payout you would have received in 2013 if you truly were a long-term Apple shareholder?

    If someone is looking for insane growth right now, tell 'em to play in crypto currencies. Over the past week you could've easily quadrupled your money.
  • Reply 37 of 42
    Originally Posted by Albert39 View Post

    Apple no longer has innovation. What makes you think its stock will move up???


    Wow. You signed up for an account here just to post that?


    Hope that $10 you're getting from Samsung Marketing for this was worth the effort.

  • Reply 38 of 42
    Originally Posted by Albert39 View Post

    Apple no longer has innovation. What makes you think its stock will move up???


    Shut up and go away. Enjoy your 5 cents a post.

  • Reply 39 of 42
    MacProMacPro Posts: 19,821member
    slurpy wrote: »
    So, where are those people (I mean Constable Odo) who trolled in every damn thread when the stock was in the 400s, incessantly calling for the head of Tim Cook, demanding he get kicked out immediately, that he was leading Apple into oblivion ad destroying the company (solely because of stock price, of course, cause investors know best) and predicting that if he did not, the stock would keep plunging further and get to the 200s and lower? Right, they're too cowardly to admit they were wrong. Because we all know, stock price is the be all and end all of a company's success, and the word of God, right?

    You don't have Cunstable Odor in your block list? :D
  • Reply 40 of 42
    MacProMacPro Posts: 19,821member
    silencio wrote: »
    Wow. You signed up for an account here just to post that?

    Hope that $10 you're getting from Samsung Marketing for this was worth the effort.

    That seems a little high for paying off an Android user doesn't it?
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