Leak shows 8.9" Nexus tablet from HTC, Google's latest stab at Apple's iPad



  • Reply 41 of 63
    Originally Posted by NolaMacGuy View Post

    nope. with all the manufacturers and app stores, it's anything but.

    Apple's ecosystem is like a walled off Zen Garden. It's elegant, tranquil, well guarded, safe. Happiness is everywhere.


    Android's walled-off area is NYC from Escape From New York. Yeah, there's some options, but do you really want to be there?

  • Reply 42 of 63
    g4dualieg4dualie Posts: 21member
    Walt Mossberg (of The Wall Street Journal) wrote, "It's about the software, stupid" after writing about his first impressions of the original iPad.

    The iPad hardware specs were heavily criticized by Apple's competitors who overlooked the unveiling of an innovative interface to Apple's dynamic ecosystem.

    Even now as Apple's competitors are fixated on attractive hardware packages, their support and services systems languish waiting for Google to meet their hardware demands. What incentive does Google have when they're competing with their customers?

    wow. That sounds awfully familiar.
  • Reply 43 of 63
    Originally Posted by AtlApple View Post


    Has Apple ever changed strategy? Never going to me an iPad mini, iPhone was never going to be bigger than 3.5 inches. If we had a nickel for everything it was said "apple would never" lets just say we would have a lot of nickels. 

    Steve Jobs didn't want an iPad Mini. Not Apple. Once Steve was gone, Tim had them move it into production. Steve was by no means perfect, so don't blame Apple for his mistakes. That being said, I'm sure he would have come around eventually.

  • Reply 44 of 63
    apple ][ wrote: »
    Another boring and horrible Android tablet. :err:

    And what's with the 4:3?

    Are they admitting that all 16:9 Android tablets suck donkey balls, like people have been saying for ages? I wonder what Fandroids have to say about that. They've been defending 16:9 forever.

    Is it 4:3? Isn't 2480x1440 really 64:45 = 1.42:1? That is wider than 4:3 = 1.33:1.
  • Reply 45 of 63
    slurpyslurpy Posts: 5,384member

    Originally Posted by NolaMacGuy View Post

    nope. with all the manufacturers and app stores, it's anything but.


    Yeah, consumers are just CLAMORING for "multiple appstores" on their mobile devices. What a fantastic experience that sounds like. Also, the # of manufacturers that employ Android has nothing to do with Android's software being walled-off or not. 
  • Reply 46 of 63
    g4dualieg4dualie Posts: 21member

    Originally Posted by Rogifan View Post

    Wow this place really is turning into Google Insider. image

    Not even close, considering there are 65,960 Apple threads spawning 1.2 millions posts. Whereas Google has generated 15,761 threads spawning 121,724 posts.


    AI has published 18 Apple-related articles and only 1 Google article. The latter was more about Blackberry than Google. ;)

  • Reply 47 of 63
    g4dualieg4dualie Posts: 21member

    Well, when Apple went from 9.7 to 7.9 some accused Apple of being innovative.

  • Reply 48 of 63
    atlappleatlapple Posts: 496member

    Originally Posted by fallenjt View Post


    I think you're either ignorant or misinformed, but no one said 3.5" iPhone, but 3.5" screen. Also, Apple didn't say 3.5" screen was a perfect size, but the size of the phone which allows one-hand use. In fact, iPhone 4 and 5 sizes are actually narrower than iPhone and iPhone 3. That means Apple didn't violate that idea. If iPhone 6 with 4.7" screen is released as the purported one lately, it's still one-hand use (yes, I used HTC One M7 with 4.7" screen with one hand perfectly). If for human's sake that Apple makes 5.5" version, it's not intended for everyone, but an option for those with big hand or those who don't care of one-hand use. When we say "option", it means they have more than one size for people to choose...get it?

    No actually I am rather informed. Steve Jobs use to make stupid comments about the size of other phones and tablets saying they should include sandpaper with for your fingers. Apple is following others when it comes to the size of the iPhone. If they had that right it would still be at 3.5 inches. I would argue they are making a mistake going to 4.7 inches because that is starting to go above one hand operation. For years we heard on this forum if you want something bigger get and 'iPad and shut up". People talk about the materials other use for their products and while Apple makes really nice looking products too bad you have to double the weight trying to protect them. 


    The ecosystem is why I stay with Apple, if they start to lose that battle they are going to be in big trouble with many Apple users. 


