Japanese newspaper repeats persistent 'iPhone 6' rumors: 2 screen sizes, Sept. launch



  • Reply 21 of 62
    inklinginkling Posts: 773member
    Hopefully, Apple won't abandon the current screen size. Some people, particularly petite women, like their phones small and easy to hold. Keeping the current size and adding a significantly larger one makes more sense.
    I'd suggest keeping most of the other specs the same but giving the larger one a longer battery life, something iPhones have long needed.
  • Reply 22 of 62
    philboogiephilboogie Posts: 7,675member
    grey silvy wrote: »
    Who gives 2 shits. It is what it is.

    Why go 4.7 or 5.5 if the width stays the same. UGLY it will BE.

  • Reply 23 of 62
    philboogiephilboogie Posts: 7,675member
    mr o wrote: »
    To be fair, they should picture the phones with a hand to give us an idea of the scale. One will notice how ridiculous a 5.5" phone looks like.

    Could it be that the screen sizes are meant for the iPod Touch instead? Unlike the iPhone you don't hold an iPod Touch next to your head … .

    Showing it next to a hand is not a good reference to size. Imagine if they used Kobe's hand then a 5.5 inch device will make since. If they use say a small womans hand then you have a giant phone. Referencing it to phones already available is the best way. Plus 5.5" done well is not too large and works well. Hate to say it but look at the note series its not to large of a phone for those who use it. And the keywords are those who use it.

    If they used the same hand it would reflect the size difference.
  • Reply 24 of 62
    tallest skiltallest skil Posts: 43,388member
    Originally Posted by Grey Silvy View Post

    Who gives 2 shits. It is what it is. Why go 4.7 or 5.5 if the width stays the same. UGLY it will BE.


    Maybe just go find another website to be clueless on?

  • Reply 25 of 62
    jungmarkjungmark Posts: 6,927member
    Ugh so this is like the 35456th story on this rumor? IMO, Apple won't release a Phablet sized (>5") iPhone. I hope they keep the 4" and introduce a < 5" model.
  • Reply 26 of 62

    What I'm saying is if the phone gets taller say 6 inches tall or more and stays 2.5 to 2.75 inches wide it will look like CRAP.

    A long skinny phone?

    The 5S is perfect and why mess with perfection?

  • Reply 27 of 62
    wizard69wizard69 Posts: 13,377member
    steven n. wrote: »
    I hope Apple does not go all in for these gooney gigantanortisours phones.

    I have no love for the over sized cell phones either. Most people, guys especially want a phone that can fit into their pocket. Woman on the other hand are more variable, some of them can carry a 27" iMac in their hand bags! ????  

    I will likely hurl if I start to see people carrying their cell phones on their belts via big leather sacks. It would be a like a throw back to the days of the HP calculator in many engineering offices.
  • Reply 28 of 62
    damn_its_hotdamn_its_hot Posts: 1,213member

    Originally Posted by PhilBoogie View Post


    Originally Posted by mr O View Post

    Could it be that the screen sizes are meant for the iPod Touch instead? Unlike the iPhone you don't hold an iPod Touch next to your head … .

    Good point; every article assumes that this display they have seen or heard of is for the next iPhone, while it could be for anything. A 5.5" display could easily be for Samsung's next watch¡


    LMAO - but could be true!

  • Reply 29 of 62
    drewys808drewys808 Posts: 549member

    Originally Posted by sog35 View Post



    The size difference between the 5S and a bezeless 4.7 iPhone6 will be minimal.


    Like the iPod the iPhone will have a more diverse line of products.  iPod has the shuffle, Classic, nano, and touch.  I can easily see more iPhone variants because massive growth is now done.


    Possible line up


    Low tier: iPhone C $450

    Mid tier: iPhone Air (4 inch screen, ultra thin) $650

    High tier: iPhone Pro (4.7 inch screen and 5.5 inch) $700-$750


    Yes, except I don't think Apple will launch 5.5" this year.  Maybe 2015.

    4.7" yes.  5.5" no.

  • Reply 30 of 62
    lightknightlightknight Posts: 2,312member

    Originally Posted by PhilBoogie View Post

    Personally I think the phone is already too big; I liked the 3.5" screen model more. But ok, times change, but I sure hope they keep on selling the current FF alongside a larger phone. Otherwise I'm screwed: won't go for Android and it looks like WP8 is still a stillborn. Or is it?

    Haven't left my 4 yet. Got the latest Mini, the Air... but elongated iPhone? Nah.


    Obviously some time will come where I'll have to switch, probably soon due to iOS 8 being unlikely to run smooth on 4... but It's still so awesome. Please.

  • Reply 31 of 62
    lightknightlightknight Posts: 2,312member

    Originally Posted by wizard69 View Post

     Woman on the other hand are more variable, some of them can carry a 27" iMac in their hand bags! ????  

    Maybe TS will make a photoshop of that...

  • Reply 32 of 62
    lightknightlightknight Posts: 2,312member

    Originally Posted by RemE View Post

    For sure they should offer both. Those of us that want a larger screen usually use some form of headset. I could really use the screen size for many applications. But certainly many others like them pocketable so I hope they use some of their BILLIONS of cash and develop two models.

    Or you could buy an iPhone and an iPad and make them MORE billions. Problem solved, business case sound, everyone happy.

