Galaxy Note 3 phablet accounts for just 1/10 of Samsung's 2013 premium phone sales



  • Reply 101 of 136
    solipsismx wrote: »

    What a duplicitous asshole I am reenabling my account to announce the passing of a longtime member.

    Please, sir, don't let it get you. No point in arguing here, let us all enjoy your insightful and researched posts on technical things, not ramblings on someone's wishes or useless disputes based on emotions.
  • Reply 102 of 136
    Originally Posted by SolipsismX View Post

    What a duplicitous asshole I am reenabling my account to announce the passing of a longtime member. image


    Yes, what Phil said; don’t let him get to you, and don’t disappear again!

  • Reply 103 of 136
    solipsismxsolipsismx Posts: 19,566member
    philboogie wrote: »
    Please, sir, don't let it get you. No point in arguing here, let us all enjoy your insightful and researched posts on technical things, not ramblings on someone's wishes or useless disputes based on emotions.
    Yes, what Phil said; don’t let him get to you, and don’t disappear again!

    I am handling my time much better now but I expect to stopping again after this holiday break is over. I'm trying to learn a foreign language — which does not come easy for me — so I'm spending about 6 hours a day studying so I can hopefully be proficient within a year. Besides self-study I'm also using college courses as a way to get extensive classroom instruction at a low cost which is one reason I stopped over the Summer.
  • Reply 104 of 136
    Well don't learn Dutch on my account! Americans have a difficult time with pronouncing the g. A girlfriend of mine in Virginia calls it "the gross thing that men do right before they spit in the morning".

    Good luck on studying, I presume you will travel to this mistery country for first mouth experience? If it's in Europe we can meet over an espresso and I'll get you some cheese from Gouda.
  • Reply 105 of 136
    freerangefreerange Posts: 1,597member
    zerobim08 wrote: »

    You people don't read the news (or you don't read anything outside of here)?

    I am just quoting what was released in the press.

    This says 40mil S4 in 6 months ==> 20mil per quarter

    This says 10mil in 60 days ==> 15mil per quarter

    You can spin this however you want but the fact still shows that Samsung sells more premium phones than apple.

    Looking at previous combo S3 + Note 2

    50 mil S3 sold in a year

    30mil Note 2 sold in a year

    Are you really this dense or just pretending to be? ALL APPLE PHONES ARE HIGH END SMARTPHONES NOT HALF OF THEM! Do I need to repeat that to get it through your thick scull?
  • Reply 106 of 136
    jungmarkjungmark Posts: 6,927member
    Late to the party but it appears we picked up a new troll.

    Apple will only release a 4.5 ish iPhone as a complement to the 4" one.
  • Reply 107 of 136

    Originally Posted by FreeRange View Post

    Are you really this dense or just pretending to be? ALL APPLE PHONES ARE HIGH END SMARTPHONES NOT HALF OF THEM! Do I need to repeat that to get it through your thick scull?

    Are they?


    So an iphone 4 (still being sold or stopped being sold recently) is high end but an s4 mini isn't? What about the galaxy j? the mega?


    You see the point, there's a line somewhere.


    Besides, Apple is really being outsold by Android's high end offerings (together, of course) and all of them have a 4.7"+ screen. That shows that there is a chance for Apple to double sales on the high end if they offer a bigger screen with another iPhone line.

  • Reply 108 of 136
    tmaytmay Posts: 6,453member

    It's an iPhone 4S that's being sold, and albeit an older model, still has a premium build and current iOS7.


    The S4 mini is a midrange not equivalent in performormance to S4, and not a premium build. Read the reviews. Why would anyone want one?


    Oh that's right. I can quote you: "Apple is really being outsold by Android's high end offerings (together, of course) and all of them have a 4.7"+ screen:" The S4 is 4.3 inch, so by your own definition, not high end. The specs are decidedly midrange.


    As for numbers of Android high end offerings, you need to show numbers to back up your statements. I can pull up solid numbers for iPhone sales; could you do the same for all of the Android high end offerings?


    Fiscal year results would be the most accurate.


    Ever think that the reason that there aren't any iPhone sized premium Android smartphones is because OEM's know that they can't beat Apple at that size, but yeah, Apple could beat them going larger.


    Like clubbing baby seals.

  • Reply 109 of 136
    philboogie wrote: »
    They're infiltrating retail now?
    heard this guy got fired. Just rumour ;) friend of mine went to the store to checkout. No news yet may be he got kidnapped by the South Korean NSA :p
  • Reply 110 of 136
    Originally Posted by Proximityeffect View Post


    keep trying tiger, you'll get the hang of it soon.

    but I really like ubisoft.....

