Dr. Dre, Tyrese share Heineken-fueled celebration of Apple's alleged Beats acquisition



  • Reply 41 of 164
    anantksundaramanantksundaram Posts: 20,407member

    Originally Posted by sog35 View Post


    Tesla makes ZERO money.


    They would go bankrupt if it wasn't for GOVERNMENT WELFARE checks.

    Please don't post uninformed nonsense. (Ok... redundancy...)


    Tesla took a loan from the DoE, every cent of which was paid back a while ago.


    As to 'government subsidies,' quite apart from the fact that $7,500 is a small amount in the scheme of things for a typical Tesla vehicle, what about, say the free bandwidth that taxpayers provide for the TV you watch, the local monopoly that the government allows for the cable you subscribe to, funding that led to the internet that led to companies like Amazon, Google, and Apple that you no doubt patronize, ¢40 on every medical equipment/hospital/pharmaceutical dollar that comes from Medicare/Medicaid despite the fact that you use (of will use) those services, the deposit insurance subsidy that the banks get that protect your money, the defense dollars that the Boeings, GEs, UTCs, Lockheeds, Honeywells etc get that protect you...... I could go on.


    Get off your high horse. Or I dare you to live completely free from a single government dollar ion your daily life.

  • Reply 42 of 164
    applesauce007applesauce007 Posts: 1,702member

    Originally Posted by Red Oak View Post

    It is the first I'm really questioning Tim's judgement

    It's hard for me to think of a worst fit in terms of company culture, product, and business strategy. It fails in all three


    You like iTunes media's pretty interface but you apparently have no idea where it comes from and how Apple gets it.

    Apple would never be able to get what they are getting with Beats on their own.  It's a matter of trust and old boys club.

  • Reply 43 of 164
    rogifanrogifan Posts: 10,669member
    sog35 wrote: »
    some of you middle aged white guys just dont get it do you.

    Its not about PERFORMANCE.
    Its about STYLE.

    Seriously.  Go out some time and do some research.

    You think women spend $4000 on a Louis Vutton bag because it PERFORMS better than a Urban Outfitters bag that cost 10x cheaper?

    Ah so iPhones iPads and Macs are a out style, not performance. And Apple is just a fashion company. Got it.
  • Reply 44 of 164
    MacProMacPro Posts: 19,821member
    I'm calling it "Donald Sterling Disease" for lack of a better term and being brutally honest what I'm thinking it is. :no:

    That would be sad if true. I just don't like mushy-heavy bass for my part but I can see there is far more to this than headphones.
  • Reply 45 of 164
    SpamSandwichSpamSandwich Posts: 33,407member
    sog35 wrote: »
    some of you middle aged white guys just dont get it do you.

    Its not about PERFORMANCE.
    Its about STYLE.

    Seriously.  Go out some time and do some research.

    You think women spend $4000 on a Louis Vutton bag because it PERFORMS better than a Urban Outfitters bag that cost 10x cheaper?


    Apple doesn't need to pay for style, they need to buy technology and IP that leapfrogs and/or cuts the hamstrings of their competitors. If this deal punches a hole in Samsung or Android, it might be worth it.
  • Reply 46 of 164
    applesauce007applesauce007 Posts: 1,702member

    Originally Posted by PhilBoogie View Post

    I have, hence my comment. Look, I just don't think Apple is the kind of company that wants to be associated with rappers doing their 'MF' thing on camera. Does that make me childish?


    Yes it does make you very childish.

    It's easy for you to push the pretty little buttons on iTunes and iPhones to listen to sweet music.

    Do you have any idea where the music comes from and what it takes to make the music business work?

    Just how old are you really?  Grow up already!

  • Reply 47 of 164
    MacProMacPro Posts: 19,821member
    sog35 wrote: »
    Why do girls/women spend $4000 on a Louis Vutton bag?
    Why do boys/men spend $120 on Nike Shoes?
    Why do people spend $300 for Beats headphones?

    Use your brain people.

    Its about STYLE.

    Apple has hired the CEO of Burburry
    Apple has hired  of Paul Deneve CEO of  Yves Saint Laurent

    So obvious whats going on

    Or it could be more about those things AppleSauce007 pointed out above.
  • Reply 48 of 164
    anantksundaramanantksundaram Posts: 20,407member

    Originally Posted by sog35 View Post


    They benefit from MILLIONS of dollars of tax credits when people buy their cars.


