Amazon's premium Fire Phone seeks to reverse Android's ratchet status



  • Reply 41 of 118
    cpsrocpsro Posts: 3,213member

    Originally Posted by Rogifan View Post

    I don't get the point of this phone other than Amazon doesn't want to be renting space on other people's platforms/hardware.

    Is it a phone? I haven't read anything about the demo showing the Phone Fire operating in phone mode.

  • Reply 42 of 118
    mstone wrote: »
    Whatever? Ok, in a thousand words, Fire sucks. Got it!

    With DED articles, it's never a dull moment.
  • Reply 43 of 118
    tubbytee wrote: »
    Jeff Bezos is Elmer Fudd.

    Customers are listening to Amazon. I was in a liquor store Saturday and overheard a group of people talking about Amazon's drone delivery service. I was amazed that they were interested in it. The Fire Phone on AT&T might sell better than people here are willing to accept.
  • Reply 44 of 118
    apple ][apple ][ Posts: 9,233member

    Amazon is getting worse and worse.


    They're talking about ridiculous drones and phones? Maybe they should concentrate on getting regular orders out on time before getting all distracted with other nonsense. They can't even run their main business properly anymore.


    I order products through Amazon from time to time, and the last order I made was a couple of weeks ago. It took about a week before they even shipped the item! After some digging and reading around, I found out that this is becoming more common now. The item was in stock, they're intentionally holding it back.


    That is enough of a deal breaker for me to not order from them next time. When I order goods online, I expect the order to be shipped out pretty quickly. Anything else is unacceptable. And no, I am not ever going to pay for Amazon Prime, I'll just order from elsewhere.


    As for their phone, I wouldn't want one if you paid me to have it.

  • Reply 45 of 118
    Here we go. Let's see if we can get him to pull the developer card out of the deck, again. ;)
  • Reply 46 of 118
    relicrelic Posts: 4,735member
    Originally Posted by Rogifan View Post

     How many Amazon customers will spend the money when they're used to getting cheap hardware?


    Wait what, that makes absolutely zero sense, are you actually insinuating that people who buy from Amazon only do so because they can buy cheap hardware. Sure there are deals to be found on Amazon but they are defiantly not the most inexpensive outfit out there. As Apple products are also sold on Amazon and in great numbers mind you are their products also considered cheap. You can buy servers that cost upwards of 60,000 dollars on Amazon. Your logic is absolutely ridiculous, Amazons customer base ranges from the individual looking for that rare Pokémon card to fortune 500 companies purchasing hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of office supplies and computers for their offices.

  • Reply 47 of 118
    relicrelic Posts: 4,735member

    Originally Posted by Rogifan View Post

    Well according to 9to5Mac, Apple is rumored to be rolling out something similar this fall.

    That's actually great news, MayDay is pretty fantastic, revolutionizes customer service. Now I don't have one of these FIre Phone's, nor would I ever want one but I do have a Kindle HDX. Even though I hate, hate FIreOS and have replaced it with a custom launcher, the one feature that I think every gadget in the world should have is MayDay.

  • Reply 48 of 118
    apple ][apple ][ Posts: 9,233member

    Android communist paradise! I must've missed that line from the article when I first skimmed through it, but I totally agree with it.


    I can't stand commies, it's no wonder that I hate Android so much and most of their users too.


    It's also very apparent to see that the Amazon phone is heavily influenced by iPhone design. Anybody who is not blind or a Fandroid can see that.


    I have a pretty good track record of predicting failures and I don't think that this Amazon phone is going to do that well. Remember the Facebook phone?<img class=" src="" />

  • Reply 49 of 118
    rogifanrogifan Posts: 10,669member
    relic wrote: »
    Wait what, that makes absolutely zero sense, are you actually insinuating that people who buy from Amazon only do so because they can buy cheap hardware. Sure there are deals to be found on Amazon but they are defiantly not the most inexpensive outfit out there. As Apple products are also sold on Amazon and in great numbers mind you are their products also considered cheap. You can buy servers that cost upwards of 60,000 dollars on Amazon. Your logic is absolutely ridiculous, Amazons customer base ranges from the individual looking for that rare Pokémon card to fortune 500 companies purchasing hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of office supplies and computers for their offices.
    I was referring to Amazon hardware like like the Kindle tablets.
  • Reply 50 of 118
    relicrelic Posts: 4,735member
    rogifan wrote: »
    I was referring to Amazon hardware like like the Kindle tablets.

    That's also not accurate, say what you want about FireOS but there is absolutely nothing cheap about Amazons hardware, the Kindle HDX for example has a Qualcomm 800, 2GB RAM, 1080P display for the 7 inch and an amazing resolution of 2560 x 1600 for the 8 inch, the build quality is probably the best I've ever seen for an Android tablet. The same thing goes for their Amazon TV, great specs and fantastic build quality. Yes, their software isn't what I would call desirable but the hardware they run it on is top notch.
  • Reply 51 of 118
    woodbinewoodbine Posts: 87member

    on what planet is an iPod a better e-reader than the kindle?

  • Reply 52 of 118
    relicrelic Posts: 4,735member
    apple ][ wrote: »

    I can't stand commies, it's no wonder that I hate Androido so much and most of their users too.

    Android, communism, I don't see the connection, it's more of an Anarchy and iOS is defiantly a Oligarchy. That's also an awful amount of people to dislike and a little absurd to think their are actually people out there who hate others solely on the basis of the technology they are using. "All we are saying is give peace a chance".
  • Reply 53 of 118
    richlrichl Posts: 2,213member

    Originally Posted by woodbine View Post


    on what planet is an iPod a better e-reader than the kindle?


