Samsung's 'Beat Apple' memo: 'Threat from Apple extremely real and urgent'



  • Reply 81 of 109
    droidftwdroidftw Posts: 1,009member
    Originally Posted by asdasd View Post

    What Apple - and the industry - means by focus groups is not questionnaires but watching people use the beta software. Or beta hardware. And revising. That they don't do.


    Watch out, in the past I've caught a huge amount of flack for saying as much.  Brace yourself for countless posts claiming that you can't possibly have any clue about Apple's inner workings and development processes.

  • Reply 82 of 109
    charlitunacharlituna Posts: 7,217member
    In the first trial part of the Samsung lawyers arguments was that it was just happenstance that things seemed identical. That was blown apart by similar memos. So it doesn't shock me that there's another one out there saying essentially the same Apple focus. Not very smart of them to be so focused on one company.
  • Reply 83 of 109
    georgeip5georgeip5 Posts: 225member
    If you class this as major evidence then samsung have nothing to worry about.
  • Reply 84 of 109
    r2d2r2d2 Posts: 95member

    Originally Posted by asdasd View Post

    What Apple - and the industry - means by focus groups is not questionnaires but watching people use the beta software. Or beta hardware. And revising. That they don't do.


    You can't possibly have any clue about Apple's inner workings and development processes. ;)

  • Reply 85 of 109
    asdasd wrote: »


    Everybody is going to say battery life, but I routinely with heavy enough usage plug in at night at about 20%. I bet most people don't run out. So what good is another 10%? Would people notice, would they tell their friends? Would word of mouth of a 10% increase in battery life see the iPhone 6 sell vastly more? I doubt it.


    Exactly. If the battery lasts all day, that's all people care about. If it's not going to last two full days—and I don't see this in the foreseeable future—it will make absolutely no difference to people. Of course, spec hounds would crow if the battery's rated for 2 hours longer than you're going to need, but since most spec hounds are Fandroids and Android can't deliver that, that doesn't apply.
  • Reply 86 of 109
    singularitysingularity Posts: 1,328member
    asdasd wrote: »


    Everybody is going to say battery life, but I routinely with heavy enough usage plug in at night at about 20%..... but since most spec hounds are Fandroids and Android can't deliver that, that doesn't apply.
    and yet people on here keep bringing up things like the 64 bit chip, I'd say there are spec hounds are found in both camps. Just attributing it to a side you happen to dislike is being disingenuous and shows blind bias.
  • Reply 87 of 109
    andysolandysol Posts: 2,506member
    Originally Posted by asdasd View Post

    I routinely with heavy enough usage plug in at night at about 20%. I bet most people don't run out.

    Great point.  Because you have 20% battery life when you plug your phone in at night, then most people are in the exact same position.


    Now- if someone a few posts after you say they run out 3 hours before they get the chance to plug it in, but they bet most people also run out- then who should I believe?



    Basically, I'm saying- leave your anecdotal information out of the discussion, because it's useless.




    Regardless- it will be guaranteed that Apple will mention the battery life of the next Macbook, iPad and iPhone and be sure to point if battery life stayed the same or improved- and make a big deal about it either way.  Because, guess what?  It is a big deal.

  • Reply 88 of 109
    asdasd wrote: »


    Everybody is going to say battery life, but I routinely with heavy enough usage plug in at night at about 20%..... but since most spec hounds are Fandroids and Android can't deliver that, that doesn't apply.
    and yet people on here keep bringing up things like the 64 bit chip, I'd say there are spec hounds are found in both camps. Just attributing it to a side you happen to dislike is being disingenuous and shows blind bias.

    Mine starts here....

    Bullshit. If you can't tell the difference between a revolutionary change like 64-bit technology in a mobile processor and meaningless bullet points like the Fandroids cream their jeans over, but don't mean squat to an actual user, then you're an idiot.

    Lemme guess, if some Android OEM had delivered a 64-bit phone first, it would be the greatest thing since fire, amirite?

    ...I tried to edit twice. This is outside the quote on the form. I don't know what's up.
  • Reply 89 of 109

    I propose AI start up a "beer fund". It works like this:


    People make a guess as to how many new troll accounts will appear during the time the entire Samsung trial is on. When you make a guess you agree to contribute a 6-pack of beer. If you want to make more than one guess, you can, each guess costs one 6-pack. Only members with 500+ posts can guess.