    They have yet to turn a profit in the last 3 years.

    I'll report the piece that I added to my previous reply:


    As to 'government subsidies,' quite apart from the fact that $7,500 is a small amount in the scheme of things for a typical Tesla vehicle, what about, say the free bandwidth that taxpayers provide for the TV you watch, the local monopoly that the government allows for the cable you subscribe to, funding that led to the internet that led to companies like Amazon, Google, and Apple that you no doubt patronize, ¢40 on every medical equipment/hospital/pharmaceutical dollar that comes from Medicare/Medicaid despite the fact that you use (of will use) those services, the deposit insurance subsidy that the banks get that protect your money, the defense dollars that the Boeings, GEs, UTCs, Lockheeds, Honeywells etc get that protect you...... I could go on.


    Get off your high horse. Or I dare you to live completely free from a single government dollar ion your daily life.

  • Reply 49 of 164
    tallest skiltallest skil Posts: 43,388member
    Originally Posted by sog35 View Post

    Its not about PERFORMANCE.

    Its about STYLE.


    So explain why Apple would want these airheads and their improperly balanced audio?


    Again, nothing has confirmed the purchase. Other than hundreds of complete idiots online claiming the purchase is confirmed.


    Originally Posted by AppleSauce007 View Post

    Do you have any idea where the music comes from and what it takes to make the music business work?

    Just how old are you really?  Grow up already!


    What does any of that have to do with the atonality of “rap”? What are you implying that Apple is not already capable of doing? Do you have any reason to have posted this at all other than you have been somehow personally offended by someone else not having a taste for disgusting semi-music?

  • Reply 50 of 164
    thepixeldocthepixeldoc Posts: 2,257member
    philboogie wrote: »
    I have, hence my comment. Look, I just don't think Apple is the kind of company that wants to be associated with rappers doing their 'MF' thing on camera. Does that make me childish?
    NO, it doesn't.

    However, it does appear that your trying to block out the very fact that African Americans are far more successful in the music biz (and in general) than you give them credit for. Their cultural idiosyncrasies and fun with colorful language shouldn't discriminate against them from enjoying Apple tech just like all of us Lilly-White-Bread-Old-Folks around here. If anything, I think their inclusion and cultural influence will take some of the brand-heat off of the "traditional" Apple fans (see LWBOF above).

    As much as it pains me to say, SJ is dead and his personal taste in music is not future-forward and all inclusive, what with Dillon, Beatles, U2, Cold Play etc. making up his playlists. Across Europe, Asia and South America the black influence on musical tastes among the younger generation is hard to ignore and has been trending continuously for some time now.

    If the addition of Dr. Dre and the South Central dudes adds another level off "cool" to get the young'ns interested in saving up and owning Apple/Beats stuff... I'm not going to be the idiot that says it shouldn't happen.

    Sheeeeeeeeet!.... and certainly not for any cultural differences of opinion or language usage......... :smokey:
  • Reply 51 of 164
    derrevderrev Posts: 2member
    Can we set some facts straight here?

    1. Dr. Dre WAS a rapper; he may still rap but his last album was in 2001. He%u2019s an entrepreneur, producer, businessman, and philanthropist.

    2. Tyrese is NOT a rapper. He%u2019s an R&B singer and actor.

    Beat Electronics is a very successful business and there are likely many reasons Apple might be interested in such an acquisition. Any good acquisition has to have a solid rationale and business plan and there may be many benefits to acquiring Beat Electronics. Music is still an integral part of Apple%u2019s business.

    Let%u2019s wait for the ink to dry and an official announcement before we start jumping from rooftops because we think Tim Cook has lost his mind.
  • Reply 52 of 164
    cuencapcuencap Posts: 99member
    So explain why Apple would want these airheads and their improperly balanced audio?

    Again, nothing has confirmed the purchase. Other than hundreds of complete idiots online claiming the purchase is confirmed.

    He just did explain it. It's not about performance, it's about style. Have you not seen a Beats headphone? Have you not seen how they are worn proudly like a piece of jewelry by athletes walking off the bus to the locker room? Have you not seen how recognizable they are?

