Apple's 'iWatch' has flexible sapphire screen & wireless charging, 'iPhone 6' to offer one-handed mo



  • Reply 21 of 100
    rogifanrogifan Posts: 10,669member
    sog35 wrote: »
    Don't worry about Wall Street clowns.  If Apple continues to grow earnings we see $125 next year.

    The stock is down because of short termers, traders, option players, weak hands, ect.  IMO, I think we test $110 by EOM
    I'm seriously thinking of getting out even though I've always been long AAPL because I can't deal with the nervous nellies who pump the stock one minute and run away like scared little girls the next. Wall Street's really quaking in their boots over the Note 4 and these stupid smartphones on a wrist? Seriously?
  • Reply 22 of 100
    Please stop parroting the word report. These are all rumors, unless those two words are somehow synonymous these days
  • Reply 23 of 100
    rogifanrogifan Posts: 10,669member
    sog35 wrote: »
    Don't worry about Wall Street clowns.  If Apple continues to grow earnings we see $125 next year.

    The stock is down because of short termers, traders, option players, weak hands, ect.  IMO, I think we test $110 by EOM
    I do wonder what to make of this Ben Bajarin tweet today:
    @BenBajarin: My knowledge exchange is ripe with new insights on Apple today… Seat belts may be required for the next few months.

    He also says he doesn't think Apple is the one leaking all this stuff. I tend to agree as I'm sure the last thing they want is an event where everyone knows what's coming. Cook & Co. seemed really happy at WWDC because most of what was announced hadn't leaked beforehand,
  • Reply 24 of 100

    Originally Posted by Tallest Skil View Post



    Yes, it’s called MAKING YOUR PHONE SMALL ENOUGH TO BE USED WITH ONE HAND. Enjoy looking like an idiot alongside the 5.5” Android user. The lack of plural is correct.

    and all the iPhone user's with larger screens in about 15 days?

  • Reply 25 of 100
    Yes, it’s called MAKING YOUR PHONE SMALL ENOUGH TO BE USED WITH ONE HAND. Enjoy looking like an idiot alongside the 5.5” Android user. The lack of plural is correct.

    It's called Siri
  • Reply 26 of 100
    Doh! One-handed. It seems so obvious now. Things like keyboards, number pads, home screens will shrink and slide to one side. If it's the wrong side, you tap in the blank area, and it slides over toward your "tapper". Toggle one-hand mode in the control panel.
  • Reply 27 of 100

    One-handed mode is going to be HUGE!  


    Think about it - what is the main reason for getting a large display phone?  pr0n.  A one handed phablet will sell like pr0n.


    iWatch will be the first real test of Apple's ability to innovate without The Steve.  The more I learn of it, the more excited I am for Apple's future.  

  • Reply 28 of 100
    Originally Posted by THEMAC1NT0SH View Post

    Here's the thing if it turns out to be a curved screen, then it would have to be anti-glare. Because in the case where you hold a curved screen, no matter how much you tilt it, there is a persistent glare. With a non-curved screen you can get rid of glare.

    Not really. Anti-reflective coatings can help. And polarization can sometimes work. Also, you're thinking two-dimensionally. A curved surface can still be rotated in two other dimensions to eliminate glare. And you can always hold your other hand over it. Unless the surface is convex or concave, I don't see glare being a big issue.


    Especially for contortionists.  ;)

  • Reply 29 of 100

    Originally Posted by Junkyard Dawg View Post


    One-handed mode is going to be HUGE!  


    Think about it - what is the main reason for getting a large display phone?  pr0n.  A one handed phablet will sell like pr0n.


    iWatch will be the first real test of Apple's ability to innovate without The Steve.  The more I learn of it, the more excited I am for Apple's future.  



    Stretching a bit?


    Apple did innovate without Steve J.

    With Jobs it just reGained focus.

  • Reply 30 of 100

    Originally Posted by sog35 View Post



    Don't worry about Wall Street clowns.  If Apple continues to grow earnings we see $125 next year.


    The stock is down because of short termers, traders, option players, weak hands, ect.  IMO, I think we test $110 by EOM


    No, the stock is down because of Apple's iCloud security breach.  It's a huge story outside the Apple reality bubble at Mac fanboi sites.

  • Reply 31 of 100

    Originally Posted by Ochyming View Post




    Stretching a bit?


    Apple did innovate without Steve J.