    Apple tends to use the word "never" when never really means in a few years. I am very informed when it comes to certain members being hypocritical. The reason you see the terms Google, Samsung, Android on the forum so much is it feeds the animals and creates massive thread with little to no value. The thread is dead and useless after five post. 


    The size and benefit of that size is subjective however it's pathetic when people bash something then all of a sudden it's the best idea in the world when Apple decides to do it. 


    I will say this, the best day for Apple is when Steve Jobs passed and Tim Cook took over. The idiotic ego factor dropped by 300% which is why this Google and Samsung battle is going to end soon. 

  • Reply 49 of 63

    Looks like this is coming at the right time. Google Play is finally making money now:




    90% of the actual revenue is on games. 98% of the gaming revenue is from freemium games, with tons of it coming from developing markets. Means that 88.2% of Google Play revenue from freemium games. Revenue from Brazil, Russia and Japan is huge, revenue from Europe is small but growing fast, revenue from Samsung's Korea is dropping curiously enough. 


    Looks like the strategy of saturating the market with as many cheap(er) phones as possible is finally starting to pay off. They only needed for a tiny percentage of folks who bought Android phones to actually start using them as smartphones. So, it took them 6 years, but Google is finally making money off Android. 


    This means that more developers will start taking Android seriously. 

    Downside: the revenue is coming from smartphones. Android tablets contribute very little. I wonder if phablets  - which placed high end Android devices in the hands of customers that would have never bought Android tablets - are largely responsible for Google Play generating revenue, which in turn is responsible for the apps in the Google Play store rocketing from 600,000 to 800,000 in 6 months. If that is the case, Samsung may have saved the Android platform from ultimately failing by inventing that hybrid device. Just another piece of evidence that the Android manufacturers are doing more for Android than Google ever has or will. 

  • Reply 50 of 63
    waterrocketswaterrockets Posts: 1,231member

    Why in the hell would anyone climb the 4:3 hill and plant an Apple flag on top? Who gives a crap? You think that all Android devices will be 4:3 from now on or something, because it's better? It's a display ratio, and is largely meaningless. I like my wide phone though, for watching Netflix without wasted space/weight. I think 4:3 is probably better for application interaction though. Whatever.


    It's not like Apple never follows. Look at the iOS 8 announcements for examples of following good ideas on the Android side of the spectrum.


    Tablet app quality??? I don't have a tablet, by my wife and kids use their iPads all the damned time. You know what they're using? Safari, Email, Gmail, Chrome, Youtube, and Netflix (the last two are nearly always sent out to a Chromecast). The UI standards are in the cloud, not on the device. Occasionally, they'll play a game, so the UI standards are out the window there too.

  • Reply 51 of 63
    tallest skiltallest skil Posts: 43,388member
    Originally Posted by waterrockets View Post

    Look at the iOS 8 announcements for examples of following good ideas on the Android side of the spectrum.


  • Reply 52 of 63
    Samsung can create the perfect sized tablet and I still would not buy that junk.
  • Reply 53 of 63
    radarthekatradarthekat Posts: 3,855moderator
    nagromme wrote: »
    Let me guess: because Apple only has 8" and 10" tablets, 9" is "innovation" :p I know that screen size is considered innovation in the Android world ;)

    And with a larger display but lower pixel count 2048x1440 versus 2048x1536 for the iPad mini, its pixel density is less than the iPad minis. However, this new Nexus does have one big innovation. Google has finally copied the iPad's more application-friendly 4:3 aspect ratio. So they have that going for them. /s
  • Reply 55 of 63
    slurpyslurpy Posts: 5,384member
    Originally Posted by AtlApple View Post


    No actually I am rather informed. Steve Jobs use to make stupid comments about the size of other phones and tablets saying they should include sandpaper with for your fingers. Apple is following others when it comes to the size of the iPhone. 


    I will say this, the best day for Apple is when Steve Jobs passed and Tim Cook took over. The idiotic ego factor dropped by 300% which is why this Google and Samsung battle is going to end soon. 


    Those "stupid" comments, as you define them, were 100% accurate. He was referring to phones that relied on stylus for input, and were near impossible to use with your finger. It had nothing to do with size of the display, but clearly that went way over your head. Is Apple really "following" anyone with a slightly larger phone size option? They offer multiple sizes of Macbooks, iMacs, iPads, etc. Size was never a criteria of innovation. The appstore wasn't even conceived when the 1st iPhone came out. Maybe, just MAYBE Apple is adapting to the increased robustness and complexity of software on the iOS platform, rather than this having anything to do with "following" anyone? You do realize that the iPhone is the best selling smartphone in the world, right?


