BlackBerry loses $4.4 billion in Q3, sells just 4.3 million devices



  • Reply 61 of 105
    tjrsv wrote: »
    Constable Odo...Could agree with you more, except don't fire Mr. Cook, just give him back his job of expertise and get someone with a pulse and competitive fire in there as CEO, preferable someone under 50 years old so they can also least appear to have some energy.

    Tim Cook has to be considered the most boring dude ever, and he has single-handedly made AAPL the most boring company in Silicon Valley.  Despite all their great products and phenomenal computing ecosystem, gone are the days of "edgy" ads and innovation.  Moving forward, AAPL clearly illustrates in their holiday ad, that if you invest in this company, you will end up like the grandma wiping her tears.  Better to invest in Exxon at this point.  The 5s is awesome, iPads are awesome, MacBooks, iMacs, iTV, etc. but the failure to roll out the China Mobile deal asap and in step with the 5s is just another missed opportunity by Cook and Co. These guys are showing their age, despite their operational expertise.  I have refused to believe that AAPL is finished innovating, but let's face it, SJ is gone and Cook is merely a candle flame compared to SJ's ability to create a firestorm.  Look at AAPL's executive page and it's like visiting a colonial wax museum...Get some fresh management and enthusiasm in there Cook, your present leadership is well represented by your holiday commercial...heartwarming, victory lappish, but boring and hardly a visualization of the future or anything to come.

    Tim Cook is an "uber" boring dude with the personality of a viagra commercial actor.

    Ever listened to a Larry Page keynote?
  • Reply 62 of 105
    The time for bbry has runout. They are operating solely on debt now. They will have to sell assets to keep whatever they keep in existence. What they have left is a certain loyal segment and some ip.

    Maybe Nokia will buy them and go back into the phone business...
  • Reply 63 of 105
    TURDZ wrote: »
    ...get someone with a pulse and competitive fire in there as CEO, preferable someone under 50 years...

    Tim Cook has to be considered the most boring dude ever...

    These guys are showing their age, despite their operational expertise....

    Get some fresh management and enthusiasm...

    personality of a viagra commercial actor....

    To quote a very wise rabbit, Young Hipster, "Trix are for kids".

    There's a reason that "may you lead an interesting life" is considered to be a curse, not a blessing.

    Here's another one from "someone boring over 50": old age and treachery will always defeat youth and skill.

    Perhaps you were looking for TMZ.COM?
  • Reply 64 of 105
    flaneurflaneur Posts: 4,526member
    tjrsv wrote: »
    Constable Odo...Could agree with you more, except don't fire Mr. Cook, just give him back his job of expertise and get someone with a pulse and competitive fire in there as CEO, preferable someone under 50 years old so they can also least appear to have some energy.

    Tim Cook has to be considered the most boring dude ever, and he has single-handedly made AAPL the most boring company in Silicon Valley.  Despite all their great products and phenomenal computing ecosystem, gone are the days of "edgy" ads and innovation.  Moving forward, AAPL clearly illustrates in their holiday ad, that if you invest in this company, you will end up like the grandma wiping her tears.  Better to invest in Exxon at this point.  The 5s is awesome, iPads are awesome, MacBooks, iMacs, iTV, etc. but the failure to roll out the China Mobile deal asap and in step with the 5s is just another missed opportunity by Cook and Co. These guys are showing their age, despite their operational expertise.  I have refused to believe that AAPL is finished innovating, but let's face it, SJ is gone and Cook is merely a candle flame compared to SJ's ability to create a firestorm.  Look at AAPL's executive page and it's like visiting a colonial wax museum...Get some fresh management and enthusiasm in there Cook, your present leadership is well represented by your holiday commercial...heartwarming, victory lappish, but boring and hardly a visualization of the future or anything to come.

    Tim Cook is an "uber" boring dude with the personality of a viagra commercial actor.

    Let's face it, moving forward, your brain is too cliché-ridden to figure out the intelligence of someone like Tim Cook.

    And you managed to miss a rare event: Odo using a sarcasm tag to make fun of Cook-o-phobes.
  • Reply 65 of 105
    SJ never mentioned that he would be happy with 1% market share. He mentioned that he want to at capture 1% by end of 2008.
    Not forgetting, of course, that Steve J. said he'd be happy with 1% of the market... right about where BB stands now [actually, BB has more than 1% of the market].
    (Personally, I think SJ was joking)
  • Reply 66 of 105

    Originally Posted by mubaili View Post

    SJ never mentioned that he would be happy with 1% market share. He mentioned that he want to at capture 1% by end of 2008.


  • Reply 67 of 105
    chiachia Posts: 714member
    cfugle wrote: »
    As the 'smart-phone' before smart phones existed, it did email, light graphics attachments, some document editing back when the iPhone was just a sparkle...

    Let us give this company credit where it was due, for creating a different product with a secure backend that made believers out of the enterprises that backed them up.