    As for a coupe hundred idiots online: try couple million people. Tmz, business insider, forbes, gizmodo, cnbc, etc have all picked up this story. Get out of your AI forum comfort zone and check out the real world.
  • Reply 53 of 164
    tundraboytundraboy Posts: 1,908member

    Originally Posted by sog35 View Post


    I think many of your are just prejudice of black people.


    Sorry, I had to say it.


    Hate to admit it, but I'm inclined to agree.  But it's operating on a subconscious level, fueling the vehemence of the objections.

  • Reply 54 of 164
    tallest skiltallest skil Posts: 43,388member
    Originally Posted by cuencap View Post

    He just did explain it. It's not about performance, it's about style.

    So. Why. Would. Apple. Want. These. Airheads.


    Have you not seen a Beats headphone? Have you not seen how they are worn proudly like a piece of jewelry by athletes walking off the bus to the locker room? Have you not seen how recognizable they are?


    No, no, and no.

    As for a coupe hundred idiots online: try couple million people. Tmz, business insider, forbes, gizmodo, cnbc, etc have all picked up this story.


    Yes, and? A couple million people being complete idiots makes it confirmed before it’s actually confirmed? Good to know; I smell a PhD and a three book deal, as I’ve just discovered a revolutionary economic theory.


    Originally Posted by sog35 View Post

    I think many of your are just prejudice of black people.

    Originally Posted by tundraboy View Post

    Hate to admit it, but I'm inclined to agree.  But it's operating on a subconscious level, fueling the vehemence of the objections.


    Complete and utter psychosis.

  • Reply 55 of 164
    cuencapcuencap Posts: 99member
    Apple doesn't need to pay for style, they need to buy technology and IP that leapfrogs and/or cuts the hamstrings of their competitors. If this deal punches a hole in Samsung or Android, it might be worth it.

    I would agree with you about IP if Apple had been granted more $$$ from Samsung. I'd rather see Apple take the time to create new products like they have in the past. Along the way they can and should acquire strategic, appropriate companies to help them achieve their goal. If this rumor materializes, then I would say Beats fits a vision or gameplan that they have.
  • Reply 56 of 164
    bobschlobbobschlob Posts: 1,074member

    "Beats is not thought to have much in the way of proprietary technology, generally the driver of acquisitions for Apple. The company's streaming music rights are also unlikely to be transferable, meaning they would need to be renegotiated regardless of the deal's structure."


    ?Meh… Just as speculative as anything else published so far.

  • Reply 57 of 164
    cuencapcuencap Posts: 99member

    So. Why. Would. Apple. Want. These. Airheads.

    No, no, and no.

    Thank you for proving to everyone how ignorant you are.

    You know nothing about Beats but you're here judging them.
  • Reply 58 of 164
    awilliams87awilliams87 Posts: 264member

    Originally Posted by MattBookAir View Post

    One thing I've noticed whenever entering an Apple Store. After Apple products, the most square footage is occupied by headphones. That means they sell, and Apple knows which ones sell best. Why not make all the profit, instead of being just the middle man for someone else? It also fits, as has been pointed out, with the intersection of fashion and tech ... this is where Apple excels, and something they intend to build on, with the hiring of Ahrendts.

    I agree, 3.2B is a lot (and this video doesn't confirm that figure). But I'm not sure this is quite as silly as it seems. I agree the Dr. Dre phones aren't great (other Beats models are better though). But I'm sure Apple has some pretty interesting plans if they're investing these sums.

    Even if Apple wanted to sell headphones, it still doesn't makes sense for them to buy another company to do so. They didn't buy Nokia to get into the smartphone industry, although the barrier of entry into that market was infinitely higher than the market for headphones.

  • Reply 59 of 164
    awilliams87awilliams87 Posts: 264member

    Originally Posted by Carrier Wave View Post

    Beats does $1.5 billion a year in sales.

    Beats Streaming is the best streaming app & service around.

    Apple gets a successful brand name, significant cash flow, and the ability to go toe-to-toe on streaming with a superior service.

    One last thing: the rumored selling price is the same amount Google spent for fricking NEST! Which do you think is a better deal and a better fit?

    What's the complaining about again? image

    There isn't a "significant cash flow" with Beats. Also, Apple doesn't buy companies for their brand.

  • Reply 60 of 164
    drunkzombiedrunkzombie Posts: 169member
    This might sound intolerant but things like these are the reason I hate hip hop culture so much. Constantly "showing off".
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