Carl Icahn invests another $500M in Apple after shares slide



  • Reply 61 of 81

    Thank god there is one powerful advocate for Apple's stock price.  Clearly Cook, Oppenheimer, the board and the PR department are completely inept at getting Apple to trade at a market multiple -- let alone at its true intrinsic value.

  • Reply 62 of 81
    hill60hill60 Posts: 6,992member

    Originally Posted by Jack Baker View Post


    Thank god there is one powerful advocate for Apple's stock price.  Clearly Cook, Oppenheimer, the board and the PR department are completely inept at getting Apple to trade at a market multiple -- let alone at its true intrinsic value.


    Maybe Apple should flood the market with 100 million $50 outright iPhones with 240x320 screens, 2 Megapixel cameras, 4 GB of storage, a removable battery, microSD slot, something like a Galaxy Neo running iOS.


    Boom instant "marketshare", instant drop in profits, instant share price increase.


    The most stupid thing is those idiots on Wall St would applaud this strategy.

  • Reply 63 of 81
    Thank you Tim Cook for making sure shareholders run for the exits four times a year. Activist shareholders are the only chance for Apple stock.
  • Reply 64 of 81
    Do any of you really understand what Icahn is saying by wanting the Buyback? Reading the comments, I don't think many do. Stock buy back of under valued stocks will reduce float which will create value for long term investors. The only reason anyone would not want a buy back right now is if you think Apple is over valued right now. Which mean if you are shorting the stock. This is very simple economics and I really think many of you need to educate yourselves before bashing Icahn just because you read some propaganda. Most people against Icahn are ahorts or longs who have no idea how capital markets work.
    maestro64 wrote: »
    I am not personally convince that if Apple bough back more share thes stock will be any higher. I think Icahn is playing a game which he can not win. Part of the reason the stock drop so much was due to the fact that the stock is heavily shorted so the stock had no choose but to go down, The analysis set the playing field for that failure to occur and nothing Icahn can do to stop it. I am now convinced after yesterday and seeing those kinds of numbers that Apple will never trade nothing of $600 again, unless they create a new market which no one is playing in right now.

    Icahn already lost $300M on paper due to this and I do not expect him to make any significant amount of money on what he owns in Apple, well he collecting a large dividend check so maybe he'll break even in a few years.
  • Reply 65 of 81
    hydrhydr Posts: 146member

    Originally Posted by boeyc15 View Post


    Oh... please share how he knows 'whats up'?

    Did Apple share their plans with him? Hmmm no, that would be illegal (I hope). Does he have a mole on the inside, no that would be illegal too.  

    Barring further evidence, IMO- this guy is either a master manipulator, aka flimflam man, aka confidence man, (which should be illegal but is usually not to the 1%'rs) or he's a plain ol crook.

    Notice he does not say he knows what Apple will do but has 'confidence'. Yup... flimflam man. Too smart to be an outright crook.


    He knows it´s a no-brainer. He knows that if you subtract cash + debt, your EV value of Apple is $310B with a FCF of $45B. That gives you a multiplier of 7.5x aka a no-brainer. He knows how to invest and make money. His ideas/opinions will remain his own, he does not have any leverage over Apple, and never will. But he knows it´s cheap, and is investing heavily in it. I wish Apple would invest heavily in Apple as well.
  • Reply 66 of 81
    This is total bs and most of you suckers are totally game. The stock market is a ponzi scheme. You can't get out what you didn't put in.
  • Reply 67 of 81
    rogifanrogifan Posts: 10,669member
    Oppenheimer is way past his sell-by date. He's one of the most unimpressive CFOs I've seen in a large company. Apple has clearly outgrown him.
    Well he seems pretty good at providing guidance because Apple was dead on to their own guidance. Much more accurate than the "analysts" covering the stock.
  • Reply 68 of 81
    rogifanrogifan Posts: 10,669member
    Oppenheimer is way past his sell-by date. He's one of the most unimpressive CFOs I've seen in a large company. Apple has clearly outgrown him.
    I wouldn't be surprised if he "retires" soon.
  • Reply 69 of 81
    rogifanrogifan Posts: 10,669member
    Hear, hear.