  • Reply 111 of 136
    cyberjcyberj Posts: 19member
    This was BY FAR the most desperate article I have ever read. Come on, really? I get that you like a company, in this case Apple, but even lying about sales? The Note and S lines, alone, sold more than all iPhones put together this year, and Apple had the 3rd yearly decline in sales, steadily going down. There will always be fans for a product like this, that look good, very simple and limited, but our generation doesn't like BS anymore, we don't like to be treated like kids anymore, and Android is the only answer we have. I have a MBA, an iPad 2, an iPod classic, an iPod 6G, an iPhones 3G (got my granny an iPhone, then after she learned how to use a smartphone, she told me she wants my old S3, and I got the Note 3) so believe me, I know my Apple stuff. Their phones are really not worth the money, no matter how you sugar coated: it just works, it fits in one hand...

    Stop being closed minded, and start accepting that every company has its fans, every company has its moments. I mean Samsung imitating the iPhone since the start? I had touch screen phones since htc was called i-mate, ever since palm, Nokia... How full of shit do you have to be to just recreate history, how many times do you milk the same cow?

    Lastly, yes, the Note 3 is big, but its amazing, and its a hella of a lot better than anything Apple has ever made, not that it couldn't, but it too like to milk people for every penny and add crappy features only years later raving about how they invented it, jeez.

    NB: including cheap old iPhones (4, 4s) into the sales figures is laughable man, I didn't see you including S2, S3, Note 1, and Note 2... sales. There is also the S4 Active, S4 Zoom... Get real and stop lying to yourself. Get an Android and enjoy life.
  • Reply 112 of 136
    cyberjcyberj Posts: 19member
    freerange wrote: »
    Seriously? Before you make such a moronic post, go get yourself a good education as you are obviously clueless! Apple ONLY sells high end advanced phones, even models that are two or three years old are high end. They still are updated with current iOS, unlike junk Android devices, and still carry state of the art features. They also are in such high demand they have excellent resale value. As to your Samsung numbers, you obviously flunked math class. Back to school for you!
    Good resale value? Haha, good one, I just got a second hand 4S for about 150$, it looks and feels perfect. Got it for my mother, so really, again, including crappy old phones that are given for free and cheap contracts doesn't count. Updates? Lol, did u try to use an iPhone 4 with the iOS 7 update? Its really unusable, slooooow. The S3 has 4.3, so its just fine with updates, as for the S2 not having 4.3, I'll give you that one, its on 4.1.2. Be reasonable, stop BSing.
  • Reply 113 of 136
    Originally Posted by CyberJ

    The Note and S lines, alone, sold more than all iPhones put together this year


    Okay, do you have any proof of this?


    …our generation doesn’t like BS anymore…


    That’s right; Android is losing sales left and right.


    …so believe me, I know my Apple stuff.


    No, you know how to read my list of things not to do.


    how many times do you milk the same cow?


    Well, they’re on “Galaxy S 4” at this point, so at least four times.


    Lastly, yes, the Note 3 is big, but its amazing, and its a hella of a lot better than anything Apple has ever made


    ‘Kay. So shut up, go away, and live in your little world, then.


    I didn't see you including S2, S3, Note 1, and Note 2... sales.


    Because he isn’t an idiot and wouldn’t add sales of phones that aren’t being sold.


    Originally Posted by CyberJ 

    Good resale value? Haha, good one, I just got a second hand 4S for about 150$, it looks and feels perfect.


    And buying an Android phone made in 2010 will leave you with $140 of those 150 dollars to choke a horse (or yourself).


    Updates? Lol, did u try to use an iPhone 4 with the iOS 7 update?


    No, we succeeded in using iOS 7 with an iPhone 4.


    Enjoy Kit Kat on your Galaxy S2. OOPS! And that came out a year after the iPhone 4!

  • Reply 114 of 136
    philboogiephilboogie Posts: 7,675member
    cyberj wrote: »
    I just got a second hand 4S for about 150$, it looks and feels perfect.

    I agree; the 4s is indeed still a very capable phone. And you can even update it to the latest OS. Enjoy it; it will make you truly understand why there really is no competition and that people buy it for a good reason.

    $150 doesn't seem expensive; I presume it's the 16GB model?
  • Reply 115 of 136
    cyberjcyberj Posts: 19member
    philboogie wrote: »
    I agree; the 4s is indeed still a very capable phone. And you can even update it to the latest OS. Enjoy it; it will make you truly understand why there really is no competition and that people buy it for a good reason.

    $150 doesn't seem expensive; I presume it's the 16GB model?

    I got the 32 Gb model, but the guy just wanted to get rid of it really, he had a brand new S4 in his hand whilst buying the phone off him. Its a good phone, but just a phone, not a multimedia device.
  • Reply 116 of 136
    cyberjcyberj Posts: 19member
    Okay, do you have any proof of this?

    Yeah I do, prove me wrong, I am not here to get you stuff, do your own homework.

    That’s right; Android is losing sales left and right.

    Are you serious? Android is 81 of the market. Talk about being delusional.

    No, you know how to read my list of things not to do.

    Dude, I bet you want half the stuff I own. I talk about Apple because I have used its products, extensively, whereas you have no idea what Android is about, and you're missing out.