  • Reply 33 of 62
    pmzpmz Posts: 3,433member

    Originally Posted by SolipsismX View Post

    The only reason to go with the 4.94" device is so you can keep the iPhone UI exactly the same but use the iPad Air display's 264 PPI, so it would be the same as it currently is, just bigger. I hope this isn't the solution they go for.

    Isn't really the only point though?


    I mean look at iPad. They didn't keep the iPhone icons and UI button sizes, and just go all in on screen real estate. They scaled everything up, making it easier to see.


    They could have left the icons at iPhone size, and gave you many more on each page of the Home Screen, and likewise just go ALL real estate throughout the UI....but they didn't.


    Presumably, because with a bigger screen, you could make everything bigger, and thus easier to see. This helps, considering the bigger the screen the further away from your face you will hold it (naturally).


    Personally, I would much prefer the iPhone UI and layout remain the same, but all UI elements grow larger to fill out the space. I don't need more real estate on my iPhone, but it would be nice if, on a slightly larger screen, if the UI elements were slightly larger and easier to see.


    What would you rather have, another row of icons? And call that 'worth it' for a bigger iPhone?

  • Reply 34 of 62
    pmzpmz Posts: 3,433member

    Originally Posted by lightknight View Post


    Or you could buy an iPhone and an iPad and make them MORE billions. Problem solved, business case sound, everyone happy.

    Way back when, someone (don't remember who) told Apple in the iPhone/iPad prototype phase to "Make it 5 inches and you'll rule the world".


    What they didn't realize, is if you make one 4" and another 8"....people will buy BOTH! Muhahahahaha.

  • Reply 35 of 62
    solipsismxsolipsismx Posts: 19,566member
    pmz wrote: »
    Isn't really the only point though?

    I mean look at iPad. They didn't keep the iPhone icons and UI button sizes, and just go all in on screen real estate. They scaled everything up, making it easier to see.

    They could have left the icons at iPhone size, and gave you many more on each page of the Home Screen, and likewise just go ALL real estate throughout the UI....but they didn't.

    Presumably, because with a bigger screen, you could make everything bigger, and thus easier to see. This helps, considering the bigger the screen the further away from your face you will hold it (naturally).

    Personally, I would much prefer the iPhone UI and layout remain the same, but all UI elements grow larger to fill out the space. I don't need more real estate on my iPhone, but it would be nice if, on a slightly larger screen, if the UI elements were slightly larger and easier to see.

    What would you rather have, another row of icons? And call that 'worth it' for a bigger iPhone?

    I didn't word my comment properly by using "keep the iPhone UI exactly the same" and I'm not sure I understand your argument.

    By using the 4.9404" display it would allow them to use the 264 PPI panels in the iPad Air which in turn means they not alter the UI in the current iPhone so that the elements are pixel-for-pixel identical but would all be slightly larger. This means the icons would be bigger but so would the space between the icons and so forth.

    I think you're wanting the UI to be different so that it's optimized for a larger display, which means that a 4.9404" display is no longer a consideration. That said, Apple might find this to be the best display size but it would no longer be based on keeping the same pixel-for-pixel UI so it would be an unlikely coincidence.

    Personally, I would like to see alter the UI to idealize it for a larger display — which doesn't necessarily mean more row or columns — and to use at least the 326 PPI used right now (or more) if their projections for display, backlight, GPU, and battery life going forward will make this feasible so they can still with it for a very long time.
  • Reply 36 of 62
    mstonemstone Posts: 11,510member

    Originally Posted by pmz View Post

    Personally, I would much prefer the iPhone UI and layout remain the same, but all UI elements grow larger to fill out the space. I don't need more real estate on my iPhone, but it would be nice if, on a slightly larger screen, if the UI elements were slightly larger and easier to see.

    I used to have perfect vision, but once I hit 40 my eyesight started getting a little fuzzy. Even corrective lens can't make your vision perfect again. I would like the UI elements a little bigger. That is the one area that the OS can't give control over to the end user. They allow you to make the content text larger but there is no point really because that is the part you can usually pinch zoom anyway. It is the tiny UI elements that are the problem for older eyes.

  • Reply 37 of 62
    tallest skiltallest skil Posts: 43,388member
    Originally Posted by pmz View Post

    Way back when, someone (don't remember who) told Apple in the iPhone/iPad prototype phase to "Make it 5 inches and you'll rule the world".


    After the iPhone reveal at MacWorld, Steve asked Alan Kay what he thought about the device. Alan said, “Make the screen 5 inches by 8 inches and you’ll rule the world.”


    And Steve did. He made the original iPad. THAT SIZE. FOR A REASON.

  • Reply 38 of 62
    clemynxclemynx Posts: 1,552member
    I doubt they'll use the Mini design. The iPhone is still their flagship product, new designs are introducted with it. They are not just going to add sapphire without using it for doing something different.
  • Reply 39 of 62
    nagrommenagromme Posts: 2,834member
    Kudos to AI on a very specific and accurate headline. Beats link bait any day! Well-written and not sensational.
  • Reply 40 of 62
    Check out this social countdown. Seems up to date with breaking news along with interesting conversation. http://www.tikr.me/iphone-6-tbd/8821
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