    Planet DED, where the Kindle isn't the iPod of books because it hasn't been a massive financial success for Amazon. Meanwhile, the iPod touch and iPhone have apparently become the iPod of books because of... the massive financial success of the iBook store? <img class=" src="" />


    Personally, I don't need DED's revisionist history to know that Fire phone will be a flop. The Kindle is a great product. It does one thing, it does it well and it does it for a cheap price. The Kindle has a clear purpose. The Fire phone seems to be the complete opposite of that winning formula.

  • Reply 54 of 118
    larry9larry9 Posts: 15member
    Reads like something in the North Korean government newspaper.
  • Reply 55 of 118
    bb-15bb-15 Posts: 283member
    From the article;
    [QUOTE]Throughout 2010, Android rapidly began replacing all the other low end "smartphone" platforms, quickly convincing the world's tech media that it would just as quickly destroy Apple's iOS, thereby reestablishing the glorious technology monoculture they fondly remembered during the rule of Microsoft's Windows. But that never happened.

    Apple's market share of all phones sold has only gone up since 2007, ...[/QUOTE]
    This is half right.
    - Desktop Windows never established a complete OS "monoculture" because the Mac OS never disappeared. Windows just had a dominant monopoly.
    - And that is what is happening with Google Android and smartphones. Android now has about 79% smartphone OS marketshare.
    But like Windows on the desktop, the Apple alternative has not disappeared.

    As for iOS gaining marketshare since 2007. Sure, that's right since iOS started with zero marketshare in 2007.
  • Reply 56 of 118
    chiachia Posts: 714member
    Originally Posted by d4NjvRzf View Post

    I doubt the OP was referring to a phone that *only* works over WiFi (since that would not be actually a phone but rather a VOIP client). He was more likely referring to something like what the RepublicWireless startup has been doing, which is to let phones make calls over both cellular and WiFi while (ideally) seamlessly transitioning between the two as the user moves about during calls.


    I think pmcd was typing the first thing that came to his head and/or simply doesn't know enough about mobile tech, otherwise he'd know that what he was suggesting had already been tried and failed:


    Rabbit Phone

    History lessons for wireless networks


    The original poster should also know that wifi calling is coming to the iPhones in iOS 8.


    T-Mobile confirms support for Wi-Fi calling on iPhones running iOS 8


    So once there it's up to the mobile networks to implement it:



  • Reply 57 of 118
    crowleycrowley Posts: 10,453member
    Originally Posted by AppleInsider View Post

    Apple's iPhone and iPod touch became the "iPod of books" far better than the Kindle

    Any evidence for the claim that there are more people buying the iPad as an ebook reader than there are buying the Kindle?


    I don't see it.  If I see anyone reading a book on a tablet sized device anywhere it's always a Kindle.  Not that I don't see iPads, there's loads of them too, but they're being used for games, or movies, or email, or web.  But rarely reading books, which is understandable, as they're not that good at it.  Kindles (not the Fire versions) are still much better than iPad for reading.  And most estimates put them approaching 10m sold per annum, which are very decent numbers.

  • Reply 58 of 118
    rogifanrogifan Posts: 10,669member
    relic wrote: »
    That's also not accurate, say what you want about FireOS but there is absolutely nothing cheap about Amazons hardware, the Kindle HDX for example has a Qualcomm 800, 2GB RAM, 1080P display for the 7 inch and an amazing resolution of 2560 x 1600 for the 8 inch, the build quality is probably the best I've ever seen for an Android tablet. The same thing goes for their Amazon TV, great specs and fantastic build quality. Yes, their software isn't what I would call desirable but the hardware they run it on is top notch.
    You're still not understanding me. By cheap I mean price. People are accustom to paying a cheap price for Amazon's hardware because they sell it at cost (or a loss). I think a lot of people were expecting a $300 off contract phone from Amazon with maybe sponsored data plan to subsidize people's monthly data plans. Instead we got a phone with Apple/Samsung Galaxy type prices and nothing unique with pricing on the plan side.

    Just curious though....with all this Amazon you work for the company or something?
  • Reply 59 of 118
    rogifanrogifan Posts: 10,669member
    crowley wrote: »
    Any evidence for the claim that there are more people buying the iPad as an ebook reader than there are buying the Kindle?

    I don't see it.  If I see anyone reading a book on a tablet sized device anywhere it's always a Kindle.  Not that I don't see iPads, there's loads of them too, but they're being used for games, or movies, or email, or web.  But rarely reading books, which is understandable, as they're not that good at it.  <span style="line-height:1.4em;">Kindles (not the Fire versions) are still much better than iPad for reading.  And most estimates put them approaching 10m sold per annum, which are very decent numbers.</span>
    I won't dispute that the Kindle (not Fire) is a better e-reader but where are you getting those estimates from? Amazon had never released sales figures. Heck, people make fun of Amazon because they never label the y-axis on any of their graphs. Case in point the Prime graph at their last event.

  • Reply 60 of 118
    freediverxfreediverx Posts: 1,424member

    Originally Posted by Rogifan View Post

    I don't get the point of this phone other than Amazon doesn't want to be renting space on other people's platforms/hardware. But it does seem like a phone built for Amazon's needs not consumers needs. I like what Ben Thompson said: just because people like Amazon doesn't mean they want to spend all their time buying things.

    Amazon added all those cameras to create this unique "dynamic perspective" 3D thing. But by doing so it made the price of the phone similar to premium Apple and Android phones. How many Amazon customers will spend the money when they're used to getting cheap hardware?


    Or to look at it from another angle, what does this phone offer to tempt those who buy high end hardware?

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