Emmitt Smith - Visa commercial
Hey folks. i was just watching some TV and noticed a Visa commercial featuring Emmit Smith (football player). It had him using a laptop, which i first thought had a nice white apple logo on it (it was from an angle, so i wasnt sure...).. then it shows the monitor... with a nice dell logo up top in the corner. at the end of the commercial, it shows the computer again, and again, it looked like an apple logo. Has anyone else seen this ad?
<strong>You sometimes see this...Windows PC's with Mac OS displayed or visa versa...crazy huh? </strong><hr></blockquote>
I've seen that a lot and it is very annoying. I'm looking forward to seeing the new iMac in something. Of course I'd rather see it on my desk first but at this rate who knows.
OK, but the Ravens all use macs for reviewing plays and such. Now if only the Packers would see the light.