    At a minimum, he needs a good speech/PR coach.
    Yes and Apple needs a better marketing department. Perhaps Apple needs to give Schiller another roll and bring in someone fresh on the marketing side. Maybe Apple will give Angela Ahrendts a more visible role.
  • Reply 70 of 81
    lkrupplkrupp Posts: 10,557member

    Originally Posted by n057828 View Post

    Another product of Zion!


    Racist, anti-Semitic pig you are. Please ban this loser ASAP!

  • Reply 71 of 81
    Hey AAPL investors, how about a little cheese to go with that whine? I told you before and it bears repeating:
    AAPL fast growth days are OVER as long as they keep offering the dividend. You can't have both (high flying stock price and a dividend). I don't care if Apple sells one quadrillion iPhones/Ipads, it shall continue to trade sideways at best. BA HA HA HA.
  • Reply 72 of 81
    I post here another product of Zion those comments but you country is not freedom of speech. Now I'm anti S, what gives Google Walt Disney and find out how he had a hard time displaying his films. I do like apple products and I'm sorry if I offend!
    An Arab who started a small company which is now Apple! See if I care!
  • Reply 73 of 81
    Originally Posted by n057828 View Post

    I post here another product of Zion those comments


    Because it doesn’t have anything to do with anything.


    …you country is not freedom of speech.


    No, it is. Where you don’t have freedom of speech is here, on this website, where if you say nonsensical crap, don’t expect it to stay up.


    Now I'm anti S, what gives Google Walt Disney and find out how he had a hard time displaying his films.


    I’m to understand there’s a large Jewish influence at Disney these days, so any past accusations of anti-Semitism are basically void.


    Not that they have anything whatsoever to do with any argument you’re making here, of course. In any respect, under any definition.

  • Reply 74 of 81
    sdw2001sdw2001 Posts: 18,020member
    The market is so absurd. Apple had a ridiculous quarter...again. They are selling iPhones and iPads as fast as they can make them, and sold nearly a million more Macs than a year ago. But the quarter was "disappointing" because analysts "expected" more. If I had the cash, I'd buy too.
  • Reply 75 of 81
    maestro64maestro64 Posts: 5,043member

    Originally Posted by castcore View Post

    Do any of you really understand what Icahn is saying by wanting the Buyback? Reading the comments, I don't think many do. Stock buy back of under valued stocks will reduce float which will create value for long term investors. The only reason anyone would not want a buy back right now is if you think Apple is over valued right now. Which mean if you are shorting the stock. This is very simple economics and I really think many of you need to educate yourselves before bashing Icahn just because you read some propaganda. Most people against Icahn are ahorts or longs who have no idea how capital markets work.

    First I agree that if you believe your stock in undervalue and it mostly due to too much float in the stock then buy it back, however, they are plenty of companies who have been buying back verse reinvesting of paying dividends and long term it did nothing for the companies overall value, it just put more control of the stock into a small group of individuals which allowed them to force the company to do things they wanted.


    Next I speak from direct experience from working at a company which Icahn got its hands on, and was successful at what he is attempting to do with Apple. He tried extremely hard to get a board position, forcing the company to implement a poison pill policy because they though  he could gain a controlling interest in the company. He got the company to use some of it cash balance to buy back stock, why, it is simple less stock in the market drives up his ownership, thus more control. In the end the company's Senior Management spend more time dealing with him and his demands than they spend trying to run the company which eventually was broken up and sold off in pieces and it a fraction of it former self. He does not focus on things which make a company strong he focuses on what is known as Financial Engineering, they play games with things which will prop up the stock value in a time period which allow him to cash out and leaving everyone else holding what is left.


    If I though Icahn was going to make Apple a better company in the long haul I would not complain, I would be supportive, but that is not his goal, he trying to force their hands into a situation which will make him and only him money and he does not care what he leaves in his waste.


