Video shows rumored 'iPhone 6' sapphire front panel destroyed by car



  • Reply 61 of 86
    Who does this?!... seriously???? NOBODY goes out of their way to destroy a phone. This same thing would happen to all the other phones out there. This article does nothing but pump up the readership to AI.... #sad
  • Reply 62 of 86
    radarthekatradarthekat Posts: 3,898moderator

    Originally Posted by hlfnlsn View Post

    Human language and the words we use, such as humane/inhumane, have 0 relevance to our planet. Our planet, as amazing as it is, is useless without us. It is not self aware. The reason a human life is of far more value than any other form of life on earth is because of our capacity to reason. The beauty of the most spectacular, natural formation, is useless without a human being present to view it and there by contemplate its beauty. To say we are not special, or more deserving, than any other species, is quite laughable. Do you know of any other species on earth that is capable of transporting itself to the moon? Can any of them tell us their life's history, let alone, maintain historic accounts of their ancestors? What species, is capable of creating the Sistine Chapel?

    No one believes that a person should not be rewarded for their hard work. It's just that their are many who don't strictly equate reward, with monetary gain. For me, knowing I could save the life of someone else's father/mother/son/daughter, would be a reward all it's own. What is the point of saving a life if you don't care about a life? If I discovered a cure for cancer tomorrow, I would immediately look for a way to make it accesable to all. Would I make some money from it? Yes, I'd be able to support myself and my family, but not at the expense of denying any human being access to life. People would pay, what they can afford. If all you could afford, was a genuine smile, and a sincere thank you, then that is what it would cost to cure your cancer. If you can drop $2,000,000 like regular people drop pennies, than you will certainly pay more money for the cure, but it won't cost you any more than it cost the person whose sole possession is a cardboard box.


    Aren't you special.  


    "Do you know of any other species on earth that is capable of transporting itself to the moon? Can any of them tell us their life's history, let alone, maintain historic accounts of their ancestors? What species, is capable of creating the Sistine Chapel?"


    Tell me, what value does transporting oneself to the moon have?  What value does telling a creature's life history have?  What value is the Sistine Chapel?  What value are these to any creature other than a human?  A dolphin doesn't need to go to the moon.  An eagle doesn't need to convey its life history?  And a polar bear has no need of the Sistine Chapel.  These are accomplishments that have value only to humans, proving your human-centric myopia.


    Let me ask you this, fellow human?  What value are those things you mention without the dolphins, eagles, and polar bears?  What value is there to being alone in the universe, supreme in our self-portrait, but having fatally disrupted the balance of life's web from which we ourselves have sprung forth?  

  • Reply 63 of 86
    splifsplif Posts: 603member

    Originally Posted by RadarTheKat View Post



    Aren't you special.  


    "Do you know of any other species on earth that is capable of transporting itself to the moon? Can any of them tell us their life's history, let alone, maintain historic accounts of their ancestors? What species, is capable of creating the Sistine Chapel?"


    Tell me, what value does transporting oneself to the moon have?  What value does telling a creature's life history have?  What value is the Sistine Chapel?  What value are these to any creature other than a human?  A dolphin doesn't need to go to the moon.  An eagle doesn't need to convey its life history?  And a polar bear has no need of the Sistine Chapel.  These are accomplishments that have value only to humans, proving your human-centric myopia.


    Let me ask you this, fellow human?  What value are those things you mention without the dolphins, eagles, and polar bears?  What value is there to being alone in the universe, supreme in our self-portrait, but having fatally disrupted the balance of life's web from which we ourselves have sprung forth?  

    Have you ever been injured? If so why not lay down & bleed out or wait for you inevitable death? If people walked by you on the sidewalk your hope is that they just pass by & let you die because you are not a special little snowflake. All these living things you speak about all have the need to survive.

  • Reply 64 of 86
    tribalogicaltribalogical Posts: 1,182member
    probably coincidence, but I found it interesting that the epicenter of the break seems to be right where they had applied heat from the lighter...
  • Reply 65 of 86
    tribalogicaltribalogical Posts: 1,182member

    Originally Posted by JonInSD View Post

    Well, was looking it up and found that they patented an OLEOPHOBIC COATING ON SAPPHIRE, so it's possible that we might still see scratches on iPhone screens, I don't see anything to suggest that these coating will resist scratches.