    When the verdict is handed down, we wait another 2 days for the aftershocks to go away (all the people still bitching about why the verdict was wrong). Then we count up how many new accounts there were.


    Someone goes home with a LOT of beer.

  • Reply 90 of 109
    r2d2r2d2 Posts: 95member
    Originally Posted by Mac-sochist View Post

    Exactly. If the battery lasts all day, that's all people care about. If it's not going to last two full days—and I don't see this in the foreseeable future—it will make absolutely no difference to people. Of course, spec hounds would crow if the battery's rated for 2 hours longer than you're going to need, but since most spec hounds are Fandroids and Android can't deliver that, that doesn't apply.


    I fly frequently for work and see many more iPhone users scrambling for charging stations than any other smartphone. Most of my friends own an iPhone and love just about everything about it with the exception of the battery life. Longer battery life would make a huge difference for them. FYI - I charge my LG G2 about every 45 - 50 hours.

  • Reply 91 of 109
    singularitysingularity Posts: 1,328member
    asdasd wrote: »


    Everybody is going to say battery life, but I routinely with heavy enough usage plug in at night at about 20%..... but since most spec hounds are Fandroids and Android can't deliver that, that doesn't apply.
    and yet people on here keep bringing up things like the 64 bit chip, I'd say there are spec hounds are found in both camps. Just attributing it to a side you happen to dislike is being disingenuous and shows blind bias.

    Bullshit. If you can't tell the difference between a revolutionary change like 64-bit technology in a mobile processor and meaningless bullet points like the Fandroids cream their jeans over, but don't mean squat to an actual user, then you're an idiot.

    Lemme guess, if some Android OEM had delivered a 64-bit phone first, it would be the greatest thing since fire, amirite?
    if some android OEM had got a 64 bit CPU in their phone first it would mean absolutely nothing to me and most other people. Going to 64 bit isn't revolutionary its evolutionary imho . it was going to happen at some time. Apple got their first, kudos to them.
    The first iPhone was revolutionary it changed everything but 64 bit isn't going to set the world alight. Its something that's not exciting me maybe if there was a killer app that excited me I'd be running to the shop to trade in my phone but not at the moment. Ymmv
  • Reply 92 of 109
    asdasdasdasd Posts: 5,686member
    andysol wrote: »
    Great point.  Because you have 20% battery life when you plug your phone in at night, then most people are in the exact

    Basically, I'm saying- leave your anecdotal information out of the discussion, because it's useless.

    Regardless- it will be guaranteed that Apple will mention the battery life of the next Macbook, iPad and iPhone and be sure to point if battery life stayed the same or improved- and make a big deal about it either way.  Because, guess what?  It is a big deal.

    They already do mention it. 10 hours video playback. 10 hours voice calls. 10 hours wifi or LTE. 8 hours 3G. 250 hours standby. Is that non anecdotal enough for you? Or did you think I barely use my phone?

    Apples claims correlates with my usage. About 20% left after 18 hours fairly high usage. I watch videos going to work and back. Listen to music and make calls.

    A user clearly - unless Apple are lying - hasto be on the phone or downloading all day to run low during the day. So my experience is normal and 10% won't matter a damn.

    Of course they are running to stand still. If they increase the memory or CPU they need to have better batteries to have the same general battery life. That's what they care about. Not longer life but the same with better more resource hungry internals.
  • Reply 93 of 109
    mistercowmistercow Posts: 157member

    Originally Posted by Gatorguy View Post

    That comment does get kind of old. BTW there's no longer "a large number of internals" made by Samsung. Apple has been slowly whittling it down for a few years now.


    It may be old, but still true.  Samsung may not be supplying Apple with as many components as before, but it's still a sizeable amount and represents a good amount of revenue.  I only take objections to the people about how they would never buy a Samsung product because they are such a shady company.  If ethics really were an issue, then they wouldn't be buying a iPhone.  For many of these posters, ethics are only an issue until it becomes inconvenient.  

  • Reply 94 of 109
    snovasnova Posts: 1,281member

    Originally Posted by ChiA View Post

    Originally Posted by Brandon Powell View Post

    Whats "non-upgradeable" about android? And what phone do you have?


    Spare us.


