iPhone users can wirelessly recharge at Starbucks via 100K Duracell Powermats coming to coffee chain



  • Reply 61 of 80
    freediverxfreediverx Posts: 1,424member

    Originally Posted by kkerst View Post

    Meanwhile, everyone who uses this gets cancer; effectively getting slowly microwaved. I think this is a stupid idea.



    So I take it you don't carry around any devices that emit any radiation, like say, a cell phone?

  • Reply 62 of 80
    freediverxfreediverx Posts: 1,424member

    Originally Posted by mstone View Post


    But this communication that we have does not in any way help to project a welcoming and friendly social environment at the restaurant which is what my friend is trying to do at his. All people see at Starbucks is intellectually isolated, unapproachable, headphone wearing, social media texters, not exactly inviting if you are trying to make your restaurant a community gathering place.


    So your friend will be targeting senior citizens?

  • Reply 63 of 80
    kkerstkkerst Posts: 330member

    Yes but I don't charge my battery with it. 

  • Reply 64 of 80
    froodfrood Posts: 771member

    Originally Posted by GQB View Post


    I anticipate a lot of empty Powermats sitting unused.


    They could be useful in cold climates during the winter months if you can move them to the seats.

  • Reply 65 of 80

    Originally Posted by Felix01 View Post

    There's a ton of negative one-star Amazon "reviews" about the case. Any AppleInsider readers have experience with it?

    Yes, and I posted about it on page 1...

    The case is flimsy and does not offer sufficient protection to the iPhone (it doesn't have a "lip" that raises slightly above the screen, for instance). The optional (and expensive) battery that attaches to the back of the case is great except that it barely gives the phone a 50% boost -- on a good day. I love the convenience of wireless charging and I'm currently using this case, but it does have a lot of flaws. It's fine if you get it at a huge discount on ebay like I did, but it's not worth the astronomical price they charge for it.

  • Reply 66 of 80

    Originally Posted by mstone View Post


    Stupid idea in my opinion. Why not power up a lot of USB jacks and AC outlets at all the seating locations? It would cost less, charge faster and not require a bulky expensive wireless charging case. Oh, and why not serve some higher quality coffee while you are at it?

    You don't actually think Starbucks is paying anything for this do you? This is a ploy by Duracell to sell more cases- and it might work.

  • Reply 67 of 80
    dysamoriadysamoria Posts: 3,430member
    It's been a long time since I've heard anything from Powermat. It's totally unsurprising that they were bought out by Duracell. I'm a little curious as to why there was no report of lawsuits against other wireless charging product makers, since Powermat was so big on noting its PATENTED technology was PATENTED back when they first announced their existence (and utter lack of actual product).
  • Reply 68 of 80
    aaronjaaronj Posts: 1,595member

    Originally Posted by SolipsismX View Post

    I can't remember ever being in a quiet Starbucks. The music they play (lately a lot of 80s alternative for Summer) keeps that from happening.

    The only times I've seen any issues with people being "loud" are when they are 1) playing a video on their CE without headphones (one time I think it was porn), and 2) when a homeless(?) guy was on his cellphone having an argument, which he had to do because it had to be plugged in to be used, which was also ridiculous because the outlets are under the booths about a foot off the ground so his 18"(?) cord made it seem even more crazy than it would have otherwise been.

    PS: The first Harry Potter book was written at a coffee shop.


    The Starbucks by my house is pretty loud, but I'm usually there at night.  It's somewhat close to a high school, and there's nothing like a gaggle of teenaged girls hyped up on caffeine. :)  But I've gotten used to it.  

  • Reply 69 of 80
    Sooo, I need to charge my phone but also make a call. I now have to put my head down on the table so I can talk while it charges.

    Yea, no wires but more inconvience. Still have to put the phone on a specific on a table that OH darn, I spilled my coffee, now my I phone i wet too.

    Why, and I really need to know, do we need this version of wireless charging. YOu are still connected so it's not any better, and you need a special case to do it.
  • Reply 70 of 80
    Sooo, I need to charge my phone but also make a call. I now have to put my head down on the table so I can talk while it charges.

    Yea, no wires but more inconvience. Still have to put the phone on a specific on a table that OH darn, I spilled my coffee, now my I phone i wet too.