    As far as I know, the oleophobic coating has nothing to do with scratch resistance, and is entirely meant for helping to reduce fingerprints (and to ease cleaning those prints and oil-based smudges off of the screen).

  • Reply 66 of 86
    apple ][apple ][ Posts: 9,233member

    Originally Posted by tribalogical View Post



    As far as I know, the oleophobic coating has nothing to do with scratch resistance, and is entirely meant for helping to reduce fingerprints (and to ease cleaning those prints and oil-based smudges off of the screen).


    I like a bit of oil on my screens.


    Sometimes, right after I've cleaned them with a microfiber cloth, I don't have the feel that I need on certain games, so I'm definitely kind of lazy when it comes to cleaning my screens.

  • Reply 67 of 86
    lorin schultzlorin schultz Posts: 2,771member

    Originally Posted by tribalogical View Post


    As far as I know, the oleophobic coating has nothing to do with scratch resistance, and is entirely meant for helping to reduce fingerprints (and to ease cleaning those prints and oil-based smudges off of the screen).


    You didn't read all the posts leading up to the one you replied to, did you?


    The point was that it is the coating that will scratch, not the screen. The existence of the coating may make the scratch resistance of sapphire irrelevant.

  • Reply 68 of 86

    My Samsung Galaxy Tab Nexus VII LG Optimus Prime running the latest "Macaroni and Cheese" OS took a 4 megaton nuclear blast; its beautiful 4k screen didn't even get a scratch. And, it still had enough power after 4 months of continuous Netflixing to jump start a Los Angeles class submarine that had a dead battery.

    Try again Apple.

    (trying to give the Android thieves... I mean, "engineers," something to aim for)
  • Reply 69 of 86
    hlfnlsnhlfnlsn Posts: 34member
    Aren't you special.  

    "Do you know of any other species on earth that is capable of transporting itself to the moon? Can any of them tell us their life's history, let alone, maintain historic accounts of their ancestors? What species, is capable of creating the Sistine Chapel?"

    Tell me, what value does transporting oneself to the moon have?  What value does telling a creature's life history have?  What value is the Sistine Chapel?  What value are these to any creature other than a human?  A dolphin doesn't need to go to the moon.  An eagle doesn't need to convey its life history?  And a polar bear has no need of the Sistine Chapel.  These are accomplishments that have value only to humans, proving your human-centric myopia.

    Let me ask you this, fellow human?  What value are those things you mention without the dolphins, eagles, and polar bears?  What value is there to being alone in the universe, supreme in our self-portrait, but having fatally disrupted the balance of life's web from which we ourselves have sprung forth?  

    Wow! We could eliminate dolphins, eagles, and polar bears, from the face of the earth (we should do everything in our power to see that doesn't happen), and the Sistine chapel would still possess artistic beauty. The moon landing, and the research involved in that endeavor, would still contribute to our capability to place satellites in orbit, giving us a better understanding of things like climate change, as well as the ability to better communicate with others all over the world. Also, when did I ever say we are alone in the universe? When did I ever say that holding a human life in higher esteem, than other life on earth, means that we should "fatally disrupt" life's web, which you say we sprung forth from?
    Do I believe it is our duty to be good stewards of this planet and its lesser inhabitants? Yes, absolutely, but that doesn't mean I'm going to be ignorant of the FACT that human beings are truly unique when compared to all other life on earth, and that a human life has more value than any other form of life on this planet.

    Now, back to this topic of sapphire. I am really excited to see if this is another instance where Apple has simply out innovated and engineered the rest of the industry, and combined that with their massive economy of scale to bring something to market that no other company could.
  • Reply 70 of 86
    tallest skiltallest skil Posts: 43,388member
    Originally Posted by RadarTheKat View Post

    These are accomplishments that have value only to humans, proving your human-centric myopia.


    HA! Come off it. Anti-humans are a threat to the species; we call that psychosis. You wouldn’t see an eagle, dolphin, or polar bear give one whiff about killing everything else on the planet. Your hypocrisy knows little bound. Only humanity can envision the future. Only humanity can comprehend consequence.


    WE’RE sapient. THEY’RE not. That inherently makes us objectively better in every conceivable way, beyond the innate superiority with which all species view themselves against others.

  • Reply 71 of 86
    bunlo wrote: »

    and now Apple can focus on something that to prevent scratches, dings and dents on the back.
    It may be liquid metal but I'm convinced that if apple gets success with iPhone 6, then iPhone 7 could be all saphire or a sapphire sandwich like iPhone 4.
  • Reply 72 of 86
    You don't get it, do you?

