Aperture wish list (ApertureX? Aperture v4?)

in Mac Software edited July 2014
Some posters here might be interested or give feedback: [@]Bergermeister[/@] [@]digitalclips[/@] [@]s.metcalf[/@] [@]jlandd[/@]

Wish list for a new version of Apple's Aperture:

[*] [B]Auto purge[/B] of previews that haven't been viewed in xx months/years
[*] Display of [B]file size[/B] for folders, perhaps as [I]tool tips[/I] or whatever those yellow pop ups are called
[*] [B]Refine storage management[/B] as I have my photos all on SSD and my videos on HDD. When I insert a SD Card I tell Aperture to only import the photos, after which I copy paste the video’s in the Finder and then import them as referenced in Aperture (which is a hassle, but this is the only way to keep my video’s on HDD and my photos on [managed lib] SSD)
[*] Expand [B]website[/B] creation, possibly by using a Lessons Learned from iWeb days and devs
[*] Expand [B]photo adjustments[/B] and bring it up to speed of LR
[*] Refine [B]batch keyword adjustments[/B]; I think the interface is a bit clumsy, with all the Shift-click and other 'hidden' features that makes you need to read the manual. Create drop down lists of your Keywords before importing them so you can keep your hierarchy, prompt user for similar keywords you already have in order to keep them consistent
[*] [B]iCloud integration[/B] could use an overhaul. The current way of creating a new 'item' so that it syncs can be made redundant if one can simply hit a checkbox in an album itself; make a separate view that displays them all. Video integration needs a thorough overhaul. View your Galeries on iCloud.com (like MM)
[*] [B]iTunes syncing[/B] for iOS devices: let user choose which Aperture lib to sync with
[*] [B]Books[/B] could use 3rd party plugins, drop shadows, support for PNG files, transparency, upload status feedback while ordering, custom layout templates, evenly distribute photos on self-designed pages (I like to keep them a little bit more out of the binding area), import/export custom book layout, a good preview of the book before ordering, iBooks Author integration
[*] Ability to have [B]more than one library open[/B] concurrently if your Mac can handle it, which I presume it can as a 100GB lib works just fine on a Mini. Just like in iMovie
[*] [B]Vaults[/B]: don't lock out the user while updating them. And put a timer on it. And have the user set a scheduler. (daily/after every import and so on)
[*] [B]Edit EXIF data[/B] – for legacy lenses on modern cameras
[*] Larger [B]Effects Previews[/B]
[*] [B]Search[/B]: a unified search box that searches everything and the ability to further refine those results. Also filter on colour; I want to have smart albums where the majority of pixels are red, or red front and center with a blue background.
[*] [B]iPad app[/B] - full blown, go all out: make adjustments to individual photos and have the adjustments sync over to the desktop. Including, but not limited to: offline editing. reorganising, renaming (smart) folders, albums, geotagging, rejects. Also an Aperture Remote App, like Logic Pro ([B]edit[/B]: http://www.patentlyapple.com/patently-apple/2013/08/apple-reveals-a-new-photo-editing-user-interface-for-the-ipad.html)

And for Pete’s sake: when I’m in Fullscreen I don’t want to be bothered with notifications from OSX. There ought to be a way to disable that annoyance.

The wish for a new version came straight after they released v3, back in 2010. There are a lot of sites discussing their wishes and enhancements, so there’s a lot of outdated pages to be read.A couple of sites I came across that are ‘more recent’ (about a year old and newer):

Aperture 3.5 – Released on October 22, 2013.
Aperture 3.0 – Released on February 9, 2010.
Aperture 2.0 – Released on February 12, 2008.
Aperture 1.0 – Released on November 30, 2005.


  • Reply 1 of 2
    imatimat Posts: 211member

    I agree with all of your points. I would also add:

    1) make it overall much faster

    2) don't open "iCould" synching as a first task when opening Aperture. If your internet connection is not very speedy (typically poor hotel/public wifi) Aperture will go in "spinning beachball" modus and take ages.

    3) make face recognition much better, and get rid of the cork. Please. Seriously. Really.

    4) Allow lens correction (dare I say automatic lens correction)


    Make Aperture for iPad and then:


    5) Integrate iCloud much better, in particular:

    - use iCloud to "push" changes to images across devices. After all it is non-destructive editing, so iCloud could push the "modification" files across all devices. Upon opening... Bam! All files modified on the iPad will be on the main library, without the need to push images across devices.



    As for the rest, I agree with your points.

    But, unfortunately, Aperture seems to be at the bottom of Apple's priorities. And the list of bottom priorities seems to grow...

  • Reply 2 of 2
    djames4242djames4242 Posts: 651member

    Originally Posted by PhilBoogie View Post



    Yes please to both. I can't believe Aperture doesn't yet have the geometric fix that LR has to compensate for pictures taken at odd angles. I've been wanting this for years. I find it hard to believe that LR's "remove annoying subject" works as well as their website claims, but if it does, please throw this one in too.



    Originally Posted by iMat View Post


    But, unfortunately, Aperture seems to be at the bottom of Apple's priorities. And the list of bottom priorities seems to grow...


    It sure seemed like Logic was overdue for an upgrade, and it turns out they were doing a major overhaul. Let's hope Aperture hasn't been forgotten and that it's next on the list. I've almost switched to LR a few times over the past couple of years and their new iPad integration just about got me to. I think my biggest hesitation is the pain in switching my library over :)

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