    The other thing is which many do not realize, Icahn is not buy all this stock in the open market, there is no way in one day he can buy $500M of Apple stock unless he buying ever share that comes available, this would be bad for him, he would be driving the price up as other who also were trying to buy at the same time. He buying these share from large institutional group directly like retirement/pention funds and such which are required to buy and sell a stock when it either gains or loose certain % of the value they hold. This is what he did with Dell you swindle some retirement fund out of their Dell Stock at a low value and tried using it to force Micheal Dell to dell with him. If you have enough money you do not need to buy shares on the open market you can buy directly from the institution holding the shares.


    Before you think Icahn is actually trying to help investors or Apple as well as Apple it self, you should do some research on Icahn and what he has done in the past to other companies

  • Reply 76 of 81
    I am not going to post on this silly website and I'm going to del it. Good luck with it. Freedom my arse 500 million $ and brags I don't care all I say usa prints $ in 4 months in total if what Australia owns to the world and it's still strong! You get this bastard who brags he spent $500... To invest in Apple.
    If he said I spent x amount in the poor oops tax right off. I don't care while the poor are out if work! Bye for now ahhhhaa
  • Reply 77 of 81
    misamisa Posts: 827member
    rogifan wrote: »
    9to5Mac is reporting that Apple is testing a new version of Apple TV that combines ATV with Airport Express into one product. The focus of this new ATV would be gaming. Apple has also tested one with a TV tuner as well. This could be a very cool product. I know I'd buy one. It would be nice if they has something to announce before WWDC but my guess is that's where it would happen. Of course these are just rumors, but Apple did update their store and ATV is now its own product category rather than being buried inside the iPod category.

    A TV-tuner model is pointless as the cable companies don't broadcast in-the-clear ATSC/DVB, and what you get OTA is maybe 2 channels unless you live in a major city. If it's something that can be added as part of SDR based tv/radio/satellite tuner, then fine. The main problem with cable is that 100% of the equipment is Motorola (now Arris), and Google owned it long enough that it would have made sense for them, but they threw it away.

    Apple's strength lies in it's user-friendliness, even if it makes nerds cry. It would make complete sense for Apple to buy Nintendo, or partner with Nintendo to put virtual console on their Apple TV device. Like, actually access and play their already-purchased VC titles from the 3DS and Wii/WiiU on their iOS devices.
  • Reply 78 of 81

    Icahn is a tool and has been for a long time. This is the same idiot that thought selling Yahoo! to Microsoft was a great idea! Stay out of tech Icahn! His interests in companies is not how to push them to be great but to cash them out. I wonder what Jobs would say to this idiot.


    Tim Cooks needs to man up to Wall Street. I welcome Apple stock buybacks I would like see them have a secret long term plan on going private. The problem with being a publicly traded company is that every damn investor thinks he/she has the next best idea.

  • Reply 79 of 81

    Originally Posted by Techboy View Post


    Icahn is a tool...


    Monkey Wrench or Screwdriver?

  • Reply 80 of 81

    Originally Posted by sog35 View Post



    Ahrendts should be CO-CEO to save face for Tim Cook.  Cook is an excellent operations guy but they need someone else to churn up the hype machine.  Ahrendts did an excellent job as CEO and basically raised a dead company from the grave.


    Apple should STOP giving guidance. PERIOD.  Let the earnings report speak for itself.  All it does is give the manipulators on Wall Street two opportunities to smash the stock.  Even if earnings is good (EPS was up 5% YoY) they will just smash guidance.  So BS.  Google does not give guidance and Apple should not either.


    They should also stop giving unit numbers.  No one else does.  All it can do is hurt the stock.  They should use backdoor channels to 'announce' unit numbers like IDC.  They need to pay these fuking marketing companies and buy them off.  Just like Samsung, MSFT and Google. does.  Fuk its time to play the game.  When Apple was growing 50% a year they didn't have to play games.  But now they are only growing 5-10% they need to get with it.

    Exactly! Very well said.

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