    It is only in the eyes of humans that these things have values. If humans suddenly become extinct, there will be no one to give a shit about the "artistic beauty" of chapels or how big our d*cks (sorry — rockets) are.

    As for your feel-good position about the cure for cancer being free: do you get mad at your grocery store every time you pay them? After all, if you can't afford the food, you'll probably be dead.
  • Reply 73 of 86
    I guess you haven't gone back and read all his posts then. If so you'd be used to his inhumane views by now ... ;) Apple][ is the resident comedian and I am sure only kidding as no one is that ... fill in your own description here .... .

    No I have not, but over the years I have skipped over quite a few posts and actually look for specific user names to see what their thoughts are. Sometimes I stray from norm I suppose.
  • Reply 74 of 86
    Regarding that video you posted, have you ever Googled the heat shield tiles used on the space shuttle? They withstand temperatures 20 times higher than the torch used to heat that material painted on the egg in the video you posted. I've seen videos of a small cube of shuttle heat tile material blasted with enormous temperatures, then immediately handled by bare human hands. The stuff just doesn't absorb heat. So this guy was either using a form of the same stuff, or he invented it and now you know what it went on to be used for.

    It's an amazing compound and was invented well after the space shuttle program which in itself is so antiquated that they dropped it almost 10 years ago (off the top of my head) Just like we used the German tech from the 40's for the moon landing, the shuttle was designed only 10 years later in the fifties. The tech for the stealth bomber and fighter was designed in the 70's and our new 'drones' in the 80's. When you get old enough you may actually see a pattern. (I'm not saying you're not).

    If you'd like I can post the complete chemical compound of the coating for the space shuttle tiles. You could probably look it up as well. I can not however tell you the chemical compound of the material that is in that video. Also, It's nuclear proof. You may be more interested in what happened to that gentleman after he televised his invention, he was burglarized many, many times. Also, people at DuPont lost their jobs because he actually tried to sell them the material and they hung up on him because they thought he was a Fruit Loop! It really is an amazing story...
  • Reply 75 of 86
    I have a secret for you. Human life, to this planet, is worth exactly as much per kilogram as every other form of mammalian life. A kilogram of biomass is a kilogram of biomass. We're not special and more deserving than other species around us. So the word inhumane, especially in the context you are using, is a bit human-centric and far from the reality of the universe we share. Just as a corporation would deny a being (in this case a human) the benefit of its efforts without equal compensation, so too do we all, in our daily lives of conspicuous consumption of this planet's resources, take for ourselves and thereby deny the other equally deserving creatures those resources, with no equal compensation. Know what you speak of when you attempt to bring the full light of reality to others.

    From your statement it sounds like you need to start living in the same world as the rest of us. While you're trying to circle talk my post, you do the same with your own. It would have been great if your English teacher spent a little more time with you, because you eluding to every other organism on the plant with my compassion towards others is interesting,

    You have to be some young, dumb, full of **** person to actually believe your own words without living life. You have obviously never lost someone you loved.

    So when your mother dies, are you going to tell her "it's O.K. Mom, Billions of bacteria died today and your no different. It's all just biomass." Perhaps "oh, we killed a billion trees today, so even though I can cure your disease, heck we need to try and keep up!"

    People like you astound me. So what your saying is that we'll all be dead tomorrow so we shouldn't worry about caring about each other while we actually are here? Amazing!

    Edit: please don't quote my posts anymore. I gets emails when you do. I'll stick to searching out usernames that try to make valid points. Besides my personal life I have two things. My profession, and my hobbies. I posted about materials here because it's my profession. I post about Apple sometimes because it's a hobby I try to to keep up on. In the end, I really don't care. If I get an email that says Sol quoted me in post it might make my day. People like you do not make my day any happier.
  • Reply 76 of 86
    Aren't you special.  

    "Do you know of any other species on earth that is capable of transporting itself to the moon? Can any of them tell us their life's history, let alone, maintain historic accounts of their ancestors? What species, is capable of creating the Sistine Chapel?"

    Tell me, what value does transporting oneself to the moon have?  What value does telling a creature's life history have?  What value is the Sistine Chapel?  What value are these to any creature other than a human?  A dolphin doesn't need to go to the moon.  An eagle doesn't need to convey its life history?  And a polar bear has no need of the Sistine Chapel.  These are accomplishments that have value only to humans, proving your human-centric myopia.