    Cook took over months before SJ passed away by the way, so your crass giddiness at his passing is misplaced. The guy that founded Apple, came back to save the company's ass, and led to its meteoric success that changed to landscape of multiple industries's passing is the "best thing" to happen to the company?


    Also, the litigation between Apple and Samsung has nothing to do with "idiotic ego", but rather, documented evidence of Samsung infringing on patents, and Apple's obligation to defend it's IP less it become worthless. The fact that the only words you used to describe Jobs are "stupid" and "idiotic" truly shows everyone the depth of your depraved nature.

  • Reply 56 of 63
    waterrocketswaterrockets Posts: 1,231member

    Originally Posted by Suddenly Newton View Post

    They're defending the principle that Apple shall receive no credit for good ideas, only Google. image


    I regularly call out good ideas of Apple's in AI forums. On the other hand, "Hey, Siri." is hardly original. There are numerous instances where Android has followed iOS, but the opposite is also true.

  • Reply 57 of 63
    atlappleatlapple Posts: 496member
    Originally Posted by Slurpy View Post



    You're not the brightest bulb, are you?  




    Your entire post is opinion as is mine. You are welcome to yours I could care less what you think about mine. I may not be the brightest in the world but I'm miles brighter than you. 

  • Reply 58 of 63
    atlappleatlapple Posts: 496member
  • Reply 59 of 63
    atlappleatlapple Posts: 496member

    Originally Posted by Slurpy View Post



    You're not the brightest bulb, are you? Those "stupid" comments, as you define them, were 100% accurate. He was referring to phones that relied on stylus for input, and were near impossible to use with your finger. It had nothing to do with size of the display, but clearly that went way over your head. Is Apple really "following" anyone with a slightly larger phone size option? They offer multiple sizes of Macbooks, iMacs, iPads, etc. Size was never a criteria of innovation. The appstore wasn't even conceived when the 1st iPhone came out. Maybe, just MAYBE Apple is adapting to the increased robustness and complexity of software on the iOS platform, rather than this having anything to do with "following" anyone? You do realize that the iPhone is the best selling smartphone in the world, right?


    You last statement also shows that you're a despicable human being, and without an ounce of class. Cook took over months before SJ passed away by the way, so your crass giddiness at his passing is misplaced. The guy that founded Apple, came back to save the company's ass, and led to its meteoric success that changed to landscape of multiple industries's passing is the "best thing" to happen to the company?


    Also, the litigation between Apple and Samsung has nothing to do with "idiotic ego", but rather, documented evidence of Samsung infringing on patents, and Apple's obligation to defend it's IP less it become worthless. But again, this goes beyond your childish incapability to actually consider. The fact that the only words you used to describe Jobs are "stupid" and "idiotic" truly shows everyone the depth of your depraved nature and how silly of a person you truly are. 

    Actually I am very bright. You're more than welcome to your opinion. The reality is the iPhone is chasing others with a larger screen. People like you will argue Samsung and others are copying Apple going to a 4:3 or 3:2 yet will never admit Apple is doing the same by going to a much larger iPhone. 


    Nothing went over my head. Steve Jobs comments were based on his belief that he created the perfect size for everything. To argue otherwise is ridiculous. Apple created an ecosystem and yes it had to grow, I thought I was pretty clear in my post that Apple had the best ecosystem. Maybe that went over your head.


    "despicable human being". Give is a rest. Steve Jobs isn't any better than anyone else. He died, everyone is going to die at some point. However the company is better off without him. When someone is willing to do or try anything to destroy a company or person that person is not right in the head. So I would argue he was a despicable human being. People here fail to remember history that for the vast majority of his career he was known as the other guy well behind Bill Gates. Based on everything I have read about Jony Ive he is just as much of an ass. 


    It's the people behind the company that make the products great, not these guys. So I'm sorry I don't hold these two mortals on a pedestal. As far as litigation it was driven by Jobs thinking he could patent everything and it would actually hold. Clearly that didn't work out very well for Apple, even when they got a judgement they still lost. Again I will comment on the fact that Apple isn't exactly pure as snow, They just did a major grab from Android with iOS 8. Which certain makes it clear why they decided to just work things out with Google. 


    Get a clue. 

  • Reply 60 of 63

    Originally Posted by Rogifan View Post

    Wow this place really is turning into Google Insider. image


    No; it's still Apple Insider.

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