    Why, and I really need to know, do we need this version of wireless charging. YOu are still connected so it's not any better, and you need a special case to do it.
  • Reply 71 of 80
    mstonemstone Posts: 11,510member
    Originally Posted by freediverx View Post


    So your friend will be targeting senior citizens?

    Not specifically. Mostly adults of all ages. You don't see many teens there unless they are with their parents. Plenty of mid-20s adults though, at least those with money, because the menu is a little on the expensive side, but so is the neighborhood. Houses in that area are million plus. That is why I find it remarkable that they have no Wi-Fi. The whole business model is very intentional. It is sort of like going to any expensive restaurant, it is considered bad taste to have your phone ring or to even check your messages, yet it is just a coffee shop. 

  • Reply 72 of 80
    welshdogwelshdog Posts: 1,906member

    Love the pic of phones sitting unattended on that counter.  Does anyone do that?  My phone is in my hand or in my pocket 99% of the time when outside the home.

  • Reply 73 of 80
    mstonemstone Posts: 11,510member

    Originally Posted by Proximityeffect View Post

    You don't actually think Starbucks is paying anything for this do you? This is a ploy by Duracell to sell more cases- and it might work.

    Good point. SB may not be paying anything up front except for the down time during construction, but when it turns out to be a complete failure, I would guess they would be paying to have all of the stores remodeled again to remove the worthless charging mats. When you tally up the total cost, it probably would have been less expensive to just install the correct infrastructure in the first place.

  • Reply 74 of 80
    moreckmoreck Posts: 187member
    I think we can assume that most Starbucks customers don't mind paying extra for convenience.
    wubbus wrote: »
    Would seem to make more sense to have unobtrusive 30-pin and Lightning connectors at each seat/table, so all iPhone users could take advantage, not just the handful that own a Duracell case???

    Hard to see many iPhone users swayed towards a Duracall case just because they can now wirelessly charge at a Starbucks.
  • Reply 75 of 80

    Well, some four years ago I got a Palm Pre smartphone and it came with inductive charging built-in.  I loved it. Worked great, and I kept touchstone charge stations at home, in the car, at work, etc. Really nice not to have to plug stuff in. But I had to sacrifice that convenience when I went to iPhone.  If Apple could outfit the next iPhone model with such a system I'd be very happy.  But for Starbucks (or any other shop) to provide the Duracell system seems strange to me. But heck, maybe the legion of Sammy Cheapphone users need free charging stations, since we know they don't actually buy stuff.

  • Reply 76 of 80
    Originally Posted by mstone View Post


    Stupid idea in my opinion. Why not power up a lot of USB jacks and AC outlets at all the seating locations?


    Yes, that is good.



     It would cost less, charge faster and not require a bulky expensive wireless charging case.


    Yes, that makes sense too.



     Oh, and why not serve some higher quality coffee while you are at it?


    Now you're just being ridiculous.

  • Reply 77 of 80
    jfc1138jfc1138 Posts: 3,090member

    The cable alone weighs far less than a specialized case will, is here's another vote for USB jacks (like in many newer cars) at the minimum. I expect running USB wiring could be cheaper than actual full power outlets for people to plug their own chargers into? Though at the expense of slower charging rates.

  • Reply 78 of 80
    joshajosha Posts: 901member

    Originally Posted by mstone View Post


    Stupid idea in my opinion. Why not power up a lot of USB jacks and AC outlets at all the seating locations? It would cost less, charge faster and not require a bulky expensive wireless charging case. Oh, and why not serve some higher quality coffee while you are at it?

    Because those charging pads are likely paid for by the supplier- Duracell.

    It's all about advertising.

  • Reply 79 of 80

    I don't think that works with my Tesla...

  • Reply 80 of 80

    Originally Posted by jfc1138 View Post


    The cable alone weighs far less than a specialized case will, is here's another vote for USB jacks (like in many newer cars) at the minimum. I expect running USB wiring could be cheaper than actual full power outlets for people to plug their own chargers into? Though at the expense of slower charging rates.

    I don't dispute the convenience of having USB power ports in public places. But your statement about weights of cases is not necessarily true. The "special" back case that provided inductive charging for my Palm Pre weighed maybe a half gram more, at most, than the standard back for the phone.  It is not a given that inductive charging cases must be heavy. They can be feather-light. That is not to say that the ones being sold for use with the Starbuck/Duracell system will be equally lightweight. But they could be.

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