    Let me ask you this, fellow human?  What value are those things you mention without the dolphins, eagles, and polar bears?  What value is there to being alone in the universe, supreme in our self-portrait, but having fatally disrupted the balance of life's web from which we ourselves have sprung forth?  

    Are you a "cutter?" My daughter was insulted by your posts and I'm being educated about this that very topic from my child (I guess I'm getting old). I find it interesting that my child thinks there's something wrong with your ideals.
  • Reply 77 of 86
    misa wrote: »
    Hardware patents are "less evil" when it only covers uniqueness of a product, and doesn't prevent a standard from being established. Many of the reasons patents get a bad rap are regarding bad-faith patents (almost entirely dealing with software algorithms and not uniqueness.) For example, the LZW algorithm AFTER it had widespread use in the gif file format. There is no way to re-implement a mathematical algorithm without remaining compatible with other versions of it. It's like having a patent on 1+1=2. The more complex an algorithm is, the less useful a patent on it makes it. Instead it encourages coming up with alternatives that don't utilize the patent in question. In my opinion as long as something is "new" and can be demonstrated as such, fine patent away. But math isn't an invention. People can come up with exactly the same algorithm independently.

    Industrial design patents cover the "look" of something. These are a bit more questionable because Apple could theoretically patent an "all-glass" phone or computer and use that as leverage alone.
    It says right in the manual that the Oleophobic coating will wear off over time and not to use any cleaning solutions on the device to preserve it as long as possible. I'm actually rather impressed that I can just rub my hand on it and the screen becomes clean.

    I think you misunderstood my intent. I'm all for patents. Submitting your patent means that you are putting your idea on public record for everyone to use within a certain amount of years depending upon local government. However the idea is documented and can be used by anyone after the patent expires. That's fine. It's called "Bleeding Edge Technology". You pay more for an idea that comes out tomorrow vs an idea from twenty years ago. That absolutely reasonable to me as long as the idea gets patented and hence documented.

    In an ideal way, if we worked for society as a whole and not just as individuals, there wouldn't be a 20 year delay in technology.
  • Reply 78 of 86
    hlfnlsn wrote: »
    I have a secret for you. Human life, to this planet, is worth exactly as much per kilogram as every other form of mammalian life. A kilogram of biomass is a kilogram of biomass. We're not special and more deserving than other species around us. So the word inhumane, especially in the context you are using, is a bit human-centric and far from the reality of the universe we share. Just as a corporation would deny a being (in this case a human) the benefit of its efforts without equal compensation, so too do we all, in our daily lives of conspicuous consumption of this planet's resources, take for ourselves and thereby deny the other equally deserving creatures those resources, with no equal compensation. Know what you speak of when you attempt to bring the full light of reality to others.

    Human language and the words we use, such as humane/inhumane, have 0 relevance to our planet. Our planet, as amazing as it is, is useless without us. It is not self aware. The reason a human life is of far more value than any other form of life on earth is because of our capacity to reason. The beauty of the most spectacular, natural formation, is useless without a human being present to view it and there by contemplate its beauty. To say we are not special, or more deserving, than any other species, is quite laughable. Do you know of any other species on earth that is capable of transporting itself to the moon? Can any of them tell us their life's history, let alone, maintain historic accounts of their ancestors? What species, is capable of creating the Sistine Chapel?

    No one believes that a person should not be rewarded for their hard work. It's just that their are many who don't strictly equate reward, with monetary gain. For me, knowing I could save the life of someone else's father/mother/son/daughter, would be a reward all it's own. What is the point of saving a life if you don't care about a life? If I discovered a cure for cancer tomorrow, I would immediately look for a way to make it accesable to all. Would I make some money from it? Yes, I'd be able to support myself and my family, but not at the expense of denying any human being access to life. People would pay, what they can afford. If all you could afford, was a genuine smile, and a sincere thank you, then that is what it would cost to cure your cancer. If you can drop $2,000,000 like regular people drop pennies, than you will certainly pay more money for the cure, but it won't cost you any more than it cost the person whose sole possession is a cardboard box.

    Excellent post.
  • Reply 79 of 86
    hlfnlsnhlfnlsn Posts: 34member
    Excellent post.

    Thank you!
  • Reply 80 of 86
    I hope this rumor is true. This would be a nice improvement.
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