    Blackberrys certainly don't deserve the credit of being the smartphone before smartphones when they were preceded to market by equivalents from Nokia (Communicator range), Ericsson/Sony Ericsson (R380, p800) and Handspring/Palm (Treo).

    I'd go as far as to say the only innovation the Blackberrys brought to market were the BES secure messaging features, otherwise the Treo and Nokia Communicators were already more capable devices than the Blackberrys.
  • Reply 68 of 105
    kibitzerkibitzer Posts: 1,114member
    BlackBerry loses billions, stock takes huge leap upward.
    Apple profits in billions, stock takes a continual slide downward. Fire Tim Cook.


    Huge leap? For day traders maybe. For other investors ... well ...

    Dec 20, 2010 - $311.55
    Dec 20, 2013 - $549.02

    Dec 20, 2010 - $58.48
    Dec 20, 2013 - $7.22

    And after Cook is gone, word is that Steve Ballmer will soon be available.
  • Reply 69 of 105
    kibitzer wrote: »
    And after Cook is gone, word is that Steve Ballmer will soon be available.

    Yes, AAPL is a way better investment, even with the moodswing/roller-coaster is experienced.

    Why would Cook 'be gone'?
  • Reply 70 of 105

    I am not a Cook-a-phobe.  Cook is the SJ of operations, best choice for interim CEO...but after China Mobile deal launches and supply meets demand, it's time to transition Cook back Ops only and recruit someone like Sir Richard Branson as CEO.  Obviously not as technically genius as SJ (who is?), but similar visions and endless energy.  Otherwise, AAPL just looks like another RCA or Blackberry...the shooting star syndrome.  Combine Cook with Branson and now you have something.

  • Reply 71 of 105
    tjrsv wrote: »
    I am not a Cook-a-phobe.  Cook is the SJ of operations, best choice for interim CEO...but after China Mobile deal launches and supply meets demand, it's time to transition Cook back Ops only and recruit someone like Sir Richard Branson as CEO.  Obviously not as technically genius as SJ (who is?), but similar visions and endless energy.  Otherwise, AAPL just looks like another RCA or Blackberry...the shooting star syndrome.  Combine Cook with Branson and now you have something.

    Ha! Not gonna happen.
  • Reply 72 of 105

    ha, why not?

  • Reply 73 of 105
    tjrsv wrote: »
    I am not a Cook-a-phobe.


    Cook is the SJ of operations, best choice for interim CEO...but after China Mobile deal launches and supply meets demand, it's time to transition Cook back Ops only and recruit someone like Sir Richard Branson as CEO.


    Obviously not as technically genius as SJ (who is?), but similar visions and endless energy.


    Otherwise, AAPL just looks like another RCA or Blackberry...the shooting star syndrome.  Combine Cook with Branson and now you have something.

  • Reply 74 of 105
    Originally Posted by TJRSV View Post

    I am not but



    You have already failed. The content doesn’t matter.


    …after China Mobile deal…


    Prove that you know anything whatsoever about anything whatsoever before pretending you know anything whatsoever about anything whatsoever. I’m getting a little sick of these superlatives; people need to have a reason to claim something before claiming it. This shouldn’t even be something that needs to be said at all.

  • Reply 75 of 105

    Prove it?  Try going long on AAPL and making money before you go the same time GOOG and AMZN go up on a daily basis.  Love AAPL, but investing in them with a long position is treacherous at best.  And what do you know TallestSkil about anything other than stroking anything AAPL.  Do you have any criticism of AAPL whatsoever, at anytime?

  • Reply 76 of 105

    Cue mournful funeral music...

  • Reply 77 of 105
    tjrsv wrote: »
    Prove it?  Try going long on AAPL and making money…

    There are a lot of people here who are long on Apple.
  • Reply 78 of 105

    yes, I am sure....they are waiting in hopes of getting some of their money back.

  • Reply 79 of 105
    Originally Posted by TJRSV View Post

    Prove it? Try going long on AAPL and making money before you go the same time GOOG and AMZN go up on a daily basis.


    And this somehow proves that Apple had/has a deal with China Mobile that “fell through”? Sorry, I don’t see where that sentence shows this information.


    Don’t let your emotion screw you over.


    Love AAPL, but…


    WOW, you just keep doing it, don’t you?


    …investing in them with a long position is treacherous at best.

    You mean “without”. Because look at where they were in aught three ($7 a share) and look at where they are now.


    And what do you know TallestSkil about anything other than stroking anything AAPL.  Do you have any criticism of AAPL whatsoever, at anytime?


    And devolving to the emotional. That’s nice. Take a step back from your “plummeting” shares of stock and calm yourself first. Then answer where you have proof of the deal you have described.

  • Reply 80 of 105
    tjrsv wrote: »
    yes, I am sure....they are waiting in hopes of getting some of their money back.

    What a perfectly reasonable statement¡ :no:
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