Galaxy Note 3 phablet accounts for just 1/10 of Samsung's 2013 premium phone sales



  • Reply 121 of 136
    solipsismxsolipsismx Posts: 19,566member
    cyberj wrote: »
    I should've the disappointed one. I was referring to the updates themselves, not the word... I never felt the need to update any of my devices, I don't know what the craze is all about. I mean, my gf's S2 is on 4.1.2, I think, and it runs fine. Would KitKat help it fly or something? Would it give it an extra day of battery...? No, it will add some features, give it an extra hour or two of battery... Updates are overrated, especially Apple updates, those are funny: "200 new features!", hun? Lets get over them. Or course its easy to update basically the SAME phone iphone 1 2 ...). I mean if they can't update ONE phone, it would be a serious problem.

    1) "I should've the disappointed one." Are you dictating this with S-Voice?

    2) No, updates are not pointless. They fix bugs, improve security and add features. Are you saying there are no updates between iOS 4 and iOS 7 that users aren't happy to have? Really?!

    3) You used the word jargon (or at least the word I think you meant to use) hence my comment. It has only one relevant definition, which I posted.
  • Reply 122 of 136
    cyberjcyberj Posts: 19member
    jungmark wrote: »
    Spoken like a true troll. Tell me, how much is Sammy paying you? Is it per post now?
    Its easy to dismiss people isn't it? I have read that "payed by Sammy" crap everywhere, yet I am payed by no one, but I seriously couldn't give a fucking shit about updates (unless product was not working as intended), and it was no trolling. I don't do trolling, its for rats of the net who think they are smart. **** off.
  • Reply 123 of 136
    cyberjcyberj Posts: 19member
    If you did, you’d post it. Since Samsung doesn’t release numbers, you do not.

    That’s not how it works, bucko.

    In your mind maybe. I don't have to prove shit to shit. You're a fanboy and my numbers will prove nothing to a fanboy.

    If you knew that, you’d prove it. It’s not the case, so obviously you can not. Talk about delusional, indeed. Eighty-one percent? That’s pathetic.

    A simple google search will prove this one, no need for deep digging.

    No, you list the Apple products you own (or “own”) because you think it gives you the “right” to complain about Apple or that you will be absolved from scrutiny because of your ownership (or “ownership”) thereof.

    Of course, make people liars. What? You want pictures? Proof? I have no problem with that, bot that that would change anything. Apple products in gen are overrated. I have said fir years, Apple makes good MP3 players, the rest is, well, showing off expensive branded "aluminium".

    There is absolutely no other reason to list the products you own. It has nothing to do with your argument and it lends no credence to your argument.

    I know, all I wanted to say was that I know what I criticize, whereas Apple fanboys buy Apple stuff and criticize stuff they have never even seen from their high horse.

    And just one more clarification before we ban your account: The above statement is to be understood as claiming the iPhone has not changed–whether it be hardware or software–over the span you listed, correct?

    Ban me? For not maintaining the illusion you have created for yourself and others like you? That's seriously pathetic. The ip changed, a bit, if you can call that change. One device, one size... Just not what I call change.

    Hey, enjoy your ban, skipper. MacRumors likes having people like you around.

    Yeah, because they accept people with different opinions. I guess all you guys want is a bunch of Apple fanboys talking about what Apple does next, like the world ends and revolves around that company.

    The Galaxy S2 is still being sold? The Galaxy S is still being sold?
    The S2 still sells, look it up. Its not called the S2 anymore, but its vasically the same screen, processor, camera lens, battery... ecen the original still sells, saw it at Vodafone here in Romania the other day.

    Yeah, and that’s really embarrassing, isn’t it? They’re not even sure if it will get Kit Kat while the iPhone 4, a year older, gets iOS 7.

    Again, **** KitKat or iOS 7, jeez with the updates.

    Sure it does.

    Look it up, it takes less than to hit a few clicks that make you look like an idiot.

    HOLY CRAP, what an argument. I’m definitely beaten now.

    This needs to be on the front page of AppleInsider. 

    For the love of god, show me how iOS 7 has made any iPhone better? I mean the basically took some of the good features from android (notification, flashlight and camera shortcuts...), slapped a poorly designed skin on top that looks horrible and childish, and shoved it up yours.

    Updates, the last argument Apple fanboys have.
  • Reply 124 of 136
    solipsismxsolipsismx Posts: 19,566member
    Why is it that those that troll forums don't know how to use forums? Is this is an intelligence thing or part of the same rationale that makes them eschew conventions in technology as well as having their comments easily read and understood?
  • Reply 125 of 136
    Here's what I want to know...

    Out of the 80 million smartphones Samsung sold last quarter.... how many of those were high-end flagships like the Note 3 and Galaxy S4 ?

    Samsung will never tell us. They only point out [I]certain[/I] milestones... like 10 million Galaxy S4 in the first 2 months.

    But that was 7 months ago from when this article came out. According to reports... sales of the GS4 have dropped of quite a bit in the [I]half a year[/I] since it launched. That can't make Samsung happy.

    The Note 3 also hit the milestone of 10 million units in 2 months. And again... sales will probably dropped off too.

    I'm getting the impression that Samsung flagships enjoy a huge amount of sales immediately after launch... and then they taper off greatly in the following 6-9 months.

    So what is Samsung selling instead? A bunch of cheap phones? That's not very exciting.
  • Reply 126 of 136
    cyberjcyberj Posts: 19member
    Here's what I want to know...

    Out of the 80 million smartphones Samsung sold last quarter.... how many of those were high-end flagships like the Note 3 and Galaxy S4 ?