    Well, they’re on “Galaxy S 4” at this point, so at least four times.

    Riiiiiiiight, because keeping a device AS IS for 5/6 years means innovation all of a sudden. Others go forward whilst Apple stagnates, where is your Steve now to BS some more money out of your pockets.

    ‘Kay. So shut up, go away, and live in your little world, then.

    Yes, the Note 3 is big, but its amazing, and its a hella of a lot better than anything Apple has ever made… You crave its functionality, but you'll never have it, stop trying to convince yourself you can do half of what it does on your toy.

    Because he isn’t an idiot and wouldn’t add sales of phones that aren’t being sold.

    You are clearly retarded, ALL of the phones I listed ARE indeed being sold: S2, S3, Note 2... I am sorry, you are both idiots, and really pathetic Apple fanboys. Jeez, grow up.

    And buying an Android phone made in 2010 will leave you with $140 of those 150 dollars to choke a horse (or yourself).

    The equivalent of a 4S is the S3, which sells for double that, if not more. It sells for 300-350. Ecen an S2 sells for a 4S price, really? Pathetic.

    No, we succeeded in using iOS 7 with an iPhone 4.

    **** you, I've used plenty of iphone 4 lagging like shit on iOS 7.

    Enjoy Kit Kat on your Galaxy S2. OOPS!And that came out a year after the iPhone 4!

    Seriously, as many have said, stop with the update crap, I couldn't care less, its just marketing jargain.
  • Reply 117 of 136
    solipsismxsolipsismx Posts: 19,566member
    cyberj wrote: »
    Enjoy Kit Kat on your Galaxy S2. OOPS!And that came out a year after the iPhone 4!

    Seriously, as many have said, stop with the update crap, I couldn't care less, its just marketing jargain[sic].

    Update is a "special word or expression that is used by a particular profession or group and are difficult for others to understand"? What the what what?! :no:
  • Reply 118 of 136
    cyberjcyberj Posts: 19member
    solipsismx wrote: »
    Update is a "special word or expression that is used by a particular profession or group and are difficult for others to understand"? What the what what?! :no:

    I should've the disappointed one. I was referring to the updates themselves, not the word... I never felt the need to update any of my devices, I don't know what the craze is all about. I mean, my gf's S2 is on 4.1.2, I think, and it runs fine. Would KitKat help it fly or something? Would it give it an extra day of battery...? No, it will add some features, give it an extra hour or two of battery... Updates are overrated, especially Apple updates, those are funny: "200 new features!", hun? Lets get over them. Or course its easy to update basically the SAME phone iphone 1 2 ...). I mean if they can't update ONE phone, it would be a serious problem.
  • Reply 119 of 136
    tallest skiltallest skil Posts: 43,388member
    Originally Posted by CyberJ

    Yeah I do


    If you did, you’d post it. Since Samsung doesn’t release numbers, you do not.


    …prove me wrong…


    That’s not how it works, bucko.


    Android is 81 of the market.


    If you knew that, you’d prove it. It’s not the case, so obviously you can not. Talk about delusional, indeed. Eighty-one percent? That’s pathetic.


    I talk about Apple because I have used its products


    No, you list the Apple products you own (or “own”) because you think it gives you the “right” to complain about Apple or that you will be absolved from scrutiny because of your ownership (or “ownership”) thereof.


    There is absolutely no other reason to list the products you own. It has nothing to do with your argument and it lends no credence to your argument.


    Riiiiiiiight, because keeping a device AS IS for 5/6 years means innovation all of a sudden.


    And just one more clarification before we ban your account: The above statement is to be understood as claiming the iPhone has not changed–whether it be hardware or software–over the span you listed, correct?


    You are clearly retarded…


    Hey, enjoy your ban, skipper. MacRumors likes having people like you around.


    ALL of the phones I listed ARE indeed being sold: S2


    The Galaxy S2 is still being sold? The Galaxy S is still being sold?


    The equivalent of a 4S is the S3


    Yeah, and that’s really embarrassing, isn’t it? They’re not even sure if it will get Kit Kat while the iPhone 4, a year older, gets iOS 7.


    It sells for 300-350.


    Sure it does.


    **** you


    HOLY CRAP, what an argument. I’m definitely beaten now.

    Seriously, as many have said, stop with the update crap, I couldn't care less, its just marketing jargain.


    This needs to be on the front page of AppleInsider. 


    “Updates are marketing jargon.”

    This is what Android users actually believe.

  • Reply 120 of 136
    jungmarkjungmark Posts: 6,927member
    cyberj wrote: »
    .... Updates are overrated, especially Apple updates, those are funny: "200 new features!", hun? Lets get over them. Or course its easy to update basically the SAME phone iphone 1 2 ...). I mean if they can't update ONE phone, it would be a serious problem.

    Spoken like a true troll. Tell me, how much is Sammy paying you? Is it per post now?
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