    Comparing recent flagship models:


    Galaxy S3 - released May 2012, still awaiting official update to the current Android 4.4 KitKat.


    iPhone 4S - released Oct 2011, officially updatable to the current iOS 7.1


    iPhone 5 - released Oct 2012, officially updatable to the current iOS 7.1.

    iPhone 4 - released June 2010, officially updatable to the current iOS 7.1.

  • Reply 95 of 109
    r2d2 wrote: »
    I fly frequently for work and see many more iPhone users scrambling for charging stations than any other smartphone. Most of my friends own an iPhone and love just about everything about it with the exception of the battery life. Longer battery life would make a huge difference for them. FYI - I charge my LG G2 about every 45 - 50 hours.
    Oh, well that is simply because iPhone owners use their phones more. ????
  • Reply 96 of 109
    snovasnova Posts: 1,281member
    Originally Posted by rahhbriley View Post


    To me, one of the biggest differences between the Apple and Samsung memos being revealed are that Apple's state that they want to catchup where they are behind, and leapfrog competition in other areas. Samsung's documents reveal that they want to keep copying Apple and iPhone specifically. Not just catch up, but copy. 

    Its not because Samsung lacks ideas of their own. It seems to me that someone in Samsung holds Apple's design at higher level then their own internal ones. This has got to be frustrating to engineers within Samsung. 


    "look what I have been working on sir.  quiet! the adults are talking" 

  • Reply 97 of 109
    andysol wrote: »
    You'd be better off buying a 5s for "communication" and an iPad Mini for entertainment.  Bigger & Better screen, faster- essentially better statistically in every way- and you'd save about $300 also.

    Again- as disgusting as Samsung is at business- I, personally, wouldn't support them.

    Exactly.  And Apple has already addressed quite a bit.

    Here is what we should examine:
    1. Battery Life.  Is this not a constant improvement Apple tries to build on every year?
    2. Improve Maps.  Locationary, HopStop, Embark, BroadMap. Obviously, Apple feels this is top priority and they should improve their mapping too considering these companies were acquired within the past 9 months.
    3. Bigger screen.  I'm an Apple homer- you know that.  That's my number one want on my list.  I doubt I'm alone in this.
    4. Lightning- people bitching because they don't know better.  Lightning is the future- people need to deal. I agree- dumb.
    5. Customize Look/Function.  Yawn.  How long have we heard this?  I agree- dumb.
    6. Improve Siri.  Again- with the purchase of Novauris and Cue- it's looking like Apple is also interested in improving this substantially.
    7. More durable/less fragile.  No thanks.  This is the dumbest of the list.

    So 2 are proven high importance items to Apple via acquisition.  Battery life is a no brainer.  And Bigger screen- depending on where you fall.  Lets just call that neutral.  So 3 dumb and 3 that are proven extremely important to Apple doesn't mean "The rest of the list"

    Whilst I don't take particular issue with your thoughts, TS is right, too, because all the things on this list are unoriginal. Apple don't need anyone asking for these things. That's what Steve Jobs meant when he said that Apple doesn't do market research. He meant that there's no point asking people for something that they can't see. Market research would never have produced the iPhone, otherwise Blackberry or some other mobile company would have come up with it first.

    Market research can be a useful tool to get a lie of the land, but Apple are never going to base their vision on it, which is much to the benefit of everyone.
  • Reply 98 of 109
    jungmarkjungmark Posts: 6,927member
    r2d2 wrote: »
    I fly frequently for work and see many more iPhone users scrambling for charging stations than any other smartphone. Most of my friends own an iPhone and love just about everything about it with the exception of the battery life. Longer battery life would make a huge difference for them. FYI - I charge my LG G2 about every 45 - 50 hours.

    That means nothing. You may not use your phone as much as they do. My old Sammy dumb phone lasted a week before charging. It doesn't mean its battery life is better.
  • Reply 99 of 109
    mechanicmechanic Posts: 805member

    Originally Posted by Rogifan View Post

    None of Apple's leaked documents were shocking either. But they got plenty of attention. So I don't see why this doesn't deserve the same.

    I concur.

  • Reply 100 of 109
    mechanicmechanic Posts: 805member

    Originally Posted by Brandon Powell View Post


    Whats "non-upgradeable" about android? And what phone do you have?


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