    Samsung will never tell us. They only point out certain milestones... like 10 million Galaxy S4 in the first 2 months.

    But that was 7 months ago from when this article came out. According to reports... sales of the GS4 have dropped of quite a bit in the half a year since it launched. That can't make Samsung happy.

    The Note 3 also hit the milestone of 10 million units in 2 months. And again... sales will probably dropped off too.

    I'm getting the impression that Samsung flagships enjoy a huge amount of sales immediately after launch... and then they taper off greatly in the following 6-9 months.

    So what is Samsung selling instead? A bunch of cheap phones? That's not very exciting.

    All phones are the same, they sell strong, then they don't. I don't see your point...
    As for Samsung, I think they are killing themselves with all these really cheap phones. I get that they wanna make S2 equivalents for the people in need, but Galaxy Star? It even has the Galaxy branding... My point is, Samsung should stick to high end / middle ground phones, just so they lose that bad rep they have from selling crap along side good phones. They are being greedy, just like Apple. They are not selling a bunch of cheap phones, but that's the rep you get when you sell very low end stuff.

    They could make it metal, I couldn't care less, but if that would make the media shut the hell up, and the Apple fanboys, have at it.
  • Reply 127 of 136
    jungmarkjungmark Posts: 6,927member
    Apparent my troll comment was deleted. Can we not call out trolls anymore?
  • Reply 128 of 136
    cyberjcyberj Posts: 19member
    jungmark wrote: »
    Apparent my troll comment was deleted. Can we not call out trolls anymore?

    I just wish we could have a conversation on these websites that are for a company, or for another, and stop insulting each other and making stupid arguments that lead nowhere. Take criticism as it is and not make of it something more than it is... i stand by what I said, but what I really don't understand is why do people get angry ocer this tech stuff? I mean I said something, then suddenly, OMG, I offended their goddess, apple, and the sarcasm and the "smart ass" attitude started... Really childish.
  • Reply 129 of 136
    solipsismxsolipsismx Posts: 19,566member
    cyberj wrote: »
    I just wish we could have a conversation on these websites that are for a company, or for another, and stop insulting each other and making stupid arguments that lead nowhere.

    No you don't.
  • Reply 130 of 136
    crowleycrowley Posts: 10,453member
    I'd start with not calling them CrApple then. Word of advice.
  • Reply 131 of 136
    solipsismxsolipsismx Posts: 19,566member
    (clean up)
  • Reply 132 of 136
    cyberj wrote: »
    All phones are the same, they sell strong, then they don't. I don't see your point...

    I was just asking how many of Samsung's phones are high-end phones.

    You're right... sales always start off great... and then taper off. That's understandable.

    But Samsung's flagship phones are never the bulk of their sales in the first place.

    10 million Galaxy S4 sold in 2 months doesn't really mean a lot when they also sold 50 million low-end phones during the same time.
  • Reply 133 of 136
    I was just asking how many of Samsung's phones are high-end phones.

    You're right... sales always start off great... and then taper off. That's understandable.

    But Samsung's flagship phones are never the bulk of their sales in the first place.

    10 million Galaxy S4 sold in 2 months doesn't really mean a lot when they also sold 50 million low-end phones during the same time.
    You are completely right, they sell a hell of a lot more crap than high end stuff (this is CyberJ BTW, apple fanboys banned me), but 100 mil high end stuff is a pretty number, at least that't the one Samsung is giving us out of their global 300 mil.
  • Reply 134 of 136
    solipsismx wrote: »
    (clean up)

    You just don't like a different opinion to yours, don't you? I took a stroll around this website, and everything I found was apple fanboys harassing everybody else, and getting away with anything, as long as they were pro apple. Don't you see the hypocrisy of the website? Every single comment was ironic, demeaning, sarcastic, non of the usual ai users had any manners, people like you (adm...) keep feeding their ego so of course they act worse and worse. Change that man. My first comment was about how the article is very bias, about how this is not an article on a news website, but rather an apple fan blog. A news article should have no bias, the journalist shouldn't have inclined to a product or another in his writings, yet immediately after that I get like 5-6 replies from all kinds of fanboys on how I am stupid, insults... WTF? (That was a few months ago, that was my first visit here). Of course I snapped, of course we insulted each other, but that shouldn't be how you welcome a new user posting a comment stating an opinion. You too are too deep into the rat whole, who am I kidding.
  • Reply 135 of 136

    What kind of idiot gets banned and says to himself, “It’s not because they don’t want me here”?


    Shut up and go away. 

  • Reply 136 of 136
    MarvinMarvin Posts: 15,440moderator
    What kind of idiot gets banned and says to himself, “It’s not because they don’t want me here”?

    He's posting from Android. Like I said, there must be some level of insecurity there. If they were happy with what they had they'd just go and frolic on Android sites instead of signing up to Apple forums. I'm not sure why he thinks it's hypocritical of an Apple website to publish pro-Apple articles.

    Apple users: Hey I like Apple, I'll sign up to an Apple forum and talk with like-minded people.
    Android users: Hey I like Android, I'll sign up to an Apple forum and tell them why they're wrong.

    One theory I have is that Android users don't like each other. Contrast it with how people who visit the Apple Store behave. The Samsung ad shows the cocky loner trying to tell them all they're wrong. When Steve Jobs, Jonathan Ive, Tim Cook and others give their presentations, they always convey a sense that they care about people. We choose our interests based on what resonates with our own attitudes. When you look at the tech crowd, their marketing teams occasionally put forward people-centric messages but that's as far as it goes, they are technology-centric. They have a sense of superiority that a focus on technology and cynicism towards design and people makes them better informed but how can you come together as a group with that attitude?
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