    With Jobs it just reGained focus.


    Prior to Jobs return, Apple offered myriad beige boxes and couldn't even develop a successor to Mac OS.  If you call that innovating, then you're stretching your cognitive capacity to it's breaking point.

  • Reply 32 of 100
    I designed an optical sensor used in quite large volumes, used a short piece of hemi-spherical  'rod' which contacted the (moving) part being sensed'. I tried so very long to get a thin piece of sapphire that i could bend- unless you know of some special method - Apple has somehow managed to modify the lattice structure to make it flexible
    Actually I doubt its a flexible sapphire window - I go with the consensus that says its curved, but still rigid

    With researchers and John Hopkins, Berkeley and Cal Tech independently solving the lattice issues of glass and allowing for the atoms to align analogous to steel, thus being coined transparent steel, I wonder if the world will soon be able to experience these advances, and not just be entertained with more research breakthroughs.

    Metallic Glass:

    Glass you can build with: Metallic glass that's stronger and lasts longer

    Caltech-Led Team Creates Damage-Tolerant Metallic Glass -
  • Reply 33 of 100

    With respect to the iWatch. I just hope Apple sticks to their guns and does not release it until it is absolutely the most amazing hand held device ever. Screw the media, the Wallstreet guys, and the analysts,

  • Reply 34 of 100

    Originally Posted by SolipsismX View Post

    I don't think so. All these rumours do is bring disappointment when unrealistic things are stated that don't happen and kill the reveal when the things that are accurate get talked about days, weeks and months ahead of time. None of that helps Apple.

    It really doesn't matter if the news media or industry pundits are disappointed because the iPhone doesn't have some built-in matter transporter.  All that matters is whether consumers will buy the iPhone in quantity.  The average consumer doesn't have the expectations of tech-heads and they'll simply settle for a good Apple product.  Apple has stated nothing about any product and its the news media that's gone off all by itself.  The average consumer probably doesn't follow every little rumor as they've got more important things in their life.  I think a lot of consumers will like mobile payments and if it works seamlessly and Apple has major banks and credit card companies signed up, then I'm sure there will be a lot of happy consumers.  I would certainly be one of them to have NFC take the place of my credit card especially if it worked for vending machines or as a transit pass.

  • Reply 35 of 100
    fallenjt wrote: »
    Not yet.

    I went to ATT yesterday evening to verify my cross line upgrade eligibility and was told they are planning for two versions. 4.7 and 5.5. I have bought every version of iphone since 3G and this is the first time ATT has spoken on a rumor like that. So I would bet substantially on both sizes.
  • Reply 36 of 100
    wovelwovel Posts: 956member
    If anyone creating mock up drawings read this site, I apologize in advance. AI, please stop including these absolutely hideous mock-up drawings with every story about the "iWatch". They are irrelevant and we always end up with some dweeb saying how the device is going to fail because it so ugly. What does the picture in this story have to do with the story?

    Here is my mock up of the iWatch. Please consider it for the next story:

  • Reply 37 of 100
    wovelwovel Posts: 956member
    No, the stock is down because of Apple's iCloud security breach.  It's a huge story outside the Apple reality bubble at Mac fanboi sites.

    So it's a huge story among people who don't really understand it. Cool :)
  • Reply 38 of 100

    Originally Posted by Wovel View Post

    So it's a huge story among people who don't really understand it. Cool image


    If investors think the media attention will hurt AAPL sales, they get spooked.  Nobody needs to understand jack squat for this to happen.

  • Reply 39 of 100
    Flexible "sapphire" and radio-transparent (Liquid)Metal. People sure do love those oxymorons!
  • Reply 40 of 100
    rogifan wrote: »
    sog35 wrote: »
    Don't worry about Wall Street clowns.  If Apple continues to grow earnings we see $125 next year.

    The stock is down because of short termers, traders, option players, weak hands, ect.  IMO, I think we test $110 by EOM
    I'm seriously thinking of getting out even though I've always been long AAPL because I can't deal with the nervous nellies who pump the stock one minute and run away like scared little girls the next. Wall Street's really quaking in their boots over the Note 4 and these stupid smartphones on a wrist? Seriously?

    Please, please get out, and spare us the minute-by-minute pangs, twitches, regret, guilt, angst, breast-beating, caterwauling, etc etc. Enough already. It's become quite tiresome.
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